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Author: matz_rockz

kawin kawin corner : any thing pasal kawin

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Post time 2-1-2006 06:54 PM | Show all posts
hmm $12k.. rasanyer takder la banyak sangat bezanyer..

bride dia yang duduk pat middle eh.. macam lawah jugak eh..

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Post time 2-1-2006 07:51 PM | Show all posts
Agree wif the idea as the dowry rate here gettin high...

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Post time 2-1-2006 08:00 PM | Show all posts it a matter of high dowry or marrying someone who understands you?

"Marry someone who can't live without you, not someone you can't live without." Tapi jangan lak korang kawin psychopath eh :lol

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Post time 2-1-2006 09:54 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by LoLiPoP at 2-1-2006 08:00 PM it a matter of high dowry or marrying someone who understands you?

"Marry someone who can't live without you, not someone you can't live without." Tapi jangan lak korang kawi ...

Eeee takot..bad experien...mat psycho2 emo2 dan stalker....Eeeeee jauhkanlah aku dari org tu esp TAT person.....

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Post time 2-1-2006 09:55 PM | Show all posts
I agree too...marry someone who understands you.. like wat ppl say, i married my best friend..i want that

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Post time 2-1-2006 10:03 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by skgerl at 2-1-2006 09:54 PM

Eeee takot..bad experien...mat psycho2 emo2 dan stalker....Eeeeee jauhkanlah aku dari org tu esp TAT person.....

mat stalker.. eee takottt

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Post time 2-1-2006 10:40 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by dilah21 at 2-1-2006 10:03 PM

mat stalker.. eee takottt

Ni advise sket...if u see early warning signs quickly run for cover..for my case it was early and late at same time..but i'm glad it's over..Coz if u marry org mcm ni..trouble brews in future...

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Post time 2-1-2006 10:49 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by skgerl at 2-1-2006 10:40 PM

Ni advise sket...if u see early warning signs quickly run for cover..for my case it was early and late at same time..but i'm glad it's over..Coz if u marry org mcm ni..trouble brews in future...

hahah my one pon da long over... yeahhh..

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matz_rockz This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 3-1-2006 08:34 AM | Show all posts
if she/he is the right one for us

then are we the right one for them ???

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matz_rockz This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 3-1-2006 08:36 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by deaf4ever at 2-1-2006 06:44 PM
k dah jumpe...

Some S'pore Muslim men prefer Vietnam Muslim brides to local women
By Dawn Chia

January 02, 2006      

[img]http://new ...

ni first time dengar about the muslim bride....

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matz_rockz This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 3-1-2006 08:37 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by deaf4ever at 2-1-2006 06:44 PM
k dah jumpe...

Some S'pore Muslim men prefer Vietnam Muslim brides to local women
By Dawn Chia

January 02, 2006      

[img]http://new ...


kalo 25 years ago....i will check it out....

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Post time 3-1-2006 11:12 AM | Show all posts
Zawiyah Salleh

Setiap ibu bapa, baik daripada pihak suami mahupun isteri, perlu menerima hakikat bahawa anak mereka telah pun berumah tangga.

Oleh itu, mereka seharusnya jangan berasa cemburu jika anak lelaki mereka yang telah bergelar suami atau isteri memberi tumpuan kepada pasangan masing-masing.

Yang penting, ibu bapa itu mestilah menerima kehadiran menantu lelaki atau perempuan dengan fikiran terbuka dan bukan berpandangan serong serta negatif.

Demikian nasihat Pengarah Pusat Kaunseling Jamiyah, Encik Mohamed Mustafa Marican.

Ramai pasangan suami isteri, kata beliau, yang berasa serba salah dan tidak suka apabila ibu bapa mentua masuk campur dalam urusan keluarga mereka.

Lebih menyedihkan, sesetengah pasangan memilih perceraian sebagai cara melepaskan diri daripada keadaan 'diluah mati emak, ditelan mati bapa' itu.

Dalam keadaan seperti ini, ada pula ibu bapa mentua yang tidak memikirkan nasib cucu-cucu mereka, apabila mereka pula yang bagaikan dalang dan menyokong agar anak mereka itu bercerai.

'Padahal mereka perlu tanya di manakah cucu-cucu mereka akan tinggal jika ibu bapanya bercerai. Sebab apabila pasangan suami isteri bercerai, mereka perlu jual rumah yang mereka miliki bersama.

'Lebih teruk apabila isteri yang diceraikan itu seorang suri rumah sepenuh masa.

'Apabila dah bercerai, terpaksa keluar bekerja kerana hendak menyara hidup sendiri dan anak-anak yang hak penjagaan jatuh ke tangan mereka. Hidup mereka semakin tertekan kerana perlu mencari tempat tinggal baru,' kata Encik Mustafa.

Menyentuh kembali sikap sesetengah ibu bapa yang negatif itu, Encik Mustafa berkata rasa cemburu timbul apabila anak lelaki mereka, yang semasa bujangnya menjadi tulang belakang membantu perbelanjaan rumah tangga keluarga, mahu berumah tangga.

Semua itu timbul kerana mereka bimbang anak lelaki mereka itu tidak akan lagi menanggung perbelanjaan rumah tangga ibu bapa apabila sudah berkahwin.

Kebimbangan ini terbawa-bawa dan mulalah mereka membuat pelbagai kerenah dan berfikiran negatif terhadap menantu.

Mengenai ibu bapa yang tinggal serumah dengan anak perempuan yang sudah berumah tangga, mereka pula, kata Encik Mustafa, kadangkala sering menjadi 'mata-mata gelap' yang mengawasi menantu lelaki mereka.

Contohnya, mereka akan tanya anak perempuan mereka berapa banyak wang nafkah yang diberikan suaminya.

Apabila hari kelepasan pula dan si menantu keluar sendirian, mentua akan bertanya kenapa tidak bawa isteri dan anak bersama.

'Ibu mentua yang sentiasa melihat kekurangan menantu lelaki memang cari fasal,' sambung Encik Mustafa.

Menurut beliau, ada seorang mentua yang tidak pernah memuji menantunya kerana memberi nafkah beribu dolar kepada anak perempuannya. Sebaliknya, beliau asyik mengomel dan menuduh menantunya pemalas apabila si menantu tiba-tiba diberhentikan kerja dan lambat mendapat pekerjaan baru.

Bagi mengatasi masalah anak-anak menantu dengan ibu bapa mentua, Encik Mustafa memberi beberapa panduan seperti berikut:

Jika ibu bapa mentua sentiasa berfikiran negatif terhadap anda, seringlah ajak mereka duduk berbual dan berbincang secara terbuka.

Sebaiknya menantu perempuan hendaklah berusaha merapatkan diri dengan ibu mentua. Contohnya, apabila pergi membeli-belah, ajaklah ibu mentua dan gunakan kesempatan itu untuk mencari keserasian.

Menantu lelaki atau perempuan hendaklah menghabiskan masa bersama keluarga kedua-dua belah pihak (mentua suami dan juga isteri) secara adil.

Membelikan hadiah untuk hari-hari istimewa seperti hari lahir untuk ibu bapa kedua-dua belah pihak.

Mentua juga perlu memberikan kerjasama dan memainkan peranan jika mereka mahu rumah tangga anak-anak mereka bahagia.

Hormati keputusan anak menantu mereka apabila berlaku percanggahan dalam cara mendidik cucu-cucu mereka. Sebab cara didikan hari ini berbeza daripada cara semasa mereka mendidik anak sendiri.

Jangan masuk campur apabila anak menantu membuat sesuatu keputusan untuk keluarganya. Misalnya, pasangan suami isteri itu mahu menghantar anak kecil mereka ke pusat jagaan kanak-kanak atau mendapatkan khidmat pembantu rumah.

Kedua-dua belah pihak perlu bertolak ansur bagi menjamin kebahagiaan rumah tangga masing-masing.

Kepada anda yang mempunyai masalah dengan mentua mahupun menantu, anda boleh mendapatkan bantuan nasihat.

Hubungi Pusat Kaunseling Jamiyah di talian 6478-0475 atau mana-mana Pusat Khidmat Keluarga (FSC) yang dekat dengan rumah anda.

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Post time 3-1-2006 11:13 AM | Show all posts
'TAK payah cakap banyak-banyak. Mintak cerai saja!'

Adakah ini suara Mak Dara yang menyarankan anaknya Sabariah agar minta cerai daripada suaminya, Kassim Selamat, dalam cerita Ibu Mertuaku?

Bukan. Tetapi itulah 'nasihat' yang diberikan oleh sesetengah mentua apabila anak-anak mereka ada masalah dengan pasangannya.

Contohnya, Cik Rina (bukan nama sebenar), wanita yang menjadi ibu empat anak yang masih bersekolah.

Beliau pernah rujuk dengan suaminya selepas bercerai beberapa tahun kerana selalu dipukul bantai oleh suaminya.

Si suami, Encik Jamil (juga bukan nama sebenar), 40-an tahun, juga seorang kaki judi dan tahi arak.

Bagaimanapun, beliau tidak lokek terhadap isterinya dan memberi nafkah bulanan sebanyak $3,000 daripada $4,000 gajinya.

Malangnya si isteri juga seorang kaki judi!

Selepas bercerai, Cik Rina yang sebelum ini suri rumah sepenuh masa, terpaksa bekerja sambilan bagi menampung tabiat berjudinya.

Tetapi Encik Jamil tetap memberi nafkah kepada keempat-empat anaknya yang dijaga Cik Rina.

Setelah beberapa tahun tinggal berasingan, Encik Jamil mula insaf dan ini mendorong mereka merujuk kembali.

Perubahan Encik Jamil daripada seorang yang kasar kelakuannya kepada seorang suami dan ayah yang lembut dan penyabar memang diakui ibu mentuanya, Cik Petom, yang sering ke rumah anaknya.

Namun satu lagi tamparan berlaku dalam hidup pasangan ini. Encik Jamil diberhentikan kerja.

Beliau cuba mencari pekerjaan baru, namun gaji yang diterima sekitar $500 hingga $1,000 sebulan.

Kalau dulu beliau biasa memberikan wang $3,000 sebulan kepada isterinya, kini jumlahlah merosot.

Oleh kerana wang yang diberi tidak mencukupi untuk menampung hidup keluarganya, pasangan ini sering bertengkar.

Keadaan diburukkan lagi oleh campur tangan Cik Petom, yang kemudian menyuruh Encik Jamil menceraikan Cik RIna.

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Post time 3-1-2006 11:14 AM | Show all posts
PASANGAN Encik Ridwan dengan Cik Jamilah (kedua-duanya bukan nama sebenar) baru saja mendirikan rumah tangga. Setahun kemudian mereka menimang cahaya mata.

Namun mereka sering berselisih faham gara-gara Cik Asmah, ibu Encik Ridwan, yang tinggal bersama mereka.

Cik Asmah terlalu banyak campur tangan dalam urusan rumah tangga anak dan menantunya. Semua yang dilakukan Cik Jamilah tidak berkenan di hatinya. Masakan menantunya itu dikatakan tidak sedap, menantunya dituduh pemalas, tidak tahu menjaga anak dan bermacam-macam lagi.

Cik Asmah juga selalu menceritakan keburukan Cik Jamilah kepada jiran-jiran mereka.

Sesabar-sabar Cik Jamilah akhirnya meletup juga. Oleh kerana tidak tahan dengan sikap mentuanya, beliau pernah bersemuka dan bertegang urat dengan Cik Asmah. Ini menimbulkan kemarahan Encik Ridwan dan adik-beradiknya kepada Cik Jamilah.

Tetapi Cik Jamilah tidak pernah mengadu kepada keluarganya yang kebanyakannya tinggal di seberang Tambak, kerana berasa masalah rumah tangganya biarlah diatasinya sendiri.

Tidak tahan dengan sikap ibu mentua, yang mendapat sokongan kuat pula daripada Encik Ridwan, Cik Jamilah memutuskan keluar rumah dan membawa anaknya.

Bagaimanapun, pergerakannya sentiasa dipantau ibu mentuanya. Akibatnya, Cik Jamilah masih lagi hidup dalam keadaan tertekan.

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Post time 3-1-2006 11:19 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by SQ154 at 3-1-2006 11:14 AM
PASANGAN Encik Ridwan dengan Cik Jamilah (kedua-duanya bukan nama sebenar) baru saja mendirikan rumah tangga. Setahun kemudian mereka menimang ca ...

this is what i didn't like of typical Mak Mertua!

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Post time 3-1-2006 11:28 AM | Show all posts
China bride cuts herself out of S'pore man's photos and life
I followed her bedroom rules, yet...  
Her golden rules:

Write to me, if you want sex

No kissing, hugging in public

Don't tell anyone except close family that I'm your wife

By Ng Tze Yong

January 03, 2006      

ENOUGH's enough.

Mrs Du cut herself out of all their photos before she left. --Pics/SHIN MIN DAILY NEWS
A written application to get intimate with his China wife: Okay.

Sexually-transmitted disease from her: Forgiven.

But now, this Singapore hubby wants the world to know about his rule-setting bride.

The last straw: When she snipped out images of herself from album photographs of the couple.

That cut to the bone.

Especially when she had sneaked back into his house to wield her scissors.

This was after she had earlier packed up and walked out of their marriage.

Now Mr Du wants to tell all.

Mrs Du
He showed Shin Min Daily News the torn photos and a piece of paper torn from a notebook.


On it, scribbled in Chinese, was a 'sex request' note he had earlier written to his China bride: 'Dear wife, may I have sex with you after work today? If not, it's okay. We can always do it another time.'

This was just one of the many applications the 47-year-old technician would slip under the master bedroom when he was in the mood for sex.

There were two possible outcomes.

If 44-year-old Mrs Du was cold to the idea, she would emerge with the note, head for the kitchen and burn the paper in the sink.

Mr Du gets divorce demand by SMS after his wife left. It read: "I have taken the suitcase and your keys are on the floor. When I am feeling better, I will arrange divorce proceedings with you. Please do not be alarmed."  
A plain 'not tonight, honey' wouldn't do for Mrs Du who came from Fujian, China.

She preferred to breathe fire.

If she consented, she would shout from the bedroom: 'Want sex, then let's have sex, lor.'

Such was their bizzare marriage, if Mr Du's account is to be believed.

His wife could not be contacted.

Much as he wants to get his own back, Mr Du does not want to reveal their full names or disclose unmasked photos of the couple.

The couple were introduced to each other last April by Mrs Du's sister, a 'study mama' who had come to Singapore to be with her child who was studying here.

Mrs Du had come to Singapore to visit her.

'I had quite a good impression of her then. I found her to be quite hardworking,' Mr Du told Shin Min Daily News.

Two days before Mrs Du's visa expired, her sister sprang the question for her: Would he like to get married?

Mr Du said: 'I told her I had nothing to offer her other than a house. But she said she didn't mind.'

So he took her home to meet his parents. They were said to be delighted with her.

A month later, the couple booked a wedding date at the Registry of Marriages.

They registered their marriage last July.

Mr Du's first inkling of what was to come was on the wedding day itself.

That night, Mrs Du refused to consummate their marriage.

'I didn't force her because I thought that maybe she was tired,' Mr Du said.

But the next day, Mrs Du kicked him out of the master bedroom after complaining that his snoring was too noisy.

Mr Du moved to another bedroom.


Mr Du claimed that the couple first had sex only nine days later, and even then, with great reluctance on Mrs Du's part.

During their marriage, they lived as virtual strangers under the same roof.

Mrs Du always locked herself in the master bedroom and he seldom saw her.

He communicated with her by writing on pieces of paper and slipping them under the door of the master bedroom.

On some mornings, Mr Du bought her breakfast from the coffeeshop.

But she would throw away everything, he claimed.

'She never appreciated what I did,' he said.

In their five months of marriage, Mr Du claimed that they had sex only nine times.

Each time, it was a hasty affair. Afterwards, he would retire to his own bedroom.

Mr Du had by this time learnt that fatherhood was out of the question for him as Mrs Du had been sterilised earlier.

But things came to a head when Mr Du discovered that he had contracted a sexually-transmitted disease (STD) from her after they had sex a second time.

He claimed he consulted a Chinese physician who told him about his infection.

He produced pictures of himself with a rash on his stomach, said to be the result of the STD.

In a fit of rage, he accused Mrs Du of having slept with other men.

She denied this repeatedly, but Mr Du still threw her out of the house.

She lived with her sister for two weeks, after which she pleaded with him to let her return.

'She told me that if I let her return, I could have sex with her whenever I wanted,' he told Shin Min Daily News.

He agreed, but little changed. Applications to have sex were still required.

Besides the bedroom rule, Mrs Du's other 'rules of engagement' included forbidding her husband from hugging and kissing her in public.

He couldn't even hold her hand in public or tell people other than his family and close friends that she was his wife.

Mr Du claimed he endured all this.

'I just accommodated whatever she wanted,' he said.

Mr Du, a former illegal hawker who has been jailed five times, was turning over a new leaf when he met Mrs Du.

He had just got a stable job and was earning about $1,000 a month as a technician.

'Some people said I was too rash to marry her so quickly, but she seemed a nice girl and didn't mind that I have been jailed before,' he said.

All Mr Du knew of her then was that her previous husband had died a few years before and that she had a 20-year-old daughter studying in a Chinese university.

Although she was initially distant, he persevered to win her over.

But last month, the marriage finally crumbled.

Out of the blue, Mrs Du packed her bags and left without a word.

Two weeks later, Mr Du received an SMS in Chinese from her stating her intention to divorce him.

It read: 'I have taken the suitcase and your keys are on the floor. When I am feeling better, I will arrange divorce proceedings with you. Please do not be alarmed.'

Mr Du returned home the same day to find their marriage documents shredded and scattered around the house.

Mrs Du had returned to the house secretly during the day.

She had also cut out images of herself from their photographs.

That made him blow his top.

He claims that she is divorcing him as he has completed a permanent residence application for her.


His wife remains uncontactable since the day she left.

Her handphone is switched off and although Mr Du suspects she is with her sister, he claims that he does not know where she stays.

It is not known how he had managed to contact Mrs Du's sister earlier.

Mr Du now claims: 'I married her (Mrs Du) because I wanted company. I wanted to be a good husband to her.

'If she didn't want to marry me, why didn't she say so at the beginning?'

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Post time 3-1-2006 01:13 PM | Show all posts
hai lah Mr Du ni..

- I had quite a good impression of her then. I found her to be quite hardworking
- she seemed a nice girl

paras rupa tak boleh menjanjikan kebahagiaan.

'If she didn't want to marry me, why didn't she say so at the beginning?'

Two days before Mrs Du's visa expired, her sister sprang the question for her: Would he like to get married?

Mr Du,tak terfikir ker, maybe dia ada agenda tersendiri.:cak:

apa boleh buat, sedangkan yg ade master degree pun leh tertipu dgn
wanita cantik. ini kan pulak Mr Du...TerkeDU kejap membaca berita ni.

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matz_rockz This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 3-1-2006 03:43 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by SQ154 at 3-1-2006 11:28 AM
China bride cuts herself out of S'pore man's photos and life
I followed her bedroom rules, yet...  
Her golden rules:

Write to me, if you want sex

No kissing, hugging in public

Don't te ...

kesian ngan mr du....asik tak dapat do

kalo dia dapat do

mesti dia yabedabeduuuuuuuuuuu

macam si flintstone....

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Post time 4-1-2006 02:16 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by rosslyn at 3-1-2006 01:13 PM
hai lah Mr Du ni..

paras rupa tak boleh menjanjikan kebahagiaan.

Mr Du,tak terfikir ker, maybe dia ada agenda tersendiri.:cak:

apa boleh buat, sedangkan yg ade master degree pun  ...

Semua ini kita jadikan contoh & telah supaya tak terkedu

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Post time 4-1-2006 03:05 AM | Show all posts
By Zaihan Mohd Yusof

January 02, 2006      

AS the Red Rhino, with sirens blaring, drove up the street, many residents peered out of their flats wondering where the fire was.

But there was no fire. The Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) vehicle was on its way to pick up a bride.

The bride was just as surprised. She was expecting the usual wedding car decorated with flowers and ribbons.

--Zaihan Mohd Yusof
Then the Red Rhino rolled into sight.

A Red Rhino is normally the first small fire-fighting vehicle to be activated during a blaze. It is equipped with a watermist system to fight fires.

But this Red Rhino had an emergency of a different kind. It had to rush the couple to the wedding celebrations.

A somewhat dazed Madam Siti Aishah and her husband, Mr Muhamad Faizal, hopped onto the Red Rhino at Choa Chu Kang Street 52.

Two SCDF personnel in uniform sat in the front of the Red Rhino, while the wedding couple, both in their twenties, sat in the rear.

Tailing the Red Rhino was a traditional kompang (Malay drum) troupe.


The couple's arrival to the celebration hall at Yew Tee Community Club was marked with the blaring of the Red Rhino's sirens.

One of the groom's colleagues sprayed a fine mist of water from a water gun as the couple got off the Red Rhino.

It attracted a lot of attention.

Curious people looked out of their flats thinking there was a fire nearby.

Luckily the only ones heating up were the newlyweds in their thick traditional Malay costumes under the scorching sun.

Said Madam Siti's aunt, Madam Saadiah alleh, 46: 'I was told that Siti was surprised because when other SCDF personnel get married you don't see all of them using a Red Rhino as the wedding car. It's a pleasant surprise to Siti.

'When I was married many years ago it was a simple affair. We just used a normal car and decorated it a little. That's all. I've never seen anything like this before.'

Madam Saadiah was not the only one who found the wedding car unique.

For four years, Mr Aiman Zakaria, 17, has been attending at least one wedding a week. He is the head of the Malay traditional drum troupe called Kumpulan Kencana.

Said Mr Aiman: 'I wasn't aware that we would be escorting a Red Rhino till the last minute when I was told about it. This surely is a strange wedding car. I have seen people using trishaws, classic cars and motorcycles but never a Red Rhino. Nevertheless it is refreshing when people think of creative ways to remember their wedding. Perhaps it says a lot about the character of the groom who is with the SCDF.'

The happy couple were too busy entertaining guests to comment on their special vehicle.

A friend of the groom, who gave his name only as Mr Mohamed, said the groom had asked several of his friends about the idea of using the Red Rhino.

Said Mr Mohamed, 24: 'I guess he (Mr Muhamad Faizal) thought it was unique and meaningful to use the Rhino. I think it has never been done before. He wanted his entrance to be a special one. So he was very happy when he got the green light from his superiors to use the Rhino.'

Watching from a bus stop along Choa Chua Kang Street 52, was 55-year-old Mr Peter Seah.

Unlike most people, Mr Seah was more serious. He asked: 'What if there's a real fire nearby. Will they activate the wedding couple's Red Rhino?'

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