Azlee Khairi spin,Forumer Cari balas version thesis pg86-summary pg70,78,79
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nat12 posted on 2-6-2014 09:06 AM
iols rasa skill aaron & diyana ni... dorang pandai:
- kerja
Hehe..setuju point di atas..walaupun diyana halik lagi muda drp mak cik lela..tapi sesungguhnya kematangan mak cik lela sangat lah di paras terendah.kihkih |
beatgirlX posted on 27-5-2014 02:59 PM 
tu la mek weh....
aku pun tak paham tapi kelako seh..
hiburan petang..senaman otot perut..
dah lama kiter tak have a good laugh kan?? ader dekat 2 tahun kot i left cari niee |
pauliza posted on 2-6-2014 09:48 AM 
Huhu..iols baca dlm BH semlm..kerjaya aaron pun sendu tahun ni ..tapi sebab sokongan peminat...dap ...
mesti dia berbulu jer baca komen ko. xpe PA leez, vuluzz azlee apa kurangnya..
sudah2la kefit BF hang tu PA, hargai bakat yg ada. esok2 kalo asik dok kefit jer..bakat kelaut hindi, payah nk carik
wani1608 posted on 2-6-2014 09:41 AM 
Betul uols..... iols mmg x minat pn aaron... tp dia dekat dgn peminat.....
iols setuju... iols pun tak minat Aaron.. walaupun bila jumpa dia F2f sekali tu terkedu juga.. ekekeke.
seperti yg iols kata.. dia ni bakat lakonan average, tapi kerja mmg rajin.. ni iols betul kagum.
iols follow dia kat media sosial sampai kena unfollow twitter dia.. tak sanggup hadap tweet publicity & promotion dia yg banyak2 tu
tapi tak dinafikan dia memang dekat dgn peminat.
Berdasarkan pengamatan saya ,kebanyakan story Azlee yang disiarkan dalam suratkhabar Berita Harian 18 May 2014 ,Utusan Malaysia 22 May 2014 & Metro 28 May 2014 adalah cerita yg di cedok daripada thread ni..sebab wartawan agak malas nak CSI + tak kuasa wartawan nak CSI pasal Azlee yg sendu ni..meh saya nak tolong reporters sikit..hehe..wartawan percaya bulat2 apa yg Azlee cakap..kihkih..ni berdasarkan hasil pencarian saya..ala tak susah pun tekan google jek...
Bkn isu besar pun..cuma saya nak highlightkan bila Azlee cakap "Mak Cik Lela aka Dayang orang BIASA-BIASA jek"..saya faham Azlee keluarkan kenytaan ni sebab tak nak dikatakan kikis duit wanita yg dikatakan pengurusnya tu..Azlee cakap cuma yg fitnah tu suka mereka-reka kan cerita...ehem ehem ehem...sapa yg fitnah sapa ni Azlee???
Mak Cik Lela aka Dayang Norlelawati bt Puteh ni Managing Director of Megavision Group Company.Siap pernah masuk dalam Brunei Times lagik sebagai salah seorang usahawan wanita yg berjaya..tak percaya?fitnah?cuba baca artikel kat bawah ni..agak-agak "ORANG BIASA " boleh masuk Brunei Times ke Azlee???nak kencing wartawan boleh lah...hehe..walau bagaimana pun mula2 ,saya keliru jugak..ada bisnes sendiri di Brunei tapi nak menempel jadi pengurus artis..lepas tu PR failed pulak tu...tapi tiada benda yg mustahil ..CINTA ITU BUTA..kerana CINTA laut cina selatan Mak Cik Lela sanggup renangi .companya Megavision ni jugak akan uruskan Elle Rahman Make Up Workshop pada 14 & 15 Jun 2014 di D Villa Resident Ampang dgn cost RM400 seorang..haha..penampilan khas Azlee Khairi ..kesimpulannya Company Megavision aka Companya Dayang Lela aka GF Azlee ni masih wujud lagi..terpulanglah pada fans Azlee & reporter nak percaya Azlee ataupun hasil CSI saya ni..ada otak.nilai sendiri.ingin saya ingatkan di sini..saya cumalah bekas fans Azlee .saya pun kena BLOCK dgn Mak Cik Lela sebab kenenkan zara & azlee.masa tu takde sapa pun tau azlee dah ada gf.saya memang suka gandingan serasi di layar antara azlee & zara dalam LYMA.saya bukak thread ni atas inisiatif saya sendiri.
takde kena mengena langsung dgn Zara Zya.harap maklum.
Untuk artikel dalam Utusan ,Azlee cakap..tak taulah macam mana gambar di page 1 tu tersebar??
Hello masa saya baca ni saya tergelak..Azlee azlee..kot ye pun kau bodoh..simpan lah utk diri sendiri jugak..
Tu kan gambar selfie kau & mak cik lela?macam mana lah saya nak dapat kalau kau tak share di sosial media.
Oh lupa..kau kan tak suka sosial media..hihi
Gambar tu saya dapat daripada krew salah seorang LYMA Raya..krew tu share di ig kepunyaan dia ..krew tu pun BFF dgn mak cik Lela yg 24 jam menempel di set LYMA Raya..ig krew tu berlambak fans LYMA raya yang follow..jadi ramai jek yg sempat save gambar tu sebelum kena delete..so nilai sendiri ye ...sapa yg kaki propa kat sini??
Untuk lebih memudahkan reporters ,saya highlightkan page2 yg ada isu2 hot
1)Untuk gambar mak cik lela yg lebih clear -page 6
2)Azlee lahar fans -page 14
3)Video punca laharan Azlee -page 28
4)Keratan Berita Harian page 31
5)Keratan Utusan Malaysia page 36
6)seseorang disyaki konco2 azlee create id forum @antikaumsejenis utk burukkan zara-page 48
7)Keratan Harian Metro -page 60
8)Summary post #1618 page 65
9)jawapan bela diri drp pihak zara zya page 67
NORLELA PUTEH - businesswoman on the rise
[size=0.9em]Norlela hard at work in her office. Picture: BT/Anwar Rosly
Saturday, May 12, 2012
IN A world where men dominate, few would recognise the contributions set by women in the entrepreneur sector. For the brave few enterprising women, they push themselves so as to be on the same level as their male counterparts, be it in every sector of trade and commerce.
Breaking the norm and perception of how a woman should present herself in the modern world, Norlelawati Puteh, known to her friends as "Lis", tells The Brunei Times about the challenges in the world of business (in her case, the entertainment business).
As founder and Managing Director of Megavision Group Company, she led the company on many ventures such as construction, real estates, event management services and an entertainment production house.
The first question that popped up in my mind as I was interviewing her was: What made her to enter the stressful world of business?
Her answer was for its adventure and the satisfaction it gives in accomplishing big things in life.
"The feeling is infinite, taking on my greatest journey in life and having the means and freedom to do what I know best is absolutely gratifying," she said with a concrete smile.
Although she ventures into different areas, Norlela stated that she is focused on the event management services and production company while her other partners handles the rest.
"A woman going into and starting her own business needs to be strong-willed," she argued.
Norlela explains that, "Women should not be pushed over by men when it comes to competition ... Businesswomen must take the challenge and prove their worth to be at the same level as their male counterparts".
"I am proud that a lot of women are now taking up the role in becoming entrepreneurs, much like the old days when women take the role of housewives. As the world changes, so does the way of thinking," said the managing director.
But she cautioned that although doing business can be exciting and at times filled with adrenaline-rush, many failed due to lack of proper planning, management and financing.
"That is why woman must be prepared and be able to balance their time with work and personal life. It is important for them to prioritise their responsibilities," she says.
She stated that having a role model who you can follow is always good. She credits Donald Trump and Oprah Winfrey as her source of motivation as well as inspiration to start a business.
"I was always interested in the world of entertainment since I was a kid and took part in some RTB productions. Having those experiences were vital in my decision to kick start the entertainment company called Megavision Production and also the Event Management Services company," she told The Brunei Times.
During the time she was in the entertainment business, Norlela holds and sticks onto this value as her business principle; and has always believe that the ultimate key to success is good teamwork.
"Good communication and working relationship between employers and employees spell success. A person who knows well how to interact with his or her team of staff as well as clients and customers should be able to lead a business venture well," she explains.
She advises entrepreneurs not to take criticisms personally and to take it as a learning process, and to be able to learn from mistakes and find ways to improve themselves daily.
"Be smart about it and when taking care of your business, I believe that one should not give up trying but keep on pressing till you get to the top," Norlela concludes.
The Brunei Times
Event management startup's tale begins
[size=0.9em]Ex-radio deejay and TV presenter Norlelawati Puteh (L) supervises preparations for the opening of a bridal trade show at The Mall. The event is MegaVision Event Management Service's first salvo in Brunei's growing event management market. MegaVision is the young entrepreneur's startup company which she set up to tap into the popularity of professional event organisers in the Sultanate. Picture: BT/Bahrum Ali
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
NORLELAWATI PUTEH, known to radio listeners as Lisa, has switched careers and is now about to embark on her first foray as an entrepreneur into the competitive field called event management.
It's a bridal trade show at The Mall that begins today. How the expo fares will give her a few more lessons about the trade, but whether it's a smashing success or not isn't likely to cause her to waiver in her desire to grow MegaVision Event Management Service and to make it in this field. Lisa says she did not want to be among the countless fledgling entrepreneurs venturing into Brunei's crowded restaurant market.
"It has always been my dream to set up my own business which is related to my hobbies and expertise," she says, noting she wanted to steer clear from the run-of-the-mill shops. "There are now already so many restaurants in Brunei, yet so many people want to open up restaurants."
Lisa used to work for a private firm as a corporate marketing officer. This was followed by a six-month stint doing event management for another company.
Lisa says her advertising experience has boosted her confidence that she could do better and more for her own future.
"By doing business which is related to my area of interest, I get to have more fun and am able to make more income," says Lisa.
By organising a trade fair, she is not only aiming to do it for her own satisfaction, but at the same time, it is one way to help promote some local businesses get marketing exposure, says Lisa.
She understands that there are now a number of established event management companies. But it's a healthy challenge that she says she must overcome.
Each businessman must have his or her own goals. The reason she chose this business is because she knows it is something she enjoys doing.
There is a lot of potential in this business, says the former radio deejay and TV presenter, adding that the market is not limited to the corporate world and government agencies. There are family reunions and special occasions that the startup can help organise, she says.
Lisa welcomes any type of client who want to see their special functions run smoothly and successfully.
Lisa shares that when she started out, she had to will herself to overcome challenges patiently.
"After getting a business licence, I injected more than $10,000 to run this business and finally I succeeded to rent an office in Madang," she said.
One of her bigger challenges now involves booking strategic venues such as The Mall and the International Convention Centre which most competitors also want for their events. More challenges will come her way, she acknowledges, noting though that she would always find ways to sustain and improve her business strategies.
Her first event at The Mall concludes on Sunday. But right now, she's making a long mental list of things to do as she's already picturing ways to smoothly organise her next, an IT expo in March 2010. The Brunei Times
Last edited by coklat_cadbury on 2-6-2014 11:07 AM
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OSEMMM posted on 2-6-2014 11:12 AM 
Hahhh...kata xder apa2 biasa2 jerr..tuuu..company megavision ada lagik..
nmpk bebenor propa azlee ...
yup company Megavision tu ada uruskan workhshop mekap melibatkan elle rahman..huhu..saya nak tepek iklan tu tapi besar sangat
mak cik lela yakin..aura mr arrogant azlee masih ada lagi..sebab tu gigih nau nak ltk azlee sbg penampilan khas..
1 mak cik lela lupa..Mr Arrogant tu auranya hanya dlm LYMA disamping Zara Zya...
tapi kalau azlee khairi yg real, Arrogant dgn peminat dan disamping mak cik lela..ada ke org nak minat?lu pikirlah sendiri
coklat_cadbury posted on 2-6-2014 10:58 AM 
Berdasarkan pengamatan saya ,kebanyakan story Azlee yang disiarkan dalam suratkhabar Berita Harian 1 ...
Thank you TT, dah mcm tesis dah kekdah nya...
emilia2649 posted on 2-6-2014 11:21 AM 
Thank you TT, dah mcm tesis dah kekdah nya...
tulah..thesis dibentangkan ikut situasi semasa...hehe
saya tau reporters cedok dari sini...& anggap je lah saya tolong reporters buat kerja.
coklat_cadbury posted on 2-6-2014 10:58 AM 
Berdasarkan pengamatan saya ,kebanyakan story Azlee yang disiarkan dalam suratkhabar Berita Harian 1 ...
terbaekk .. ini menunjukkan reput hiburan sangat berat montot nak cari berita .. kalu camni takder beza nganm habang naraaaa!!! hahaha |
samshik posted on 2-6-2014 11:28 AM 
terbaekk .. ini menunjukkan reput hiburan sangat berat montot nak cari berita .. kalu camni takder ...
hahaha..adakah saya patut bukak blog beautifulcadbury??huhu..masa id ni di buat coklat cadbury tak haram lagik..
skrg sure azlee ketap-ketap bibir.."cadbury punya coklat cadbury!!!"
nased xder jubir.. kalo jubir masih kat bipop maunye hazab dilahar .. hahahah |
coklat_cadbury posted on 2-6-2014 11:33 AM 
hahaha..adakah saya patut bukak blog beautifulcadbury??huhu..masa id ni di buat coklat cadbury tak ... skrg sure azlee ketap-ketap bibir.."cadbury punya coklat cadbury!!!
hahahhahha bengong punya cadbury....anyway TQ for summary...hahahha
reporter pemalass !!
teky posted on 2-6-2014 11:41 AM 
nased xder jubir.. kalo jubir masih kat bipop maunye hazab dilahar .. hahahah
hahaha..masa ni baru saya pun sedar ..penting jugak jubir tu kat bipop...haritu pun raja mawar ada lahar...tapi of course tak sepedas jubir 
coklat_cadbury posted on 2-6-2014 11:33 AM 
hahaha..adakah saya patut bukak blog beautifulcadbury??huhu..masa id ni di buat coklat cadbury tak ...
dah selalu sangat depa buat mcam tu .. sorang agi si jubior tu pun sama .. takder research pastu tulis tah aper2 .. pastu kalu salah.. suruh orang abaikan .. ko dah burukkan nama orang kot.. macam2 hal... |
samshik posted on 2-6-2014 11:44 AM 
dah selalu sangat depa buat mcam tu .. sorang agi si jubior tu pun sama .. takder research pastu t ...
mek sam.....yuhuuuuuuuuuuu...long time no see meh...
teky posted on 2-6-2014 11:41 AM 
nased xder jubir.. kalo jubir masih kat bipop maunye hazab dilahar .. hahahah
jubis dah berams ker dari BH?? baru nampak gambor die p bercuti kat trg.. |
samshik posted on 2-6-2014 11:46 AM 
jubis dah berams ker dari BH?? baru nampak gambor die p bercuti kat trg..
dipindahkan ke unit lain kekdahnya
tapibukanaku posted on 2-6-2014 11:46 AM 
mek sam.....yuhuuuuuuuuuuu...long time no see meh...
tapi!!!!! .. rindu kamu jugaaa!!! abe wemy nak kuar ngan CEO .. p la tengok .. best la beto blakon.. anas pun superb!! |
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