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Author: aseela

Brad ♥ Angie dan 6 kids lagi

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Post time 24-6-2013 05:40 PM | Show all posts
Mel007 posted on 24-6-2013 10:30 AM
kalau sapa2 dh tgk World War Z kan.. dalam filem tu nampak sangat Brad sayang family n very protecti ...

Mel.. betul ke ada selit pasal israel palestine punya issue dlm citer tu? Aku terbaca kawan aku punya komen kat FB ... slack kat situ jek katanya ..

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Post time 24-6-2013 09:09 PM | Show all posts
Mel007 posted on 23-6-2013 02:50 PM
Brad Pitt: Japanese Meal in Spain with Zahara & Shiloh!

Shiloh makan tangan kiri

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 Author| Post time 25-6-2013 10:31 AM | Show all posts
Angelina Jolie urges UN to end wartime rape in surprise Security Council appearance

Angelina Jolie has urged the UN to press for an end to rape as a weapon of war, in a surprise appearance in her role as Special Envoy, UN High Commissioner for Refugees. Picture: AFP

ACTOR Angelina Jolie has criticised UN Security Council powers for their lack of action over wartime rapes, invoking Syria and other conflicts in a surprise speech to the body.
Ambassadors from Russia, China, the US, France and Britain - bitterly divided over the Syria war - listened as Jolie said they should "show the determination'' to defend the hundreds of thousands of victims of sexual attacks in conflict.
"The world has yet to take up war zone rape as a serious priority,'' the actress said at a meeting organised by Britain as president of the council for June.
Jolie, getting into top gear lobbying again after undergoing a double mastectomy operation, appeared before the council after visiting refugee camps for Syrians in Jordan last week. Her presence was only announced just before the meeting.
She told the UN that she met a woman in Jordan who had been raped in Syria but was afraid to give her name because she feared she would be killed for speaking out.
Jolie also told how on another trip she had met the mother of a five year-old girl raped outside a police station in Goma in strife-torn eastern Democratic Republic of Congo.
Both were "victims of a culture of impunity'' because there have been only a "handful'' of prosecutions.

Jolie speaks with Najat Vallaud-Belkacem, Minister of Womens Rights and Government Spokesperson of France, before a UN Security Council meeting on Women and Peace and Security and Sexual Violence in Conflict  at UN headquarters in New York. Picture: AFP

"That is the sad, upsetting and indeed shameful reality.''
"I understand that there are many difficult things for the Security Council to agree on, but sexual violence in conflict should not be one of them,'' Jolie said.
"The UN Security Council must step in and provide leadership and assistance,'' she said.
"These crimes happen not because they are inherent to war but because the global community allows it.''
The council adopted a resolution which condemned the use of sexual violence in conflict. Britain's Foreign Secretary William Hague said he would be organising a new meeting on the topic at the UN General Assembly in September.


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 Author| Post time 25-6-2013 10:35 AM | Show all posts

By Michelle Nichols
UNITED NATIONS | Mon Jun 24, 2013 12:59pm EDT
(Reuters) - Actress Angelina Jolie urged the U.N. Security Council on Monday to make dealing with war zone rape a top priority as she shared stories of survivors she has met, including a Congolese mother whose 5-year-old daughter was raped outside a police station.

Oscar-winner Jolie, a special envoy for the U.N. Refugee Agency, told the council that it must shoulder its responsibility and provide leadership "for these crimes happen not because they are inherent to war, but because the global climate allows it."

"Young girls raped and impregnated before their bodies are able to carry a child, causing fistula," she told the debate on sexual violence in conflict which was organized by Britain, the president of the council for June.

"Boys held at gunpoint and forced to sexually assault their mothers and sisters. Women raped with bottles, wood branches and knives to cause as much damage as possible. Toddlers and even babies dragged from their homes, and violated," she said.

Jolie, who has visited refugee camps around the world, said that while there were hundreds of thousands of survivors of sexual violence there had only been a handful of prosecutions because the world had not made the issue a priority.

"They suffer the most at the hands of their rapists, but they are also victims of this culture of impunity. That is the sad, upsetting and indeed shameful reality," Jolie said.

Jolie visited a refugee camp last week in Jordan and told the council about meeting a Syrian woman who feared retaliation if she spoke out about the sexual violence she had suffered.


After Jolie spoke - along with U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and Ban's special envoy on sexual violence in conflict, Zainab Bangura, - the 15-member Security Council unanimously adopted a resolution recognizing that rape can exacerbate conflicts and impeded the restoration of peace and security.

The resolution "encourages members states to include the full range of crimes of sexual violence in national penal legislation to enable prosecution for such acts."

British Foreign Minister William Hague said that in conflicts around the world "rape is used systematically and ruthlessly, in the almost certain knowledge that there will be no consequences for the perpetrators."

Bangura told the council that almost two decades after peace was made in Bosnia impunity for crimes of sexual violence during the 1992-95 conflict meant that "for the survivors of sexual violence the war has not ended."

"While the perpetrators have enjoyed the fruits of peace and have been free to rebuild their lives, their victims continue to walk in shadow and shame, unable to lay the past to rest and to move forward."

Ban said the Security Council resolution sent a strong signal to perpetrators that their acts will no longer be tolerated and they will be held accountable.

He spoke about visiting a hospital in Goma in the Democratic Republic of Congo last month where he met women and girls raped and maimed by armed groups on all sides of the conflict.

"Many had a condition called traumatic fistula. In plain terms, they had been torn inside," Ban told the council. "Experiencing great pain and often unable to control bladder and bowels, they are disabled and often shunned by society."

Ban said the Congolese women were angry and had a clear message - "No more impunity. No more war. Give us peace."

(Reporting by Michelle Nichols; Editing by Paul Simao)

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 Author| Post time 25-6-2013 10:36 AM | Show all posts

Last edited by aseela on 25-6-2013 10:44 AM


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 Author| Post time 25-6-2013 10:38 AM | Show all posts

UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) special envoy actress Angelina Jolie (center) greets UN Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Sexual Violence in Conflict Zainab Bangura before a United Nations Security Council session on June 24.

Last edited by aseela on 25-6-2013 10:40 AM


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 Author| Post time 25-6-2013 10:53 AM | Show all posts


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 Author| Post time 25-6-2013 11:23 AM | Show all posts
Angelina Jolie and her son Pax arrived at JFK airport in NYC recently with a special (and familiar!) friend in tow.
The actress and Brad Pitt's 9-year-old was snapped carrying a giant purple stuffed animal as they traveled together.
Jolie, dressed in black pants, black shirt and sunglasses, walked alongside Pax through the airport as he carried his purple pal.
PHOTOS: World War Z movie pics
Pax looked fashionable in tan pants, dark shirt and coat and fedora hat.
This isn't the first time we've seen Pax with his fluffy friend. While landing down in South Korea for Pitt's World War Z premiere there the other week, Pax also held his stuffed animal close as they left the local airport.
Nothing like a soft toy to make those long flight more comfortable!


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Post time 25-6-2013 12:31 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Cantiknya angie

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 Author| Post time 25-6-2013 01:17 PM | Show all posts
Peya posted on 25-6-2013 12:31 PM
Cantiknya angie

cantik kan...dan sopan je...nampak tak kekok (again)...kat function formal


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Post time 25-6-2013 01:18 PM | Show all posts
bravo angie.. inilah dikatakan beauty with brain...bukan calang2 org yg berani bersuara di persidangan besar macam UN council meeting nih

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Post time 25-6-2013 01:32 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
aseela posted on 25-6-2013 01:17 PM
cantik kan...dan sopan je...nampak tak kekok (again)...kat function formal

Tula. Cantik sgt

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Post time 25-6-2013 02:20 PM | Show all posts
aseela posted on 25-6-2013 01:17 PM
cantik kan...dan sopan je...nampak tak kekok (again)...kat function formal

betul tu... berbeza sngt bila dia attend red carpet.. yang ni nampak dia more serius ttng topik yang dia sngt perihatin...


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Post time 25-6-2013 02:22 PM | Show all posts
aseela posted on 25-6-2013 11:23 AM
Angelina Jolie and her son Pax arrived at JFK airport in NYC recently with a special (and familiar!) ...

Tgk Mad, Pax n Knox.. mmg nampak sngt dorang terikut2 style Papa pitt nih ... ...santai n stylish je...


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Post time 25-6-2013 02:24 PM | Show all posts
opocot posted on 24-6-2013 05:40 PM
Mel.. betul ke ada selit pasal israel palestine punya issue dlm citer tu? Aku terbaca kawan aku pu ...

ha ah ada scenes tu sket time Brad g cari dr mana sumber si zombie ni dtg... but i pun termiss gak part tu sbb dok sibuk tgk zombies tgh menyerang hu


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 Author| Post time 26-6-2013 01:10 PM | Show all posts
opocot posted on 24-6-2013 05:40 PM
Mel.. betul ke ada selit pasal israel palestine punya issue dlm citer tu? Aku terbaca kawan aku pu ...

Israeli wall in Brad Pitt's 'World War Z' sparks questions
A scene from Paramount Pictures Canada's 'World War Z'

Published Tuesday, June 25, 2013 4:35PM EDT

NEW YORK -- Brad Pitt's "World War Z" imagines a world overrun by a zombie pandemic, leading to an unlikely new global power structure. Two of the few countries that have kept the zombies at bay are Israel, which shelters Israelis and Palestinians behind a wall, and North Korea, which has removed the teeth of its citizens to prevent zombie biting.
It's a curious portrait of geopolitics that's left some moviegoers scratching their heads. Is a wall of unity for both Jews and Muslims in Jerusalem an ironic commentary on the West Bank barrier being constructed by Israel alongside Palestine? Or a suggestion that a wall -- which resembles the Western Wall -- can be a positive force in the Middle East?
There's little time for rumination on such questions in "World War Z" before the next swarm of zombies attacks. Any whiff of foreign policy contemplation is snuffed out by the stampeding undead, who seem about as interested in politics as the average summer moviegoer.
But in their wake, some have questioned just what, exactly, "World War Z," is saying about Israel.
"Will (foreign moviegoers) conclude that the filmmakers (are) saying that Kim Jong-un and Benjamin Netanyahu are the wisest leaders in the world, except that Kim is a little bit wiser, because he's uncontaminated by humanitarian sentiments?" wrote Hendrik Hertzberg for The New Yorker. "North Koreans still have a few teeth in their heads, but Israel has already built a wall. Will foreign audiences, or potential audiences, interpret the film's message to be that the only thing wrong with the existing wall is that it's not sealed tight enough?"
The Los Angeles Times' Steven Zeitchik wrote: "In the context of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, a wall is a heavily fraught symbol. But here it turns into an instrument of . peace?"
Any murkiness is partly the result of the tortured, rewritten path to movie theatres taken by "World War Z," which opened last weekend in North America with a higher than expected $66.4 million at the box office and plans for a sequel.
The film is loosely based on Max Brooks' 2006 novel "World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie War." Modeled on Studs Terkel's Pulitzer Prize-winning "The Good War: An Oral History of World War II," Brooks' book is a collection of dispatches from around the globe years after a zombie outbreak.
Pitt's production company, Plan B, pursued the rights aggressively, winning them for $1 million over competing bidder Leonardo DiCaprio. But though Pitt was initially attracted to "World War Z" for its provocative hypothesizing of various nations' handling of a worldwide epidemic, the need for a more linear narrative soon took precedence.
After many rewrites over the course of years, much of the book was whittled away, eventually producing a film (the ending to which was reshot) with only cursory relation to the novel. Whereas the book deals centrally with geopolitical allegory, pieced together from multiple perspectives, the film is limited to the narrow viewpoint of one United Nations inspector (Pitt) trying to make sense of the catastrophe as its happening.
"It got too dense," Pitt, also a producer, said in an interview last week. "We got too weighed down on it. We spent a couple years on it. We couldn't get it into one movie. We had to walk a line between using the film as a Trojan horse for some of that, but these things have to be fun. And we were bored, ourselves."
In the book, uninfected Jews and Palestinians are quarantined behind a huge wall in Jerusalem. The haven is spoiled not by zombies, but by civil war, which breaks out when Israel's ultra-orthodox rebel. In the film, the Jerusalem scene (shot in Malta) is the film's grandest set piece (seen widely in TV ads) where zombies mount the wall like ants.
The use of such regionally sensitive imagery will likely be hotly debated when it opens in Israel on July 11.
Brooks, who's the son of Mel Brooks and Anne Bancroft, declined to be interviewed for this article. He's previously distanced himself from the movie. In a video posted by Pennsylvania's Mansfield University in May, Brooks said the movie is "World War Z" "in name only." Pitt's UN inspector isn't a character in the book, and Brooks reportedly requested that his publisher, Random House, not print new editions of the book with Pitt's face on the cover.
A sequel to the film may follow, which could give the producers a chance to delve deeper into the book's ideas. Moving forward a few years would also sync up chronologically with the novel.
One of the most notable changes to the geopolitics of "World War Z," though, dealt with another part of the world.
In the book, the outbreak begins in China, but the movie vaguely sources it to other parts of Asia. Faithfulness to the book in this instance, would have almost certainly kept the Paramount release out of the lucrative Chinese movie market, which is carefully restricted by the government.
Even when zombies run amok, box-office interests are carefully protected.

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 Author| Post time 26-6-2013 06:06 PM | Show all posts

Angelina Jolie & Pax: LAX Arrivial After UN Meeting!

Angelina Jolie arrives at LAX Airport after her flight from New York City on Monday night (June 24) in Los Angeles.

The 38-year-old actress was joined by her nine-year-old son Pax, who was spotted holding his favorite purple bear again.

That same day, Angelina spoke at the United Nations Security Council Meeting about “Women and Peace and Security and Sexual Violence in Conflict” at the UN Headquarters.

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Post time 26-6-2013 07:51 PM | Show all posts
aseela posted on 26-6-2013 01:10 PM
Israeli wall in Brad Pitt's 'World War Z' sparks questionsA scene from Paramount Pictures Canada's ...

panjang betui nok... sampai tak paham apekah maksud sebenarnya simbol tembok tu ... dia ngate jew hebat la ek?

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Post time 26-6-2013 08:02 PM | Show all posts
Kurus sungguh Angie..

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Post time 27-6-2013 01:43 AM | Show all posts
aseela posted on 25-6-2013 01:17 PM
cantik kan...dan sopan je...nampak tak kekok (again)...kat function formal

pic ni kan, stail angie ni sama ngn stail shilloh kat page blkang time shilloh, zara n brad pitt tgh mkn.
comel jaaaa

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