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Author: annehuda

Thor : The Dark World

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Post time 5-11-2013 02:41 PM | Show all posts
loki kat comic con 2013 versi complete


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Post time 5-11-2013 03:36 PM | Show all posts
yatt_takez posted on 5-11-2013 02:41 PM
loki kat comic con 2013 versi complete

wah...u ni mmg peminat
nape xde??..ramai sgt..hero dlm avengers ni..
x tau nak letak die kat mana kot...??..


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Post time 5-11-2013 06:50 PM | Show all posts
dah tengok..
best ! aku bagi 8/10..

plot twist, kalo sesapa ingat..
ada sorang asgardian guard report kat odin..
bagi tahu dia jumpa 1 mayat kat dark world, iaitu mayat loki..

itu la sebenarnya LOKI ! hahaha..
sangat bijaks..

tapi persoalannya, lepas kena tipu dengan "guard" tu..
odin pegi ke mana sebenarnya..
sampai loki rileks jer menyamar jadi odin n duduk di takhta..
n thor juga akhirnya tertipo..
Last edited by capiloton on 5-11-2013 06:51 PM


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Post time 5-11-2013 10:42 PM | Show all posts
capiloton posted on 5-11-2013 06:50 PM
dah tengok..
best ! aku bagi 8/10..

jgn odin kena bunuh dgn loki sudah... dia kan benci bapak dia, senyuman last tu mcm senyuman jahat jer...

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Post time 5-11-2013 10:44 PM | Show all posts
tp kan mcmne loki senang sgt jumpa tmpt melekith sembunyi tu? sedangkan guardian pun x dapat kesan..

lpstu part thor kalahkan melekith tu aku x faham..

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Post time 5-11-2013 11:05 PM | Show all posts
aku bagi 10/10 film ni, avengers ngn thor 1 pun sama best... mmg film mcmni fave aku.

apapun dulu x rasa pun loki ni menarik, n x nmpak hnsem pun..

tp yg filem ni mmg nampak adorable sgt, bila dia senyum manisnya.. myb watak dia kali ni gila2 tu yg nmpak menarik tu.. sblm ni serius je kan..

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Post time 6-11-2013 09:03 AM | Show all posts
the best of thor...

ada plot boring..tapi sikit..

1. cume aku masih tak paham..ape kebolehan loki selain dia boleh clon diri dia..jadi ape yang dia nak..

2. asgardian no brains and no plans of action..main serang je..tak gune akal..manusia jugak yang bijak.


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Post time 6-11-2013 09:04 AM | Show all posts
September14 posted on 5-11-2013 11:05 PM
aku bagi 10/10 film ni, avengers ngn thor 1 pun sama best... mmg film mcmni fave aku.

apapun dulu ...

i suke loki masa avengers lagi..siyes hensem macam johny depp...

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Post time 6-11-2013 09:07 AM | Show all posts
capiloton posted on 5-11-2013 06:50 PM
dah tengok..
best ! aku bagi 8/10..

masa yang asgardian report kat odin tu..memang dah agak itu loki..sbb mate dia warna bitu macam loki..senyum pun sinis macam loki

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Post time 6-11-2013 09:14 AM | Show all posts
aku tak rasa Loki bunuh Odin la.. dia tetap anggap Odin dgn Frigga macam bapak mak dia.. sama la dia anggap Thor macam abang sndiri..

Dia kurung Odin kat mana2 la tu.. campak dia kat salah satu realm ke..


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Post time 6-11-2013 09:17 AM | Show all posts
Loki faked his own death..

Loki banyak sangat tengok Sherlock ni


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Post time 6-11-2013 10:26 AM | Show all posts
Jamie Alexander Says Thor 3 is on The Way

The Dark World actress confirms Thor 3, while leaving a trail of bread crumbs leading to even bigger news.

Thor: The Dark World may not even be in theaters yet, but it looks like Marvel already has the sequel on their minds. Actress Jamie Alexander, who plays Sif in The Dark World, says that Marvel is planning to make Thor 3.

Speaking at a Comicaze 2013 panel this weekend, Alexander said that there will be another Thor movie, assuming The Dark World doesn't crash and burn at the box office. Knowing the film has already made more than $100 million during its international opening this weekend, that's about as close to official confirmation as you can get at this point.

Even if the movie hadn't done so well, Marvel Studios' apparently has almost a decade's worth of films lined up, so the decision to make more Thor movies may have been made a long time ago.

At the same time, Alexander may score a much larger role in the DC movie universe, dropping hints that she may be in talks to play Wonder Woman in the upcoming Batman vs. Superman film.

Rumors that Wonder Women would make an appearance in the film began in September when a casting call revealed the film was on the lookout for a strong woman between 25 and 33. Flash forward to Comicaze, where Alexander said she was in talks with Warner Bros. and DC. While some of links of the chain are more reliable than others, this could be pretty convincing if you're willing to take the leap.

For now, Thor: The Dark World opens in the US Friday, November 8.

link : ... hor-3-is-on-The-Way



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Post time 6-11-2013 10:35 AM | Show all posts
manjalara_01 posted on 5-11-2013 03:36 PM
wah...u ni mmg peminat
nape xde??..ramai sgt..hero dlm avengers ni..
x  ...

terkesima tgk loki ms avengers
avengers 2  villain dia dah org len.
Tom pon ada confirm psl avengers 2, watak loki tak dak lam pilem neh
harap ada thor 3 la pasneh....klu takkkkk...

tgk kat minit 4:26


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Post time 6-11-2013 12:45 PM | Show all posts
Loki Comedy Central Spot 1


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Post time 6-11-2013 12:47 PM | Show all posts
Loki Comedy Central Spot 2


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Post time 6-11-2013 12:49 PM | Show all posts
Loki Comedy Central Spot 3


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Post time 6-11-2013 01:51 PM | Show all posts
LOKI dah jadi comedian. sesuai dgn status god dia.. ha3

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Post time 6-11-2013 03:58 PM | Show all posts
Marvel Confirm Thor 3 And Loki Spin Off Are A Posibility Ahead Of The Dark World Release

Could Tom Hiddleston, Natalie Portman and Chris Hemsworth be back?

Marvel Studios boss Kevin Feige has confirmed they are considering the possibility of two further movies in the Thor franchise, ahead of the release of the second movie Thor: The Dark World which is set to hit cinemas next week.

Speaking about whether Natalie Portman, Chris Hemsworth and Tom Hiddleston could return again to the big screen he admitted there was a story if they decided to make another movie. He also conceded that there was a strong possibility Hiddleston's character, Loki, could also get his own movie.

He said in a recent webchat, according to "Thor's next adventure will be Age of Ultron,"

"So, that's where all the Thor effort is going. But there are things you will see at the end of [The Dark World] that certainly hint towards and could lead towards a third Thor adventure if that’s what audiences want to see. We definitely have a story we’d like to tell."

Asked whether the hugely popular Loki would be getting his own spin-off, Feige added:

"Yeah, I don’t think it would be before Thor 3, if there is a Thor 3, and while we certainly have ideas of where we would like that to go, there are no specifics. We have to see how this one does and then go from there."

Speaking recently about the possibility of a spin-off Tom admitted he'd love to take a shot at it.

"I love the character and I've played him once a year for the last three years. I keep thinking up these hare-brained schemes of what else he might do," Associated Press quotes him as saying.

"I have so many ideas about where I could take him and how he can be developed further. The more I've played him, the more I've got to know him and I feel like I own a part of him now. I have an authority on him."

"I don't know about that. We'll see. I'd love to one day, but we'll wait and see," he said.

"I think Loki exists in opposition to other people so if he's on his own, he's got nothing to do, no chaos to create. He's just haunted by his demons so we have to find a way of chipping him up and pulling the rug from under his feet to make him interesting."

Loki has proven to be one of Marvel's most popular villains, especially since Avengers Assemble - something that took Hiddleston by surprise.

"I'd never expected in my wildest expectations that he would be so popular. It's just a huge compliment so I feel really grateful for it," he admitted.

"As a child, I loved bad guys. I loved Jack Nicholson when he played the Joker for Tim Burton, I loved Alan Rickman in Die Hard. To me, they epitomised elegance and charm and their villainy was always entertaining so I wanted to bring that to the character."

Marvel Studios are currently lining up the blockbusters. Last week the first trailer for Captain America: The Winter Soldier starring Chris Evans and Scarlett Johansson was released, followed shortly by the first look at X Men: Days Of Future Past.

Thor: The Dark World hits cinemas on November 8.

link : ... -Dark-World-Release



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Post time 6-11-2013 05:06 PM | Show all posts
saya dah tengok semalam... perghhh

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Post time 6-11-2013 05:12 PM | Show all posts
sangatnya kelakar, saya suka

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