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Author: ninyahnoks

[Vol 3] Fattzura Tunang Majlis Pertunangan (post 1781)

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Post time 24-11-2017 02:42 PM | Show all posts
urban_ann replied at 24-11-2017 09:27 AM
tak kot, d zaman sekarang bukan reputz yg mendoniakan retis.. tv station, endorsement, advertising ...

ekceli apa yg aku maksudkan ..fungsi local reporter/mainstreem media ni lebih pada pengerak industri.yeah ..ko dapat tv bloggers...tapi endorsement,advertising tu bergantung gak hubungan ko dgn media.kalo ko dapat bad reputation dari media..selamat jln la endorsement semua tu.ko tgk cth shila amzah dahla....

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Post time 24-11-2017 02:48 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Congratulation again to Fazura and Fattah. So there was no nikah on 14 as speculated by the reporter. Actually, I pun agak terkejut how an editor would do a silly mistake and careless job. Lebih-lebih lagi dari akhbar arus perdana. I tak fikir Tengku Khalidah tak betul-betul counter check dengan sources dia. And when Fattah said that their families want the nikah to be again private, I pun nak speculate. Mungkin the nikah really happened that night as told by the source. But dari segi ceremony or adat saja. Yelah kan, they want to go for umrah, to ease pergaulan dan movement the two of them, it is better pergi as husband and wife. Now selepas balik dari umrah, they want to legalize it. To legalize, they have to put an application, hiv test, kursus kahwin and provide all the documentation. So after all of these are in place, barulah perkahwinan itu sah di segi agama dan undang undang. And mungkin nikah tertutup later to just another cermenony cukup syarat saja. Lagipun close kan, nobody besides their close families know what is going on that day. Yang I cakap ni speculation saja since I still letak sedikit kepercayaan pada wartawan senior seperti Tengku Khalidah since she is an experience journalist.

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Post time 24-11-2017 02:56 PM | Show all posts
CoolSurfer replied at 24-11-2017 02:48 PM
Congratulation again to Fazura and Fattah. So there was no nikah on 14 as speculated by the reporter ...

macam kes aril wawa ni ek.

Aeril dan Wawa melangsungkan pernikahan buat kali pertama pada 25 Februari 2012, berwalikan bapa Wawa, Zainal Abidin Sulong dan bersaksikan pengurus Aeril, Shahriman Wahap. Pernikahan buat kali pertama itu tidak mengikut undang-undang, namun sah disisi Syariah kerana menepati Rukun Nikah dan pernikahan mereka itu tidak didaftarkan.

Majlis pernikahan pertama mereka diadakan di kediaman pengurus Aeril, Shahriman Wahap di Taman Dato’ Harun, Petaling Jaya. Pernikahan kali pertama mereka tidak dihebohkan kerana Aeril menghormati permintaan Wawa untuk merahsiakan perkara tersebut kerana Wawa masih lagi terikat dengan kontrak bersama pihak pengurusannya. Namun, apabila Wawa mendapati yang dirinya hamil pada sekitar bulan Januari lalu, dia memberitahu kepada Aeril mengenai perkara ini dan mereka mengambil keputusan untuk bernikah kali kedua mengikut proses dan prosedur undang-undang Malaysia. Ini kerana mereka ingin anak yang bakal lahir nanti dapat ‘ber-bin’ nama Aeril.

Seterusnya, mereka bernikah buat kali yang kedua pada 4 Februari 2013 di Masjid Jumhuriyah, Taman Dato’ Haron, Petaling Jaya.
Anak hasil pernikahan Wawa dan Aeril, Ahmad Fakhruddin Attar selemat dilahirkan di Roopi Medical Center, Jalan Dato Haji Eusoff, Damai Complex, Kuala Lumpur pada 24 Ogos yang lalu pada jam 9.25 pagi. Kini anak mereka memasuki usia dua bulan.


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Post time 24-11-2017 03:00 PM | Show all posts
Thanatus replied at 24-11-2017 02:03 PM
Ituu lahh sape suruh terpedaya dgn cerita dongeng cocorex
Bubarkan jerr lah group whatsapp goss ...

Tu la...sis sekarang ni dalam mode insap...tapi insap pun boleh jengah forum lagi....

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Post time 24-11-2017 03:05 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
CoolSurfer replied at 24-11-2017 02:48 PM
Congratulation again to Fazura and Fattah. So there was no nikah on 14 as speculated by the reporter ...

Itu pun mungkin juga. Sama mcm aeril-wawa lah, nikah pertama tu kira dah sah dah ikut hukum agama, cukup syarat wali, saksi segala...cuma nikah kali kedua utk keperluan dr segi legal saja

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Post time 24-11-2017 03:12 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
alin_pinkluv81 replied at 24-11-2017 02:10 PM
15 tahun lg pun takdelaa gigih masuk forem lagi uolls...insaf2 lerr...defend benda betul jugak...p ...

Nak defend, defend la menda betul, jgn jadi pemenatsss jenis sokong bawa rebah, ni org jentik tahap lakonan x leh terima, org jentik perlaluan x brp elok retis kesayangan x leh terima....ujung2 tuduh org hatersss melulu, geng epot segala macam...apa beza fattzura jenis sebegini dgn lobenak? TIADA BEZA...hidup pagi petang siang malam membekap artis lol

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Post time 24-11-2017 03:13 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Along_XX replied at 24-11-2017 01:18 PM
Aaaahhhh.....aka kak sepit ke?? Patut la......


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Post time 24-11-2017 03:18 PM | Show all posts
hzln replied at 24-11-2017 02:12 PM
Nak defend, defend la menda betul, jgn jadi pemenatsss jenis sokong bawa rebah, ni org jentik taha ...

agreed! kemon fans fazzy n patah, bukan ke zaman2 hsc acik2 castle dah berjanji takmo delulu macam acik2 lobenaks

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Post time 24-11-2017 03:26 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
~boolean replied at 24-11-2017 12:47 PM
invasion of privacy itu iya,
tapi bila dah berstatus artis popular, rasanya mereka sendiri patut ta ...

Walaupun artis tu popular, pada meols privacy tu tetap kena ada. Diorang ada family kan so kena la ikut apa family mintak. As a fan, kena la faham artis tu bukanlah hak mutlak peminat. Memang orang akan cakap without fans, artis tu nothing. Ok ni meols setuju tapi kena jugak give some space kan untuk diorang. Diorang pun manusia biasa. Hehe

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Post time 24-11-2017 03:27 PM | Show all posts
hzln replied at 24-11-2017 03:12 PM
Nak defend, defend la menda betul, jgn jadi pemenatsss jenis sokong bawa rebah, ni org jentik taha ...

i nak sokong statement u
kalau kita usik sket kata kita ni karats la....haters la
jenis yg sokogn bwk rebah
bagi nama busuk kat retis tu jer

aku nak tgk puak2 yg kata masa patah pazura gi umrah tu
yg kata xpe jalan dekat nak jaga bini/laki....
mesti la laki nak jaga bini la....bla bla bla


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Post time 24-11-2017 03:27 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
watachiwa replied at 24-11-2017 12:21 PM
aku pon noticed si Aishah omar tu kutuk mcm2 n TKB tu duk la support n join ejek2...

So true.. Cer komen provok pasal hajah, tros dilahar oleh heshe..

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Post time 24-11-2017 03:27 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
hzln replied at 24-11-2017 03:05 PM
Itu pun mungkin juga. Sama mcm aeril-wawa lah, nikah pertama tu kira dah sah dah ikut hukum agama, ...

And when the news kata pernikahan diadakan at 12.30 am, most probably after the kenduri doa selamat. After most of the guest have gone home. That's explain kenapa pernikahan diadakan after 12.30 am. It is suppose to be rahsia and only close family members yang tinggal and tahu.

Macam possible je my speculation.


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 Author| Post time 24-11-2017 03:30 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
CoolSurfer replied at 24-11-2017 03:27 PM
And when the news kata pernikahan diadakan at 12.30 am, most probably after the kenduri doa selama ...

Oh em gee...u ols ni loyar ka?

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Post time 24-11-2017 03:36 PM | Show all posts
CoolSurfer replied at 24-11-2017 02:27 PM
And when the news kata pernikahan diadakan at 12.30 am, most probably after the kenduri doa selama ...

wow this theory is interesting...


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Post time 24-11-2017 03:38 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
ninyahnoks replied at 24-11-2017 03:30 PM
Oh em gee...u ols ni loyar ka?

I bukan lawyer. Tapi jika you lihat semula sebelum ni, dah banyak kes yang pada mulanya peminat peminat menyalahkan journalist berkenaan gosip yang mereka tak suka dengar, tapi akhirnya proven to be true. It is only a matter of time, for the truth to come out if it was not only a gossip.

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Post time 24-11-2017 03:51 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by kipasartis at 24-11-2017 03:58 PM
CoolSurfer replied at 24-11-2017 03:27 PM
And when the news kata pernikahan diadakan at 12.30 am, most probably after the kenduri doa selama ...

Ada keraguan jugak tkb tu..First Status fb dia pasal isu ni around pukul 10 ckp nikah senyap x in then klu nikah 1230 am tu bukan dh 14hb tp 15hb....

Psl speculation u ni, mcm mana guest yg pergi kenduri doa selamat pun x tau tp tkb yg x de langsung dlm majlis dh tau since pukul 10?

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Post time 24-11-2017 03:53 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Mesti fazura mcm queen nanti mase resepsi..mesti nmpk classy je..
Tp mohon die x uplod byk pic dgn fatah before resepsi..x naik seri..mcm izara n adib..salu sgt nnpk pic berdua..bile bersanding mcm mehhhh..

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Post time 24-11-2017 04:00 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
its_u replied at 24-11-2017 09:03 AM
tahniah Fattzura..

Anyway, sblm ni ada terbaca srg forumer kata msa di mekah ada peminat nmpk Fat ...

Bukan tawaf kene ada air sembahyang ke? Camne nk berpegang tangan kalau dgn keadaan berwuduk? Correct me if im wrong. Or depa pakai glove?

I x minat dgn fattah tp minat sgt dgn fazura. Semoga perkahwinan mereka nanti bkekalan hingga ke jannah. Aminnn

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Post time 24-11-2017 04:08 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
CoolSurfer replied at 24-11-2017 03:38 PM
I bukan lawyer. Tapi jika you lihat semula sebelum ni, dah banyak kes yang pada mulanya peminat pe ...

This kind of speculation and assumption can lead to other stories and more people will be confused. Asalnya disebabkan spekulasi begini lah org mula keliru dan mcm2 cite mula keluar. Lets just take what fattah fazura said during the pc can we? That they just got engaged and still not married. And, if lets say they really got married that night, i'm sure they understand the risk (in denying that they got married) during the pc. I'm sure it will backfire, so lets just stick to what they said during the pc.

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Post time 24-11-2017 04:11 PM | Show all posts
sayawifenikmie replied at 24-11-2017 01:10 PM
tahu pun ........  so ... just respect each other preference la ....

hello ai respect and tak kutuk preference u olls pun..

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