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Author: isabel

Ugly Betty ~ starting 6 Feb 07 / 9.30PM / 8TV * series without spoilers*

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Post time 7-2-2007 09:11 PM | Show all posts
The Box and the Bunny - Episode 2

As Betty begins her first day at MODE as Daniel's assistant, she is given the ins and out on what to expect now that she and Daniel are now a team. And it starts when Bradford tells Daniel that now that he is the editor-in-chief he has to take charge of the 'book' - the mock-up of the upcoming issue before it hits the stands. So he decides to let Betty in on how the setup is prepared by going to the meeting, where he tells the staff, including Wilhelmina, that he will review the issue personally. The issue will also feature digitalized photos of movie star Natalie Whitman, who's none too happy with what they will do with them because she has gained weight, but Betty admires her just as she is.

However, just as he was giving the issue the once-over, Amanda distracts him with tickets to a museum(that she said was as boring as heck, but there was a room upstairs that they could kiss and not get caught.), so he agrees to go and leaves the issue in the office. After Daniel leaves for the evening, Betty goes into the office and decides to take it upon herself to take the 'book' home....A big mistake!

At home she shows the issue to the family, but is distracted by Gina, who is furious with Betty over destroying the TV and now wants $4,000. We also learn that Gina and Hilda has bad blood between each other and when Hilda takes the 'book' and threatens to hit Gina, Gina sees the 'book' and finds a way to get her money, and succeeds by using her 'juvie' skills to sneak in and get it. The following day Gina leaves a ransom note saying that she'll give the book back if Betty gives her the $4,000, but not before Gina and Hilda (who snuck in from the back door of Gina's home) resume their cat fight, resulting in Gina's hairpiece being ripped off. After this Hilda says that she and Betty owe Gina $4,000... and fifty cents. Betty decides at first that she should cover her tracks by lying to Daniel on the phone but when she comes clean he decides to help Betty by paying Gina to get the issue back, but Wilhelmina gets wind of it (via a text message from the chauffeur who picked Betty up) and sends Marc to retrieve it.

When Betty and Daniel (who had to stall a staff meeting so he can get the mock-up) arrive to get the issue Gina tells them that she got a LCD TV after someone else showed up to claim it. She also sees Walter fixing the set but insists that he still has feelings for Betty. They also learn that a story invoving the missing 'book' has found its way onto the TV channel Fashion TV. After telling the truth to Bradford about what happened and Betty being left with no choice to quit (which was good news for Amanda), Natalie showed up and tells that she wants the real photos of her be published in MODE and that Betty should keep her job (which became another setback for Amanda). And as expected Daniel upstages Wilhelmina by showing Natalie on Fashion TV, where she wanted to explain why she wants the public to see her for what she is. That gave him enough time to actually look at the issue before it is published after taking it off Wilhelmina's hands.

Meanwhile Bradford decides to take a personal interest in the Fey Sommers scandal (Bradford and Fay dating) by telling the private detective that he wants to sneak into Fey's apartment to see what he can find, and in the process finds a photo of both Him and Fey, along with a music box, which he takes with him. He also burns the photo, casting suspicion about his real involvement with Sommers. As for Wilhelmina, she once again visits the mystery woman to see if they can find more info on how to take down the Meades in their plot to take over the company.

And as Daniel goes over the mock-up, he gets a phone call from a woman who tells him that he should be proud of his father....and warns him that he should be careful when he is around him...then hangs up.

[ Last edited by  anggerix at 7-2-2007 09:13 PM ]

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Post time 7-2-2007 09:13 PM | Show all posts
Queens for a Day (Ugly Betty episode) - episode 3

At a club to celebrate Daniel's first issue party Bradford congratulated Daniel on coming through as MODE's editor-in-chief, but Wilhelmina spoils the festivities when she brings up Daniel's older brother Alex, who was the editor-in-chief at sister publication Hudson. The word of his late brother proves unsettling for Daniel, which prompts him to set out to prove to his father and Wilhelmina that he can be as capable as his brother in running a magazine. This gives him the idea to revamp MODE in an effort to attract a more upbeat audience.

Meanwhile Betty, who came home after being turned away from the party, discovers Walter playing Dance Revolution 2 with Justin. Walter tried to turn it around by saying it was Betty who dumped him but Betty doesn't buy that line and told him to leave. She also finds herself given the lecture on not fitting in with their own kind by Hilda, who thinks that she needs to change her look a bit, but Betty says no. Betty also discovers that her dad is drinking coffee knowing well that he has a heart condition and he was told by his doctor to lay off the caffeine, prompting Betty to make him take his pills in front of her.

The next day Daniel enlists Betty for a brainstorming session on changing the look at MODE by looking the back issues of Hudson. When he discovers a series of past layouts from Vincent Bianchi, he is reminded by Bradford of how Bianchi vowed that he would never work for Meade because of the treatment he got the last time. But it turns out that while at home Betty learned from Ignacio (Dad) that he know him and his family because they lived four blocks away from them. With this info Betty uses her Queens connections to entice Vincent to do a shoot for Mode. But when he insists on meeting her at a posh restaurant, Betty agrees and allows Daniel to come. When Daniel insists on Betty dress up for the occaision, she in turn enlist Hilda for a makeover, which apparently doesn't go well, especially at the board meeting where not only Daniel's idea of changing MODE not only gets laughed at, so does Betty when Wilhelmina compares the new look for MODE to Betty's.

Embarrassed, Betty decided not to go to the restaurant, leaving Daniel with no choice but to take Amanda (who pretended to be Betty) and Bradford (who decided to tag along). As the three prepare to pitch the ideas to Vincent, Betty discovers the layout on her desk being left behind and takes it upon herself to go to the restaurant herself (and in the process snaps at Marc, who was hoping to cut her off, only to get put in his place by Betty). Betty's arrival at the restaurant proved to be a lifesaver when Vincent finally got his chance to really meet the real Betty that he liked on the phone, thus once again coming through for MODE (And once again foiling Wilhelmina, who broke everything in her office except for the vase with the flowers which was saved by Marc).

In other scenarios, Bradford began to set his sights on the vehicle that was involved in Fey's death and wants Steve to track it down. Steve later finds the vehicle in an auto salvage yard in Bayonne, New Jersey but sends him a e-mail that has the burned car up for sale on a eBay-type website. It also turns out that the mystery woman seems to know about this as well and calls Daniel to ask him about the yard where the car was, only to have the lying Bradford replied that he doesn't know anything about it and claims that the person calling was a crank.

The mystery woman also met with Wilhelmina and explained their strategy on how to further drive a wedge into Daniel and Bradford by using the car and Alex as examples. Wilhelmina was also preparing for a big date with a senator and had Marc prepare her office (which she would destroy afterwards) to make it look like she was in charge. Unfortunately it didn't look that impressive to her date: The senator was Wilhelmina's father.

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Post time 7-2-2007 09:15 PM | Show all posts
Fey's Sleigh Ride - episode 4

At a popular bar frequent by fashion magazine staffers, Marc and Amanda show Betty how to mingle now that she has become well known among the elite, even though Marc and Amanda wanted to see how much she will goof up. But it appears that those plans are about to take a turn for the worse.

At the bar they also encounter Carlos Medina, who happens to work at rival mag Isabella. He meets Betty and strikes up a conversation and buys her a drink. We also meet another Mode employee, Carol, who's more critical of her co-workers. What happens afterwards is about to put everyone's job in jeopardy: It turns out that the following day Vincent discovered someone leaked a upcoming Christmas spread to Isabella, and in general, Carlos Medina! The move cast suspicion on the three people who talked to Carlos: Betty, Marc and Amanda. Each of them have different reactions after the leak is revealed: Betty worries about being a liar in order to keep her job, Marc has frequent asthma attacks, and Amanda begins to eat at every opportunity.

As the three try to keep their cool and hopefully keep from dealing with Wilhelmina, who vows to fire anyone who was responsible for leaking the winter spread concept (as Amanda points to a similar incident in 2003 and Marc learns that he can be replaced with five others waiting in the wings), Marc and Amanda convince Betty to keep quiet and all three hope to not be found out by Wilhelmina. But as the three fret over their future as every other department gets grilled and cleared, Wilhelmina finally calls them in. However, even as Betty admits to revealing a few details to Carlos, while Marc and Amanda pinned everything on [Fat]Carol, it turns out that Wilhelmina believed all three: they did give some details but Carol slept with Carlos. All three kept their jobs, but the story doesn't stop there, for it turns out that Carlos is called into Wilhelmina's office and offered a job to become a mole at Isabella!

Interestingly, thanks to the leak, Daniel decided to go with a new spread, which is actually based on the 1986 spread that featured Fey Sommers riding a sleigh. Vincent likes the idea and Daniel and Wilhelmina agrees to it as a way to honor the late editor-in-chief. Daniel's decision also adds a piece to the puzzle involving the music box that Bradford took, but now the music box he took is gone! And thanks to Wilhelmina, the mystery woman had it in her possession. She then leaves a message to Betty to give to Daniel that he should pay close attention to what's inside the box, which later shows up in Daniel's office. Betty then takes a closer look and lifts the inside portion and finds a burned license plate with the words FEY an a set of burned glasses. The sight of the music box brings back painful memories for Daniel, who remembers how Bradford went to Switzerland and bought two sets of music boxes, one for Fey and one for Daniel's mother Claire, who knew about Bradford's affair and went ballistic by burning a stack of magazines to the point of not being stable and was sent away. At the shoot Daniel showed Bradford the music box, but it was that of Claire's that was placed on the sleigh.

Meanwhile at home, Betty discovers that Walter is still showing up and still upset over his mistake but is jealous over her upscale job, prompting Ignacio to give him a few tips on how to win back Betty, which in the end works when he swoons her with a karaoke rendition of "Beauty and the Beast," which is Betty's favorite movie.

At the same time Justin springs a school project on her by convincing Betty to take him to work so he can see his aunt in action and for a person of his age he knows what shoes Amanda was wearing (a pair of 2004 Manolos)! What Justin failed to mention was that he was ditching school and when Hilda tells Betty about it Justin comes clean but in the end gets grounded by Hilda (and that means no Fashion TV for a month!).

As for Ignacio, it appears that he is still getting his caffeine fix and when he gets a call from his HMO provider for his appointment he lies by telling the provider that he is alright and doesn't need to see a doctor. But it appears that Ignacio might have a secret reason why he will not go to see a doctor. When Betty goes to the provider and discovers that her father has been using a false Social Security number (the real Ignacio was 117 years old and dead), it leaves her stunned and filled with more questions than answers about her dad.

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Post time 7-2-2007 09:17 PM | Show all posts
The Lyin', the Watch and the Wardrobe - Episode 5

It may be Halloween, but in the Suarez household the day starts off with Betty and Hilda asking their dad about the false Social Security card, but he is too busy immersed in the festivities, while Justin on the other hand dresses up as a sailor (even though he's channeling Gene Kelly). But for Betty her idea of celebrating is dressing up as a butterfly for what was supposed to be a Halloween party.

At work Betty shows up in her outfit...only to discover that there is no costume party (It looks like Marc made a series of prank e-mails). However Betty is about to have her work cut out for her when Daniel asks her to track down his watch, which he says that he left at one of his girlfriends, but doesn't remember which one. He also ask her to have Amanda help her, but it appears that Amanda may be holding back in more ways than one and in a jealous way, since it turns out that Amanda has his watch, and it doesn't take long for Betty to put two and two together. When the two confront each other in the bathroom Amanda admits to Betty that she always wanted Daniel but she is tired of out his constant one-night stands with other women and she hopes that he'll pick her, knowing it will never happen. Now that she told Betty, Amanda tells her to forget what she said and gave the watch to Betty, who in turn gave it back to Daniel.

In between the melee Betty finds herself smitten by Henry from accounting, who came to chat to Betty, who earlier in the day was given a gift from Walter, who told her eat the candy in the pumpkin until she sees her gift, which was the key to Walter's apartment, and a note asking her to move in with him. But with so many things distracting her Betty had no time to give Walter an answer but found time to have lunch with Henry at the Sushi bar after he invited her. When Walter went to her work and asked where Betty was, Amanda told him and just as Henry was about to let Betty taste the sushi Walter sees this and walked away after confronting the two. However in the end Betty told Henry that she wants to work things out with Walter, and she does just that, with Walter nixing the living arrangements and agreeing to continue dating for now.

Speaking of Daniel, his day was spent visiting his mother Claire, who had been in a rehab clinic for over a month for her drinking problems, a result of her troubled marriage to Bradford after his admitted affair with Fey. While Daniel asked his mother about the music box and the night she burned the magazines, Claire asked his son to take her out for lunch at a restaurant even though he is leery about taking her to a place that serves alcohol. During the conversation Claire told him that he was going the same route as his dad, but it wasn't the answer Daniel wanted to hear...until she told him to give her the wine so she can have a 'sip' (actually, she swallowed the wine) and told him that the affair between Bradford and Fey have been going on for twenty years and when she and Fey went to confront Bradford in his office in order to make him pick she told Daniel to guess which one ended up dead and which one ended up in rehab. Later that day Daniel confronted Bradford about the affair, only to have Bradford pretend that he didn't want to hurt Daniel or Claire by saying he regrets making that mistake even after Daniel showed him the burned glasses and license plate from Fey's music box (when in actuality Bradford was covering his tracks after telling Steve to seek out the person who's been leaking the info in an effort to have his son turn on him).

After leaving the office Daniel was left confused with more questions, and when Amanda finally ran into him, hopefully in an effort to see if he was interested in her, he just looked at her as if she was just a person who works for him instead of a one-night stand. That made Amanda looked like Daniel was not that important to notice her, leaving her more upset than ever.

Meanwhile Wilhelmina's plans for a date with a younger man takes a turn for the worse when she is called a cradle robber on Fashion TV, and it appears that Marc, who was dressed up as Betty and was about to get a raise for it (but not anymore!), may have something to do with it. So she makes him find another guy that she can take to a major event and asks Cristina (Wilhelmina calls her "Carlotta" since she doesn't know her name) to create a dress for her. When Wilhelmina tries to put it on she is horrified to learn that she can't fit into a designer gown that is really tight after Cristina blurts out that the size-2 Slater has gained weight. So Wils decides to shed some pounds, which helps her out as Cristina finally gives her a dress thats fits better and just in time to take the same young guy she went out to the event...that is until her daughter Nico shows up! Oh didn't we fail to mention that Wilhelmina was trying to avoid her own daughter, who seems to have a mean streak of her own?

Later on we see Wilhelmina talking to the mystery woman about what happened between Daniel and Bradford, which prompted the semi-bandaged person to make plans for the 'return' of Fey Sommers!

And as Halloween comes to a close, Ignacio finally comes clean to Betty by admitting that he came to the United States illegally, giving Betty a very shocking and stunned reaction to his confession.

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Post time 7-2-2007 09:18 PM | Show all posts
Trust, Lust, and Must - episode 6

At a lawyers' office, Betty, Hilda and Ignacio consult with a lawyer on ways to keep Ignacio in the United States as Ignacio is asked about why he never applied for a green card or took up the amesty program that was offered in 1986. The only answer was that "He was busy" and when the lawyer told them that he would take up the case for only $20,000, the Suarezs knew that they had their work cut out for them.

At home Betty and Hilda went through files and papers that would help their dad stay in the country, only to find a photo of their mother with part of the picture torn off but featured a hand of someone else. When Betty asked who it was, Ignacio was not in a good mood to tell her, only to say that was that it was a boyfriend of hers, which contradicts his claim that they were first time loves.

Despite that setback Betty is dragged into a plan to raise money for their dad by Hilda...sell Herbalux at MODE. Betty isn't happy about it but agrees to it as a way solve their legal problems. While Betty bombs at selling Herbalux at work, she does take a closer look at the picture and tells Hilda that their mother has a wedding ring that dates back to 1975, but Hilda is too caught up in selling trying to sell the products in another part of town, where after a melee outside a gym she runs into a lawyer name Leah Stillman, who quickly bails her out of the argument. Leah then gives her a card if she needs to hire her.

With that out of the way, Hilda decided to go to MODE personally to help her sister sell the stuff, of which they succeed in a big way...knowing that selling products at Meade Publications violates company rules as pointed out by Wilhelmina, who calls Betty into her office.

As Wilhelmina asks Betty why she did it, Betty told her it was to help her father. That prompted Wilhelmina to write a check, even though there was a catch: Betty would have to sell out Daniel. After telling Hilda the consequences and later on in the evening after having a drink with Christina, Betty found herself pondering what to do if she accepted the check, especially after arguing with her dad. In the end Betty decided not to cash it and gave it back to Wilhelmina.

Meanwhile Wilhelmina had her own problems to deal with. Her daughter Nico has arrived from boarding school and so far has stirred up trouble for her mother in an effort to get attention, and so far it hasn't worked: her shoplifting incident was quickly brushed under the rug and after a phone call to Fashion TV she takes advantage of MODE's upcoming January 2007 issue by showing up in PETA-inspired clothing to criticize their support of fur...only to get upstaged by Wils' wearing real fur and then covered it up by telling everyone that this was a staged event to debate the war over wearing fur in the upcoming issue. In the end Wilhelmina decided that the only way to get Nico out of the way was to send her to boarding school in Paris, and Nico had no choice but to take her mother up on that offer, but from the expression on Nico's face, this friction between this mother-daughter relationship is far from over and everyone who saw the fracas in the lobby knows it.

Wilhelmina also had a conversation with the mystery woman, who dropped hints at what was to come, which was Fey's birthday, celebrated every year with Bradford. And as Bradford remembers the times that he had with Fey, it appears that the spirit of Fey is now haunting him. When he went to the cemetery where her body lies in a tombed casket he noticed someone watching him and before he can find out who it was the person was gone. Even a security camera had no trace after his informant talked to him. That left Bradford to call someone who he feels may know what is going on.

For Daniel, his day at MODE began with a conversation with Amanda, who was hoping that her chance with Daniel would be her dream come true, but Daniel brushed her off after he saw a hot and attractive latina, so he follows her to the elevator, where after spilling her coffee on her dress he offered a chance to give her some clothes, but she assumed that he's trying to bed her, so she turns him down. Unfortunately Daniel wouldn't give up until he knew who the girl was. Appearantly he would find out in a big way when at a meeting of editor-in-chiefs in Bradford's office that this hard-to-get woman, best-selling author Sofia Reyes, is part of a upcoming new magazine that is being launched in 2007.

With Daniel now knowing her extensive background or lack of, he decides to apologize to Sofia, but the two seem to be playing hard-to-get since she is on to him but it appears the tension between the two might put them a little closer. The thought of Daniel having Sofia on his mind would carry into the bedroom after he slept with Amanda, who figured out that he still isn't interested in her. The following day Amanda would later come to his office to apologize for taking his watch, but then told him that she wasn't going to waste her time going after him now that she sees Daniel as just a womanizer.

Meanwhile at the Suarezs, Betty finally apologizes to Ignacio for lashing out and wanted to forget about the photo. But Ignacio felt that it was time to let his daughters know the truth about why he came to United States. It turns out that the hand in the photo was that of their mother's first husband, a banker that he had worked for as their cook. He then told them that he and their mother were in love but she couldn't escape the abuse of her husband, so Ignacio beat him after the husband pulled a knife on him. But in the end he told them that if the authorities send him back to Mexico he could face time in prison because Ignacio killed the banker in self defense.

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Post time 7-2-2007 09:26 PM | Show all posts
episode 7

As another working day passes at MODE, Daniel finds his working day cut out for him trying to find a freelance reporter to do an article for newly opened hotel. And for Betty, who just arrived with his bagel (which by the way got wet as she handed it to him), it looks like he has found the person who can write the review.

After accepting the assignment from Daniel, Betty realized that this was a dream come true. But there was one problem: She and Walter had made plans to go to Atlantic City that weekend, and Walter is none too happy about that because he was hoping that they wouldn't miss The Price Is Right Live show. Betty tried to get him to come along but Walter said no so she went by herself. As she arrived to the hotel she found herself surrounded by the VIP treatment And as expected her out-of-her-element trademark was evident after sitting in a bubble chair, handing her Metropass card to the bellboy and trying to control a TV set. Later on in the evening Betty is given a massage by a handsome guy, only to be interrupted by a surprise guest...Walter!

After she clears up the explanation in order to calm down his jealousy, both Betty and Walter agreed to spend time in the hotel, just as long as Betty can finish her review, which also includes a dinner at the hotel's fancy restaurant. However Betty (who decides to wear her high school prom dress) insists that Walter dress formally for it, which is not sitting well with Walter. As they look at the less-than-desirable cuisine in the restaurant, Walter's frustration starts to get to him and tells Betty that he is jealous of her working at MODE and he doesn't know her anymore ever since she started working there even as Betty defended her job, but in the end Walter got up and left her.

After realizing what Walter said days later, Betty left a message on his phone to apologize. After returning home Betty sees Walter sitting on her steps; they later kissed and made up after she told him that despite her job she is still a Queens girl.

However her article was rejected by Daniel because it wasn't right for MODE. Upset over the rejection, Betty sought solace in the bathroom when Sofia Reyes came to give her encouragement and then told Betty that she will publish the article in her magazine. After she left, Betty's mood turns to excitement as she does a dance in the bathroom.

Meanwhile Daniel found himself dealing with a new occupant in the magazine's conference room, Sofia. Daniel is none too happy that she is now taking up space as she prepares to launch her new mag. And as the banter between the two continues, along with the sexual tension and accusations over his womanizing and her being a tease, it wouldn't be long before they would give in to the temptation after the two shared an evening of unwinding over a game of pool at a bar. But when you think that this romance was about to steam up, get ready for a cool down because the following day after Sofia finished up using the conference room Daniel was hoping that they would hook up for another night together, only to have Sofia drop a bombshell...she has a boyfriend!

In Bradford's office Wilhelmina is given a task that would guarantee a major deal as Bradford asks her to entertain a department store chain mogul from Texas. After being convinced by Bradford she and Marc agrees to it. As Wilhelmina and Marc transform the office into "The Lone Star State," the two get a chance to learn more about their guest, who arrives just in time to be given the intro and pitch by Wilhelmina (who also was thinking of Nico and the care packet she sent to her). But the Texan wants a lot more excitement than just the pitch, so instead of a planned dinner reservation, the guest takes Wils and Marc to a honky tonk bar, where the women wear a shirt with a menu list and belly shots take on a new meaning. After an evening of shots, the guest revealed that he will sign the deal after telling them that he was impressed before he thought of the bar idea and told Wilhelmina about what it is like to be a parent.

Over at the Suarezes, Hilda told Ignacio that she might find a way to pay Leah so she can represent him, and that is to get the money from her former boyfriend Santos, who also happens to be Justin's father. Hearing the word of Santos does not sit well with either Ignacio or Justin, but Hilda assured her father and son that this was the only way. Later in the evening Hilda sees Santos playing dominoes and approaches him to ask about the money. Santos then pulls out a roll and gives it to Hilda on the condition that he sees Justin later in the evening.

After she shows Ignacio the money her dad was none too happy because of Santos' background, and was made worse when she said he was stopping by, but he failed to show up. Hours later Santos does show up at the Suarezes...beaten up by thugs who wanted the money he gave Hilda. Hilda then treated his wounds and told him that he can still come by for Thanksgiving. But when Hilda told Justin about those plans Justin was hoping that it would be Martha Stewart instead of his father that would show up for the dinner

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Post time 7-2-2007 10:06 PM | Show all posts
ff: nape citer ugly betty ni dlm forum TV-SOAP OPERA? biasanya citer english kat dlm TV-SERIES...

citer ni boleh thn la, america ni tak berapa cun kalo nak dibandingkan dgn ana maria, daniel tu plak xsetanding armando masa betty pakai jugak baju utk fashion show tu..alamak xseswai, nampak lemak2 yg xsepatutnya..lagipun citer ni direct je mudah sket

[ Last edited by  ash_ikin at 7-2-2007 10:07 PM ]

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Post time 7-2-2007 10:14 PM | Show all posts

Reply #146 anggerix's post

sayang...really appreciate the synopsis postings...
but as far as i'm concerned...thread kat sini ni tak digalakkan ade spoiler coz thread UB kat tv series contains spoiler..
that's y mod tak merge both topics...

[ Last edited by  eskremVanila at 7-2-2007 10:15 PM ]

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Post time 7-2-2007 10:17 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by ash_ikin at 7-2-2007 10:06 PM
ff: nape citer ugly betty ni dlm forum TV-SOAP OPERA? biasanya citer english kat dlm TV-SERIES...

citer ni boleh thn la, america ni tak berapa cun kalo nak dibandingkan dgn ana maria, daniel ... ade bezanya,thread betty kat forum soap ni NO SPOILER:no:thread betty kat forum tv-series hentam saja la

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Post time 7-2-2007 10:33 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by eskremVanila at 7-2-2007 10:14 PM
sayang...really appreciate the synopsis postings...
but as far as i'm concerned...thread kat sini ni tak digalakkan ade spoiler coz thread UB kat tv series contains spoiler..
that's y mod tak m ...

mod surpose to put the mark NO SPOILERS over the heading title, don't you....

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Post time 7-2-2007 10:34 PM | Show all posts

Reply #150 Eddlisa_uyuk's post

coming soonn kot...

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Post time 8-2-2007 01:33 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by naz_bella at 7-2-2007 07:11 PM

  wahh..dah 4 thn lebeih tapi ingat nama penoh lagik

semestinya naz...........

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Post time 8-2-2007 01:22 PM | Show all posts

Reply #133 maiz_angel's post

marc ni kalau dlm betty la fea siapa ek?
ada ke takde? :hmm:

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Post time 8-2-2007 01:48 PM | Show all posts
cter ni semua berapa episod ye?

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Post time 8-2-2007 02:01 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by naz_bella at 8-2-2007 01:22 PM
marc ni kalau dlm betty la fea siapa ek?
ada ke takde? :hmm:

nop....rsnya tak de watak cam sapa kat YSBLF tuh....
jalan citer byk gak lain.....tak laa 100% ikut betty columbia tuh....
but masih berkisar ttg si ugly yg sebenarnya pandai, bijak yg tak disedari org je...

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Post time 8-2-2007 02:58 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by naz_bella at 8-2-2007 01:22 PM
marc ni kalau dlm betty la fea siapa ek?
ada ke takde? :hmm:

ade2 marc ni ganti watak hugo la kot:hmm:bezanya kerja dorang je..hugo designer..marc p.a willy

tp yg plg ketara sama ke'lembut'an dorang

[ Last edited by  maiz_angel at 8-2-2007 03:02 PM ]

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Post time 8-2-2007 03:38 PM | Show all posts

Reply #154 sweet_potato's post

tatau..maybe 20+ each season...
ke ko ingt UB ni soaps? :hmm:

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Post time 8-2-2007 06:51 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by maiz_angel at 8-2-2007 02:58 PM

ade2 marc ni ganti watak hugo la kot:hmm:bezanya kerja dorang je..hugo designer..marc p.a willy

tp yg plg ketara sama ke'lembut'an dorang

sama tang lembut je laa....marc gan hugo...
marc gan 'fashionable' dia laa, byk ikut willy.....
hugo femes gan 'anak ikan' kiri kanan....

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Post time 8-2-2007 06:54 PM | Show all posts
rukia tgk selasa lps...lwk giler...
mmg huduh betty ni...dh la gemuk,pendek plak tuh...

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Post time 10-2-2007 07:11 AM | Show all posts
Heheeh, cerita nih dah keluar dah .. ingatkan aku dah tertinggal tp baru episod satu rupanyer ..
Best gak cerita nih tp memang sampai ending pun dia tak kan lawa kan? Sbb aku rasa klu dia tukar lawa pun tak la lawa sangat .. heheh

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