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Author: daitechgroup

[Dunia] V26 MH370 Usaha Mencari Kotak Hitam Diteruskan

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Post time 8-4-2014 01:53 AM | Show all posts

Lautan Keling ni kawasan  Ring of Fire earthquake kan? jangan terjadi gempa bumi sudah, abis nanti black box tu kena telan dek bumi bila 2 continental plates bertindih nanti....


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Post time 8-4-2014 06:49 AM | Show all posts
dah jumpa ke belum? kelalut semuanya,,

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Post time 8-4-2014 06:56 AM | Show all posts
scorpionkiki posted on 7-4-2014 09:34 PM
Yg pasti skrg ni kita kena prepare... a lot of things will change ... hopefully it's for the bette ...

agak.. mustahil kot ..
ader yang masih hidup..

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Post time 8-4-2014 07:07 AM | Show all posts
Credit To :

Kuala Lumpur: An Australian navy ship has detected new underwater signals consistent with aircraft black boxes, the search chief said Monday, describing it as the "most promising lead" so far in the month-old hunt for missing Flight MH370.

Retired Australian defence force chief Angus Houston said the acoustics, emanating from deep down in the Indian Ocean, showed that the multinational search by ships and planes seemed to be "very close to where we need to be".

The apparent breakthrough comes as the clock ticks past the 30-day lifespan of the emergency beacon battery fitted to the black box of the Malaysia Airlines jet, which vanished on March 8 with 239 people on board en route from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing.

"The towed pinger locator deployed from the Australian defence vessel Ocean Shield has detected signals consistent with those emitted from aircraft black boxes," Houston told a press conference.

"We have not found the aircraft yet, we need further confirmation," he said, while describing the information received over the past 24 hours as "very encouraging".

One of the contacts continued for two hours and 20 minutes with the second lasting for 13 minutes. "On this (second) occasion two distinct ping returns were audible," Houston said.

"Significantly, this would be consistent with transmission from both the flight data recorder and the cockpit voice recorder.

"This is a most promising lead and probably in the search so far it's probably the best information that we have had," the former air chief marshal said.

"We are now in a very well-defined search area which hopefully will eventually lead to the information that we need to say that MH370 might have entered the water just here."

The hunt was adjusted to the southern end of the search zone Sunday after corrected satellite data showed it was more likely the plane entered the water there. The location is thousands of kilometres south of the flight's scheduled route to Beijing.

Malaysian inquiries into the aircraft's disappearance have centred on hijacking, sabotage or psychological problems among passengers or crew, but there is no evidence yet to support any of the theories.

In the absence of confirmed wreckage, the black box or other firm evidence, relatives of those aboard -- who were mostly Chinese -- have endured an agonising wait for information.Houston called on the public to treat the latest information cautiously, given the sensitivities of the families of those presumed lost.

"It could take some days before information is available to establish whether these detections can be confirmed as being from MH370," he added.

"In very deep oceanic water, nothing happens fast."

The Ocean Shield is using a "Towed Pinger Locator" lent by the US Navy. The Australian vessel and Britain's HMS Echo had been scouring separate ends of a 240-kilometre track, converging on each other, when it detected the acoustic noise.

Both ships and their towed-pinger equipment operate at significantly reduced speed to plumb depths of three thousand metres or more.

Houston's Joint Agency Coordination Centre (JACC) said that in total up to nine military planes, three civilian planes and 14 ships were scanning the search zone around 2,000 kilometres (1,250 miles) northwest of Perth.

The latest acoustics were picked up after the Chinese vessel Haixun 01 detected two signals about 300 nautical miles away which officials said were on a frequency used for aircraft flight data and cockpit voice recorders.

Australian authorities have said the Haixun 01 had twice picked up a signal -- once for 90 seconds on Saturday and another more fleeting "ping" on Friday a short distance away.

Houston said Haixun 01 was in waters about 4.5 kilometres (nearly three miles) deep, meaning "any recovery operation is going to be incredibly challenging and very demanding and will take a long period of time" if the plane is found there.

He noted that when Air France Flight 447 plunged into the Atlantic in 2009, it took two years to find the black box on the ocean floor -- long after wreckage was found in the crash's immediate aftermath.

"Essentially this (MH370) has been done without finding any wreckage thus far and I think it's quite extraordinary, and what I would like to see now is us find some wreckage."


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Post time 8-4-2014 08:36 AM | Show all posts
page ke 2 dah...


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Post time 8-4-2014 08:57 AM | Show all posts
Belum. Tolong upkan ni.

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Post time 8-4-2014 09:16 AM | Show all posts
apa story terbaru. ?

Malas nak baca theory from  blog ni.. wpon aku ikut gak theory brado kapak ni. tapi bila aku check blog lama2 tu... ish... mamat ni penyokong syiah ke hapa?

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Post time 8-4-2014 09:26 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sendu dah thread ni cam TT nya...

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Post time 8-4-2014 10:00 AM | Show all posts
sendu sgt thread ni. siap masuk page 2

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Post time 8-4-2014 10:32 AM | Show all posts
So latest teori adekah pailet susaid???????????????????????????????????????

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Post time 8-4-2014 10:42 AM | Show all posts
Teori  susaid pulak????????????tapi kenapa????????

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Post time 8-4-2014 10:56 AM | Show all posts
Harap-harap kotak itam akan dijumpai, akan terungkailah segala

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Post time 8-4-2014 11:00 AM | Show all posts
NAT_11 posted on 8-4-2014 10:56 AM
Harap-harap kotak itam akan dijumpai, akan terungkailah segala

dah sebulan.. blh berfungsi lagi ek kotak hitam?

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Post time 8-4-2014 11:08 AM | Show all posts
ajak_ajak posted on 8-4-2014 11:00 AM
dah sebulan.. blh berfungsi lagi ek kotak hitam?

Masih ada PING boleh dikesan.
Dalam news cakap, masih ada 8-10 hari lagi. Sekarang diaorang
guna drone bawah air untuk mengimbas dan buat mapping.
Kawasan carian juga sudah bertambah kecil berdasarkan PING
yang dikesan kapal Cina dan Ostralia.


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Post time 8-4-2014 11:18 AM | Show all posts
scarflicious posted on 8-4-2014 09:16 AM
apa story terbaru. ?

Malas nak baca theory from  blog ni.. wpon aku ikut gak theory brado kapak n ...

merapu jah .. kejap ckp kena hijek kejap ckp susaid. kapak la sangat.

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Post time 8-4-2014 11:18 AM | Show all posts
Kalu ikut teori suicide yang sesetengah poremer macam yakin sangat tuh, aku memang tabik lah dengan pilot. Niat tak berubah dari Laut cina selatan ke lautan hindi, lepas beberapa jam tuh. Hatta minah frust menonggeng dengan boipren, tak tunggu lama nak bunuh diri, terus terjun dari tingkat patbelas. Kalo tunggu sejam je kat tingkat patbelas tuh, kompom tak jadi bunuh diri.

Buat masa sekarang, aku tolak teori suicide, melainkan kalau ada bukti kukuh lagi sahih.

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Post time 8-4-2014 11:34 AM | Show all posts
akuwell posted on 8-4-2014 11:18 AM
Kalu ikut teori suicide yang sesetengah poremer macam yakin sangat tuh, aku memang tabik lah dengan  ...

Itulah... nak kata suicide, takkan tunggu lama lama terbang. ORang nak suicide selalunya tarun saja... tak tunggu tunggu lagi. Mcm pilot silkair tu, first day policy insurance mula, hari tu jugak dia suicide, tak sempat terbang lama... lepas berlepas dlm berapa minit naik atas tu, dia dah junam 90 degrees turun bawah... yg ni siap jalan jalan tengok laut ,  tengok lampu jambatan pulau pinang...dari laut cina selatan, masuk selat melaka, masuk laut andaman, masuk lautan hindi... tak logik betul...ker dia kena hypnosis

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Post time 8-4-2014 11:45 AM | Show all posts
Monday, April 07, 07:45 PM MYT +0800 Malaysia Airlines MH370 FlightIncident - Press Briefing by Hishammuddin Hussein, Minister of Defence andActing Minister of Transport

Introductory statement
It has been 31 days since MH370 went missing. As we enter this new week ofthe search operations, there has been a significant lead in the search for themissing aircraft. As stated by the Joint Agency Coordinating Centre in Perthearlier today, the towed pinger locator deployed from HMAS Ocean Shield hasdetected signals consistent with those emitted by aircraft black boxes. Whilethis may be a step closer towards finding MH370, there are still many steps tobe taken before we can positively verify that these signals are from MH370.

1. Developments from Australia
This morning, Prime Minister Najib Razak had a call with Prime Minister TonyAbbott who updated him on the latest findings regarding the signals detected.
According to the Joint Agency Coordination Centre in Perth, two separatesignal detections have occurred 1,650 kilometres northwest of Perth within thenorthern part of the defined search area. The first detection was held forapproximately 2 hours and 20 minutes. HMAS Ocean Shield then lost contactbefore conducting a turn and attempting to re-acquire the signal.
The second detection on the return leg was held for approximately 13minutes. On this occasion, two distinct pinger returns were audible.Significantly as stated by Angus Houston, this would be consistent withtransmissions from both the flight data recorder and the cockpit voicerecorder.
Separately, the Chinese Ship Haixun 01 has also detected similar signalstwice.
In line with Malaysia’s consistent stand of verifying and corroborating newevidence since Day 1 of the search operations, I would strongly urge all theparties concerned to treat this information responsibly and to give time andspace for the authorities to conduct further verification. Malaysia alsoconcurs with the statement by Prime Minister Abbott that all parties must becautious about unconfirmed findings and making conclusions.
I have also personally spoken to Air Chief Marshal (ret) Angus Houstonearlier today, who has confirmed the above and has briefed me on the ongoingoperations based on information received from all parties involved.
Despite all this, We are cautiously hopeful that there will be positivedevelopments in the next few days.

2. Way forward for committees

As I have elaborated last Saturday, the Government—in order to streamlineand strengthen our on-going efforts—has established three ministerialcommittees namely,
·        The Next of Kin committee, led by HamzahZainuddin, the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs.
·        The Technical committee, led by Abdul AzizKaprawi, the Deputy Minister of Transport
·        The Deployment of Assets committee, led by AbdulRahim Bakri, the Deputy Minister of Defence
These three committee have started their respective tasks and we will bereporting to the public on their findings in due course.
I would also like to confirm that efforts to appoint an independentinvestigator in charge based on ICAO standards to lead an investigation team isunderway. Three groups have been established, namely–
·        An airworthiness group, to look at issues suchas maintenance records, structures and systems
·        An operations group, to examine things such asflight recorders, operations and meteorology;
·        And a medical and human factors group, toinvestigate issues such as psychology, pathology and survival factors
We are in the process of identifying to include accreditated countries intothis investigation team.

Concluding remarks

The new developments over the last few hours have been the most promisinglead we have had so urge all Malaysians and the international community tounite in their prayers and not give up hope. We
Will continue with all our efforts to find MH370.


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Post time 8-4-2014 12:27 PM | Show all posts
Tak larat nak speku dah

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Post time 8-4-2014 12:29 PM | Show all posts

Anwar bakal dedahkan lokasi sebenar MH370 khamis nanti?
Posted on April 8, 2014 by admin

Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim dilapor akan membuat pendedahan mengejutkan mengenai lokasi sebenar pesawat MH370 minggu depan, dengan syarat BN menerima usul untuk membahaskan perkara tersebut di Parlimen Khamis nanti.

Ini adalah lanjutan dari pengesahan Anwar kepada akhbar The Telegraph semalam bahawa Putrajaya sememangnya ada menyembunyikan maklumat penting dalam kes kehilangan MH370 ini. Sudah tentu Anwar tahu apa yang Putrajaya cuba sembunyikan bila mengeluarkan kenyataan seperti itu.anwar

Tujuan pendedahan itu dibuat kerana Anwar nak menjawab kritikan pemimpin-pemimpin UMNO kononnya kenyataannya kepada The Telegraph tidak berasas dan bertujuan nak memburukkan imej negara.

Persoalan seterusnya, kenapa di Parlimen, kenapa tidak sekarang, ketika usaha mencari sedang giat berjalan di Lautan Hindi?

Selain dari itu, dalam pendedahan tersebut yang akan dibuat khamis nanti, Anwar akan turut mendedahkan beberapa maklumat sulit mengenai keupayaan radar negara bagi menunjukkan sememangnya lokasi pesawat itu diketahui kerajaan selama ini.putrajaya_lies-300x196

Anwar memang mahu bercakap mengenai perkara ini kerana beliau mengaku mempunyai pengetahuan meluas mengenai radar tentera berbanding orang lain, mungkin radar tu dia yang cipta atau sengaja mahu menipu rakyat dan melaga-laga kan negara lain dengan Malaysia.

Apa-apa pun sama-sama kita nantikan pendedahan dari Anwar itu nanti.
sumber ... mh370-khamis-nanti/

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