Dari Anas bin Malik ra. katanya, Rasulullah saw. bersabda, "Janganlah kamu saling benci membenci, dengki mendengki dan sindir menyindir. Jadilah kamu sebagai hamba-hamba Allah yang bersaudara. Haram seseorang Muslim berkelahi dengan saudaranya lebih dari tiga hari lamanya". [HR Bukhari dan Muslim]
Read more: http://www.rahmanbashri.com/2012 ... .html#ixzz2Kvgo7xNP
Rasulullah saw. bersabda, "Tolonglah saudaramu, baik dia orang yang menganiaya ataupun yang dianiaya. Bertanya seorang sahabat: "Ya Rasulullah, kami mengerti tentang menolong orang yang teraniaya tetapi bagaimana kami menolong orang yang menganiaya ?". Nabi saw. menjawab: "Cegahlah dia". [HR Bukhari]
Read more: http://www.rahmanbashri.com/2012 ... .html#ixzz2Kvh9QzIa
Edited by kp5x at 4-6-2015 10:18 AM
Never let a kiss fool you and never let a fool kiss you.
P/S - so so true
Love is like a password. Hard to figure out, but you always want to keep trying. |
Beautiful quotes about marriage and Islam
You can marry a woman for her wealth but money will perish.
You can marry a woman for her beauty but beauty will fade away.
You can marry a woman for her power but power will be gone.
If you marry a pious and righteous woman who fears Allah,
- she will honour you,
- she will be affectionate with you,
- she will help you to get closer to Allah.
Your love story will last forever. It will begin in this life and Insha'Allah will continue in the Hereafter.
Her love and satisfaction will be your key to Jannah (Paradise).
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Category: Cinta & Perhubungan