Mahathir: Mana lagi RM27 bilion 1MDB? Tak maafkan Najib -page 11-
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kalau cairkan semua aset 1mdb ada lg lebihan lepas tolak hutang 42 bilion tu ye, tu belum lagi revaluate semula tanah2 1mdb, jd x payah nak tetttttttt!!!!! sgt la,
hehehe yelah yelah.... sayang sgt dgn menteri kewangan u tuh..
nak cair ikut harga semasa or jual harga murah sbb terdesak. itu pon boleh jadi isu gak tuh.. Boleh cover balik rugi govt masa jual harga murah dulu + kerugian semasa...or just cover loss semasa? biler kah agak nya nak cairkan balik asset2 tuh...interest2 yg 5.3% tuh masih berjalan kan? ke dah bayar?
dah guna rasuah rakyat (BR1M) kot... |
transkrip abdul wahid omar,
1MDB is a wholly-owned subsidiary of MOF Incorporated, so meaning that it is wholly-owned by the Government. It was set up as a strategic investment company with a paid-up capital of RM1 million. So their model was to raise long term bonds and aided by Government guarantee that helped to lower the cost of funds. And hopefully with that money, can be invested into projects that will generate high returns. So that was actually the so called the capital structure or the model how 1MDB started. So over the years, they have expanded by way of borrowing from the banks or borrowing from the capital markets. And they have been buying many assets including some of the power IPPs and it has gone to the level where the debt level had hit RM42 billion as of 31 March 2014. And if you can imagine the burden of servicing such a high debt is actually quite, is very high, is very difficult. So until and unless your assets are able to generate that cashflow, it is not sustainable. So that is something that the Board and Management of 1MDB had realised. And therefore they have undertaken a strategic review of their business model and of their capital structure and they have decided on three things among others. Number one, they have decided not incur any new debts, any new borrowings unless it is to meet the current debt obligations or to refinance their current debt obligations. So that's number one. Number two, they have agreed not to embark on any new projects or any new venture and focus their effort on executing the two big projects that they have which is Tun Razak Exchange and Bandar Malaysia. So these are highly valuable projects that needed to focus on. And the third thing that they have to do is to work as much as possible to get the IPO of Edra Energy going. So this IPO or the listing of Edra Energy, Edra Energy is the holding company for their IPP assets they are hoping to get listed. And they will benefit in two ways. So from the IPO, they will get proceeds that can be used to reduce their debts plus if they were to reduce their shareholding to below 50%, so they are then able to de-consolidate all the debts at subsidiary level. So that will help to reduce the overall gearing of the company. So that's the strategic review undertaken by the Management and Board of 1MDB." .
badaksumbu replied at 24-4-2015 10:55 AM
hang blh refer post 126, so mn contoh hang?
Okla...ch..bila auditor jumpa satu benda yg tiba tiba wujud...Hang blh cover dgn create satu benda lepas tu backtracking mintak boss besq initial...initial tu pun blh tipu dgn ambik kertas yg mmg dah ada signature boss tu dan photostate atas kertas blank lain...then blh print Surat yg kita.nak create tiba2 tu...kononnya dr original...audit pun bukan check yg original sbb kononnya yg original dah pun bg kat the addresee...bnyk Cara lagi....
Apapun 1mdb punya risk financing mmg fail...atau disengajakan utk fail |
Tok Det dah buka rahsia...Nasihat PM adalah Arahan katanya....biasa buat la tu dulu2.... |
kambing itam likely.
but push to shove comes, it would be interesting to see kalu kambing itam tu tuding jari gak akhirnya.
cairkan je lah.
belen pon berbeliyun2 lagik katanya.
apadekehal? merempat mengemis kemudahan mudah tunai gomen apa ke lancau kesahnye tu?
Number two, they have agreed not to embark on any new projects or any new venture and focus their effort on executing the two big projects that they have which is Tun Razak Exchange and Bandar Malaysia. So these are highly valuable projects that needed to focus on.
meaning..the assets xkan dicairkan. Aishhhhh..tadi cakap kalo cairkan boleh dapat lebihan? aiyooooo belit2 plakkkk awak neh. tapi kite sukeeee awak belit camneh.
Soooooo duit yg dikatakan simpan kat Singapore tuh akan dijadikan fund utk Projek TRX & BM tuh????? hurmmmmmmm.....doubt it. |
hang maksudkan false document/false claim la ni kan? byr 3rd party tp 3rd party x wujud mcm kes eric chia perwaja? belum apa2 lg dah kantoi dgn auditor x psl2 kena buat dokumen palsu, pandai la sgt kan,
btw, tu bkn auditor bodoh tu auditor buat2 bodoh, utk kes 1mdb kalau jumpa suspicious transaction/documents (tony pua kan pandai), sila backtracking itu 3rd party mcm kes perwaja, pengerusi pac dah mention akauntan negara akn cek transaksi 3rd party 1mdb ni jd kita tunggu dan lihat
cair sikit2 lorr, cukup byr hutang sikit2 n bg jln projek, bkn nak declare bankrap pun sampai nak jual segala harta benda, ipo edra, harap2 blh tlg la,
sayang la nak cairkan kalau blh dpt jv partner yg byk cash mcm ananda krishnan,
Walau bukan untuk pembayaran... ie, sanction for accepting millions of risk ie... limit nya katalah ceo..tp ceo dah tak ada sbb dah berhenti..senang saja nak falsified...dokucment... dan untuk kes 1 mdb ni mmg dah ada report falsified bank statement...
So, one the things di situlah yg ada penipuan atau kecurian....
Untuk auditor yg you kata bodoh tu... safely said yg auditor tu terpaksa buat bodohla sbb dia tak ada proof dek kerana dokemen yg berinitial yg kononnya valid tu... mau tak mau mmg auditor kena temberanglah... whether dia buat bodoh atau tidak
tukang backup 1mdb cuma lawan point yg Tun M/korang bg salah. point yg betul diam2 saja la |
Edited by flying_cow at 24-4-2015 12:08 PM
Board 1mdb ni tidor ka?? Dok syok beli itu beli ini sampai tak sedar hutang dah 42 beliyon. Ujung2 mengemis mintak duit kat MOF sebab poket dah kering takde duit nak service interest. |
falsified bank statement singapore v sarawak report tu ke? btw, sy x pernah ckp auditor bodoh, n auditor tu ada pilihan, declare transaksi meragukan, ada satu item dlm audit report "emphasis of matter".
ada lg,
mungkin ada kenyataan TDM yg boleh dipertikai, TAPI
lagi banyak kenyataan dan tindaktanduk najib yang boleh dipertikai .. tikaiable ...
saya penyokong BN .. tapi saya tidak lagi menyokong najib dan konco2 yg memperbodohkan rakyat ....
walau sokongan berkurang (dari saya dan suami) .. impaknya besar ... dengan kekurangan 1 atau 2 undi ... BN boleh hilang kuasa .... kuasa rakyat kuasa keramat katanya .....
berundUrlah wahai najib ... anda telah GAGAL.
... memang lah apa yang dia paparkan itu data kasar ..... tapi BENARnya ada di situ .... belanja mengurus bagai pastilah ada ..... dan pastilah TDM tak dapat nak akses detail perbelanjaan sampai nak balance bagai ... tapi asasnya ada disitu ...
hmmmmm ...... mana perginya duit2 tu?
Tk paham la apa korang bincangkan kt sini..:zz:zz:zz:zz:zz:zz:zz |
mmg la govt incorporated co. takkan di declare bankrap...mof kan ada kan...siap standby duit lagi..btw nak tanya 1mdb ni is making money or not selain untung atas angin aset tanah yg beli dari kerajaan...1mdb ni pun lama ujud kan.. |
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