hah tampal la slalu..... nak tahu jugak ceta2 kat brunei...
kesian eh pakcik ni, tapi ni smua dugaan, dia nak gi semayang magrib tu :tq:
anyway siot aje drebar2 tu eh?
apsal dorang takut nak brake? kat brunei, driver cam gini kena pukul tak ngan orang awam sebelum polis sampai? tu kot dia takut??
tapi kalo takde valid reason kenapa dorang tak brake, mampos la kat akhirat nanti, nak jawab apa siot...:malu::malu: kat dunia bleh lari, kat akhirat jawab la pelan2 :malu::malu: |
len kali kalu ada berita2 best, aku tampal kat sini eh:cak::cak:
hapa raa driver2 tu.. kalu tak sengaja, bole mintak maaf.. ni lari plak.. baboon betul:kant:
a few months back ada jugak citer, a woman guna mobile phone masa driving, then terlanggar 2 org budak sekolah.. budak2 tu meninggal![](static/image/smiley/default/sad.gif) .. kalu tak silap, pon hit and run.. |
Originally posted by seafoamgreen at 22-1-2005 07:25 PM:
len kali kalu ada berita2 best, aku tampal kat sini eh:cak::cak:
hapa raa driver2 tu.. kalu tak sengaja, bole mintak maaf.. ni lari plak.. baboon betul:kant:
a few months back ada jugak citer ...
is it?? tak baik eh... pompuang lagi?? mesti dia sampai bila2 dihantui bayangan apa dia buat.:nyorok:
betul cakap ko, kalo salah tak salah terima je hukuman dunia.... |
Originally posted by deaf4ever at 22-1-2005 07:37 PM:
is it?? tak baik eh... pompuang lagi?? mesti dia sampai bila2 dihantui bayangan apa dia buat.:nyorok:
betul cakap ko, kalo salah tak salah terima je hukuman dunia....
takut nya:geram:.. mesti rasa guilty seumur hidup.. tapi benda2 macam ni, very sensitip.. ni pon aku dengar dari mulut2 yg cerita kat aku.. |
matz_rockz This user has been deleted
how do people live with such guilt ???
nanti balasan tak kena dorang...tapi terkena their own kids....
then they will feel the pain... |
Monday, 24, January, 2005 (13, Dhul Hijjah, 1425)
8 Killed in Madinah Floods
Two days of heavy rains cut off many villages in Madinah region. (AN photo by Yousif Muhammad)
MADINAH, 24 January 2005 |
ustaz abu bakar hashim meninggal.. sedihnya aku.. aku suka dia masa kursus rumahtangga.. cool man.. :cry: |
Originally posted by Browneyes at 24-1-2005 08:01 PM:
ustaz abu bakar hashim meninggal.. sedihnya aku.. aku suka dia masa kursus rumahtangga.. cool man.. :cry:
hari ni ye??
sakit apa?
time hari2 tashrik ye |
Originally posted by deaf4ever at 24-1-2005 20:09:
hari ni ye??
sakit apa?
time hari2 tashrik ye
ya hari ni.. tadi kat berita di suria.. tak salah dengar sakit barah.. barah apa dorang tak cakap.. menangis aku sekejap.. dia best ah bila kasi nasihat.. cool aje.. |
Originally posted by Browneyes at 24-1-2005 10:45 PM:
ya hari ni.. tadi kat berita di suria.. tak salah dengar sakit barah.. barah apa dorang tak cakap.. menangis aku sekejap.. dia best ah bila kasi nasihat.. cool aje..
satu satu gitu eh, generasi lama punya orang2 bijak pandai agama meninggal...
very the sedih ![](static/image/smiley/default/sad.gif) |
Originally posted by Browneyes at 24-1-2005 10:45 PM:
ya hari ni.. tadi kat berita di suria.. tak salah dengar sakit barah.. barah apa dorang tak cakap.. menangis aku sekejap.. dia best ah bila kasi nasihat.. cool aje..
innallillahi rajiiun.. al fatihah ... |
MANTAN presiden Mahkamah Syariah, Haji Abu Bakar Hashim, meninggal dunia selepas subuh di Hospital Raffles semalam, setelah dirawat kerana mengalami perulangan barah perut sejak Selasa lalu.
Menurut anak sulung Allahyarham, Encik Mohammad Adil, penyakit ayahnya itu dikesan kira-kira lebih setahun lalu.
'Kami sangka kami mempunyai sedikit masa lagi untuk bersamanya, namun sudah takdir Tuhan menentukan kepergiannya,' ujar Encik Mohammad Adil, 35 tahun.
Majlis Ugama Islam Singapura (Muis), dalam satu ucapan takziah kepada keluarga Allahyarham, berkata:
'Kepergian Allahyarham merupakan satu kehilangan besar bagi masyarakat Islam kerana sumbangan besarnya kepada masyarakat dan negara.'
Allahyarham, 70 tahun, dilantik sebagai presiden Mahkamah Syariah dalam 1984 dan memegang jawatan itu selama 10 tahun.
Beliau, yang juga pernah menjadi pendaftar di Pejabat Pendaftaran Pernikahan, menjadi anggota majlis tertinggi Muis dari 1995 hingga 2001.
Antara sumbangan terbesar dan berkekalan Allahyarham ialah pengenalan kursus bimbingan rumah tangga yang kini diwajibkan bagi setiap pasangan Islam yang hendak mendirikan rumah tangga.
Pada 1994, Allahyarham diberikan Anugerah Jasa Cemerlang, iaitu anugerah tertinggi Muis kepada anggota masyarakat Islam yang menyumbang dengan cemerlang kepada masyarakat.
Solat jenazah bagi Allahyarham diadakan semalam di Masjid An-Nur, masjid yang beliau pernah terajui selaku pengerusinya.
Mufti, Syed Isa Semait, menjadi imam solat jenazah, yang turut disertai Menteri Bertanggungjawab bagi Ehwal Masyarakat Islam, Dr Yaacob Ibrahim, dan beberapa Anggota Parlimen Islam.
Dr Yaacob berkata: 'Allahyarham seorang tokoh yang telah banyak memberi sumbangan dari segi agama dan kemasyarakatan kepada masyarakat Islam Singapura.'
Syed Isa pula berkata: 'Allahyarham telah memberi khidmat yang tidak pernah terputus kepada masyarakat sepanjang hayatnya.'
Allahyarham meninggalkan seorang balu, Hajah Esah Ahmad, 63 tahun, dan enam orang anak. |
korang nengok kengkawan...
hidup bleh berubah sekelip mata, nyonya ni dulu bawak mercedez benz, skali kat orchard dia langgar mat salleh....
then kena gi court, keluarga mat salleh tu mintak claim...
skarang nyonya ni kena bayar $2.1 Juta kat keluarga mat salleh tu...
$2.1juta mana nak cekau??
Jan 25, 2005
Woman told to pay $2.1m to millionaire's widow
By Tracy Sua and Benjamin Ho
SHE has tried to put behind her the time she ran over a millionaire jogger dashing across the road. But when she does think of the accident, Madam To Keng Lam told The Straits Times yesterday, she remembers one thing clearly: 'The traffic lights were green.'
PARTLY TO BLAME: Madam To, who now works at a car wash, knocked down an American businessman. -- CHEW SENG KIM
What is also clear is that the man, American real estate broker Henry Adolphus Lassiter, 48, suddenly ran in front of her car outside Goodwood Park Hotel in Scotts Road.
Still, on Jan 10, Justice Woo Bih Li ruled that Madam To, who now works at a car wash at a Whitley Road petrol station, would have to pay the man's widow US$1.3 million (S$2.1 million) over 10 years.
Insurance companies described the sum as 'exceptionally large' and 'uncommon' for motor accidents.
The decision comes more than 10 years after the accident happened. During that period, the court decided 45 per cent of the fault was Madam To's and 55 per cent, Mr Lassiter's.
However, the problem was determining what that percentage should translate to in compensation. It hinged on his financial worth and assets.
The accident happened at 6.30am on May 9, 1994. Madam To says she was taking her son to school in her Mercedes-Benz when she spotted the businessman crossing.
She slammed on the brakes but hit him. He catapulted onto her bonnet and hit his head on the windscreen, cracking it. He died on the spot from head injuries.
In 1997, his wife, Mrs Ann Masters Lassiter, then 48, sued Madam To for damages for herself and her four children, in their teens and 20s.
She claimed almost US$70 million for loss of inheritance. This was dismissed as Singapore's laws do not allow victims of accidents to claim for years of lost income.
She also claimed for loss of support, saying her husband's sudden death had been 'economically disastrous'.
At the time of his death, the entrepreneur, in town for business, was running a timber brokerage and had a start-up designing computer modems, making millions.
According to American news reports, he was listed in 1988 as one of the city's 100 richest people by the Atlanta Business Chronicle. By 1991 though, he had filed for bankruptcy. He had been trying to make a comeback since then.
An expert estimated he had left behind an estate worth almost US$40 million.
Looking at Mrs Lassiter's annual expenses and other factors, Justice Woo decided on US$130,000 annual compensation.
He noted the businessman was unlikely to have turned things around, but conceded that he would probably have worked until he was 70. So it was 'fair' Mrs Lassiter be provided for for 10 years.
Madam To's lawyer, Senior Counsel Quentin Loh, said that all the damages would be paid by her insurers, Aviva Insurance.
Neither Aviva, nor Mrs Lassiter, who lives in Georgia, could be contacted for comment. |
merepeklah.. sampai nak kena bayar $2.1 million.. dia ingat duit tu mcm duit monopoly ke.. really out of sense..![](static/image/smiley/default/mad.gif) |
hah ni contoh paling best...
main tipu tak selamat, nak nak kalo makan duit cara haram ![](static/image/smiley/default/sad.gif) ![](static/image/smiley/default/sad.gif)
dah bertahun2, pung bleh pecah rahsia.
Jan 25, 2005
Community leader convicted of fake-death scam
He conspired with sister-in-law to cheat insurance companies
By Selina Lum
A PROMINENT Ceylon Tamil community leader, businessman and Public Service Medal winner was yesterday found guilty of tricking three insurance companies out of a total of $331,340 by helping his brother fake his own death 16 years ago.
CONVICTED OF CONSPIRACY: Moganaruban helped his sister-in-law visit her husband after his 'death'.
S. Moganaruban, the executive chairman of thrift and loan society Telecoms Credit Cooperative, was convicted on three charges of conspiracy with his brother S. Gandaruban, whose whereabouts are unknown, and sister-in-law Renuga Devi Sinnaduray, who was jailed for one year in May for her role in the scam.
The 53-year-old looked stunned as the verdict was delivered in a courtroom packed with about 30 friends, employees and family members, including his wife and Gandaruban's three daughters.
After court was adjourned, many wept openly while others went up to Moganaruban, still sitting wordlessly in the dock, to pat him on the back.
Bail for the Ceylon Sports Club vice-president and Sri Senpaga Vinayagar Temple committee chairman was upped from $300,000 to $400,000 pending his sentencing.
THE 'DEAD' MAN: Gandaruban's whereabouts are still unknown.
Gandaruban fled to Sri Lanka around the end of 1987 to escape creditors after his car rental business foundered.
A few months later, he arranged for a death certificate to be sent to Singapore, stating that he had been killed on Oct 21, 1987, during a gunfight between government soldiers and Tamil Tiger rebels in the troubled region of Jaffna.
The deception was exposed in 2003 by disgraced former lawyer R. Yogendran, who had been privy to the scam when he acted for Gandaruban after his 'death'.
Renuga testified during the trial last year that Moganaruban had played a key role in the deception, saying he had kept the three insurance policies at his flat, brought documents for her to sign and taken her to sign an affidavit before the Commissioner for Oaths swearing that her husband was dead.
She claimed he also took her and her children to Johor Baru regularly to meet Gandaruban for weekends a year after his supposed death.
WIFE IN JAIL: Renuga was jailed for a year in May for her role in the scam.
Moganaruban also bought her air tickets to visit Gandaruban in Sri Lanka in 1993, where she remarried him under his new name. In 1996, she gave birth to their fourth child in Singapore. It was the child's DNA that proved beyond doubt that Gandaruban was not dead.
The insurance money had been deposited in an account under Renuga and Moganaruban's names, though both claim they never pocketed any of it.
Renuga said that, on her husband's instructions, Moganaruban had given her only $1,000 a month as living expenses and eventually cut her off completely.
At his trial, which began last October, Moganaruban pleaded ignorance, saying he believed at the time that his brother had died.
He only discovered his brother was alive in 1998, he said.
In his closing submissions, Deputy Public Prosecutor Paul Chia urged the court not to believe the picture Moganaruban had painted of himself as an unsuspecting dupe.
The DPP noted that Moganaruban, then a technician earning less than $3,000 a month, had continued to support Renuga and her three children, even though she was supposedly sitting on a $330,000 insurance payout.
In his defence, Moganaruban suggested his sister-in-law had ulterior motives for implicating him and called on one of her estranged children to testify against her.
District Judge Kow Keng Siong is expected to pass sentence on Jan 31 after hearing Moganaruban's mitigation plea.
He faces a maximum jail term of seven years and a fine on each charge.
S. MOGANARUBAN, a prominent Ceylon Tamil community leader and businessman, is
A Public Service Medal winner
Executive chairman of thrift and loan society Telecoms Credit Cooperative
Ceylon Sports Club vice-president
Sri Senpaga Vinayagar Temple committee chairman
The 53-year-old was convicted on three charges of conspiracy with his brother S. Gandaruban and sister-in-law Renuga Devi Sinnaduray to trick three insurance companies out of a total of $331,340 by faking Gandaruban's death 16 years ago.
Bail was upped from to $400,000 pending sentencing.
Deception went on for more than a decade
1987: S. Gandaruban leaves Singapore for Britain, then travels to Sri Lanka
October 1987: Gandaruban said to have died in Jaffna
December 1987: His wife Renuga Devi Sinnaduray claims to have visited him in Sri Lanka with their three children
1988: Gandaruban asks Renuga to help him fake his death. Death certificate filed in Singapore.
1988-1989: Renuga says brother-in-law S. Moganaruban drove her and the children several times to Johor Baru to see Gandaruban
1989: Insurance companies pay out a total of $331,340.95, deposited into a joint account under Renuga and Moganaruban's names
1993: Renuga and the three children visit Gandaruban, who has now assumed a new identity, in Sri Lanka
1994: Renuga and Gandaruban remarry in Sri Lanka
1995: Renuga becomes pregnant with fourth child by Gandaruban
1998: Gandaruban returns to Singapore to celebrate his 50th birthday with his family under his new name
2003: Gandaruban's scam exposed by former lawyer R. Yogendran, who had been sentenced to 4 1/2 years in jail in 1994 for separate offences
2004: Renuga jailed for one year for her role in the scam
2005: Moganaruban convicted of cheating |
Originally posted by chicsee at 25-1-2005 03:05 PM:
memang betul....yang kaya makin kaya...
pasal these people ada resources untuk pasang the best lawyers....
dapatkan advisers..
cam orang2 biasa, kita kadang2 tak tahu kita punya rights...
kalo tahu pun, bila fikir balik pasal cost nak pakai lawyer, tak jadi...
tak pun, diam aje anggap ni sebagai cobaan dan dugaan... |
Originally posted by dilah21 at 25-1-2005 03:05 PM:
wooh.. realli huge sum ... ![](static/image/smiley/default/sad.gif)
lama jgk eh..10 yrs..
tu la, mana nak cekau duit $2 juta in 10 years
ni arahan mahkamah , jadi kena ikut. |
Originally posted by deaf4ever at 25-1-2005 03:03 PM:
hah ni contoh paling best...
main tipu tak selamat, nak nak kalo makan duit cara haram ![](static/image/smiley/default/sad.gif) ![](static/image/smiley/default/sad.gif)
dah bertahun2, pung bleh pecah rahsia.
Jan 25, 2005
Community leader convicted of ...
ha'ah ckp kes ni.. dari court aku.. smlm si accused was being convicted.. next monday.. baru boss aku sentence dia.. |
Originally posted by SweetCandy at 25-1-2005 03:27 PM:
ha'ah ckp kes ni.. dari court aku.. smlm si accused was being convicted.. next monday.. baru boss aku sentence dia..
mesti kena sikit je kot....
nanti cakap la " ooo dia community leader, ooo dia dapat pingat kerajaan " bla bla bla...
kalo aku, full maximum kat alcatraz prison nf: |
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Category: Negeri & Negara