i have d same bag...tp mine black color....beli kat Dusseldorf...about 700 euro, kalu tak salah lah....pastu dpt tax refund lagi...tapi dah lupa brapa....i like this bag...hari2 pakai gi kerja since last Oct....dah 6 month...time to get a new bag for me....
sis..medium sukkey kt sn leh dpt below 1k x? heheh..w/pn hakikatnyer sy survey mmg x kurang dr 2.5k...huhuu.. tp sy saje tanya kot2 leh dpt...(dlm mimpi kot)
rm820 tu coach yg sy minat tu ker..
dealova04 Post at 15/4/2012 11:13
haah tgk kat album ready stok.sama je detail dah pic yg u tunjuk tadi
Coach 18287 Kristin Spectator Leather Hobo in Plum RM820
New with tags Coach Kristin Spectator Leather Hobo Purse Plum
Collection Fall - Winter 2011
Style 18287
Guaranteed 100% Authentic
Leather with embossed exotic trim
A pocket in the front with snap closure
Zip to closure with leather pull
oo..kena tunggu dia accept...sy dh tgk fb dia..x appear bag tu...tolong boleh..just tanya ada dia ada stok ke x? ni nk tunggu dia accept ntah bila...huhu