Reply #81 ati1402's post
Hihihi rasa ni spesis fungus la sbb keiko pun cam ada, mungkin sbb sisa2 mknan dia ke lama2 kulat/ fungus abuk2 ke ntohle. (wahaha skati je aku buat kesimpulan ni). Tapi aev everytime mandikan si keiko ni mmg basuh la ngan sabun kutu kat bwh mulut dia tu lama2 tade dah hihik  |
Reply #88 aeveuu's post
OO......kat Equine Park ker? selalu gak gie sana tapi tatau plak ada petshop kat situ. Ermm....
rasanya senang nak carik la sebab kat situ tak sesak sangat lagi..kawasan pun masih baru....
Thanks a lot yer Aeveuu...... |
doctor cakap itu disebabkan air liur dorg time dorg makan.... |
Reply #90 pitt's post
owh ... balik nie check lah mulut bebudak tu ..... |
Reply #91 kiki-lala's post
Reply #83 kiki-lala's post
tahh pe bnde tahh naik kat dagu die..aev kata fungus..
x ilang2 pun ha risau lak ambe |
Originally posted by pitt at 18-8-2007 09:36 AM 
doctor cakap itu disebabkan air liur dorg time dorg makan....
owh ye ke...........now i know...TQ pitt! |
Reply #94 ati1402's post
tadi mende tue ada kat MiKie...tapi si MiNie tak kene plak.....
cuma kopek sikit jer ngan jari...then tanggal la....kalau lama2 mungkin sb tue jadik keras kot... |
Reply #96 pitt's post
berus sabut...? mak aihh....beso nyer berus tue!! tak tercabut ker bulu2 dia pitt???  |
Reply #99 ati1402's post
Haha...mari beramai-ramai....sekarang nie musim berus bawah dagu kucing masing-masing...!!!  |
Reply #99 ati1402's post
hahaha...tue la...masin mulut!! tadi ada sikit kat MiNie.....cepat2 sy buang sb tanak nanti makin
besar plak....dia tue comot sikit sb bulu dia lebey panjang dari MiKie.....  |
grrrrrrrrrrrr... meh nak gunting bulu diee.. |
bendul?? erkkk...tak takut... |
Cat Medications and Health Tips
Just like you, your cat is going to get sick occasionally and you抣l likely come home from the veterinarian抯 with some medication to administer. Learning how to do it right will make the process easier both for you and your cat.
Always follow the instructions given by your veterinarian. Be sure to administer the full amount of medication over the number of days instructed by your veterinarian.
Cat Medications

Tablets & Capsules
Step 1
Place the pill between the thumb and index finger of one hand.
Hold the top of the cat抯 head and grasp the cheekbones with the thumb and index finger of the other hand just behind the canine teeth.
Step 2
Tilt the head back until the cat抯 eyes are facing upward.
Usually the cat抯 jaw will drop open on its own. If not, apply a little pressure on the lower jaw with your middle finger.
Bring the pill to the cat抯 mouth.
Step 3
Keep your middle finger over the small incisor teeth to keep jaw open.
Deposit the pill as far back on the tongue as possible.
Immediately close the mouth.
Step 4
Gently stroke the throat or blow in the nostrils to encourage swallowing.
Work fast to avoid being bitten.
Liquids & Syrups
Read the label for the proper dosage. If instructed, shake the contents of the bottle.

Step 1
Fill a syringe or dropper with medication before starting.
Liquid medication is poured into the pouch between the teeth and cheek.
Hold your cat抯 jaw closed and tilt the head back slightly
Step 2
Gently squirt the medication into the pouch with the dropper or syringe.
Cat Health Information
Helpful Hints
Always read the label instructions carefully.
Ask your veterinarian if the medication can be given with food or must be given on an empty stomach.
Place the cat on your lap or table with a non-slip surface.
When administering medication stay calm - your pet can sense if you are nervous making it more difficult to apply the treatment.
**Always praise and reward your pet with a treat.
Pilling Devices
Should you wish, you can use a pilling device to avoid placing your fingers into your cat抯 mouth. It is a plastic tube resembling a syringe used to deposit the pill.
Place the pill at the end of the device.
Hold the device like a syringe between your index and middle fingers, using your thumb to push the plunger.
Tilt your cat抯 head back until his eyes are facing upward. Usually the cat抯 jaw will drop open on its own. If not, apply a little pressure on the lower jaw with your middle finger.
Place the device over the base of the tongue.
Push the plunger to deposit the pill as far back on the tongue as possible. |
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