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Author: Truth.8

adakah ajaran islam mendorong muslim mati syahid?

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Post time 25-9-2014 12:24 PM | Show all posts
Truth.8 posted on 25-9-2014 09:00 AM

thats your assumption ...cluess person will be silent rather than this case i hve proven fact and reality...but you bring fact is  outdated rather than reality...

reality and fact work hand to hand....

A clueless person like you can either be quiet or respond. The more he responds , like you , the more he is exposing his blurry and clueless nature. Too bad for you

What fact have you presented so far?

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Post time 25-9-2014 12:27 PM | Show all posts
Truth.8 posted on 25-9-2014 09:04 AM
sound to me you belonged to a terrriorst group...probably the FBI can trace your IP...
when Japanese and communist invaved malaysia...does the arabs nations came and help? no
instead it was British...
so, why bother to help this assad regime which are arabs??

LOL , since when did the people who goes to fight the Assad regime become terrorists? On what grounds are they terrorists?

Aiyoyo tamby , when the Japanese invadad Malaya it was the second world war.

With regerds to the communist insurgents , Malaya was then still under the British rule.

Like I stated , you are clueless and blur
Last edited by sam1528 on 25-9-2014 12:28 PM


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 Author| Post time 25-9-2014 01:06 PM | Show all posts
sam1528 posted on 25-9-2014 12:27 PM
LOL , since when did the people who goes to fight the Assad regime become terrorists? On what grou ...
LOL , since when did the people who goes to fight the Assad regime become terrorists? On what grounds are they terrorists?

Aiyoyo tamby , when the Japanese invadad Malaya it was the second world war.

With regerds to the communist insurgents , Malaya was then still under the British rule.

Like I stated , you are clueless and blur

the fact remaind that the arabs nations do not give shit about other country...they only interested counting money , political and using religion for their agenda...that why u can see more malays are going there  to die but actually is  stupid...

look around, when was last time the arabs nations provide help to this country? even the missing only see the australia and usa but not arabs...that is the fact
u are clueless and blurr


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 Author| Post time 25-9-2014 01:10 PM | Show all posts
sam1528 posted on 25-9-2014 12:24 PM
A clueless person like you can either be quiet or respond. The more he responds , like you , the m ...

well, that is your view...not mine...
u failed miserably in most of my threads.....
good try but wrong answer...
keep on trying...

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 Author| Post time 25-9-2014 05:07 PM | Show all posts
for sam...maybe can explain why such verses:
Quran: 9:111, Allah hath purchased of the believers their persons and their goods; for theirs (in return) is the garden (of Paradise): they fight in His cause, and slay and are slain: a promise binding on Him in truth, through the Law, the Gospel, and the Qur’an.

is this verses motivate  muslims die for sake of religion?

more here:

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Post time 25-9-2014 06:09 PM | Show all posts
Truth.8 posted on 25-9-2014 01:06 PM
the fact remaind that the arabs nations do not give shit about other country...they only interested counting money , political and using religion for their agenda...that why u can see more malays are going there  to die but actually is  stupid...

look around, when was last time the arabs nations provide help to this country? even the missing only see the australia and usa but not arabs...that is the fact
u are clueless and blurr

Why should one nation gives a shit about another nation. One nation doesn't owe another nation of their living and vise versa. However it is up to the individuals to do something about it. You are clueless in your argument. If the arabs are counting their money , so are others , including you counting their / your money.

Its not only the malays going there to fight against the corrupt and oppressive regime of Assad. You find Indians , Pakistanis , mat sallehs & chinese muslims there. They feel that they can make a difference. I still don't understand your position. What makes them terrorists? They are not fighting for ISIL or IS (as it is called now). Where is the politics here? In the course of history you find Christians joining in the fight for freedom like the Spanish Civil war , the resistance in Nazi occupied Europe. Where is the difference here? Can you explain to me.

How far is Australia compared to the countries in the Mid East in the search for the MH371 at its suspected crash site? Can you at least think on the logistics issue before you argue.

You are blur and clueless.
Last edited by sam1528 on 25-9-2014 06:11 PM


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Post time 25-9-2014 06:12 PM | Show all posts
Truth.8 posted on 25-9-2014 01:10 PM
well, that is your view...not mine...
u failed miserably in most of my threads.....
good try but wrong answer...
keep on trying...

LOL , you really have a big ego but a small and narrow mind.

Until now you cannot even defiine what is terrorism.


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Post time 25-9-2014 06:28 PM | Show all posts
Truth.8 posted on 25-9-2014 05:07 PM
or sam...maybe can explain why such verses:
Quran: 9:111, Allah hath purchased of the believers their persons and their goods; for theirs (in return) is the garden (of Paradise): they fight in His cause, and slay and are slain: a promise binding on Him in truth, through the Law, the Gospel, and the Qur’an.

is this verses motivate  muslims die for sake of religion?

more here:

Ok then what is the problem with Quran9:111? It is very clear , fight in the cause of Allah.

Quran8:39 (Yusuf Ali) explains the said verse :
And fight them on until there is no more tumult or oppression, and there prevail justice and faith in Allah altogether and everywhere; but if they cease, verily Allah doth see all that they do.

Therefore the fight is against oppression and injustice.

This goes back to my question. If someone wants to rape your mother or sister would you fight them and accept the chance that you would be killed in the process? Oops , my bad , you are a christian and your man God tells you to turn the other cheek. Most probably you would offer the rapist(s) your wife after he / they , is / are done with your mother and sister. You probably make them a snack as well. Is that what you would do? I guess so .... yes?

Lets see how you answer. If you say no , then you admit Quran9:111 is relevant to you. If you say yes , you better go castrate yourself as you cannot even protect your own family.

LOL , I am enjoying this.
Last edited by sam1528 on 25-9-2014 06:29 PM


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 Author| Post time 25-9-2014 07:16 PM | Show all posts
sam1528 posted on 25-9-2014 06:28 PM
Ok then what is the problem with Quran9:111? It is very clear , fight in the cause of Allah.

Qu ...
LOL , I am enjoying this.

I receive many emails from angry Muslims, who          sometimes beg me, and sometimes order me to remove this site. I consider both, pleading and          bullying, signs of psychopathology. Argumentum ad baculum          and argumentum ad misericordiam are both logical fallacies.
          If you do not like this site and want me to          remove it, instead of acting as a bully or as a victim,  disprove          my          charges against Muhammad logically.  Not only will I remove          the site, I will publicly announce that Islam          is a true religion. I will also pay
$50,000          U.S. dollars
          to anyone who can disprove any of the          dozen of the accusations that I have made against Muhammad.Iaccuse Muhammad of being:
I am sure you will enjoy more if you visit this site :Click here

As          of this day, I am also doubling the reward. If you are not a          reputable scholar, you can still win the prize. All you have to do is          persuade a scholar to debate with me. If he (she) disproves my charges          or can prove that Muhammad was a prophet of God, both you and he (she)          will be rewarded $50,000 dollars each. This is to encourage you to          write to your admired scholar and convince them that Islam is in          danger and that it is their duty to defend it. Once you write to          invite someone, please CC a copy to us for announcing the invitation.           Our email is faithfreedom2 (at)


Last edited by Truth.8 on 25-9-2014 09:34 PM


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Post time 25-9-2014 08:31 PM | Show all posts
Truth.8 posted on 25-9-2014 07:16 PM
I receive many emails from angry Muslims, who          sometimes beg me, and sometimes order me to remove this site. I consider both, pleading and          bullying, signs of psychopathology. Argumentum ad baculum          and argumentum ad misericordiam are both logical fallacies.
          If you do not like this site and want me to          remove it, instead of acting as a bully or as a victim,  disprove          my          charges against Muhammad logically.  Not only will I remove          the site, I will publicly announce that Islam          is a true religion. I will also pay
$50,000          U.S. dollars
          to anyone who can disprove any of the          dozen of the accusations that I have made against Muhammad.Iaccuse Muhammad of being:
I am sure you will enjoy more if you visit this site :
As          of this day, I am also doubling the reward. If you are not a          reputable scholar, you can still win the prize. All you have to do is          persuade a scholar to debate with me. If he (she) disproves my charges          or can prove that Muhammad was a prophet of God, both you and he (she)          will be rewarded $50,000 dollars each. This is to encourage you to          write to your admired scholar and convince them that Islam is in          danger and that it is their duty to defend it. Once you write to          invite someone, please CC a copy to us for announcing the invitation.           Our email is faithfreedom2 (at)


See ..... I told you so. You cannot answer then you run to an atheist website. Now you are appealing to an atheist to help you. Your hero in Ali Sina is all talk but no substance , like you. He has been challenged to an audio debate via paltalk by Sami Zaatari :

There is a major anti-Islamic who goes by the name of Ali Sina, this certain apologist also claims to have been a former Muslim, which is hard to believe due to his lack of knowledge concerning the Islamic faith.

Ali Sina claims to be Islam's worst nightmare and that he is so smart and unbeatable, he is very over-zealous you could say. In fact many of Ali Sina's supporters also go around claiming how good he is and how no Muslim can debate him.

Well since I keep hearing all this I thought I would issue an open debate challenge to Ali Sina, in fact we will debate a topic he likes which is:

Muhammad: Is he a Prophet?

Ali Sina often debates this topic, trying to dis-credit the prophet as much as he can, so therefore this will be a perfect debate for Ali Sina, and since he is so good as he and his followers claim him to be, then I see no reason as to why he cant accept a nice debate challenge.

The debate challenge is for live audio debate.

Poor Ali Sina , he got cold feet :
Recently, we challenged "Dr." Ali Sina to a live debate on pal talk with our representative brother Saami Zaatari. Ali Sina declined this debate challenge, but insisted on a debate on text, saying it was scholarly.

LOL , this is the best , he cannot even afford to mantain his website. Why talk about paying USD50k. This is a cheap man.
This claim is very funny indeed; you would think that a person who can freely give 50,000 dollars would not need donations from people to help run his site! :

Dear reader and supporter of FFI:

Thank you for your generous donation. We already reached and surpassed the funds required for leasing a super fast server in just a few days. Your support is a nod of approval to our work and it shows how much you care for this site to stay alive and grow. If the donations reach $6,000 dollars, we can afford to keep the present server also and host other Islamocritic sites for free. Otherwise we just concentrate on our own site. (

So Ali Sina basically needs money from his ?fans' to help keep the present sever they are using for their site, and to host other anti-Islamic sites. That is quite strange isn't it? For a man who can make a 50,000 dollar debate challenge you would think that to pay 6000 dollars to keep the server would be nothing! But no! He in fact needs his reader's money so that he and his fellow goons can AFFORD to keep the server! Can you believe that?! This loser can't even afford the cost of his sever!!!!!!

Aiyoyo tambi , you sudah kena kencing lah ..... ha ha

You still have not answered me. For the 2nd time :
This goes back to my question. If someone wants to rape your mother or sister would you fight them and accept the chance that you would be killed in the process? Oops , my bad , you are a christian and your man God tells you to turn the other cheek. Most probably you would offer the rapist(s) your wife after he / they , is / are done with your mother and sister. You probably make them a snack as well. Is that what you would do? I guess so .... yes?

Lets see how you answer. If you say no , then you admit Quran9:111 is relevant to you. If you say yes , you better go castrate yourself as you cannot even protect your own family.

Last edited by sam1528 on 25-9-2014 08:32 PM


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 Author| Post time 25-9-2014 09:31 PM | Show all posts
sam1528 posted on 25-9-2014 08:31 PM
See ..... I told you so. You cannot answer then you run to an atheist website. Now you are appeali ...

all of your statements is assumptions...
u still owe my question:  show me  proof that the arabs involved here to help? in terms of tsunami, MH plane crased  and etc...

the only  country help is kafir...USA, UK, Australia and few other kafir country...

like i said, the arabs more interested collecting money and using religion as their agenda...that is the fact


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Post time 25-9-2014 10:16 PM | Show all posts
Truth.8 posted on 25-9-2014 09:31 PM
all of your statements is assumptions...
u still owe my question:  show me  proof that the arabs involved here to help? in terms of tsunami, MH plane crased  and etc...

the only  country help is kafir...USA, UK, Australia and few other kafir country...

like i said, the arabs more interested collecting money and using religion as their agenda...that is the fact

You are one dim wit and a blur person.

How can it be an assumption when your hero in Ali Sina backed out from a debate challenge?

The logistics for a mid east country to help in the MH371 is a nightmare. It is understood that the nearest country would help. These things are logical but you still fail to understand which means that you don't have any logical thinking to start with.

LOL now you talk about the lack of muslim aid in the 2004 tsunami in Acheh? This again is evidence that you are a clueless and blur person.

Why don't you search for 'muslim aid'? See what you get.

You can search 'saudi foreign assistance'. See what you get

You are a typical frog in the well or 'katak bawah tempurung'.

For the 3rd time :
This goes back to my question. If someone wants to rape your mother or sister would you fight them and accept the chance that you would be killed in the process? Oops , my bad , you are a christian and your man God tells you to turn the other cheek. Most probably you would offer the rapist(s) your wife after he / they , is / are done with your mother and sister. You probably make them a snack as well. Is that what you would do? I guess so .... yes?

Lets see how you answer. If you say no , then you admit Quran9:111 is relevant to you. If you say yes , you better go castrate yourself as you cannot even protect your own family.

Why so scared to answer. Oops , could be you have no answers .... LOL

You mean christians help out in the Acheh Tsunami? Yeah lah , with the intention to convert the orphans to christianity. From The Guardian :
Reacting to the attempts of one American group to fly hundreds of local children to a Christian orphanage, Din Syamsuddin, head of the Indonesian Council of Clerics, said any attempt to spread religion under the cover of aid was wrong.

If I am a cynic , I would think that you guys are not even sincere in helping others. There is always an ulterior motive. Is this the kind of help that you are proud of?

Last edited by sam1528 on 25-9-2014 10:23 PM


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 Author| Post time 26-9-2014 11:06 AM | Show all posts
sam1528 posted on 25-9-2014 10:16 PM
You are one dim wit and a blur person.

How can it be an assumption when your hero in Ali Sina b ...
You are one dim wit and a blur person.

How can it be an assumption when your hero in Ali Sina backed out from a debate challenge?

The logistics for a mid east country to help in the MH371 is a nightmare. It is understood that the nearest country would help. These things are logical but you still fail to understand which means that you don't have any logical thinking to start with.

LOL now you talk about the lack of muslim aid in the 2004 tsunami in Acheh? This again is evidence that you are a clueless and blur person.

Why don't you search for 'muslim aid'? See what you get.

You can search 'saudi foreign assistance'. See what you get

You are a typical frog in the well or 'katak bawah tempurung'.

There none from arabs helping the islam natiions...the only muslims helping banda ache comes  from malaysia not i said, they busy counting money...from all the the hajj and etc...

Here another article :
Palestinians: The Arabs Betrayed Us - Again

Read here : MH370 REALITY CHECK FOR MUSLIMS IN M'SIA: Why no offer of help from Islamic 'BROTHERS'      
link : ... mid=2#axzz3EO5OZ8i9

Dont be so stupid and try to  potray that the arabs nations good...the fact they are self fish ....they never once will help in terms financial aids or anything if muslims country facing problem...that is the fact...

The only country helping in terms of  financial , investment, economy are Kafir such as USA, UK, Australia and few others....

Many times I see only Malaysia are helping other countries in terms of disaster regardless islam or not...

arabs? like i said..using their religion as agenda to brain wash u guys..

as for the debate you claimed ali sinai chicken is list out the debate:
Some Muslims have decided to accept my challenge and have triedto refute me. I promised to remove this site should they succeed. Here are ourdebates.

Grand Ayatollah Montazerivs.      Ali Sina.      Javed      Ahmad Ghamidi vs. Ali Sina  2006/09/04      Maulana          Ajmal Qadri vs. Ali Sina 2007/11/17      Symposium:          Gender Apartheid and Islam

[url=]World's          Greatest Showman
             Ali          Sina dismantles Dr. Zakir Naik in this review of his 2000 televised          debate with Dr. William Campbell.  2006/06/12           Qur’an and the          Bible in the Light of Science      is a site exclusively created       to prove us wrong.       Here are the debates      I had with them.      Unfortunately they stopped debating.       Also read the interesting debate that Ismahan Levi, a      Saudi ex-Muslim Lady who  has married to a Jew had with the team.         Ismahan Levi writes to team          2002/05/06      Unanswered      Invitations       Since our challenge to the      Muslims and their apologists has not been met,  we decided to invite      the more famous apologists of Islam and challenge them to defend Islam.                                As the old      and now forgotten adage says: “If the mountain does not go to Muhammad,      Muhammad goes to the mountain”.  Here are the unanswered      invitations to a few renowned apologists of Islam.        
Idris TawfiqDr Zakir      Naik
Dr.      Mohd Asri Zail al Abidin the Mufti of Perlis, MalaysiaHamid Entezam  
Dr. John Esposito open            letter to Prof. Michael Sells

Did I miss anything, oh yes...for futher reading, click here:

enjoyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy readingggggggggggggggg
Last edited by Truth.8 on 26-9-2014 11:22 AM


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Post time 26-9-2014 11:26 AM | Show all posts
Truth.8 posted on 26-9-2014 11:06 AM
There none from arabs helping the islam natiions...the only muslims helping banda ache comes  from malaysia not i said, they busy counting money...from all the the hajj and etc...

Here another article :
Palestinians: The Arabs Betrayed Us - Again

Read here : MH370 REALITY CHECK FOR MUSLIMS IN M'SIA: Why no offer of help from Islamic 'BROTHERS'      
link : ... mid=2#axzz3EO5OZ8i9

as for the debate you claimed ali sinai chicken is list out the debate:
Some Muslims have decided to accept my challenge and have triedto refute me. I promised to remove this site should they succeed. Here are ourdebates.

Grand Ayatollah Montazerivs.      Ali Sina.      Javed      Ahmad Ghamidi vs. Ali Sina  2006/09/04      Maulana          Ajmal Qadri vs. Ali Sina 2007/11/17      Symposium:          Gender Apartheid and Islam

[url=]World's          Greatest Showman
             Ali          Sina dismantles Dr. Zakir Naik in this review of his 2000 televised          debate with Dr. William Campbell.  2006/06/12           Qur’an and the          Bible in the Light of Science      is a site exclusively created       to prove us wrong.       Here are the debates      I had with them.      Unfortunately they stopped debating.       Also read the interesting debate that Ismahan Levi, a      Saudi ex-Muslim Lady who  has married to a Jew had with the team.         Ismahan Levi writes to team          2002/05/06      Unanswered      Invitations       Since our challenge to the      Muslims and their apologists has not been met,  we decided to invite      the more famous apologists of Islam and challenge them to defend Islam.                                As the old      and now forgotten adage says: “If the mountain does not go to Muhammad,      Muhammad goes to the mountain”.  Here are the unanswered      invitations to a few renowned apologists of Islam.        
Idris TawfiqDr Zakir      Naik
Dr.      Mohd Asri Zail al Abidin the Mufti of Perlis, MalaysiaHamid Entezam  
Dr. John Esposito open            letter to Prof. Michael Sells

Did I miss anything, oh yes...for futher reading, click here:

enjoyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy readingggggggggggggggg

LOL , like I said , you are a clueless dimwit , like meenachi sepiroth. Suddenly Acheh has disappeared from your argument because the muslim world poured in a lot more $ than anyone whereas the christian world only had intention to convert the orphans. You should be ashamed.

My question to you : How far is the Mid East from the supposed MH370 crash site? How do the spotter planes fuel with such distance. How is the logistics being taken care of? You cannot answer such simple question but repeat your rubbish without any form of logical thinking. So , you are a blur and clueless dimwit.

This is an interesting quote from your link :
"Israel knows that (President Abdel Fattah) Sisi's Egypt is not opposed to the destruction of the spirit of resistance in the Gaza Strip and silencing it for ever," he remarked. "Most Arabs are busy these days with bloody battles waged by their leaders, who are struggling to survive. These battles are raging in Yemen, Syria, Iraq, Egypt, Libya and the Palestinian Authority."

According to noted Palestinian political analyst Mustafa al-Sawwaf: "Some of the Arab regimes are interested in getting rid of the resistance in order to remove the burden of the Palestinian cause, which threatens the stability of their regimes."

This is what I stated before. The question comes back to you. What is the problem if Lotfi fought against the oppressive Assad regime and he accepted that he could be killed in the process (which he was killed)? Until now , no answer from you. Oops , you don't have any answer because you are not intelligent enough to think thru things and you are a 'katak bawah tempurung'.

LOL why are you still bringing up Ali Sina debates? When he was challenged to a debate via paltalk , he got scared. LOL , you are hiding behind him. Address the issue of why he was scared. He doesn't even have enough $ to mantain his site server let alone pay someone USD50k. This is all cheap talk from a cheapskate including you.

LOL , are you still trying to bring up the so called scientific problems in the Quran? If I remember correctly , you ran away to the response of your challenge.

LOL , you being a christian appealing to an atheist for help in trying to debate a muslim. It is true then , christianity is dying .....

Last edited by sam1528 on 26-9-2014 11:28 AM


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 Author| Post time 26-9-2014 05:08 PM | Show all posts
sam1528 posted on 26-9-2014 11:26 AM
LOL , like I said , you are a clueless dimwit , like meenachi sepiroth. Suddenly Acheh has disappe ...

sorry to says, you still failed to understand my writings....hence I am debating with donkey...

with saying that, I conclude this topic favour on my side as I have provide enough evidences to support my claimed.

u failed again


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Post time 26-9-2014 07:09 PM | Show all posts
Truth.8 posted on 26-9-2014 05:08 PM
sorry to says, you still failed to understand my writings....hence I am debating with donkey...

with saying that, I conclude this topic favour on my side as I have provide enough evidences to support my claimed.

u failed again

I think you should qualify your argument. Only a donkey would understand your argument and your evidence.

(1) You claim the muslim nations did not help out in the Acheh Tsunami. I provided guidance for your search. If you had done it , you would know that the muslim nations poured the most $ into the rebuilding of Acheh but did not blow trumpet. However Christian organizations went there to try to abduct the orphans and convert them to christianity. This is shameful.

(2) You stated that the Mid East nations did not help in the search and recovery of MH370. How do you expect them to help? The distance between the Mid East to the supposed crash site is out of the fuel range of any planes from the Mid East. Take for example , the distance from Riyadh to Perth is about 9700 km. The range of a Lockheed Herclues C130 is about 1100 nautical miles (2000km). How do you expect the said aircraft to even reach the supposed crash site , go around in circles trying to spot the wreckage and then go back to the Mid East for refuel? This is evidence that you are clueless dimwit.

(3) A debate challenge has been issued to Ali Sina by Sami Zaatari , to debate via paltalk. He declined. This means he is a coward. Why should he issue debate challenges if he was scared to debate via paltalk?

(4) Ali Sina himslef cannot even afford to pay U$5k website maintenance without asking for donations. What makes you think he even have U$50k being his challenge? This person is cheapskate looking for cheap publicity.

For the 3rd time :
This goes back to my question. If someone wants to rape your mother or sister would you fight them and accept the chance that you would be killed in the process? Oops , my bad , you are a christian and your man God tells you to turn the other cheek. Most probably you would offer the rapist(s) your wife after he / they , is / are done with your mother and sister. You probably make them a snack as well. Is that what you would do? I guess so .... yes?

Lets see how you answer. If you say no , then you admit Quran9:111 is relevant to you. If you say yes , you better go castrate yourself as you cannot even protect your own family.

Its best that you just talk about the weather instead of inter religious debate. You just don't know anything about Islam and what is happening around you. Heck , you do not even know about christianity for that matter.


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Post time 26-9-2014 09:41 PM | Show all posts
Truth.8 posted on 25-9-2014 01:06 PM
the fact remaind that the arabs nations do not give shit about other country...they only inter ...
the fact remaind that the arabs nations do not give shit about other country...they only interested counting money , political and using religion for their agenda...that why u can see more malays are going there  to die but actually is  stupid...
Truth.8, I think you missed the whole point. Muslims go there to help fight the oppressive Assad regime. I don't see anything wrong with helping other people. Do we really need reasons like "since you care about me, so I can help you, else I cannot help you" before we help the others? Why can't you accept that people do it because they just want to help the others?

Some people do appreciate the concept of humanity and its value to the extend that they go there to help the people although knowing that they might be killed in the process. Unfortunately, to you:
1) it is just stupid
2) why should one nation gives a **** about other nation
You are making that statements despite knowing that there are bad people killing innocent people. You are putting more effort on blaming the people who want to help instead of blaming the one who is causing the bad things to happen in the first place. I know you are having 'a thing' about Islam but I don't think you should go to that level for the sake of arguing... Despite having different belief, we should not lost our humanity values.

I strongly suggest that you take a step back and reformulate back all of your thoughts/arguments on this matter. I pray that we all still have the humanity values within ourselves. Peace.


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 Author| Post time 28-9-2014 12:21 PM | Show all posts
mashimaru83 posted on 26-9-2014 09:41 PM
Truth.8, I think you missed the whole point. Muslims go there to help fight the oppressive Assad r ...

than i suggest you and sam get prepare and go to syria get yourself killed ...

since both you directly supporting such movement which i consider pure evil and stupid


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 Author| Post time 28-9-2014 12:23 PM | Show all posts
sam1528 posted on 26-9-2014 07:09 PM
I think you should qualify your argument. Only a donkey would understand your argument and your ev ...

well, in  ali sinai site it clearly he says debuke zaki naik and few others...if you cannot understand this easy writings, i would suggest you get a fairy tales books to read

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Post time 28-9-2014 12:34 PM | Show all posts
Truth.8 posted on 28-9-2014 12:21 PM
than i suggest you and sam get prepare and go to syria get yourself killed ...

since both you d ...

I don't know that helping others is consider pure evil and stupid. Apparently you are being irrational and unreasonable here.


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