korang dulu ada buat gathering kat genting kan?
naik kete kabel tu berapa hengget?
indoor/outdoor games apa yg best?
ada water park ke kat situ....
sorry la byk tanya....
dulu2 time sekolah naik genting msk casino ajek
afja Post at 2-7-2010 16:11
dh x igt la kaka peja
kete kabel tu dlm RM6++ (rse bwh rm10)
kalau outdoor - mase mule2 pegi tu... *reunion*... sy ckp kt kwn sy, bwk kt tmpt yg plg extreme!!! so, mule2 dia bwk naik space shot!!
tp turun2... sy n ade kwn tu ckp, "laaa... tu je ke? :re:".... x menjerit lgsung
then dia bwk plak pegi, roller coaster............. tu pn same, xde la extreme mane pn... siap leh amik gmbo peace2 lg
klu indoor... sy prnh msuk snow world tu jek......... best la gak.. main2 ais.... feeling ala2 kt obersea
pastu.. abg sy ade cube yg panjat2 dinding tu
jap... water park ni yg naik2 cm perahu dua org tu ke? ntah xigt la name...
oooo.. kite Germany tu mmg dr dulu2 lagi suke~~~ tp skrg sbb ozil si mata bolat itu le
Sometimes I wondered if I was seeing the same things through my eyes that the rest of the world was seeing through theirs. Maybe there was a glitch in my brain - Bella Swan, Twilight
xkan xder point tv.. kat wall.. klo umah gomen.. rasanyer dh disediakan point tv dkat wall.. so leh letak dkat situ.. klo idakk.. kene tarik baru.. lain depend
Sometimes I wondered if I was seeing the same things through my eyes that the rest of the world was seeing through theirs. Maybe there was a glitch in my brain - Bella Swan, Twilight
kt thread fan germany tu ade gambo ozil bace doa..kekeke saje nak bgtau
Sometimes I wondered if I was seeing the same things through my eyes that the rest of the world was seeing through theirs. Maybe there was a glitch in my brain - Bella Swan, Twilight
Take a relaxing, scenic ride up to Genting on our Skyway cable cars. The Awana and Genting Skyways provide breathtaking views of the surrounding hills at a comfortable speed that will get you to the top in the perfect mood.
Ticket Type Price (per person)
Normal One-Way RM5.00
Normal Two-Way (Return) RM10.00
Hotel Guest Leisure Ride RM7.50
*Hotel guest(s) must produce his/her hotel passbook upon purchase of ticket(s) at the Upper Skyway Counter and the ticket is only valid on the day of purchase. Maximum 2 tickets/persons per hotel passbook.
Ticket Type Price (per person)
One Way Return
Genting to Chin Swee Station RM3.00 RM6.00
Chin Swee Station to Awana / Genting RM3.00 RM6.00
Genting to Awana Station RM5.00 RM10.00
Genting Skyway's Closure Notice 2010
Scheduled to close for maintenance on:
30 June - 6 August 2010 Operation Hours
Saturday, Sunday & Malaysia Public Holidays
10.00am - 7.00pm
Awana Skyway's Closure Notice 2010
Scheduled to close for maintenance on:
29 June 2010
Getting to the Skyway Station
You can get to the Skyway Station by:
- Express Bus
- Limousine or Luxury Coach (upon request)
- Car
More about Genting Skyway
Leisure Ride @ Genting Skyway
Genting Skyway Chartered Gondola
xkan xder point tv.. kat wall.. klo umah gomen.. rasanyer dh disediakan point tv dkat wall.. ...
anonymous Post at 2-7-2010 04:28 PM
apelak umah gomen... nih umah sendiri la.. ada point tv dekat wall tu.. tapi point tu jauh di tengah2 rumah..nak buat point baru ( sebab nak letak tv area ruang tamu).. tapi terpikir plak kalu tv lekat dinding pun cara gak..
Sometimes I wondered if I was seeing the same things through my eyes that the rest of the world was seeing through theirs. Maybe there was a glitch in my brain - Bella Swan, Twilight