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Author: jpl_fan

!real madrid !what?! manyooo?!

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Post time 26-4-2011 09:50 AM | Show all posts
pepe ramos arbeloa arbiol ada...tpi tk skental cavalho...

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 Author| Post time 26-4-2011 09:48 PM | Show all posts
tuh main ngn tim B rm...kalo main ngn tim A tk tau brapa byak gol valencia bolos
ingat ke game ...
sarajevo Post at 24-4-2011 19:23

aku rasa jose pun tak bajet senang nak score camnie

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 Author| Post time 26-4-2011 09:49 PM | Show all posts
the fact remains.. belum tentu dia stay kat madrass... org citer pasal player home grown p ...
Nesta13 Post at 24-4-2011 23:49

ntah..aku pun tak tau naper aku off topic...

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 Author| Post time 26-4-2011 09:50 PM | Show all posts
mcm pnh dgr nama tu...kawan aku tu  
kenapa? dia marah ramos ka
bbkss Post at 25-4-2011 08:31

idok laa...dia add aku ..dah lama daa..aku dlm proses mendelete org yg aku tak kenal...dah dia pun senyap jaa

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 Author| Post time 26-4-2011 09:51 PM | Show all posts
tahniah abe Kaka...

isabella.. cun nama...
Nesta13 Post at 25-4-2011 09:00

bak kata kaka kali....leh laa isabella nie kawen ngan anak mkk nanti

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 Author| Post time 26-4-2011 09:56 PM | Show all posts
aku tertido lak time game ngan Valencia...

tgk Angel Di Maria takde...

Pepe,Marcelo,Ronaldo,Ri ...
kazuaki_01 Post at 26-4-2011 00:33

erkk...carvalho main laa

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Post time 26-4-2011 11:18 PM | Show all posts
pepe ramos arbeloa arbiol ada...tpi tk skental cavalho...
sarajevo Post at 26-4-2011 09:50

cavalho ni antara defend paling 'nakal' kat EPL dulu.suka sgt ketuk kepala pemain lawan time mourinho kat chelsea dulu.

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Post time 27-4-2011 05:30 PM | Show all posts
mcm nak kalah ker tim ni..

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Post time 27-4-2011 06:24 PM | Show all posts
abih ler...refree katanye pakai jersey barca...huge fan of messiah...

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Post time 27-4-2011 07:10 PM | Show all posts
erkk...carvalho main laa
jpl_fan Post at 26-4-2011 21:56

raul main kan?

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 Author| Post time 27-4-2011 10:36 PM | Show all posts
setiap kali lawan barca mmg aku nervous...takut seh...mng kalah mmg adat permainan...andai kata real kalah lawan barca, tak per laa...aku redha...utk aku dah ckp bagus main kat semi final ngan squad muda nie...bangga seh..kalo jose keep on jd coach, insya Allah ader harapan in future...

aku tau ramai tak suka ngan tactic real madrid...ader yg bising main parking bus laa..tuu laa nie laa..aku tak paham satuu jaaa...mmg real bina tembok besar takkan laaa 4 peluru...messi...villa...ibrahim affelay ..iniesta ngan xavi tak leh tembus kot...time real counter attack leh jer barca curi bola and score kan? naper tak leh? pique sendiri pun naik atas nak real kat copa busan ker? utk aku seyes tak busan...mcm commentator ckp mmg nerve recking...tiap kali real attack or barca attack...

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Post time 27-4-2011 11:06 PM | Show all posts
uhhh....x sabo dah nak tengok pagi satgi...
aku harap madrid akan turunkan kaka n higuain sebab gandingan diorang sangat menjadi time lawan valencia baru2 ni. lawan barca memang pada aku 50-50 skang. harap messi x perform, itu je.... kalau die perform xde sape dalam dunia ni leh sekat die...
n of course aku harap star2 madrid perform la, terutama CR...utk maria, jgn le ko asyik buang bola je nanti...

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Post time 28-4-2011 05:29 AM | Show all posts
dah la game mula2 tak menarik langsung..
asal foul je player dua2 team kerumun kt referee..
alves plak mmg bly mng oscar...rasanye pepe xde la angkat kaki tinggi sgt n soft touch je kt alves, skali meraung nmpk cm injured teruk..kene usung kejap je terus men blk smpi full-time..
messi wpun skor dua bijik, tp byk berlakon gak n byk emo..dpt skor pn pas pepe kne sent-off..
after game, uefa banned all manager n player from media interview..referee kne tutup ngn shield masa nk kuar pdg..n alonso almost sent off after the match..
2nd leg real xde pepe, ramos n mayb alonso...nmpk cm barca mmg da bly gi wembley nih...arap2 mourinho tak guna la adebahaya ni..bek gune kaka n higuain..sian ronaldo xdpt byk bola akibat di maria byk men keling



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Post time 28-4-2011 05:30 AM | Show all posts
dah la game mula2 tak menarik langsung..
asal foul je player dua2 team kerumun kt referee..
alves plak mmg bly mng oscar...rasanye pepe xde la angkat kaki tinggi sgt n soft touch je kt alves, skali meraung nmpk cm injured teruk..kene usung kejap je terus men blk smpi full-time..
messi wpun skor dua bijik, tp byk berlakon gak n byk emo..dpt skor pn pas pepe kne sent-off..
after game, uefa banned all manager n player from media interview..referee kne tutup ngn shield masa nk kuar pdg..n alonso almost sent off after the match..
2nd leg real xde pepe, ramos n mayb alonso...nmpk cm barca mmg da bly gi wembley nih...arap2 mourinho tak guna la adebahaya ni..bek gune kaka n higuain..sian ronaldo xdpt byk bola akibat di maria byk men keling

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 Author| Post time 28-4-2011 05:32 AM | Show all posts
hahahaha..baik aku comment sblm aku gi keje..kang org ckp aku nyorok plak...wakakakkaaka

well....congrats to all barca's players and staff...and to pep g too..ur mission mmg dah successfull...

and referee too....hahahaha...

well...for those yg tak suka comment aku..jgn bace...senang kan?

my observation from the game pg td....

yup..real main ngan defensive midfielders and so do game lebih berhati hati....real main without benzema...higuain and kaka...adebayor yg duk kat bench...and carvalho plak kena suspend....barca plak main without iniesta....
real duk main long pass...mmg hampeh...susah giler mkk nak main as a striker biler duk dpt long pass jaa...
villa...messi..pedro mmg senyap....lassana diarra mmg has done a good job by marking messi..aku ramos plak collect yellow card yg leh watkan dia tak dpt nak main utk 2nd leg...

habis first half...gk simpanan barca kena red card...cari gaduh ngan player real sblm masuk tunnel...then 2nd half, ozil out...adebayor masuk...and barca hampir semua attack...skali ngan puyol ngan keita naik atas...pastu real counter attack ngan adebayor and baru aku paham tactic jose...biar barca semua attack..biler kosong, real counter attack...

but everything changed once pepe has been sent it fair red card? hell no! yellow card? maybe...but player2 barca mmg bagus dlm mempengaruhi referee...alves? tak yah ckp...mcm kaki dia dah patah jer..siap kena usung pastu main okay plak...tak der plak kena sidelined utk 3-4 bulan...wakakakaka...biler pepe tak changed...jose tak puas hati ngan referee's dia pun kena kick out duk ngan biler pepe tak der, lass hilang focus...messi bermaharajalela....defence mmg hancur laa ngan ketiadaan carvalho...and saper tak kenal messi...biler dah defense mcm ayam, senang jerlaa dia nak menyelit utk score 2 goals!....and this is why...aku again and again ckp..messi is far far better than offense cr7, walaupun aku dah mula suka kat ko kat real, nampak perubahan messi tetap di hati....wakakakaka

so pastu per lg...real madrid sentuh player barca jer, player barca dah bising...terus serbu2 refereee...except in 1 case..marcelo! aku tak tau dia sengaja pijak pedro ataupun tak dia pijak kaki kanan pedro angkat kaki kiri plak...pelik tp benar okay...messi plak wat foul, tp dikecualikan dpt yellow...why? tanyer referee...

lastly, aku tak paham naper jose tak kuarkan de maria and masukkan garay..he can simply did that kalo dia nak game end ngan dia tak wat...siap kasi notes suh jgn wat any changes....

2nd leg? aku tak tau nak comment pepe...ramos...2 important defenders tak da...kalo real dpt score more than barca, alhamdulillah laa..kalo tak? tak per...better luck next time...this time real dah sampai semi..who knows next season sampai final...

but trust me...ramai sgt yg anti real tak nampak per pep g wat..dia wat mind games sblm game...kutuk referee sblm game...duk pot pet pot pet b4 ader saper2 kecoh? ader saper2 nampak tak? kalo terbace kat pun semua wat tak tau...kan...kan..kan...

sekian sajerlaa ulasan saya pasal game nie...



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 Author| Post time 28-4-2011 05:39 AM | Show all posts
dah la game mula2 tak menarik langsung..
asal foul je player dua2 team kerumun kt referee..
alves  ...
ryosakazaki Post at 28-4-2011 05:30

erkk...alonso kena red card ker? ko biar btl...yg aku pasan dia gi kat referee and bising2...

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Post time 28-4-2011 06:30 AM | Show all posts
erkk...alonso kena red card ker? ko biar btl...yg aku pasan dia gi kat referee and bising2...; ...
jpl_fan Post at 28-4-2011 05:39

silap...tak kene..just hampir nak kene..die blah cepat2 pas tgk ref cm nk seluk poket..hehehe

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Post time 28-4-2011 06:31 AM | Show all posts

Jose Mourinho responded to Pepe's soft red card in the 61st minute of Real Madrid and Barcelona's Champions League semifinal first leg tie by winking at the officials and sarcastically applauding the decision. Which got him sent off, as well. So, having made his point then and there, he of course left it at that and congratulated Barcelona after then went on to win 2-0 thanks to the man advantage and Lionel Messi's brilliance. Except, he didn't.

Once UEFA's momentary ban on both teams talking to the press after match was lifted, Jose had a teeny tiny verbal meltdown filled with sweeping accusations and doomsday rhetoric. From Soccernet:

"The return game is mission impossible,'' he told the press after the game. ''Barcelona has qualified for the final. Sometimes I feel disgusted about this football world of ours. Yes, we have already been knocked out.

''We had the intention to keep the game at 0-0, then bring on a striker, then a third phase with a No. 10 behind three forwards. But the ref didnt allow it.''

Jose then switched the focus to the conspiracy theories that have surrounded Barcelona's success in the Champions League in recent years. Didier Drogba's ears surely perked up as he invoked the Tom Henning Ovrebo controversy of their Champions League semifinal against Chelsea in 2009.

''I would be ashamed if I was Barca how they won Champions League in 2009,'' he said. ''It was the scandal of Stamford Bridge. This is the scandal of the Bernabeu.

"I don't know if it's because of Villar, the UNICEF publicity or what, but I don't understand why this keeps happening. No one has any chance against Barca. Where does all this power come from? To win like this is very nasty.

"What did I say to the referee? Nothing, I just laughed. If I say what I feel now, my career ends. I just wonder why."

When Mourinho says that "no one has any chance against Barca," he seems to be forgetting his own Champions League success against them with Inter last season. Then again, it's hard to keep track of things like that when you're in the midst of a blind rage.


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Post time 28-4-2011 06:48 AM | Show all posts
abih ler...refree katanye pakai jersey barca...huge fan of messiah...
sarajevo Post at 27-4-2011 18:24

udah ku bilang...

lesson 4 2day...bila kna foul team mates cpat2 g kerumun refree...provoke refree...
untung2  opponent dpt red card..busuk2 yellow card...

boring lak aku nengok rm main...too defensive...mkk pon cm sntap...tkde back-up from team mates kt dpn sana...
aku rasa mkk pon cm tk stuju ngn taktik jm kali nih...
heran gak aku dgn jm nih...main home game patutnye all out...1st half rm nampak blh mkan barca...
barca pon cm brhati2 sgt masa 1st half...
...aku pass ko...ko pass aku...aku pass ko...ko pass aku...aku pass ko...
lama2 aku pon ZZZZzzzzzzZZZZZZZzzzzzzzz...

rm dh tinggal 10 org...yg kna buang padang pepe yg dok mark messi...
so kurang cerdik ler messi kalo dia tk ambik pluang n score...
lass mmang lost trus bla pepe tkde...bila dh dpt rebut bola frm lwn...
tk pandai plak nk feed bola kt team mates ngn tpat...
games lpas2 pon cm nih gak kalo dia start...
ozil kali nih he choked big time...kalo tk improve fitness level dia...
kaka will take over his spot...jadi bench warmer  next season...
d maria....not good either...
alonso almost dpt kad drp mr stark ujung2 tdi...
kaka n least jm give them a try...these 2 are way better then adebayor...
harapkn tinggi tpi foot speed kurang...
congrats barca....kali nih  brjaya lagi...dgn bntuan mr stark n so called award winning actors...

next leg ramos tkde...pepe mayb dok dlm d game is as good as over...
so rm can say adios 2 CL final
final....ManU vs Barca...unless miracles happen...(tkde maknanye)...



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 Author| Post time 28-4-2011 07:12 AM | Show all posts
udah ku bilang...

lesson 4 2day...bila kna foul team mates cpat2 g kerumun refree...p ...
sarajevo Post at 28-4-2011 06:48

next week kiter leh tgk game barca-real mcm tgk wayang..relax...tak der salahnyer kalo jose come out with benzema...higuain...kaka and ozil....aku rasa ozil tuu perform biler ader striker kat dpn...dia tak leh ngam kalo ronaldo amik role no 9...hahahhaha...

ko ckp pepe mark messi..aku ckp lass..hahaha...tak kisah laa saper2... yg penting pas pepe out mmg messi bermahajalela..and aku setuju giler..mmg busan giler biler barca duk pass jer...bnyk gak backpass...real pun tak try nak rampas..aku bajet jose nak draw 0-0 jer...and main2 btl kat nou camp...attacking wise tak menjadi plan dia...agaknyer dia pun tak bajet kot pepe kena red card...

mkk pun dah bising ngan cara defensive kalo tidak sebab jose, ader dia leh dpt copa hari tu? time mng, suka...biler kalah bising...wth cr7!..biler ko score ko puji2 tactic jose...biler tak..ko bising plak...hahahaha..sakit hati sebab messi score kot...

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