Adm_Cheng_Ho This user has been deleted
I am not disputing Jerusalem belong to Israel. I agree that Jerusalem belong to Palestine. The point I'm talking about is Sonny mentioned Palestine was to be internationalized instead of Jerusalem.
You said: "He was saying that Palestine was to be internationalised before the creation of Israel"
I've had given you documents from United Nation website & various sources that BEFORE the creation of Israel, majority of the world voted to make Jerusalem internationalized while Palestine be partitioned.
1) Where you get your facts that Palestine is to be internationalized?
2) How do you know that Sonny do not mean Palestine but only Jerusalem? He posted "PALESTINE was to be internationalized" dated 21-3-2004 12:13 PM. |
That is why, I said in my last post, I ask sonny~~ to correct me if I misinterpret is words. However, it is a fact that Jerusalem is in Palestine before establishment of Israel and that he might mean that. After all, Jerusalem is in Palestine and many times in international, people refer to Malaysian officials said as Kuala Lumpur said or this or that. Get it??? |
Originally posted by ariyamusafir at 2004-3-25 01:19 PM:
Israel was not even established back then. If I am not wrong, Israel was established after World War 2. Correct me if I am wrong. At least I am sure it was established in the 20th century. Ther ...
Isreal existed back 3000 years ago, go study history. |
The Jews, yes but the establishement of Israel as a country being taken part of Palestinian land is only during the 20th century. It is you who should go back and study that. Oh.... in college my study of some units with respect to history got an A. Also, this issue I do not get my facts from my college or school books Oh no.... I think there is either you misinterpret what your book trying to say or there might be somethin wrong. |
There was never any Palestinian nation ever. The term Palestinian only came about in the 60s after the Arabs couldn't defeats.
The concept of third holiest site in Islam only surface in the 60s for teh very same reason.
Too bad ariya was deceived. |
Adm_Cheng_Ho This user has been deleted
After all, Jerusalem is in Palestine and many times in international, people refer to Malaysian officials said as Kuala Lumpur
This is getting far away from what Sonny is saying. He said " alestine was to be internationalized".
Note that, in UN website, it is CLEARLY STATED that Palestine was to be partitioned and Jerusalem to be internationalized. There couldn't be misunderstanding on this except YOU! Also, you can easily read them from history books! Never did UN said Palestine to be internationalized. It SPECIFICALLY STATED Palestine is to be PARTITIONED while Jerusalem be INTERNATIONALIZED.
You are DELIBERATELY twisting around. Here I repeat you challenge. PROVE YOUR CLAIM! Your books' publications, websites, which newspaper... that The United Nations also meant Palestine was to be INTERNATIONALIZED. Where?? Show me...:kerek: |
Adm_Cheng_Ho This user has been deleted
I answered you challenge as requested. Now is your turn.
1) Where you get your facts that Palestine is to be internationalized? |
Originally posted by Adm_Cheng_Ho at 25-3-2004 14:22:
This is getting far away from what Sonny is saying. He said "Palestine was to be internationalized".
Note that, in UN website, it is CLEARLY STATED that Palestine was to be pa ...
Oh I do not twist around. I only siad that that is from my interpretation of sonny~~. Also, I did ask sonny~~ to correct me if I have misinterpreted his postings. That is all. Why do not we wate until sonny~~ post his next postings regarding this issue ok??? |
What exactly do yu mean by internationalsing Palestine? On what grounds shld Israel give up its land? |
Originally posted by Adm_Cheng_Ho at 2004-3-23 12:11 AM:
sonny boy,
I've agreed earlier Israel is born when UN vote to divide Palestine. But why do they vote for it to be divided? It's because of Arabs hostilities. You've done a good amount of copy and paste on this messageboard proving to me Arabs started the first large-scale attacks on the Jews.
wrong. as me said many times the root or cause of arab hostilities is due to drastic influx of imported jews into PALESTINE. britain n usa allowed the influx despite the HARDfact they dont own PALESTINE, native PALESTINIANS own PALESTINE. other factors r involved – the holocaust which is no fault of PALESTINIANS. nonetheless europe, britian n usa forced PALESTINIANS to bear the brunt of the holocaust by lettin imported jews raped em. Then theres impotent un n impotent worldif u read history carefully, u will find the jews/zionists provoked PALESTINIANS/arab hostilities. read
She (a Jewish-American woman acquaintance) informed him (American author and journalist Vincent Sheean) that there was going to be serious trouble at the Wailing Wall, since hundreds of Jabotinsky's followers were coming into the city 'ready to fight' to protect the sacred monument. Many of the right-wing extremists were armed and Sheean's visitor looked forward to a bloody confrontation with the Arabs since it would 'show that we are here.'[26] (Jabotinsky was surely one of the most interesting if sinister figures in the history of Zionism. An, impatient man, he was honest enough to say publicly what Ben-Gurion and the other Zionist leaders plotted secretly.) Trouble had been festering over the religious shrines in Jerusalem for quite some time. (delete) Most British officials in Palestine did not take the escalating crisis over the Wailing Wall very seriously. (delete)
Within a few weeks this 'sectarian pettiness' was to erupt into violence. When Sheean went to the Wailing Wall, he saw religious Yemenite Jews observing the ancient rituals, oblivious to the fact that Jabotinsky's followers were attempting to provoke a conflict with any Muslims they could find. Sheean wrote in his diary, 'if I were an Arab, I should be angry, very angry and I don't think for a minute that this is over.'
On 23 August, came the inevitable Muslim reaction. Angered by rumours that the Islamic holy places in Jerusalem were in danger, thousands of Arab peasants poured into the Holy City. Vincent Sheean again found himself in the midst of the melee. As the Arabs approached the Jewish section of the city, the American journalist saw a Jew throw a grenade into the crowd, killing two people. These were the first fatalities of the day. Fighting raged in Jerusalem and spread to other parts of Palestine with several hundred Arabs, Jews and British beingkilled before order was restored.
You're trying to twist things around eh? Sonny? Jews came to the WASTELAND which the Arabs have no regards at all in the first place to escape persecution in Europe. Arabs then get to know about it, migrate in large numbers too.
PALESTINE is no WASTELAND. its occupied, inhabited by PALESTINIANS be they majority muslim, jews, christians etc as ur postin prove it. since PALESTINIANS r majority muslims, that means u’ve lied that arabs have no regards for PALESTINE. right? that’s right the jews r persecuted in europe. who persecuted em? europe right? who should be punished for the persecution? eruope right? why then europe, holocaust, imported jews, britain, usa, impotent un, impotent world punish the PALETINIANS instead by forcin em to share their land with imported jews? why? N u expect PALESTINIANS to remain docile as they’re punished n raped?
arabs may have imported emselves into PALESTINE to counter the drastic influx of imported jews. but me sources say nuthin bout it. they only mention bout high birthrate among PALESTINE which warrant imported jews to terrorize n rape em further to “extinction” like wot white americans did to native Americans
They are the one doing all the genocide to prevent Jewish outnumbers them.
talkin bout genocide, d u know how many PALESTINIANS that jews have murdered n how many jews that PALESTINIANS have murdered over a period of time to prevent jewish outnumbered PALESTINIANS/jews?
Not the other way round. Arabs started the whole atrocities first. War also started by them. Terrorism also started by them. They are always the first and always.
forked tongue bigot faggot liar. imported jews n zionists started the atrocities, war n terrorism. n they’re backed by jewish usa. history has proven its PALESTINIANS who suffer more than imported jews/zionist. read
On 17 May 1939, a White Paper was published in which the British government ruled out the establishment of either a Jewish or Arab state in the Holy Land but instead announced that eventually both groups would share power in Palestine. During a ten-year interim period, Jews and Arabs would be given the opportunity for increased participation in government. With regard to immigration, the White Paper provided that 75,000 Jews would be permitted to enter Palestine over a five-year period but there would be a limitation on Jewish land purchases, particularly in predominantly Arab areas.
The Zionist response to the White Paper was immediate and violent. The headquarters of the Department of Migration was set on fire and government offices in Haifa and Tel Aviv were stormed by crowds bent on destroying all files on illegal immigration. In Jerusalem Arab shops were looted. A British policeman was shot during a demonstration. A few days later the Rex Cinema in Jerusalem was bombed, killing five Arabs and injuring eighteen. This was followed by the attack on the village of Adas in which five more Arabs were killed. So began a reign of terror against both Arabs and British that came to be known as 'Gun Zionism'.
The Zionists fought violently against the White Paper. However, they saw no reason to give up their plans for an exclusively Jewish nation. Not long after the White Paper was issued, Weizmann explained to Winston Churchill the Zionist intention to build up a state in Palestine with three or four million Jews. 'Yes, indeed I quite agree with that,' Churchill replied.[34]
They publicly express their manifesto to push the Jews into the sea. However, I do not mean that all Jews are clean. Surely there are some extreme factions in all civilizations in the world. On the same token, it is clear that Arabs have the most extremists than the Jews.
PALESTINIANS n arabs have weakness to a fault. they fight among emselves while imported jew/zionists stay united financially economically terrorism genocide etc. they have blabberin mouth while imported jews/zionists stay sly crafty silent. read
Most Zionists were determined that their Jewish state should be free of Arabs. In December 1940, Joseph Weitz wrote in his diary:
Between Ourselves it must be clear that there is no room for both Peoples together in this country... We shall not achieve our goal of being an independent people with the Arabs in this small country. The only solution is a Palestine, at least Western Palestine (west of the Jordan river) without Arabs ... And there is no other way than to transfer the Arabs from here to the neighbouring countries, to transfer all of them; not one village, not one tribe, should be left... Only after this transfer will the country be able to absorb the millions of our own brethren. There is no other way out. '[35]
I think they make the best of Palestine. Look at Negev. You won't even believe it WAS a desert. Arabs have 22 states. 10% of the planet's dry land. 80% of the planet's oil resources. Though abundance, they can't even make a good use of it. Moreover, Palestine is a WASTELAND. Jews came over bought the land and employed the Arabs.
there u go spammin agin. PALESTINE is no WASTELAND otherwise there wouldnt be PALESTINIANS there, there wouldnt be battles n wars over centuries startin from first settlers the canaanites. o yes imported jews/zionists buy lands by volunteer n force. read
Ussishkin seems to have had no moral scruples about dislocating tens of thousands of Arab families at gun point and moving them out of villages their people had occupied for centuries. He firmly believed in the Jewish right to all of Palestine; a belief he based on the Bible and the promises made by the British. For Ussishkin, the Palestinians were usurpers who deserved to be expelled. 'I am ready to defend this moral attitude before the Almighty and the League of Nations,' he said. (Menahem Ussishkin, at seventy-five, one of the oldest and most respected Zionist leaders)
continue ;) |
There you go. You're trying to create the impression that British promised Arabs that Palestine would be an independent Arab state. You're a liar. The same as those bigots in the Middle East. No difference. Keep continue the lies. With me there is no nonsense on this. Look carefully what you wrote: Britain promised independence of ARAB LANDS. It doesn't say Palestine would be governed by Arabs right? Sonny right? Right? British can cut out Kuwait from Iraq and nobody makes a fuss over it right? But when British cut out a portion from Palestine it is as if neighbouring Arabs have a share in it. How strange!
commonsense tells u PALESTINE gonna be governed by PALESTINIANS not arabs or forked tongue british or jewish americans or imported jews/zionists. get ur bain corrected. so exactly wot me cut n paste n postin mean from ur viewpoint? am waitin
"The Balfour Declaration, made in November 1917 by the British Government...was made a) by a European power, b) about a non-European territory, c) in flat disregard of both the presence and wishes of the native majority resident in that territory...[As Balfour himself wrote in 1919], 'The contradiction between the letter of the Covenant (the Anglo French Declaration of 1918 promising the Arabs of the former Ottoman colonies that as a reward for supporting the Allies they could have their independence) is even more flagrant in the case of the independent nation of Palestine than in that of the independent nation of Syria. For in Palestine we do not propose even to go through the form of consulting the wishes of the present inhabitants of the country...The four powers are committed to Zionism and Zionism, be it right or wrong, good or bad, is rooted in age-long tradition, in present needs, in future hopes, of far profounder import than the desire and prejudices of the 700,000 Arabs who now inhabit that ancient land,'" Edward Said, "The Question of Palestine."
bear in mind in 1914 with the outbreak of ww1, britain promised the independence of arab lands under ottoman rule, including PALESTINE, in return for arab support against turkey which had entered the war on the side of germany. in 1916 britain and france signed the sykes-picot agreement, which divided the arab region into zones of influence. lebanon and syria were assigned to france, jordan and iraq to britain and PALESTINE was to be internationalized. this is colonialization of the worst kind despite arabs nationalism aspiration. but the world overlooked that. they only c jews nationalism not PALESTINIAN nationalism.
British Mandate Palestine!
why should PALESTINE be british mandate? Who own PALESTINE? PALESTINANS or british? well?
So, you do stated here yourself that Palestine would be a mixture of Jews and Arabs right? And that it is not solely for Arabs only right? The type of government should consists of Jews and Arabs right? They have to share right? THen Arabs don't want to share right?
there u go agin the forked tongue bigot faggor liar. me repeat PALESTINIANS be they majority muslims, christians, jews etc should govern PALESTINE, not forked tongue british or imported jews or imported arabs (if theres any). yet ure talkin bout arabs dont wanna share whereas me talkin bout PALESTINE for PALESTINIANS. u suck
Here we are... if the Arabs had not migrate in LARGE numbers to populate the land, they would have to live with a Jewish neighbour right? So, they don't want a Jewish nation beside them right? So, they campaign for a large migration to land grab right? They are also immigrants right? They want to stop the formation of a Jewish state in the WASTELAND right? If Jews can't then why can they the Arabs can? Who owns the land? Not Jews, not Arabs. Palestine belongs to no one. So, it is land grab time.
there u go spammin agin n ure forked tongue bigot faggot liar. me repeat PALESTINE belongs to PALESTIANS. n PALESTINE is no WASTELAND otherwise it wouldnt be occupied inhabited by PALESTINIANS be they majority muslims, jews, Christians etc, otherwise PALESTINE wouldnt change hands from canaanites then lastly PALESTINIANS. n now imported jews wanna rape PALESTINE yet u said its imported arabs who wanna grap land. lemme ask simple questions. how much PALESTINE land is occupied by PALESTINIANS n how much by imported jews after ww1 n after 1948? How many is considered imported arabs n how many r born in PALESTINE? n how many is considered imported jews n how many r born there? HARDfacts plz
It is also the home of thousands of Jews and Christians
PALESTINE is owned by PALESTINIANS be they majority muslims, jews, Christians
Yes. They are the majority.
yup muslim PALESTINIANS constitute the majority
Thank God UN divided Palestine to stop greater killings and genocide against them by the hostile barbaric hapless pious terrorist cum rapist Arabs. Again. They are paranoid and started the whole stupid idea.
how many imported jews did PALESTINIANS genocide n how many PALESTINIANS did imported jews genocide before n after impotent un divided PALESTINE? How much PALESTINE land did imported jews occupy n how much PALESTINE land did imported arabs occupy? well?
Oxymoron quote. You said peace at the end of each simplistic thread but sought to justify that indiscriminate killings of the Jews are right. So, which is which? Peace of continue killing of innocent people blindly?
how many imported jews/israelis that PALESTINIANS have murdered blind n how many PALESTINIANS that imported jews/israeli have murdered blind NOW? am waitin 
[ Last edited by sonny~~ on 25-3-2004 at 05:33 PM ] |
Originally posted by Adm_Cheng_Ho at 2004-3-23 12:18 AM:
So Israel's nuclear weapon is not the last line of defence right? They would use it to destroy Arab nations right? So, why Israel didn't kill them all? Because they would backfire on themselves right? But I thought with one nuclear the region would have been in tattered condition killing everyone inflicting themselves with severe damages too. So, which is which? They would deploy nuclear or they would just keep it because fear of arabs reprisals who would have almost all died in one bomb? Your words cancelling each other.
if israel is fearful of PALESTINIANS n arab nations why the genocide of thousands of PALESTINIANS including babies n women as they assassinate hamas etc? why the destruction of PALESTINIANS homes n refugee camps along with hamas etc homes? why the buildin of 200 illegal jewish settlements in the occupied PALESTINIAN terroritories? why the 800 kilo apartheid wall 6 kilo deep inside the occupied PALESTINIAN territories n not 6 kilo deep inside israel proper? why?
LoL... they never have one. How you know? That's your opinion. I believe they would. They done the most outrageous thing before. Even now they have no military might, they still can resort to cowardly terrorist acts who hides amongs the crowds.
wot u expect PALESTINIANS do other than turnin into suicide bombers when theyre raped by israel? wot would u do if ure raped? 
peace |
Originally posted by Debmey at 25-3-2004 15:01:
What exactly do yu mean by internationalsing Palestine? On what grounds shld Israel give up its land?
That was before the establishment of Israel. Why should the Palestine give up their land for the imported Jews?????? |
Originally posted by Adm_Cheng_Ho at 2004-3-23 12:34 AM:
I've given sufficient HARDfacts to you. You did gave me yours. But I've proven you that you twisted the whole thing. Yes, you did. Wanna challenge? Say something... I have a weird taste in my mouth wanna wash away...
u sound like ur mentor bro deb***sfe. let the show go on
Common sense tells me you're unable to give me HARDfacts. Stop pretending. You don't have it. Like I said. Give me the URL. I need to read it first. What you read are not HARDfacts. Those are complete lift off from anti-Israel websites.
if u think Jews for Justice in the Middle East, Michael Palumbo, un et r anti Israeli websites, so be it
struck dumb by me words of wisdom
If the neighbouring Arab did not poke their nose on Palestine which is not their land at all, by waging war on Israel, Palestinian Israelis would still be living in Israel. There are cohorts within those people. Israel have no choice but to send them over to the Palestine. Their neighbour but that Palestine soon devoured by their Arab brethrens. So, who is grabbing who's land? Who is making them the refugess and pawns? Oh ya... it is ok for Arabs to grab Arab's land and ok for Arabs to make Arabs refugees. I forgot. That's your principle. Let's continue on this tread based on your principle... come on... open your mind.... deny that you didn't say that or that I misunderstood... it's written all over!
me questin agin. how much PALESTINE land d imported arabs devour n how much PALESTINE land d imported jews devour? read
In 1919, the American King-Crane Commission spent six weeks in Syria and Palestine, interviewing delegations and reading petitions. Their report stated, "The commissioners began their study of Zionism with minds predisposed in its favor...The fact came out repeatedly in the Commission's conferences with Jewish representatives that the Zionists looked forward to a practically complete dispossession of the present non-Jewish inhabitants of Palestine, by various forms of purchase...
"If [the] principle [of self-determination] is to rule, and so the wishes of Palestine's population are to be decisive as to what is to be done with Palestine, then it is to be remembered that the non-Jewish population of Palestine - nearly nine-tenths of the whole - are emphatically against the entire Zionist program.. To subject a people so minded to unlimited Jewish immigration, and to steady financial and social pressure to surrender the land, would be a gross violation of the principle just quoted...No British officers, consulted by the Commissioners, believed that the Zionist program could be carried out except by force of arms.The officers generally thought that a force of not less than fifty thousand soldiers would be required even to initiate the program. That of itself is evidence of a strong sense of the injustice of the Zionist program...The initial claim, often submitted by Zionist representatives, that they have a 'right' to Palestine based on occupation of two thousand years ago, can barely be seriously considered." Quoted in "The Israel-Arab Reader" ed. Laquer and Rubin.
No Sonny. I expect Arabs give Palestine their land and let them be free. They need an independent state themselves. They don't need their Arab masters to dictate their life and destiny. USA and Israel is seeing for it to be done. Can the Arabs do so? No, they won't. They are unwilling to do it. Because they want their lands back... that is Palestine!
so ARI is right. ure great twister of facts. u expect arabs to give PALESTINIANS wot land? PALESTINE or arab nations? be specific. where imported arabs dictate terms in PALESTINE? HARDproof plz. wot u mean USA and Israel is seeing for it to be done? wot to be done? elaborate intelligently. where arab nations say PALESTINE is their land? where? PALESTINE is for PALESTINIANS. simple
I see. My acquaintances with Israelis Arabs who said they are happily living in Israel is untrue right? Your reading from books and websites which suits your sadistic taste is true right? Right Sonny, right? That Israeli Arabs didn't play to represent their beloved country right? THat Arabs never served in the IDF to protect their country from surrounding hostile Arabs right? Then I'm justified to call you an idiot.
can u tell wots the average income for israeli jews n israel arabs? who own most land in israel? israeli jews or israel arabs? wots the population of israeli jews n israel arabs? how many Israel jews n israel arabs represent the israel government? how many israel jews n israel arabs lead in idf? am waitin
The bulk of your postings are insignificant. Malays are given Special Privilege. Is there true equal rights? If Malays can, then this should be simple logic to you that Jews do have their Special Rights since it was governed by a Jewish government. Right? Arabs impose Islamic law on Black Christians in Sudan is also palatable to your mind right? Then what is wrong with Israel granting more rights to their own people? They did not impinge the Israeli Arabs way of life. Simple.
now ure talkin. d malays rape non malays to get malaysia as imported jews rape PALESTINE to get israel? mark u theres a difference of 1000 btween PALESTINIANS/arabs n imported jews in israel by 1948. read. n u expect imported jews to have special right instead of PALESTINIAN natives who live in israel?
n u expose ur forked tongue bigot faggot mentality when u said Then what is wrong with Israel granting more rights to their own people. They did not impinge the Israeli Arabs way of life.. thats liken to rapist terrorist imported jews grantin more rights NOT to PALESTINIANS be they majority muslims, jews, christians etc but to fella rapist terrorist imported jews. n thats liken to rapist terrororist american government grantin more rights to fella rapist terrorist white americans aginst native American. right? n ure sure israel apartheid laws don’t impinge israel arabs way of life? read
United Nations (UN) General Assembly approved in 1947 a new partition plan, 749,000 Arabs and 9,250 Jews lived in the territory where the proposed Arab state would be set up, while 497,000 Arabs and 498,000 Jews lived in the part which was to become the Jewish state.
Discrimination Against Non-Jews (Israeli-Arabs) citizens of Israel: 1. Israeli-Arabs are discriminated against based on military service. Israeli-Arabs don't serve in the Israeli Army and most job applications require, implicitly at least, army service for employment. Also, "Arab towns and villages have been disadvantaged in the allocation of budgets and services, leading to wide gaps in development between most Arab localities and their Jewish neighbors" -- Alouph Hareven, Near East Report (AIPAC newsletter), 10/11/1993
2. The Christian population of (the ever expanding) Jerusalem was 30,000 in 1948; today it is 2000, due to the systematic ethnic cleansing of Palestinians from that and other areas around Israel. (Paul Findley's Deliberate Deceptions, 1996) Unlike Jews, Arabs are always denied a permission to build and expand.
3. 92% of the land in Israel falls under the Administration of the Jewish National Fund, where the land can not be sold to non-Jews. Result: the 18% Israeli-Arabs own only 4% of the land.
4. If, say, a Peruvian converts to Judaism and emigrates to Israel, he immediately has more rights than Israeli-Arabs who have lived in the land for many centuries.
5. "Israel was among the countries cited for discrimination in the U.S. State Department's first annual assessment of religious persecution around the world. While Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, Serbia and Burma were subject to some of the report's harshest criticism, Israel was cited for denying its Arab population the same quality of social services that the nation's Jews receive." The Jewish Telegraphic Agency (9/13/99)
What more can you post? All are twisted none the better. That's what you are.
yup me gonna expose u as manipulator of HARDfacts, a forked tongue bigot faggot self righteous liar. burp 
[ Last edited by sonny~~ on 25-3-2004 at 05:51 PM ] |
One thing I find is that Adm_Cheng_Ho is telling his points, some based on the UN's website, though the conflict had already started way before the establishment of the UN after World War 2. So, in this case, is the source from UN reliable????? Also, I have to agree with sonny~~ in many points, in the sense that according to ACH, there should be mix government, weel, that is for all in that land in not Imported Jews. To be frank, like in Malaysia, that which consist of Malays, Chinese and Indian. I do not mind my government consist of malays, Indians and chinese and other races provided that they are local people, citizens of Malaysia. I will not accept Indonesian or Singaporeans or other white nations or even Indian from India, not even China also for their people to come here and straight away be the government. That is not fair. The government should consists of the citizens not immigrants. |
Originally posted by Adm_Cheng_Ho at 2004-3-23 12:36 AM:
So???? If they can't help themselves nobody could. You can't expect the Jews give them money making the Arabs as rich as they are then only you call them fair & equal do you? Then you're indeed lazy bums DEPENDING on others. Do it themselves lar! Idiot!
chill out. dont get hysterical like bro deb***sfe. we go one postin at a time steadily surely n with HARDfacts plz. that is as long as me dont get bog down with assignments 
peace |
Originally posted by Adm_Cheng_Ho at 2004-3-24 08:09 PM:
By now you should have known tht you're continuing to make yourself less palatable in contributing by continuing with lies. I have utter disrespect for liar & bigot.
Before I address this issue, the first thing I would like to point out is your gross fiction of 1 billion Palestinian living there by 1948! There are 1.6million people in Palestine by 1948. Where you get tht figure??
dont hysterical. cool it. typin error. thousand apologies. that 1 billion is inHARDfact 1 million. read
United Nations (UN) General Assembly approved in 1947 a new partition plan, 749,000 Arabs and 9,250 Jews lived in the territory where the proposed Arab state would be set up, while 497,000 Arabs and 498,000 Jews lived in the part which was to become the Jewish state.
Official consensus showed about 10,000 Jews lived in Palestine by the middle of 19th Century. More than 8,000 of them lived in Jerusalem. The rest are Arabs. That is the earliest record known (in modern times). It also showed Jews have been living in Palestine for thousands of years as where a few hundred lived in the holy city of Safed in the north in the mountain village of Peki'in in the nearby Tiberias on the Sea of Galilee which had a tradition of continuous Jewish settlement since Roman times. Several hundred in Jaffa & 140 in Acre. The rest which make up the majority are Arabs (Christians & Muslims).
Stated in the British Mandate for Palestine & the Mandatory censusses conducted in 1922 - 1931:1992= Muslims(589,177) 78.34%; Jews(83,790) 11.14%; Christians (71,464) 9.5%; Others (7,617) 1.01%. Total=752,048 Palestinian of all 3 races/religions.
1942=Muslims(995,292) 61.44%; Jews (484,408) 29.9%; Christians (127,184) 7.85%; Others (13,121) 0.81%. Total=1,620,005.
So, Sonny, how do you get 1billion people from 1942 -1948? Idiot!
so ur HARDfacts agin prove imported./Zionists r liars n u support em. Shame. Read
"How can we return the occupied territories? There is nobody to return them to." -- Golda Meir (quoted in Chapter 13 of The Zionist Connection II: What Price Peace by Alfred Lilienthal )
"We shall try to spirit the penniless population across the border by procuring employment for it in the transit countries, while denying it any employment in our own country .... expropriation and the removal of the poor must be carried out discreetly and circumspectly." -- Theodore Herzl (from Rafael Patai, Ed. The Complete Diaries of Theodore Herzl, Vol I)
I'm waiting for tht 1 Billion people figure you get from.
read me postin above
If Arabs can MIGRATE systematically to Palestine to counter weight Jewish arrivals why can't Jews MIGRATE on their own?? You faggot! Jewish arrivals to the WASTELAND of desert & swamp are called hostile. Arab arrivals to the WASTELAND should be equally labelled hostile! Oxymoron.
ur insistence that PALESTINE is WASTELAND is liken to ethnic cleansin. read
Wasn't Palestine a wasteland before the Jews started immigrating there?"Britain's high commissioner for Palestine, John Chancellor, recommended total suspension of Jewish immigration and land purchase to protect Arab agriculture. He said 'all cultivable land was occupied; that no cultivable land now in possession of the indigenous population could be sold to Jews without creating a class of landless Arab cultivators'...The Colonial Office rejected the recommendation." John Quigley, " alestine and Israel: A Challenge to Justice."
"We declare openly that the Arabs have no right to settle on even one centimeter of Eretz Israel.... Force is all they do or ever will understand. We shall use the ultimate force until the Palestinians come crawling to us on all fours ... When we have settled the land, all the Arabs will be able to do will be to scurry around like drugged roaches in a bottle." -- Israeli Chief of Staff Rafael Eitan (Gad Becker, Yediot Ahronot 4/13/83, NYTimes 4/14/83)
Arabs number also drastically increase from around 130k to 1million. MUCH MORE.
if only forked tongue british n jewish american have not let imported jews into PALESTINE, there wouldnt be imported arabs right? ie of course if these imported arabs r not infact high birthrate among PALESTINIAN arabs. any documentation on this imported arabs?
There you go. Classic! The 'import' is backed by Britain then... USA?? My never cease to amuse readers/visitors to this board. Next, I thought it was the Arabs who challenged Zionist's claim tht Palestine was "a land without people". They begin migrating to Palestine soon after Zionist announced their wish to return to their "ancestral homeland". If Arabs didn't migrate FIRST, how do they challenge the Zionists? bonehead.
ure exposin ur forked tongue bigot faggot mentality. first u said imported jews r fearful of PALESTINIANS/arabs. now ure sayin they enterin PALESTINE without getting permission from noone. right? get this straight. who give imported jews the right to enter PALESTINE? am waitin
Palestine was mandated to the British by the League of Nations then United Nations. Is that enough, Sonny? Then... if Palestine is under British, then who gave the Arabs the right to illegally migrate into Palestine?
who r the natives of PALESTINE? british or PALESTINIANS? why league of nation/un get britain to take care of PALESTINE? wots the meanin of mandate? to take care or to let imported jews rape PALESTINE? consequently britain has to let imported arabs in. right? ie if they’re imported arabs n not high birthrate among PALESTINIAN muslims
They behaved as what you expected. There never was any official document citing Jews persecution of Arabs upon arrival. Instead, Jews bought lands & employed Arabs to develop the lands since 1882 with first modern agricultural settlements. You can easily get this from Encyclopedia, websites(officials ones like UN, BBC... not anti-Israeli faggotism sites). On the other hand, Arabs are the ones who starts the hostilities forgotten they themselves are also immigrants refusing to share Palestine with Jews as if Jews were never living there at all. Truly bigot. Do Arabs behaved like majority?
commonsense tells u imported jews r sly crafty lot. first they show off their big bucks to PALESTINIANS, then they buy PALESTINIANS lands even forcing em to sell their lands. then they forbid purchased lands to be resold. then they provoked PALESTINIANS to cause unrest. the rest is history. read
Zionist land policy was incorporated in the Constitution of the Jewish Agency for Palestine...'land is to be acquired as Jewish property and..the title to the lands acquired is to be taken in the name of the Jewish National Fund, to the end that the same shall be held as the inalienable property of the Jewish people.' The provision goes to stipulate that 'the Agency shall promote agricultural colonization based on Jewish labor'...The effect of this Zionist colonization policy on the Arabs was that land acquired by Jews became extra-territorialized. It ceased to be land from which the Arabs could ever hope to gain any advantage...
[ Last edited by sonny~~ on 25-3-2004 at 06:06 PM ] |
Adm_Cheng_Ho This user has been deleted
One thing I find is that Adm_Cheng_Ho is telling his points, some based on the UN's website, though the conflict had already started way before the establishment of the UN after World War 2.
United Nation is the succession of League of Nation.
So, in this case, is the source from UN reliable?????
I thought you said Sonny's sources are RELIABLE. He made quite a lot of quite using United Nation's articles. If you wanted to denounce United Nation, then what else is palatable to you? It had exposed of your choice. You only believe in those who said the things you wanted to hear eventhough both He and I are using United Nation's sources.
there should be mix government
That is precisely what Balfour Declaration is ALL ABOUT. A "MIXTURE" of Arabs and Jews and of all religion.
I do not mind my government consist of malays, Indians and chinese and other races provided that they are local people, citizens of Malaysia.
If Jews are not local to Palestine, neighther is Arabs. As I had given you the sources time and again. BOTH of them are migrating in large numbers from 1882-1948. Major INFLUX of foreign Jews and foreign Arabs(mainly Transjordan) occurred between 1882-1948. No denying that Jews, Christian Arabs and Muslim Arabs have always been in Palestine or Syria-Palistina. There are natives as well as foreign Palestinian(Jews+Arabs). If you INSISTS that Arabs are the natives of Palestine, then provide me with a source stating Arabs with an overwhelming majority are of natives and that no Arab migrants occured between 1882-1948.
I will not accept Indonesian or Singaporeans or other white nations or even Indian from India, not even China also for their people to come here and straight away be the government.
As said, if Jews are foreigners, don't the Arabs are? It is YOUR turn to give me your sources to prove your claim!
That is not fair. The government should consists of the citizens not immigrants.
It is not fair not because of Jews are immigrants because Arabs are also immigrants moreover ILLEGAL one without approval and permit from the British government.
coming after Sonny once I get home... |
Shame to the Arabs & Americans.
why shame to americans when its americans whos feedin israel with billions of arms to genocide PALESTINIANS n rape PALESTINE?
Common sense tells you if Jews remained in Europe they would be in even greater fear right? Why? Because there happen Holocaust in Germany, Poland, Austria... at least in Palestine they are under British & UN supervision & protection. Right? Sonny right?
now ure talkin. in otherwords, europe, forked tongue britain, jewish america, the world dont want no jews in their countries. right? so they conviently dump jews in PALESTINE so that they dont feel that guilty. right? while imported jews r under british n un supervision n protection, whos gonna protect n supervise the rape of PALESTINIANS by imported jews? intelligent response now. no wiggle waggle.
Yes. I know. I understand. However, it does not prove anything to support your claim that they wanted to persecute Palestinian Arabs. Right? At the time when Jews are experiencing Holocaust by the millions, they are in fear. Surely, they would not want another Holocaust elsewhere on them. Thus, Zionists had to convince them of a threatless place. Is Arabs that clean? Arabs never embellish matters to their advantage or to advance something?
agin ure talkin. now u admit zionist wanna convince imported jews that PALESTINE poses no threat to no one. right? yet u said imported jews r fearful of PALESTINIANS, that PALESTINIANS cause atrocities etc. right? wot rot. read
The record of Israeli terrorism goes back to the origins of the state - indeed, long before - including the massacre of 250 civilians and brutal expulsion of seventy thousand others from Lydda and Ramle in July 1948; the massacre of hundreds of others at the undefended village of Doueimah near Hebron in October 1948;...the slaughters in Quibya, Kafr Kassem, and a string of other assassinated villages; the expulsion of thousands of Bedouins from the demilitarized zones shortly after the 1948 war and thousands more from northeastern Sinai in the early 1970's, their villages destroyed, to open the region for Jewish settlement; and on, and on." Noam Chomsky, "Blaming The Victims," ed. Said and Hitchens.
I have no idea why you disagree with this one. It seems to me you're in disagreement with whatever words spoken out of Jews/Zionists/Israeli Jews. Simply faggot!
where me said me disagree? where? thats exactly zionists did. right? they said PALESTINE is uninhabited, thats its wasteland. butt when they couldnt hide the HARDfact that PALESTINE is populated, zionist said the PALESTINIANS neglect PALESTINE. right? hence imported jews r forced to rape PALESTINE afterall its neglected. right? shame on u for twistin HARDfacts to suit ur forked tongue bigot faggot retarded mentality
It is a fact known to you that Palestine is an under-developed territory. It is a known fact to you that Palestine is in dire need of people. Extremely lacking population. What's wrong?! Everything is wrong with you!
so wot if PALESTINE is underpopulated underdevelop? who beg imported jews to rape PALESTINIANS for causin PALESTINE to be underdeveloped underpopulated? hahhh? am waitin
Palestinian natives=Muslim Arabs, Christian Arabs and Jews. These 3 are natives of Palestine or Palistina since Roman times! Imported Jews right? Imported Arabs also right? Idiot! Get that into your bonehead!
the HARDfact remains its the drastic influx of imported jews that force arabs to import emselves or is it high birthrate?
Finally Sonny. I must admit. This really is something new to me. I never read anything about this calling for Palestinian Arabs to leave. I'll check it out.
like it or not thats the HARDtruth for at the end of the day, PALESTINIANS r being raped merciless by imported jews/israel. its all over the media
Again, what is wrong with British who govern Palestine giving away nationality of that turf? If Palestine is to be independent, it need people. Even 1.6 million people is too damn few. British are not stupid like you. If you grant independence to Palestine with too few a population, it would be grabbed by someone else. As proven, Jordan took Palestine!
wot nationality bein given by the british? british nationality or PALESTINIAN nationality? Irrespective PALESTINIAN population is damn few or damn many, its not for britian to let imported jews rape PALESTINE right? as u can c, nuthin is solved. The rape goes on. Do u like to be raped as wot imported jews did to the PALESTINIANS?
What is unavoidable? They are paranoid to say the least! They themselves are immigrants. At least we see that Jews are coming with approval & permission from the person-in-charge whereas the Arabs are swarming in like Red Indon illegal immigrants into Malaysia!
the HARDbottomline is forked tongue Britain n jewish usa let imported jews rape PALESTINIANS be they majority muslims, christians, jews etc. n u support such rape. right? pathetic
5 Arab nations + 1 Palestine attacks Israel is called termite. They are for destruction of Israel whereas Israel just chase them back! Your bigotry shows all over. Disgusting!
o yes its termite compared to superpower jewish usa billions worth of arms donation to israel. read. this is no zulu period where mass is might. its wot weapons u have. dont pretend u dunno. thats right imported jews/israel have chased PALESTINIANS back. N its all bcoz forked tongue britain n jewish americans let imported jews rape PALESTINIANS merciless. only forked tongue bigot faggot dont c that
Since President Truman recognized the state of Israel in 1948, the United States has been Israel's most supportive ally. Since 1950, the United States has provided more than $46 billion dollars in grant military aid to Israel, a sum that outstrips military aid to Egypt, America' s next largest beneficiary, by at least $20 billion. Israel has also received many billions more in grant 'economic' aid, loans for military purchases, and used American armaments.
continue :hmm: |
Originally posted by Adm_Cheng_Ho at 25-3-2004 18:09:
United Nation is the succession of League of Nation.
I thought you said Sonny's sources are RELIABLE. He made quite a lot of quite using United Nation's articles. If you wanted to den ...
coming after sonny~~???? Who is the British to decide who is the locals when they themselves are europeans?????
[ Last edited by ariyamusafir on 25-3-2004 at 06:53 PM ] |
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