Originally posted by bulutu at 14-12-2007 12:59 AM
ada.. ni pernah jadi kat aku.. kat kedai makan..
aku : nyap nyap nyap (tengah makan daaaa)
awek : hai bang.. abang buleh tak isi kan borang kaji selidik ni?..
aku : tengah makan ni ha.. nyap ...
ceh! aku punye xcited bce cter ko ni.. ingatkan awek 2 dok puji ke ape ke..
rupe2nye... ermm.. |
dia: bape byk ling syg abg?
aku: 100%...abg sayang ling byk mana?
dia: xde percent
aku: ????
dia: sayang abg dh tepu.....lebih drpd 100%....dh xleh kira lg... |
Originally posted by gutes_madchen at 8-4-2008 08:40 PM
hehehe.. td, time aku sibuk list down utk brg2 hantaran..
aku pun tanya dia, apa yg dia nk fr hantaran... lama pastu.. dia reply..
"hati u sket jer.. i nk operate hati i.. sambung"
benga ...
so sweet...
bestnyerrrr..... |
yg ni boifren aku cakap..
"i love u..yes,bcoz u r beautiful..not only ur face..but ur heart as well"
i love u B.. |
him: "do u know what's the best part when we eat toast with butter??
me: no. what it is? the crispy part?
him: to see the butter melt on the toast..(while i see him smile happily)
so,when i missed him, a lot....
i'll eat butter and toast.
smtms it's not the word...
but the moment that we've spend together that is more important.. than 1000 sweet poem. |
ni masa tgh down~ huu...
pastu rase rindu2 sgt kat dia.. kan best klo dia ada dpn mata..nak luah semua kat dia
lemon msg mcm ni kat dia..
"miz u.............................."
(haha.. ni le klo tlalu rindu.. mesti tulis camni je.. titik tu kena byk..adeh)
dia reply
"tenang la.. bf kan ada di ati gf..sabar ye.. kuatkan hati.. gf b'tuah ibu ayah ada,kalau bf, ada family pon tapi.. ada gf sorg je..igt klo gf rindu,maknanya bf pon tengah rindu..miz u too"
make me smile!!!
hahaha.. wpon ada yg kata x romantik la panggilan 'bf', 'gf'.. tp I like..hahaha.. |
" i only want u. all day and night, from i wake up until i go sleep again, ur always in my mind. i need u and i'm crazy for u d**. i realy love u n hope u'll love me too..."
terharu gile aku dapat sms ayat ni tgh2 malam satu ketika dulu.
tp skang dah xde ape2 lg...hanya kenangan dan airmata... |
paling sweet bila dia kata "saya kan ada utk awak".... |
Originally posted by <i>princessmialove</i> at 17-4-2008 11:16 AM <a href="http://forum6.cari.com.my/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=22172116&ptid=319846" target="_blank"><img src="http://forum6.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif" border="0" onload="if(this.width>screen.width*0.7) {this.resized=true; this.width=screen.width*0.7; this.alt='Click here to open new window\nCTRL+Mouse wheel to zoom in/out';}" onmouseover="if(this.width>screen.width*0.7) {this.resized=true; this.width=screen.width*0.7; this.style.cursor='hand'; this.alt='Click here to open new window\nCTRL+Mouse wheel to zoom in/out';}" onclick="if(!this.resized) {return true;} else {window.open(this.src);}" onmousewheel="return imgzoom(this);" alt="" /></a><br />
nak simpan sndiri je... hikhik... <img src="images/smilies/loveliness.gif" smilieid="56" border="0" alt="" /> <img src="images/smilies/loveliness.gif" smilieid="56" border="0" alt="" /> <img src="images/smilies/loveliness.gif" smilieid="56" border="0" alt="" /> <br />
malu2 plak.. |
Big boss tanya nak berapa bulan bonus tahun ni ? Huhuhu so sweeeeeeet with the thick money in pocket ! |
.......dulu dia pernah pggl saya sweetie.......
x_x dulu sy marah dia pggl mcm tu sebab sy rasa mcm nama roti tu.
sy rs itulah kut plg sweet.
mlslah nak ksh.....bnd lama pown
skrg takut |
"dear my fwen,
ak epi ad sahabat cm ko..ko owez ad same ak time susa o senang..sedey o meroyan..dh bnyk dh mase ko abes same ak..huhu..walaupon sum people kte kte neyh kwn maya aje...ak ttp syg ko lam ati neyh ketat2..wateva it is.. tengs fer dis fwenship..no matter wat..ak sygs ko..kite kwn foeva.."
*ak rse ayat neyh sgt2 sweet and wat ak rse teharu gle.. |
em.. dia wish goodnite and sweetdream..hehehe.. |
selain perkataan i lobiu .. i sayang u muah muah muah....
ada jugak perkataan nie....
".... sayang, saya dah bawak masuk awak jadi sebahagian dari hidup saya... so setiap keputusan saya juga melibatkan awak jugak....."
haa tu laa the sweetest word yang pernah aku dapat.... tapi janji palsu jer semua tuh.... |
nie bukan 1st love.....
org ccantik macam nie takde bf....tak caya laa.....
hahahahaha......terasa bangga masa nie.....padahal org tue perli je.....wakakaka |
| |
Category: Cinta & Perhubungan