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Author: R2D2

[Tempatan] PKPB. Kedai pajak gadai MASIH jadi tumpuan. Bukan semua gadai, ada yg datang bua

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Post time 5-5-2020 05:44 PM | Show all posts
Rasanya tak semua yang pegi nak gadai barang... Ada yang pegi sebab nak bayar bunga.. takut barang tu luncur sebab tak sempat bayar, kedai pun tutup time pkp.

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Post time 5-5-2020 07:03 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Tlg la dulu knp bpn still x dpt, DH sebulan

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Post time 5-5-2020 07:39 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Iols selalu nmpk kt tepi2 pajak gadai,   ada mcm brader2 berdiri tepi kedai pajak,  tanya2 kalau nk pajak. .. Iols buat taktau jah

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Post time 5-5-2020 07:48 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
cmf_premierleag replied at 5-5-2020 04:38 PM
aku x minat emas2 ni sbb leceh nk simpan kalo x pakai
kalo simpan kt umah, kang kene rompak la,keba ...

aku pernah simpan silver bar.. hilang

dlm rumah laaa.....

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 Author| Post time 5-5-2020 10:35 PM | Show all posts
Long queues don’t mean people are pawning jewellery, say pawnshop owners
Bernama -
May 5, 2020 8:35 PM

KUALA LUMPUR: There’s nothing unusual about the long queues at pawnshops, president of the Malaysia Pawnbrokers Association Tan Ho Keng said today.

He said the patrons were only attending to matters outstanding since March 18 when the movement control order (MCO) came into force to contain Covid-19.

With the outlets reopening under the conditional MCO after 47 days, the patrons were back to redeem their pawned jewellery, make interest payments, extend the period of the mortgage and a few to pawn some items, he added.

“Not everyone who goes to a pawnshop is mortgaging jewellery, just like not everyone who goes to an airport is taking a flight.”

The CMCO permits pawnshops to reopen for five hours on their working days, from 9am to 2pm.

“The number of patrons seemed huge yesterday because all of them were adhering to social distancing of staying one metre apart from one another.

“Only two patrons were allowed into the premises at any one time, compared with 10 previously,” he said in explaing long queues near pawnshops.

“Many of our clients wished to redeem their jewellery as Aidilfitri is approaching.”

Tan gave the assurance that an automatic extension will be given for pawned items which reach their maturity date anytime between March 18 and May 12. The CMCO will be in force until May 12.

A visit to the Ar-Rahnu Islamic pawnshop in Gombak, Selangor, found that many had come to extend the mortgage on their pawned jewellery.

Sharifah, 35, said she was unable to complete her business today because of the short opening hours.

“I came to pay the interest, which is three months’ overdue, on my gold bangles. I thought the outlet will be open as usual, but it is only up to 2pm.”

Many patrons in Kuala Terengganu said they were redeeming their jewellery after making i-Lestari withdrawals from the Employees Provident Fund (EPF). Others came to extend mortgages.

Nurul, 32, a private sector employee, said the i-Lestari withdrawal has come in handy as additional cash to pay the instalment for the gold bangles she had pawned several months ago.

Plumber Mahmud, 44, a father of four, said he was grateful for the CMCO as it has enabled him to pawn some of his wife’s jewellery for cash to spend for Aidilfitri or he would have to borrow money from relatives.

“We may not be able to return to our kampung but I want my wife and children to have a joyful Raya.”

In Ipoh, retired private sector employee Aziman, 65, said he had to queue up for more than an hour to redeem his wife’s gold chain.

A former hotel employee, Nurul Aini, 34, had used some of her savings to redeem bangles that she wished to wear for the upcoming Aidilfitri.

Bibi Safura Ghulam Hydar, 56, owner of Kedai Emas Safura, said the outlet had received many requests to mortgage jewellery during the MCO but only offered to buy them at the market price.

In Johor Bahru, Muhammad, 30, said he came to extend the mortgage because he did not want his jewellery to be auctioned off.

Accessory shop employee Shafinaz, 39, said she decided to pawn her jewellery because of the high price of gold so she could have cash in hand.

In Sungai Petani, two pawnshops were seen to have many patrons, but most of them had come to redeem their jewellery.

“The price of gold has risen. Perhaps, they want to redeem their jewellery to sell,” a pawnshop owner, who gave his name as Lee, said.

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 Author| Post time 5-5-2020 10:36 PM | Show all posts
Ramai ke pajak gadai selesaikan urusan tertangguh

KUALA LUMPUR: Tiada yang luar biasa tentang kunjungan ramai pelanggan ke beberapa premis pajak gadai semalam dan hari ini, dengan Persatuan Tuan Punya Pajak Gadai Malaysia menganggapnya sebagai rutin biasa.

Presiden persatuan itu, Tan Ho Keng, berkata pelanggan berkenaan mahu menyelesaikan urusan mereka yang tertangguh setelah pajak gadai ditutup sejak 18 Mac lalu, berikutan pelaksanaan Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan (PKP).

Beliau berkata, pelanggan berkenaan mengunjungi kedai pajak gadai untuk menebus barang kemas yang digadai, membuat pembayaran faedah, melanjutkan tempoh gadaian selain segelintir yang membuat pajakan.

Selepas 47 hari tidak beroperasi, katanya, premis pajak gadai kembali dibuka semalam susulan kerajaan melaksanakan Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan Bersyarat (PKPB).

"Jumlah pelanggan nampak ramai semalam kerana mereka ikut peraturan dengan beratur mematuhi jarak sosial satu meter. Hanya dua pelanggan sahaja dibenarkan memasuki premis pada satu-satu masa, berbanding sebelum ini kami benarkan 10 pelanggan masuk ke dalam premis," katanya hari ini.

Ho Keng memberitahu sepanjang PKPB, operasi premis pajak gadai dihadkan kepada lima jam sahaja iaitu dari 9 pagi hingga 2 petang.

Beliau menjelaskan kebanyakan pelanggan yang mengunjungi kedai pajak gadai kerana mahu menebus barang kemas mereka.

"Aidilfitri tidak lama lagi. Jadi ramai pelanggan datang untuk tebus kerana ingin memakai barang kemas kepunyaan mereka nanti," katanya.

Mengenai lanjutan tempoh pembayaran, beliau berkata, pelanggan yang sudah mencapai tempoh matang untuk membuat pembayaran pajakan bagi tempoh 18 Mac hingga 12 Mei tidak perlu bimbang kerana lanjutan pembayaran secara automatik.

Sementara itu, tinjauan di sebuah premis pajak gadai Islam Ar-Rahnu di Gombak mendapati ramai pelanggan datang untuk melanjutkan tempoh gadaian barang kemas mereka.

Pelanggan kedai itu yang hanya mahu dikenali sebagai Sharifah, 35, memberitahu beliau tidak dapat menyelesaikan urusannya kerana waktu operasi di premis itu dipendekkan sehingga 2 petang.

"Saya ke sini untuk bayar upah simpan bagi gelang emas yang sudah tertangguh tiga bulan. Saya ingatkan (premis) buka seperti biasa tetapi sampai 2 petang sahaja," katanya.

Di Kuala Terengganu, tinjauan mendapati ramai pelanggan dapat menebus barang kemas dan melanjutkan tempoh gadaian selepas membuat pengeluaran i-Lestari daripada Kumpulan Wang Simpanan Pekerja (KWSP) yang dibenarkan kerajaan berikutan pelaksanaan Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan (PKP).

Pekerja swasta yang hanya ingin dikenali sebagai Nurul, 32, berkata pengeluaran i-Lestari memberinya sumber kewangan yang lebih untuk membayar ansuran gadaian gelang emas yang dipajaknya beberapa bulan lalu.

"Saya membayar secara ansuran pajakan gelang itu sehingga Julai ini dan akan dapat menebusnya sebelum tamat tempoh pajakan. Jadi, pengeluaran duit KWSP (i-Lestari) itu memberi sumber yang lebih untuk membayar pajakan emas," katanya.

Sementara itu seorang tukang paip yang hanya ingin dikenali sebagai Mahmud, 44, bersyukur dengan pelaksanaan Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan Bersyarat (PKPB) yang membolehkan beliau membuat urusan di kedai pajak gadai.

Bapa kepada empat anak itu berkata, beliau terpaksa menggadai barang kemas milik isterinya bagi kegunaan Aidilfitri nanti.

"Sekiranya PKPB tidak dilaksanakan dan kedai pajak gadai masih ditutup, mungkin saya terpaksa meminjam wang daripada saudara-mara. Walaupun mungkin tidak dapat pulang ke kampung beraya tetapi saya dan isteri mahu melakukan persiapan untuk anak-anak seperti membeli baju baharu untuk menggembirakan mereka," katanya.

Di Ipoh, hari kedua pelaksanaan PKPB menyaksikan pelanggan mematuhi prosedur operasi standard (SOP) yang diarahkan seperti memakai penutup hidung dan mulut serta mengamalkan jarak sosial semasa berurusan di premis pajak gadai termasuk di Jalan CM Yusuff.

Pesara swasta yang mahu dikenali sebagai Aziman, 65, berkata beliau beratur lebih sejam demi menebus rantai emas isterinya yang digadai sebelum pelaksanaan PKP.

Bekas pekerja hotel yang mahu dikenali sebagai Nurul Aini, 34, pula menggunakan wang simpanannya untuk menebus gelang emasnya untuk dipakai semasa Aidilfitri kelak.

Pemilik Kedai Emas Safura, Bibi Safura Ghulam Hydar, 56, memberitahu pihaknya menerima banyak permintaan untuk menggadai barang kemas semasa PKP, namun memilih tidak menerimanya atas pelbagai faktor termasuk riba.

Sebaliknya, beliau mengambil pendekatan membeli barang kemas yang dijual mengikut harga pasaran kerana mahu memudahkan urusan mereka yang kesusahan.

Di Johor Bahru, tinjauan di beberapa kedai pajak gadai mendapati ramai yang mengunjunginya untuk melanjutkan tempoh gadaian.

Muhammad, 30, berkata beliau mahu memperbaharui tempoh gadaian yang sudah tamat bagi mengelak barang kemas miliknya dilelong.

Pekerja kedai aksesori wanita yang mahu dikenali sebagai Shafinaz, 39, pula memilih memajak barang kemasnya berikutan harga emas yang tinggi ketika ini, sebagai persediaan untuk perbelanjaan kelak.

Di Sungai Petani, hanya dua premis pajak gadai yang menjadi tumpuan pelanggan yang kebanyakannya mahu menebus barang gadaian.

Pemilik kedai pajak gadai itu yang hanya ingin dikenali sebagai Lee, 50, berkata hari ini ramai pelanggan datang kerana mahu menebus barang kemas serta melanjutkan tempoh pajakan.

"Sekarang harga emas naik. Mungkin mereka tebus barang kemas untuk menjualnya pula," katanya sambil mememberitahu premisnya turut mematuhi moratorium selama tiga bulan seperti diarah kerajaan.

Di Melaka, tinjauan di beberapa kedai pajak gadai di kawasan Kampung Jawa, Bukit Cina dan Jonker Street di sini mendapati kebanyakan pelanggan hadir untuk membayar upah pajak bagi menyambung tempoh pajakan, selain segelintir yang memajak barang kemas mereka.

Agnes Leow, 51, yang menguruskan kedai pajak gadai keluarganya di Kampung Jawa sejak beroperasi hampir 30 tahun lalu berkata, pihaknya membuat persediaan awal untuk memudahkan urusan pelanggannya.

Pelanggan yang hanya mahu dikenali sebagai Kavi, 44, dari Ujong Pasir, berkata beliau hadir ke kedai pajak itu kerana mahu menyambung tempoh pajakan rantai emasnya selama enam bulan lagi. – BERNAMA

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Post time 5-5-2020 11:12 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
zamzam replied at 5-5-2020 03:35 PM
Emas jugak yg laku. Cincin kawin berlian mas putih 20k bagai xder harga nak pajak.

Emas putih pun tak laku...
Beli emas 916 dan 999 je.. Simpan utk raining day. Tapi zakat jangan lupa.

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Post time 5-5-2020 11:14 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
R2D2 replied at 5-5-2020 04:01 PM
In Johor, long lines at pawnshops on second day of CMCO
Tuesday, 05 May 2020 03:34 PM MYT

Kenapa pergi kedai pajak macam tu?
Bank rakyat/muamalat or ar rahnu tak buka ke?
Kedai pajak macam tu riba, interest tinggi compare dari pergi ar rahnu or banks ... Yg ni charge upah simpan dan boleh bagi loan sampai 85% nilai marhum.
Satu lagi, i takde kepercayaan kat kedai pajak... Kalau dia potong gelang/rantai kurang 1-2 gram bukannya kita perasan..

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 Author| Post time 6-5-2020 02:25 PM | Show all posts
Long queues form outside pawn shops
By Esther Landau - May 6, 2020 @ 12:01pm

KUALA LUMPUR: As the Conditional Movement Control Order (CMCO) entered the second day yesterday, several pawn shops reopened their doors.

Checks by the New Straits Times found long queues outside several pawn shops as early as 8am.

Some customers said they wanted to pawn their gold jewellery because they were unable to make ends meet and pay medical bills, while others said they wanted to pay delayed interests on loans or renew their pawn receipts for valuables.

Kavitha Prabagaren, 26, who lined up outside a pawn shop in Sentul Boulevard, said she had to renew the receipt on the valuables that she had pawned last year and put down as collateral as she needed the money to pay for her mother's medical bills.

She said her mother had heart problems and she needed money to cover the medical fees, which were about RM40,000.

"We had to pawn our valuables last year to cover my mother's medical bills. We were given six months to pay off the loans. The loan interest charge is only two per cent and is charged every month. This pawn shop offers the lowest interest charges.

"We could not go out during the MCO and it was difficult for us to find money to pay the bills. It's a relief the CMCO was announced. We really need the money."

Nor Hasimah Nasra, 43, went to the pawn shop as she wanted to redeem some jewellery.

"I have a freelance job and don't have a fixed income. Because of Covid-19 and the MCO, life has been a struggle for my family."

A spokesman for a pawn shop in Jalan Sentul here said the shop had been receiving a lot of customers since Monday.

He said about 80 people queued outside the store from 9am on Monday and some 50 people went to the shop yesterday.

"We understand that people need money in this situation and we will serve them the best we can. We are allowed to open and we will follow the standard operating procedure set by the government. We will check customers' temperature and give them hand sanitiser before they enter the premises.

"We will make sure they abide by social distancing rules. Only one person is allowed into the premises at a time."

A long queue was spotted at another popular pawn shop, Sin Loong Pawn Shop, at about 2pm.

Malaysia Pawnbrokers Association president Tan Ho Keng said there was nothing extraordinary about the huge crowds at pawn shops on Monday and yesterday.

He said the situation was "normal" as customers wanted to carry out the transactions that had been put on hold since the MCO began on March 18.

He said many customers wanted to redeem pawned items, make interest payments and extend the term, while a small number wanted to pawn some items.

"It seems as if we are dealing with a high number of customers because they are adhering to social distancing rules. Only two customers can enter the premises at any time, compared with 10 before this," he told Bernama.

Tan said business operations for pawn shops during the CMCO were from 9am to 2pm only.

"Many want to redeem their pawned jewellery because they want to wear them for Hari Raya."

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Post time 6-5-2020 02:46 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Ada jugak emas nak di gadai..apa pun takda tinggal body je nak gadai camne

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Post time 6-5-2020 02:59 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Klu tnye aku kenapa g pajak gadai..bukan nak gadai semata mgkin NK rebus atau NK byr bulanan..
Jgnla jump into clocution asal g pajak xde duit..
Mmg la g pajak Masa tu xde time ni tgh berduit..NK rebus semula brg

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 Author| Post time 6-5-2020 10:43 PM | Show all posts
Bukan semua nak gadai barang

"BUKAN semua nak menggadaikan barang kemas, ada yang nak menjelaskan bayaran upah," kata Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Kebajikan, Pembangunan Wanita, Keluarga dan Perpaduan Nasional negeri, Hanafiah Mat.

Beliau berkata demikian mengulas tindakan rakyat menyerbu kedai pajak gadai kelmarin, sebaik kerajaan melonggarkan kegiatan ekonomi dan sosial melalui Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan Bersyarat (PKPB).

Katanya, pembayaran upah dilakukan bagi bagi mengelak barangan mereka dilelong atau dijual.

"Sebagai contoh di Kemaman sendiri, saya dimaklumkan pemilik kedai pajak gadai terdapat seramai 170 individu mengunjungi kedainya kelmarin dan kesemuanya membuat bayaran yang tertunggak dan bukannya membuat pinjaman baru.

"Semalam, seramai 150 individu ke kedai sama namun hanya lima yang membuat pinjaman baru manakala selebihnya menjelaskan pinjaman dan situasi sama turut berlaku di beberapa daerah lagi seperti Kuala Terengganu, Besut dan Dungun," katanya ketika dihubungi di Kuala Terengganu, hari ini.

Mengulas mengenai kenyataan Presiden PKR, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim yang mendakwa rakyat hidup susah selepas menyerbu kedai pajak gadai kelmarin, Hanafiah berkata, ia seolah-olah menafikan sumbangan kerajaan kepada rakyat sepanjang Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan (PKP).

Beliau turut menyangkal dakwaan Anwar yang menyatakan rakyat hidup dalam kesusahan kesan pelaksanaan PKP bermula 18 Mac lalu sehingga terpaksa mengunjungi pajak gadai.

"Kerajaan Terengganu sendiri pada 19 Mac lalu meluluskan peruntukan sebanyak RM6 juta sebagai insentif kepada golongan yang terjejas akibat Covid-19 di negeri ini.

"Malah, sebaik PKP dilaksanakan, saya turut berbincang dengan persatuan pajak gadai Terengganu supaya tidak mengambil kesempatan ke atas barang yang digadai seperti mengenakan caj yang berlebihan dan melelong barang yang digadai berikutan pemilik gagal membuat pembayaran walaupun sudah tamat tempoh.

"Dalam tempoh PKP ini, bukan rakyat tidak mahu bayar tetapi rakyat terikat dengan arahan kerajaan dalam usaha memutuskan rantaian Covid-19," katanya.

Memetik laporan sebuah portal berita semalam, Anwar meluahkan rasa simpatinya terhadap rakyat yang terpaksa menyerbu kedai pajak gadai sebaik sahaja kerajaan membuka semula ekonomi di bawah PKPB.

Artikel ini disiarkan pada : Rabu, 6 Mei 2020 @ 5:14 PM

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 Author| Post time 6-5-2020 11:30 PM | Show all posts

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Post time 7-5-2020 07:22 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
R2D2 replied at 6-5-2020 11:30 PM

True. Tak boleh nak salahkan orang yang nak cepat-cepat habis PKP sebab kesian ada yg kais pagi makan pagi. Semoga Allah permudahkan urusan mereka dan hilangkan wabak covid19 dinegara kita dan seluruh dunia.

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Post time 7-5-2020 01:53 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Beli emas 999 kat public gold untuk long term. Siap ada kutu 10x bayar. Beli masa harga rendah. Sekarang ni emas mahal. Tu ramai pergi gadai. Jangan beli sebarang emas lagi.

Kalau nak beli emas 916, risik2 kedai yang boleh bayar kutu. Xkenakan insterest. Biasa kedai x promo kat kaunter benda ni. Pandai2 lah riki by pm fb call sebelum ke kedai

Kenapa kutu? Kerana ianya komitmen monthly yang mengajar erti tanggungjawab menjadi kaya secara santai.kah3

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 Author| Post time 8-5-2020 02:24 PM | Show all posts
People come knocking even before we reopened for business: Pawnbroker
08 May 2020 / 09:24 H.

PETALING JAYA: Even before the movement control order (MCO) was replaced by the conditional MCO (CMCO), pawnshops have been receiving calls from people desperate for cash.

“They were literally begging us to open so they could exchange their valuables for cash,” pawnbroker Tan Chai Seong, 50, told theSun yesterday.

Tan, who operates 22 pawnshops across Selangor, said many who seek out pawnshops are those in the B40 group.

He said that before the Covid-19 outbreak, most of the customers who visited his shops were there to pay interest on the loans they received.

“But this time around, most of them come because they are financially strapped and they need cash in hand quickly,” he said.

Long queues could be seen outside pawnshops from Monday when they were allowed to reopen for business.

TheSun had first reported the issue on its front page on May 6.

Malaysian Pawnbrokers Association president Tan Ho Keng had earlier told the media that the situation was “normal”, saying that apart from those who needed cash, there were also those who wanted to carry out “transactions that had to be put on hold” when the MCO was enforced on March 18.

Among them, he said, were those who wanted to redeem their pawned items, make interest payments or extend the terms of their loans.

On April 14, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) described the current global economic decline as the worst since the Great Depression of the 1930s.

The coronavirus pandemic has plunged countries around the world into their deepest recessions.

Social media is now filled with stories on how those who are financially-strapped are struggling to get money.

In a tweet that has gone viral, @theiliaqilah shared a conversation she had with another person who had queued up outside a pawnshop with her.

Since there was a long queue, she suggested that they returned the following day, but the woman said she needed the money badly because she had run out of cash after losing her job as a cleaner. She also has an asthmatic child to take care of.

The post on May 4 received 6,155 likes with 7,758 retweets.

Another twitter user Alawiyah Yussof wrote that she helped a mother and her son to go to one of the pawnshops in Kajang to get extra cash.

“People queuing up in front of pawnshops are real. I just sent a mother and her son to Kajang for this and the queue was long.

“Longer than queuing at Tesco for groceries,” she tweeted on Tuesday.

The Penang Pawnbrokers Association said that they were informed by their counterparts in Perak and Selangor that the number of people who had to pawn their valuables was “more than usual”.

Pawnshops in Penang are only allowed to reopen today

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Post time 8-5-2020 02:56 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
clarizsa replied at 5-5-2020 01:43 AM
Lain ke
Kenapa i pi thailand spore swiss korea dubai cm sama je harga nya

Meols beli emas kat areb saudi masa tu SR 155 segram, and kat malaysia that time RM 190-200 segram. Kalau convert duit pun still berbaloi beli kat saudi. And lagipun meols terima gaji dalam SR. So meols beli lah gold bar sebulan sebijik. Tapi meols bodo lupa mintak cert atau kad ala2 perakuan tu. Ape mende meols lupa term dia.

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Post time 8-5-2020 03:06 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
cassriena replied at 5-5-2020 11:12 AM
bila dah beli emas hiasan, kene la pakai kan. korang hati2, ada mata yg memerhati.

kat kampung m ...

Sebab tu meols kalau nk beli emas hiasan, meols beli rantai leher or gelang kaki je, sebab tersorok dlm baju/tudung. Selain meols rimas kalau pakai kat tangan. Sekadar share pengalaman.

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Post time 8-5-2020 03:10 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
zamzam replied at 5-5-2020 02:33 PM
Itu untungnya bila ada emas. Boleh guna waktu terdesak. Saper yg suka perli2 pompan pakai/beli emas  ...

Mil meols sejenis suka beli brg kemas, org klate kata ko. Hehehe. Tapi dia simpan kat ar rahnu and byr upah je. Semalam dia tnya meols, nk beli tak rantai emas dia, dia jual harga lama, rm 160 segram. Ape lagi, meols grab la. Hahahah

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Post time 8-5-2020 06:40 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
GarisDepan replied at 8-5-2020 03:06 PM
Sebab tu meols kalau nk beli emas hiasan, meols beli rantai leher or gelang kaki je, sebab tersoro ...

Anak dara comellah berantai kaki. Dah kalau mcm mak jah pakai rantai kaki mmg pelik sgt.

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