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Post time 7-10-2013 02:28 AM | Show all posts

selamat mendaki AJ...tangga batu caves? you've gotta be kidding me!
tak sama AJ! Yang Sarangkot pun Batu Caves kalah la...ehehehe

run up and down the stairs AJ but i guarantee you that that would not be enough
kena buat additional exercise not just jogging and slaving yourself at the gym
kena SWIM! yeee...berenang tau..kalau tak mmg dada rasa mcm nak burst
all four of us mmg include swimming as part of our trainning and it works
and it helped alot!

I will try and furnish you with more infos for at the mo semua nak tido sokmo
letih jangan ckp laaa...2 hari ni tak keluar bilek pong...asik makan tido jah ehehehe

nak upload gambar pon tak lepas sbb internet main nyorok2 segan je..
worst comes to worst i'll just paste my log book here...heeeheeeheee
malas la pulak nak draft trip report ni but maybe tomoro i will lepak at phewa lake wrie my notes draft my report have coffee while i await another beautiful sunset ehehehehe...fefeeling romantik camtuh HAHAHAHAHA


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Post time 7-10-2013 02:29 AM | Show all posts
TARGET: Annapurna Base Camp.

MANA NAK MULA: Dhampus, dekat dengan Pokhara, dr Kathmandu boleh naik bas, kereta atau naik flight.
Boleh juga start from other points but that all depends on your own preferences and choices.

BERAPA LAMA NAK TREK: Antara 7-10 hari, yang tak kuat jalan atau yang nak jalan santai2 akan ambil masa dalam 10 hari.
Kalau nak buat 7 hari perlu go through rigourous climbing selama 6-8 jam almost tiap2 hari.

BERAPA HARGA EXPEDISI: $USD 15/day/person kalau tak guna guide; $USD 40 kalau guna guide; $USD 100 dengan agent.
Kalau bayar lebih dr USD 100 then maknanya your agent dah hike up the price kaw2 okeh.

BILA MADA YANG SESUAI BAK PI NI: Mac-awal Mei (keadaan cuaca sejuk sikit tp tak lah sampai menggigil) atau akhir-September-November (september sangat panas dan jarang hujan masa kami mendaki). Sekarang kami dah hitam berkilat macam buah manggis.

RATE KESUKARAN: Moderate. Trek ni perlukan stamina yg tinggi sebab kena naik dan turun banyak valleys, ade beberapa tangga stone steps yang sangat hazabedah dan akan buat lutut macam nak tanggal. Sape yang ade masaalah lutut jangan buat trek ni mode nak cepat sampai, bagi extra days to yourself dan hike dengan guna hiking pole. Hiking pole ni sangat2 membantu.

APA PERLU ADA: Permit. Boleh beli di Kathmandu atau Pokhara (TIMS kad dan Annapurna Conservation Area Permit). Bawa jaket dan sleeping bag untuk tidor malam kat Base Camp nanti. Sila bawa sunblock yang tinggi SPFnya sebab time ni hari sangat2 panas dan memang korang akan hike dengan seluar pendek dan t-shirt.



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Post time 7-10-2013 02:30 AM | Show all posts
PLEASE NOTE: We did the ABC, NOT the AC. Jadi kalau ade yg nak nak buat AC kena travel to Besi Sahar sebab AC start kat Besi Sahar.

MACAMANA NAK KE BESI SAHAR: Ambil tourist bus dari Kathmandu atau Pokhara. Dari Kathmandu perjalanana bus adalah lebih kurang 6-8 jam dan harga tiket dalam  350 npr (USD 3.75) per person. Dari Pokhara perjalanan dalam 5-6 jam dan harga tiket bus lebih kurang 250 npr (USD 2.75) per person.

Prebet sapu/taxi pon boleh kalau nak ke Besi Sahar tapi mahal!!!


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Post time 7-10-2013 02:31 AM | Show all posts
ACAP : 2,000  Nepali Rupee (NPR)
TIMS : US $20 (1,840 NPR)

Untuk ACAP dan TIMS perlu ade benda2 kat bawah ni :
3 gambar pasport
infos pasal your health insurance
infos about route mane yang nak lalu

ACAP dan TIMS card boleh beli di kat Nepal Tourism Board offices samada di Kathmandu atau Pokhara atau kat mana-mana agensi trekking. Permit biasanya boleh dapat cepat lepas isi borang dan lepas bayar.
Trekking Agensi pon boleh buatkan tapi dorang akan mintak 500 NPR untuk proses, tapi yang best dorang akan jawab semua your queries from A to Zee pasal trekking. So terpulang la nak guna agent atau nak buat sendiri.

Ni kena ade. Eh...silap..tak kena laaa....tapi WAJIB!
Boleh beli kat Kathmandu atau Pokhara. Macam2 jenis map ade. Pilih je mane yang sesuai dan mane yang selesa for you to use.
Sangat reccommend map yang tunjuk New Annapurna Trekking Trails ( NATT ) and side trails. Very2 important ni...jangan lupa!!!
Harga adelah dalam 200-650 NPR (USD 2-USD 7)

Semua ade kat Kathmandu dan Pokhara. In Kathmandu harga lagi murah dari Pokhara. Kathmandu ade banyak choice. Kalau USD100 dah boleh dpt full gear dah but kena haggle gile2 punya but you can get it dirt cheap.



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Post time 7-10-2013 02:32 AM | Show all posts
Signing off and dreaming of Sagamartha

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Post time 7-10-2013 02:34 AM | Show all posts
@melur_30 sila check in ehehehehe

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Post time 7-10-2013 02:06 PM | Show all posts
LelaRentaka7 posted on 11-9-2013 04:41 PM
sunset in pokhara.....nangis tak?????? ehehehehe


naik berdarah mata tgk gambar2 ne..alahai, kathmandu bila kita mau ketemu ne?? tak tahan tgk pics lela hahaha..

@About_Jane kalau nak repeat tu sila roger ya...nak ikut

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Post time 7-10-2013 08:51 PM | Show all posts
melur_30 posted on 7-10-2013 02:06 PM

naik berdarah mata tgk gambar2 ne..alahai, kathmandu bila kita mau ketemu ne?? t ...

@LelaRentaka7  uuu....taper2 take your time. jangan rush2 tulis report neh. hehe. anyway..looks like u cover a lot already this time. can't wait to hear more more more and more from you. anyway...bab training neh... aku pasrah la ala2 lisa surihani ombak rindu, sbb mcm x sempat nk betul2 training panjat gunung2 lain or swimming etc. (haha..aku x reti swimming btw.). skrg just keeping the momentum 5km everyday jer and probably...try nuang kot before fly to nepal.

@melur_30  hehe..sabar ye. i know how u feel. InsyaAllah, kalau jadik repeat, kita roger2. . jgn lupe kasi address nanti nk antar poskad dr kathmandu..buat penawar (atau racun) hehe.


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Post time 10-10-2013 12:34 AM | Show all posts
melur_30 posted on 7-10-2013 06:06 AM

naik berdarah mata tgk gambar2 ne..alahai, kathmandu bila kita mau ketemu ne?? t ...

HAHAHA melur.. tampal tu sbb nak racun AJ..
puas cari2 yg best akhirnya jumpa dan umpan mengena ehehehe
nnt lela post my piccas...hope you'll like them..
buat balik in november la melur...skarang tgh mode meracun ne hehehehe

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Post time 10-10-2013 12:44 AM | Show all posts
About-Jane posted on 7-10-2013 12:51 PM
@LelaRentaka7  uuu....taper2 take your time. jangan rush2 tulis report neh. hehe. anyway..looks li ...

AJ...trip report yg tak seberapa dah siap
tapi tak dpt nak edit gambar la kat sini so have to make do with this for the time being eh..
nnt in a few days i'll sort it out again...but the core part of the trek are  there..
ape2 yg tak cukup or kurang just let me know and i'll be glad to assist

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Post time 10-10-2013 01:22 AM | Show all posts
As-Salam and Hi to all. This is my short trip report on my hike and trek to Annapurna Sanctuary. Allow me to share a few insights and our thoughts about how we wanted to tackle and execute this task. We all decided that we do not want to do many side treks and just head straight to ABC by the most direct. Well, we hope we could manage that. The reason for not indulging is because the days are hot, the sky is so very cloudy and the weather is unpredictable. On top of that we do not have the strength and energy to spare like others. We leave that sort of luxuries for another time. Hopefully!
Dengan Bismillah....Annapurna here we come..

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Post time 10-10-2013 01:25 AM | Show all posts
Day 0
Today we cease all major activities and instead spend all our time preparing for tomoro's hike. We brought down all our equipments to be inspected by our guide and we also decided that we do not want to hire a porter. Everything's fine and our guide is happy with what we have and upon weighing our backpack we each are carrying a load of 10kg. Clothing, medical supplies, camera equipments and the lot. Our guide told us we were lacking something and he'll go out to get us some. He came back with talcum powder. Nak buat ape bedak ni? Bila masa pulak aku nak berbedak lak ne? After having dinner at Love Kush we decided to call it a day and have an early night. So by 9pm lights out!


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Post time 10-10-2013 01:26 AM | Show all posts
Day 1
Hike from Phedi-Dhampus-Landruk. 10 hours 45 minutes
Wake up call was at 4:30am and by 5:00am everyone was ready and we left our hotel heading for Phedi about 1 hour drive from Pokhara. Had our breakfast in Phedi and by 8:00am we started the trek and hike. In my head I started the 'process to calm' did all my du'as and was ready insyaallah.  
Dari point ni kena lalu sawah padi hutan dan kampung2 kecik yg comel2.  Belum ape2 lagi dah kena naik tangga. God, really when will this end man! Kami sampai Dhampus before afternoon and our guide wanted to have lunch here. Walaupun perut tak lapar but we heeded his advise.

The best part about this Dhampus trek is the view. Something that was beyond my expectation.  For the first time I saw the Annapurna range with my own eyes.
Annapurna I: 8,091 m; Annapurna II: 7,937 m; Annapurna IV: 7,525 m; Dhaulagiri 8,167 m Manaslu 8,156 m, Hiunchuli 6, 441 m, Lamjung Himal 6,586 m, Macchapucchre 6,993 m, and Ganesh Himal 7,446 m.

The Annapurna from Dhampus

Machhapuchhre seen from Dhampus

Subhanallah cantiknya, like I could touch the peaks with my fingers. Ok i'll take whatevva Annapurna throws at my face insyaallah. Allah give me strength. Amin.
From Dhampus kalau nak side track ke Pothana or nak ke Australian Camp pun boleh sbb dah dekat.
Tapi kalau nak singgah dua2 lebih baik spend an extra night in Dhampus.

After lunch we went to our lodge and ready to check in but after discussing all of us decided to continue our hike. Part ni to be honest, is  difficult and we started to walk like how was taught by our guide and always remember about muscle contracture. That's not good for you. Dan yg PALING penting skali is BREATHE!!!! At 7:00pm kami sampai ke Landruk. Our guide got us a place to stay for the night. Hari dah gelap and right after dinner of dhal bhaat (again), we hit the sack.

View from Dhampus trek

Last edited by LelaRentaka7 on 9-10-2013 05:39 PM

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Post time 10-10-2013 01:29 AM | Show all posts
Day 2
Landruk-Chhomrong. 10 hours 50 minutes
Trek was a mixture of very steep uphill climb, mendatar sekejap and fortunately for a while I could stop and gather my strength and with stone steps mostly kowteem. Today something really bothered me. Going downhill. Steep and slippery.We are losing elevation! I dont get it. Hey we're to go up not down. Just then I realised that to get ahead we need to cross the river. To get to the river we need to descend and THEN gather elevation again. Dang! And double dang!
All four of us are having difficulties clambering down slightly slippery slopes. Our guide gave us  sticks to help with the walking and using our sticks dan berpegang pada batu pokok ranting akar untuk berpaut akhirnya we made it. Well barely. We decided to stop at Jhinu Dhanda sebab nak nak mandi di hotspring. Sampai di Jhinu Dhanda hot spring dah ade ramai orang. Orang lelaki yg pakaiannya teramat lah minimal. So no go. Nak rendam kaki pun tak boleh. So what we did was snap a few piccas and ciao sbb nak sampai cepat  untuk kejar masa nak rehat.

We continued our trek and it was more upslope, this time with long stretches without the benefit of stone steps, sampai kami sakit perut BIG TIME sebab guna muscle perut pulak to heave ourselves. Akhirnya sampai jugak ke Chhomrong. Tidor di Fishtail Guest House. Before going to bed we start to pill pop.

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Post time 10-10-2013 01:46 AM | Show all posts
Day 3
Chhomrong-Sinuwa-Bamboo 8 hours 20 minutes
Lepas semalam punya episode yg macam nak tanggal lutut kami teruskan perjalanan meninggalkan Chhomrong dan hike sampai Sinuwa dan berehat sekejap. Dari Chhomrong ke Sinuwa kami mendaki dan mendaki dan mendaki. Naik stone staircase dan tak banyak stone steps. Walaupun letih gila tapi hati sangat happy sbb we are making up the lost elevation the day before. Di Sinuwa kami makan dan buat ape2 yang patut and set to continue our journey ahead dan target hari ni nak sampai ke Bamboo. Tetapee....lepas je Sinuwa we are trekking downhill again????Losing elevation??? something that I dread...steeply down????...oh tidaaaakkkk!!! Why? Oh why???? Tapi ape nak buat? Redah je laa..Dalam hati tak payah cerita la tapi just bite your lips and bear it sbb nnt terkena sumpah pulak. So just shut my gob and get on with it. Akhirnya sampai jugak  di Bamboo without major fuss. Check in di Buddha Guest House. Ramai yg tak suka berenti di Bamboo sbb ni avalanche prone area. The bulk of the snow akan rest and stop sliding at Bamboo. Come to think of it from Bamboo onwards we have entered into the avalanche prone area. Ape2 je lah. Badan dah letih and the brains can sometimes fail to reason out the obvious. The thought of having hot showers and a good rest prevails. Bamboo ni pun banyak gile buluh. I have to confess that I am a penakut. Takut hantu. Hantu buluh. Syeeshhh~!

The Macchapuchhre as seen from Chhomrong


The stone steps but this is not the killer.
Ni yang semenggah punya!!!!! HAZAB!!

A mule telling you how to descend lol

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Post time 10-10-2013 01:57 AM | Show all posts
Day 4
Bamboo-Dovan-Deurali 9 hours 35 minutes
Dari Bamboo kami mendaki naik ke atas kemudian menurun menuju sungai. Lepas tu tak ade dah menurun. Kami sampai di Dovan dan singgah sekejap untuk guna toilet saje sebab terlalu awal nak berenti makan lunch dan meneruskan perjalanan ke Himalaya. Here we stopped for a late lunch. Late by Nepali standard. Lepas makan kami proceed to hike to Deurali. Kami pun dah dapat warning siap2 dari guide to take it easy. When we were hiking towards Deurali  kami dah mula nampak spots of snow. Temperature pun dah mula drop. Dah boleh rasa the climate change. The air is thinning. I started to get goose bumps. In my mind I know that we are near base camp. Kami tak singgah pun di Hinku. We dont want to overdo it. We want to keep our senses in check. No excitement. No adrenalin rush. The hike was hard and labourious. We have to keep calm. Di Deurali takde hot shower. So mandi ala kadar saje. Yang jadi masalah ialah all of us mengalami blisters yang amat terok. Bukan setakat melecet tapi kulit dah luka sampai berdarah. Macamana nak buat dressing? Last2 guna wetwipes dan bedak yg our guide bagi masa di Pokhara. Rupa2nya itulah kegunaan utama bedak tu lol. Lepas dinner kami bandage each toe dengan gause and also we made sure that we are properly hydrated sbb tonight is the night. Either you make or break. Sebelum tidor pill pop again.

around Bamboo after Chhomrong



Deurali waterfall..

The trek in Deurali

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Post time 10-10-2013 02:12 AM | Show all posts
Day 5
Deurali-MBC-ABC 6 hours 30 minutes
Time: 04:45 and I was blinking in the dark. OK nothing happened last night. Kejutkan my 3 friends and apparently everybody was fine. Kami takut kalau ade yang kena AMS. We went outside to look at the sky. Takut hujan. Today is our big day and kalau cuaca tak elok we want to be prepared for it. Hari ni kami kena ubah strategy berjalan kami. We have to keep close. I was lucky that I get to be behind our guide. I'm going to follow his pace. Just one step behind him and keep my head low.

Kami sampai di MBC pukul 10:00 pagi. Tak jalan laju dan tak perlahan sangat. Just followed his pace. Took us a good dua jam setengah with stops not more than 60 seconds. Di MBC kami dah tukar plan. Memandangkan kami semua OK dan takde major catastrophe our guide gave us the green light to proceed to ABC. So kami bertolak ke ABC pukul 13:00 tengahari dan akhirnya kami sampai di ABC pukul 16:30 petang.
The trek was good with no hazardous route the Modhi Kola was beautiful tapi di sebabkan high altitude climbing was slow tapi takde lah rasa susah sangat nak climb. And everything was magnified. Awesome! Mmg masa sampai di MBC  we just cannot wait another day to be here. So we checked in and waited for the sunset and hati ade sedikit sedih sbb awan masih tebal. Huh tak bersyukur kan? Eh tak la...Syukur alhamdulillah! Awan pun awan lah...cantik tak terkata... dan awan pun berlalu....masyaallah!...and the mountains were dancing right before my eyes! Subhanallah!

Annapurna from entrance of ABC

Last edited by LelaRentaka7 on 15-11-2013 01:54 AM

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Post time 10-10-2013 02:16 AM | Show all posts
Day 6-ABC-MBC-Dovan 10 hours 55 minutes
We slept alright last night. Semua siap2 makan ubat and we woke mighty early to enjoy what we have at the moment. We waited for the sunrise and snapped some photos of the mountains glowing in the morning sun. Afterwards we had breakfast without ceremony and hell the mood was a wee bit sombre. Ape taknya... it's time to leave already. We have to say farewell to this majestic thing that He created. So to avoid the fracas that's playing in my head I decided to walk fast. Downhill. Followed by my guide. We passed by MBC and I bade my silent goodbye. Kalau ade umur panjang insyaallah kite jumpa lagi. Namaste!
After MBC the trek was difficult to Dovan. We cried all the way.
The descend though hard was not as bad as climbing up. We took our time going up evidently to get acclimitised. Skarang takde hal nak turun. Tapi trek nak turun bukan mudah. Same je susahnya. Dari Himalaya ke Dovan trek sangat2 uneven dan kalau tak alert mmg boleh jatuh tergolek. Sampai Dovan kami check in TT Lodge. Nak mandi air panas kena bayar. So we paid and ended up with no shower tapi kena mandi siram. Duh!

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Post time 10-10-2013 02:18 AM | Show all posts
Day 7 Dovan-Chhomrong 8 hours
Hari ni kami plan nak walk as far and as long as we could. Jadi kami start awal. No time to reminisce over the last couple of days. We'll do that once we get to Pokhara at least. With a heavy heart and a not so heavy backpack we headed to descend or so to speak! Sekejap je dah sampai ke Bamboo. Then made our way to Sinuwa. Sampai Sinuwa macam nak menangis tengok tangga2 ni. Tak habis2 lagi nak kena torture. But the climb was not as bad as anticipated. Painfully climbing up and down but bearable. Do it rythmically dan tak tersiksa macam hike up the stone steps. This is tangga batu. Sampai EV Guesthouse the steps stops and we are now back in Chhomrong.
Nak mandi nak makan nak malam ini dengan bo nak tido!

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Post time 10-10-2013 02:19 AM | Show all posts
Day 8 Chhomrong-Dhampus 10 hours 45 minutes
OK the worst day of my life. The last day of my hike. It's gonna be a long day so we set off real bright and early. And we decided to stop by Jhinu Danda. Steep downhill which took us 45 minutes to get here BUT we didnt want to get into the small pool afterall. Get out of here fast! The water works are coming. My eyes cant see the beauty that lies ahead anymore. The shoulders are getting heavier, the path less interesting and our heads kept on turning back. But deep inside we know that there's no point in delaying our journey home. We told our guide that we wanted to be picked up from Dhampus not Phedi. So we continued hiking and after 10 long hours after leaving Jhinu Danda we reached Dhampus and our jeep was waiting. Back to Pokhara.


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