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Author: juliez

[Tempatan] Unassisted Homebirth (Kes Kematian Terbaru #1772 pg71)

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Post time 2-1-2014 01:00 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
La ssh2 beranak je kat private hospital pilih nak beranak mcm mn... Buat pe nak pertaruhkan nyawa...demi nak kejar glamor

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Post time 2-1-2014 01:05 PM | Show all posts
xtahumenahu posted on 2-1-2014 12:12 PM
nak menyampuk gak
ada yg kata susu ibu campo2...
kang dikata baby tu anak  ...

mmg susu ibu terbaik. tapi jika susu ciput, anak melalak nanges2 lapar, bekorbanlah. bagi la FM tu. sober pun mcm tu jugak. day 3 topap FM.
now 4hb ni masuk 4 bln ank sober. kalo working day, siang FM. blk keja sober trus direct BF. kadang boleh kenyang, kadang ngamok2 x cukup. kalo x cukup tu, sober kasik la FM. malam pulak kebanyakannye direct FM. xblh nak pam susu kat opis sbbnye keja keluar2 jumpa supplier lah. jumpa customer lah. bila masa nak pamnye kan.
xkan nak benti keja, kalo laki duit mkn 7 keturunan x hbs xpa lah... ni nan hado. mana2 ibu yg kondem ibu yg kasik FM ni mmg la. sadis....


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Post time 2-1-2014 01:06 PM | Show all posts
pegi je la branak kat spital...kurang2nya ape2 hal jadi blh saman spital. ini klau branak kat umah ape2 jadi...ko nak saman sape?

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Post time 2-1-2014 01:07 PM | Show all posts
My Amazing Waterbirth JourneyWaterbirth is one of the alternatives for women to have a natural and drug-free labour. Water helps mothers to reduce pain and avoid unnecessary painkillers. The buoyancy of the water is believed to help labouring women to minimise pain during delivery,providing the mother has no complicated condition prior to the pregnancy.

I have two uncomplicated full term spontaneous vaginal delivery (SVD) prior to this pregnancy. My pregnancy usually carries till 39th week and after show I will usually in my active phase of labour 6-7hrs before delivery. My babies range from 3.0-3.15kg before. I was thinking of doing something more natural with the pain killers for the delivery. During my first delivery I requested IM nubine, but felt too exhausted and dizzy ..i took nubine when I was 5-6cm dilated and not soon after that I delivered. The effect of nubine really troubled me and I felt so horrible.

For my second delivery I tried effective breathing technique taught by Ustazah Nor Salehah (she herself had amazingly delivered eight of nine of her children without episiotomy! Google: Ust Nor Salehah Ketua Wanita ISMA) Sadly towards the end of labour, I felt exhausted and the excrutiating pain forced me to take enthonox gas. Relieved but was somewhat bruised with the painkiller, I needed something more natural to help with labour pain..

Hence I decided to do waterbirth for this pregnancy not long after Dr Herlina shared her waterbirth story on a tv show. Fully inspired and overzealous, I browsed through the internet to find out more on waterbirthing. Eventhough waterbirth is so popular overseas, it is still new in msia. There are only 2 places in Malaysia to do waterbirth, one in Pantai Hospital Bangsar and the other one in Gleanegles Penang.

I contacted Pantai Hospital and made an appointment with Dr I. Everything started from there. She informed that I was actually the 3rd planned waterbirth so far after dr herlina and the other one patient. Pantai usually handles waterbirth with another male doctor and I was surprised to learn that it is not so unfamiliar in Malaysia. There are also some mothers who are brave enough to deliver in their own homes with the aid of the waterbirth counsellor at their comfort. From my first antenatal visit, doctor advised me to take some form of relaxation therapy to pair with my waterbirth so that it can be more effective. She passed me Mdm Swai Han’s no ( hypnobirthing therapist) and I headed back to Terengganu.

The next week, I called Mdm Swai Han and asked her thoroughly about hypnobirthing. It is hard for me to attend the hypnobirthing class hence i paid for a book that I can read through and exercise at my own. She posted me the book on Hypnobirthing and 2 relaxation therapy cd’s which I then put into my smartphone so that i can still exercise the technique.

I must admit that the hypnobirthing is so far among the best book about pregnancy and labour that I’ve read before. Among the basic techniques of hypnobirthing that is really effective is the Breathing, Visualisation and Relaxation. Visualized yourself in a red strawberry mist, let the mist surround your hand and arms and now it feels numbs.. yadda yadda yadda..comfortable and relaxing…

The next part is choosing a birth companion for the massage. It is believed that light touch massage can induce endorphin and helps the labouring mother relaxing. Eventhough my husband was a bit reluctant to accompany me in the pool but after lengthy explanation of the importance of him physically being there for me, he finally agreed and the best birth companion he WAS!


The day came when I had my show around 5am. My whole back was aching and both of my thighs felt numb. My uterus contracted irregularly and once it contracted, i was trembling in pain. This is the time, i said to my husband. Together, we drove to the hospital and take our own sweet time together..with each contraction surges i will read out aloud…Laa ilaaha illa anta..subhanaka inni kuntu minaz-zolimeen…

When i arrived at the Casualty, the attending staff nurse sent me to the labour room on a wheel chair. Usually i will cry my heart out because i felt so helpless but not this time. I felt excited to try waterbirth. This is the time! I recite a lot of duas that the cardiotochogram (CTG) will be OK and i can deliver as planned.

They did CTG and Alhamdulillah everything perfectly normal. My baby heart rates maintained 135-140bpm even with the contraction up to 70..Alhamdulillah I did not see any signs suggesting of fetal distress that might otherwise cancel the whole plan of waterbirth……

I have already consented for the waterbirth, so they put me in the waterbirth suite. Nice suit heh. Vaginal Examination at that time OS was 4 cm, tubular and posterior.. repeated VE by Dr I alhamdulillah progressing to 5cm, Dr said “so Fatiha, if u want to main2 dalam air boleh masuk dah k..if sakit boleh masuk ya…

It is a new experience at the suite. No hook to the CTG machine, i was walking around.. taking my time.. when the contraction felt stronger, i decided to get into the pool. What a delightful feeling to be in the luke warm water.. yes i did feel wonderful and happy.. I did all the maneuvers – all 4′s, supine, frog like, but the best suits me to relieve pain is the left lateral and supine. There was an inflated stool in the pool so when i decided to do all 4′s I’ll sit on the stool, placed my chin at the brim and start hypnobirthing..

It is important to exercise the endorphine releasing technique. That’s the main idea of relaxation. To release endorphine and to avoid cathecolamines. If you are in fear, cathecholamines will be released thus it will inhibits the uterus to relax, body will become spasm and the baby cannot naturally get into the pelvic bone.

The Light Touch Massage where our birth companion will stroke lightly at the back, from sacral (tailbone) to the shoulder in a V shape movement is one of the way to induce endorphine. Lightly stroke the back till goosebumps..and hey you will feel the intense happiness and calmness squirms inside the body. And relax….

The other technique is distraction. My husband did light touch and slowly tell me.. imagine that the baby is encroaching in.. let it be.. relax.. dont cramp your leg.. You know it’s a very simple phrase.. but really really helpful..

There was a cute duckie wearing sunglasses that will maintain the temperature water in the pool within range of 37-37.5 u know when the water getting cold, the nurse will take out the water using a large pail and replace with warm water..

The other thing is you need to get out from the pool to urinate. I dont want to urinate and contaminates my water.. haish.. Hence i come out from the pool and went to the toilet for 6-7 times.Help with the mobilization part.

The time comes when I SROM ( spontaneous rupture of membrane) in the pool. I was in All 4′s position and the urge comes so strong and pushhh..the membrane ruptured.. contraction was so strong and when they did VE I was fully.. Dr I came into the scene.. waiting for me to BREATHE my baby..

Now this is the part I like most. Hypnobirthing lets you breathe your baby not PUSH your baby. Gentle breathing to BREATHE your baby towards its canal. I can feel my baby encroaching thru the pelvis and sooner after I felt the ring of fire.

I breathe slowly and steadily.. when i open my eyes there is the staffnurse, Dr I and 1 hypnobirthing nurse waiting for me to breathe my baby.. When the ring of fire really intense I praised ALLAHUAKBAR! My baby was born!

I felt like was dreaming when Dr I raised my baby and put her onto my chest. I could see that there’s cord round neck but we release the cord carefully and with cord still attached, I was directed to go out from the pool onto the bed.

On the bed, my husband got to cut the cord and after that placenta was out. NO syntometrin given at all,. I was repaired for 1st degree tear. Really this is my first experience delivery without episotomy. I was so relieved. Alhamdulillah….

I was to hug my baby long enough..enough to initiate breastfeeding, do bonding and skin contact. My baby looks like syifa’ …sayang anak ummi!

Alhamdulillah, a VERY EXCITING n adventurous journey with my baby. Introducing our first water baby-


By: Dr Fatiha


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Post time 2-1-2014 01:29 PM | Show all posts
doula ni saper eak...
dh mcm ajarans sesat pon ado huhuhu

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Post time 2-1-2014 01:29 PM | Show all posts
dah ada rmh baru...apa perkembangan keluarga arwah tu..maksud aku ada ke dia org nak saman doula2 aka pom2 girl tu.andai kata kes mcmni terjadi kat spital dah tentu doc yg attend to di saman.dikatakan cuai..kesian kat doctor2...

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Post time 2-1-2014 01:30 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
miawpink posted on 2-1-2014 05:07 AM
My Amazing Waterbirth JourneyWaterbirth is one of the alternatives for women to have a natural and d ...

Repaired!! So this was assisted..ok lh

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Post time 2-1-2014 01:32 PM | Show all posts
diorng ni homebirth alasan tak suka dgr nurse marah2. Selama aku check tak de la kena marah dgn nurse. nurse kebanyakan muda2 ckp pun sopan. Kalau ada membebel pun anggap la nasihat utk kebaikan baby dan ibu.

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Post time 2-1-2014 01:37 PM | Show all posts
errrr..takotnye bc pngalaman org branak ni..lg2 branak kat umah sendiri2..x dpt nk byg kn...


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Post time 2-1-2014 01:45 PM | Show all posts
honeybucuk posted on 2-1-2014 11:07 AM
giler la mak-mak sekarang.

obses susu ibu la.

taw x pe mcm2 skng nih

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Post time 2-1-2014 01:47 PM | Show all posts
ketupat79 posted on 2-1-2014 01:32 PM
diorng ni homebirth alasan tak suka dgr nurse marah2. Selama aku check tak de la kena marah dgn nurs ...

tak suka dgr nurse2 tu marah2..nanti kalau ada masalah beranak kat rmh spital juga di tuju..

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Post time 2-1-2014 01:54 PM | Show all posts
miawpink posted on 2-1-2014 01:07 PM
My Amazing Waterbirth JourneyWaterbirth is one of the alternatives for women to have a natural and d ...

ni aku leh salute choosing a safer place to practice her belief in gentle birthing...can relaks tu..ada misi tolong maintain water temp...takat RM6k...kalo nak sgt tuh..kumpul je la...kalo panggil doula pung makan Rm1.8k...laki nko jugak kene panaskan air...

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Post time 2-1-2014 01:59 PM | Show all posts
juliez posted on 2-1-2014 01:10 AM

seperti membaca essay fynn jamal jah.
sama mazhab lah ni, dia je yang betul...

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Post time 2-1-2014 02:02 PM | Show all posts
tinker_bell posted on 2-1-2014 03:31 AM
uoll..pengasas gentlebirth dgn hypnobirth ni dua2 kaki hypnosis uoll..dorang ni certified hypnothe ...

sapa pelakon tu, syarifah sofia ke apa nama, yang kokosen juga now dah pakai tudung tu, she pegi class hypnobirth ni kan, tapi i tak follow pula sampai the end dia beranak cemana.

jap i rempit thread ni

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Post time 2-1-2014 02:09 PM | Show all posts
agnesia posted on 2-1-2014 03:10 AM
dgn ilmu yg sgt cetek ni aku ada persoalan..
HARUS belajr ilmu hitam tuk lindungi keluarga???
seri ...

mereka yang mengatakan belajar sihiri adalah harus berdasarkan hadits Rasulullah :
تَعَلَّمُوا السِّحْرَ وَلاَ تَعْمَلُوْا بِهِ
“Belajarlah kalian ilmu sihir dan jangan kalian mengamalkannya.”

namun, Al-Lajnah Ad-Daimah (Lembaga Fatwa Saudi Arabia) mengatakan: “Kita tidak mengenali hadits ini shahih atau lemah, bahkan hadits ini adalah maudhu’ (palsu).”

Sihir adalah ilmu yang dipelajari dan diamalkan dan hukum mempelajari sihir ini, disepakati oleh ulama adalah haram kerana dalam Surah al-Baqarah ayat 102 jelas menunjukkan bahawa ilmu sihir tidak memberikan sebarang kegunaan, tiada manfaat kepada manusia.


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Post time 2-1-2014 02:11 PM | Show all posts
voiletiris posted on 2-1-2014 01:47 PM
tak suka dgr nurse2 tu marah2..nanti kalau ada masalah beranak kat rmh spital juga di tuju..

nurse marah2 untuk kasi semangat supaya ibu bertahan dan kuat.. kalu nurse pujuk lemah lembut, ketahanan mental ibu lemah la juga...


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Post time 2-1-2014 02:12 PM | Show all posts
juliez posted on 2-1-2014 01:10 AM

perghhh...baru aku pasan...takut kalo aku ngurut ngan dia...tak pasal2 ada mende melekat...
dulu2 la..time skolah menengah kot..aku slalu senggugut mak aku bwk pi berurut ngan makcik bidan ni kat satu daerah...then lama lps tuh mak aku dok sembang2 la sedara kot...tup2 kuar horror stories of this makcik bidan.katanya makcik bidan ni menjlnkan khidmat pengguguran jugak...dan janin ditanam di keliling rumah dia...mlm2 katanya ada serammm uuu...tak ilang gak sakit senggugut tuu.....harap2 jln la jin dia ikut akuuu...

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Post time 2-1-2014 02:13 PM | Show all posts
tu lah sebelum nak tulis kaji dulu nie main taram je mendiang dengan arwah.. gilo

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Post time 2-1-2014 02:17 PM | Show all posts
voiletiris posted on 2-1-2014 01:47 PM
tak suka dgr nurse2 tu marah2..nanti kalau ada masalah beranak kat rmh spital juga di tuju..

still kena gi hospt kan walaupun beranak di rumah?

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Post time 2-1-2014 02:19 PM | Show all posts
naimareim posted on 2-1-2014 02:13 PM
tu lah sebelum nak tulis kaji dulu nie main taram je mendiang dengan arwah.. gilo

hehe kata2 kemain islamic beza mendiang dgn arwah pun kelaut

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