alolololo.....tak lah...takut after 15 years manak dah tak brutal macam dulu...hencewhy bidasan2 pedas or sinis, takut jantung manak tak leh nak handle....
at times.....persetankan prediction.....coz kita bukan bomoh or ahli nujum untuk meramal what's there are things in life that we need to accept such as kifarah and qada & qadha....the most kita can do and should do is doa then tawakkal and redha and pasrah.....
minta maaf taw...not personal attack on you....just my 2 cents thoughts on the general topic....
xmo la sedih pedih sangat....matahari tetap akan naik selepas bulan turun....bumi tetap akan berputar...yg hidup tetap akan mati.....
biasa la sisturrrr.......nama pun manusia....always trying to be perfect for others but never for ourselves....our perfectness can never meet the perfectness level of others but it can always give us the sense of calmness when we believed we have achieved the level of perfectness we set for the day for ourselves.....not for others....
the morale of the ourselves...displaying our imperfection is always the way to shed away the bitterness we others out there....this is take it or leave it....
Post time 3-8-2021 09:44 AMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Edited by m.a.n.a.kautau at 3-8-2021 09:45 AM
cantthinkofany1 replied at 2-8-2021 08:32 AM
biasa la sisturrrr.......nama pun manusia....always trying to be perfect for others but never for ...
Kenapa melakukan perkara yg sia sia????...berusaha kearah perfection sedangkan kesempurnaan tuh milikNYA,never ours....instead of usaha kearah perfection..why dont you work utk merapatkan jurang perbezaan....?????atau cuba usaha utk bukan sahaja tolerating differwnces tapi accepting them????
when talking about closing the gap....based on which ruler eh Manak dearie?
accepting differences takes a lot of effort la Manak....and should accepting the differences solely on one party or should it be on both? and how do we know the other party is accepting the differences as well?
Post time 3-8-2021 09:53 AMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Edited by m.a.n.a.kautau at 3-8-2021 09:55 AM
cantthinkofany1 replied at 3-8-2021 09:51 AM
when talking about closing the gap....based on which ruler eh Manak dearie?
accepting differenc ...
Rahmat TUHAN tuh yg paling kita target kan....accepting bukan takdanya kita kalah....tapi mengentalkan jiwa kita lagi dihadapan PENCIPTA.....dan TUHAN MAHA is a journey never a destination....
alololo...quote yg sangat suweet and berbau taman.....syukur alhamdulillah....manak mesti dah jumpa the other half yg complement your imperfectness kannn.....
rasa sunyi. sbb belum ada zuriat.3 tahun pertama rasa happy. sbb tak penat mcm kawan2 lain. ada me time. malam2 leh karaoke dgn kawan, hiking di hujung mggu. tp since pkp, semua terbatas. mula la terbit rasa sunyi tu
mula la menangis bila period dtg. both me and husb ada feeling tu. maybe sbb xde aktiviti kot. so teringat pada rezeki zuriat yang tak kunjung tiba
sunyi tu mcm...time dok rumah sbb kena wfh, on tv, scroll phone, still rasa sunyi. then call my mom, borak sejam dua, call my sister, vc dgn anak buah. rasa happy kejap. lepastu sunyi balik
last2 masuk office, on pc, buat kerja kerja smpai penat. g kedai tapau makanan, balik rumah tido. esok ulang routine yang sama