Post time 14-10-2014 12:13 AMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
fredbok87 posted on 14-10-2014 12:07 AM
jual tanah lot? koser laa... confirm champion uolss..... banyak duit nak vote
Btui Uols.. Dulu Faizal Ganu AF4 tu mengaku his family jual tanah segala coz nak afundi heols jdik Juara dulu.. Huhu
owang kampong mmg gitu kekdahnye.. Last edited by prettymanja on 14-10-2014 12:14 AM
fredbok87 posted on 14-10-2014 12:09 AM
owh gitu...takper uols pasti dapat...yakin...Ameen... literature for english ke mcm mana course uo ...
literature. but the medium of teaching is in english. basically ukm punya literature focuses more on post-colonial context. (feveret subject iols: comparative literature, popular culture (af used to be a popular culture in malaysia. hahaha) & multiculturalism. iols punya tesis aritu pasal neo-colonialism gituhh. hahah
tengkiu presidenku
iols tak mau menaruh harapan sbb xmahu kecewa. iols cuba yang terbaik saja
Post time 14-10-2014 01:16 AMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
lazim posted on 14-10-2014 12:59 AM
ala lagu zarif xbest mesti tersingkir
ya lagu zarif and adel tak bila tengok d you tube td cam best pulak lagu zarif ni..lawak lah bila penyamun penyamun tu keluar dr tong smbil menyanyi yahabibie ali baba..teingat nostalgia ramly dan ajis heehe..adel tak tau lah pulak bahaya lah lagu adel ni,adel kena hayati watak penggoda tuk mnghayati lagu ni.apapun saya tunggu zarif and adel mggu ni