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Post time 16-1-2023 10:09 AM
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Edited by green~tea at 16-1-2023 10:22 AM
kakacantikkan replied at 16-1-2023 08:04 AM
wah ada ilmu essential oil rupanya dlm ni..ptt la sentiasa di atas..btw, semoga bekas mak tiri GT ce ...
TQ atas doanya... citer pasal EO sikit sbb still about topic rawatan... i tak suka citer2 seram sgt... nnti kalo asik duk pikir pasal tu mmg makin murung i jadi nya..
Orang2 middle eastern suka bakar2 wangian.. sbb kata nye segala jin setan tak suka.. tp ni ilmu baru i tahu la..
Org2 middle east suka hojari luban / luban.. while jews suka myrrh (manna)...
Yang i've been practising since 2013 tu aromatherapy... using EO utk medicine... knowledge yang developed by ancient egyptians 4000 BC...
BTW, masa uni dulu i suka tengok anime Naruto.. minat le sakura haruno.. dia kan ninja yg specialize herbs and medicine.. hahahahah  
But jokes aside.. aromatherapy is indeed one of kaedah utk improve HEALTH....
AMOUAGE is one of perfume brand yang i pakai sekarang.. it's from OMAN sultanate.. i suka the mixes of the perfume... ada sandalwood, Oud, hojari luban & myrrh.. great utk daily wear & its medicinal purpose.. ni contoh bottle yg angan2 i nak beli nnti habis perfume i skang, yg i pakai skang amouage jenis murah sikit sbb less oil concentrate.. yg dlm gamba ni 43% jenis parfum oil... normal eau de parfum is just 20% |
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Post time 16-1-2023 10:10 AM
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leenaz replied at 16-1-2023 08:46 AM
xde rezeki
Saya tak berani la dan tak mahu orang2 lain sakit.. |

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Post time 16-1-2023 10:26 AM
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Edited by green~tea at 16-1-2023 10:28 AM
Weekend haritu i bought this malaysian essential oil brand.. hanya rm49 sebotol!!!!.. ingredients nya campur2 bungaan inclusive daun bidara.. sementara nak tunggu si pokok bidara tu tumbuh elok... iols try laa beli this perfume oil...
Sedappppppppp!!!!!! I titis juga kat bucu katil.. wangi semerbak bilik tido.... nice nice nice.. the smell is never overwhelming nor overpowering...
I nak jadikan pengalaman berubat i sebagai satu pengalaman yang happy and mampu consistent... doa2 yang mudah amal, faham dan mudah baca.. consistent small step changes... |
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Faham sangat perasaan apabila dikhianati dengan sihir oleh oramg yang kita kenal. Penat nak hadap. Masa, duit, tenaga, habis macam tu je. Tapi hadap jugaklah. Allah yang berkuasa. Maha pelindung.
Semoga tt dilindungi Allah.
Oh ya, beli kt mana essential oil yg 7 aura bunga tu? Macam best je.
beli kat lazada.. shoppee pun ada.. RM49 je sebotol.. ehhh sooo surprising.. harga berpatutan and betul pati yang wangi.. mmg buleh bau laa actual EO, bukan synthetic....
kompeni ni lama dah,.. since 2007... ada byk jenis... i ingat nak beli yang raudhah bidara plak.. buat mandi sbb mcm lagi senang je titik2 mandi.. hahahha
yang aura 7 bunga tu yes betul wangi and uplifting... i buat haruman bilik and letak kat nadi...
Ooh okey. Nanti nk jenguk shopee. Tapi kan, kadang tu macam-macam harga ada. Tak tau yg mana original yang mana fake.
Edited by green~tea at 16-1-2023 12:23 PM
beli yang mcm botol i tunjuk tu... love at first scent.. aura 7 bunga...
RM25 tu bekas kayu simpan botol2 je.. u kena tengok list dia tunjuk
ala dah jadi thread promo perfume.. hahahaha
selain di atas.. i beli juga Essential Oil dari iHerb, US.. tapi ni kena mix sendiri lah.. so jadi mahal bila kena beli 7-9 jenis single oils... nak jimat sebenarnya beli yang dah siap mix lah... frankincense and myrrh tu selain utk EO wangi2.. buleh makan utk alternative ubati dan cegah cancer.. imam as syafie pun amalkan kemam frankincense tu utk improve daya ingatan sbb nak menghafal quran, hadits & ilmu kan...
yang pati aura 7 bunga tu takleh makan.. selain iHERB, boleh beli malaysian brand EO... IL PURO...
i takkan rekemen young living sbb overpriced MLM...
kalo version perfume... i pakai AMOUAGE
Jujubes aka Bidara aka Red Dates aka Sidr
Edited by green~tea at 17-1-2023 09:35 PM
Benefits of jujube fruit
Jujube fruits have long been used in alternative medicine to treat conditions like insomnia and anxiety. The fruit may offer impressive health benefits for your nervous system, immunity, and digestion.
Rich in antioxidants
Jujube fruits are rich in several antioxidant compounds, primarily flavonoids, polysaccharides, and triterpenic acids. They also contain high levels of vitamin C, which acts as an antioxidant as well
Antioxidants are compounds that can prevent and reverse damage caused by excess free radicals
Free radical damage is thought to be a major contributor to several chronic conditions, including type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and some cancers
Improve sleep and brain function
Jujubes are widely used in alternative medicine to improve sleep quality and brain function.
Also, the fruit is often prescribed by alternative medicine practitioners to decrease anxiety.
Furthermore, studies indicate that it may improve memory and help protect brain cells from damage by nerve-destroying compounds as well as treat dementia caused by Alzheimer’s.
Boost immunity and fight cancer cells
Jujube may boost immunity and fight the growth of cancer cells. Polysaccharides, which are natural sugars with antioxidant properties, may fend off free radicals, neutralize harmful cells, and decrease inflammation.
Decreased levels of inflammation and free radicals can help prevent chronic diseases, such as type 2 diabetes.
Another study found that jujube lignins, a type of fiber with antioxidant properties, promoted the production of immune cells and increased the rate at which these cells neutralized harmful compounds.
Jujube fruit is also rich in vitamin C, which is thought to have powerful anticancer properties.
studies have found that jujube extracts kill several types of cancer cells, including ovarian, cervical, breast, liver, colon, and skin cancer cells
Improve digestion
Jujube’s high fiber content may help improve digestion. About 50% of the carbs in the fruit come from fiber, which is known for its beneficial digestive effects
This nutrient helps soften and add bulk to your stool. As a result, it speeds up the movement of food through your digestive tract and reduces constipation
What’s more, jujube extracts may help strengthen the lining of your stomach and intestines, decreasing your risk of damage from ulcers, injury, and harmful bacteria that may reside in your gut
Finally, the fiber in jujube may serve as food for your beneficial gut bacteria, allowing them to grow and overtake harmful bacteria
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5 Benefits and Uses of Frankincense — and 7 Myths
Edited by green~tea at 16-1-2023 03:03 PM
Frankincense, also known as olibanum, is made from the resin of the Boswellia tree. This tree typically grows in the dry, mountainous regions of India, Africa, and the Middle East.
Frankincense has a woody, spicy smell and can be inhaled, absorbed through the skin, or taken as a supplement.
Used in traditional Ayurvedic medicine, frankincense appears to offer certain health benefits, from improved arthritis and digestion to reduced asthma and better oral health. It may even help fight certain types of cancer.
Here are 5 science-backed benefits of frankincense — as well as 7 myths.
1. Reduce arthritis
Frankincense has anti-inflammatory effects that may help reduce joint inflammation caused by arthritis. Researchers believe that frankincense can prevent the release of leukotrienes, which are compounds that can cause inflammation. Terpenes, including boswellic acid, appear to be the strongest anti-inflammatory compounds in frankincense. In one 2014 study, both oral and topical boswellic acid reduced cartilage loss and joint lining inflammation in osteoarthritis in mice (5).
In humans, frankincense extract may help reduce symptoms of osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.
2. Improve gut function
One 2017 study found that frankincense, in combination with other herbal medicines, reduced abdominal pain, bloating, and even associated depression and anxiety in people with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).
This resin appears particularly effective at reducing symptoms of ulcerative colitis, one of the main inflammatory gut conditions.
3. Improves asthma
Traditional medicine has used frankincense to treat bronchitis and asthma for centuries. Research suggests that its compounds may prevent the production of leukotrienes, which cause the bronchial muscles to constrict in asthma.
Frankincense may also affect Th2 cytokines, which can cause inflammation and mucus overproduction in people with asthma.
In one small study, people who took a daily supplement of 500 mg boswellia extract in addition to their standard asthma treatment were able to take fewer inhalations of their regular medications during the 4-week study. Boswellia extract also had anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects.
4. Maintains oral health
The boswellic acids appear to have strong antibacterial properties, which may help prevent and treat oral infections. In one study, frankincense extract was effective against Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans, a bacteria that causes aggressive gum disease. It may also decrease sources of infection in the mouth.
5. Anticancer properties
A research review notes that boswellic acids may also prevent the formation of DNA in cancerous cells, which could help limit cancer growth. Studies suggest that frankincense may fight breast, prostate, pancreatic, skin, and colon cancer cells. It may also help reduce side effects of cancer treatment.
In one study of people being treated for brain tumors, 4,500 mg of boswellic acid extract taken each day helped reduce brain edema — an accumulation of fluid in the brain — while also lowering participants’ regular medication dose.

Salam tt kat mana beli ni, selain online ada tak yg jual over counter
kat kedai perawat darusyifa and pusat rawatan islam ada jual rasanya.. adik i ada bgtau...
i nak senang beli online aje... wangi...
ooo ok thanks for your reply. Lagi satu frankincense tu cara penggunaanya kena bakar ke

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Post time 16-1-2023 04:25 PM
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hatiluka replied at 16-1-2023 03:49 PM
ooo ok thanks for your reply. Lagi satu frankincense tu cara penggunaanya kena bakar ke
Kalo beli yang biji2 tu kena bakar.. or makan kemam boleh or rendam air and minum air tu boleh..
I ni jenis nak shortcut i beli essential oil extract je terus.. sama je titik2 and diffuse |
green~tea replied at 16-1-2023 10:09 AM
TQ atas doanya... citer pasal EO sikit sbb still about topic rawatan... i tak suka citer2 seram sg ...
Mcm nama blekpar kak queen kepam tu .. amougou
Hihi off topic. |

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Post time 17-1-2023 09:36 PM
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Suka lah tred ni, banyak ilmu dapat...
Kebetulan sangat pasal essential oil ni, baru riki2 petang tadi nk cari diffuser gapo, malam ni terbaca pulak pasal ni. Tq kaka share.
Kita tumpang baca jer, nak bagi nasihat @ petua tak reti.
Mendoakan urusan kaka GT dipermudahkan Allah hendaknya. |
Edited by green~tea at 1-1-2025 03:11 PM
oh yesss... scary kan.. last time i heard dia kawen in 2018, new husband sheols meninggal in 2020... sheols finally meninggal in nov 2022
ayah i marah betul sbb at his age of 65, masih dapat ayah mertua baru.. siap kena paksa bawak rombongan hantaran balas, siap ada hantaran telekung siti khadijah bagai,... ayah i marah (and malu) sbb mertuas dah 70++++ pun gigih nak bersanding berarak lagi....

Edited by green~tea at 1-1-2025 12:35 AM
alhamdulillah.. actually bila i bercerita2 berkongsi cerita ni.. i pun dapat banyakkkk sangat ilham utk improve diri sendiri & family...
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