What sonny~~ said ACH is that the jews and arabs and christians that was initially there already should form the government. THose are PALESTINE JEWS, not JEWS that were expelled from Europe. Get it??????? I have posted a little history of Palestine taken from AlJazeera's website, go in and you will be able to see a section for the Palestine issue. That should answer your question.
Also, you have your point in which you are correct, but others such as sonny~~ also do have their correct points. Who are you to accuse him of lying just because his defer from yours?
[ Last edited by ariyamusafir on 25-3-2004 at 07:15 PM ] |
Er..after beating abt the bush, you guys still have not answered for the war crimes of Palestinians.
peace |
Originally posted by Debmey at 25-3-2004 21:58:
Er..after beating abt the bush, you guys still have not answered for the war crimes of Palestinians.
Have to change the topic now, you have not answered the war crimes of the Israelis!!!!! |
Correction, is Israeli troops and regime. |
Originally posted by ariyamusafir at 2004-3-25 10:51 PM:
Have to change the topic now, you have not answered the war crimes of the Israelis!!!!!
and how can i switch topic when yu haven't answered for ntehw ar crimes of Palestinians yet? |
Adm_Cheng_Ho This user has been deleted
What sonny~~ said ACH is that the jews and arabs and christians that was initially there already should form the government
If locals should form their own government ruling their own land then Jordan have no right either to occupy Palestine. If locals should form their own government by their own native Palestinian people, BOTH the incoming Jews and Arabs should not be going in. Why only Jews are labelled "imported"?
I've asked again & again, do you have official documents from governments and/or public organizations that showed Arabs never migrate in large number to Palestine between 1882-1948? If they do, then shouldn't they be called "imported" too? If no, then how do Palestinian Arabs swell? I've complied with your game by giving verifiable official documents. Shouldn't you be honouring your own principles with similar flair & attitude in presenting your claim? |
Adm_Cheng_Ho This user has been deleted
To Ariyamusafir,
Who are you to accuse him of lying just because his defer from yours
He don't lie. Well see these:
1) Palestine isn't 2b partitioned but internationalized. "PALESTINE was to be internationalized" (21-3-2004 12:13 PM;21-3-2004 12:13 PM;24-3-2004 06:02 PM; 25-3-2004 05:30 PM).
2) Inconsistent population accounts with official consensus.
"un didnt take into account the 1000000000 PALESTINIANS aginst 500000 jews when they wanna divide PALESTINE" (20-3-2004 12:56 PM)
"there 1000000000 PALESTINIANS aginst 500000 jews in PALESTINE" (21-3-2004 12:13 PM)
"1000000000 by 1948" (24-3-2004 05:57 PM)
"otherwise their number wouldnt have increased drastically from 100s to 500000 by 1948" (24-3-2004 05:57 PM)
"donkey un dont take into account the enormous gap between 500000 jews against 1000000000 PALESTINIANS" (24-3-2004 06:13 PM)
3) Again on population but contradicts himself. Previous posts stated 1billion Palestinians(arab christians, arab muslims + jews) & 500k Jews(here meaning foreigners). Here showed otherwise:
"(UN) General Assembly approved in 1947 a new partition plan, 749,000 Arabs and 9,250 Jews lived in the territory where the proposed Arab state would be set up, while 497,000 Arabs and 498,000 Jews lived in the part which was to become the Jewish state" (25-3-2004 05:48 PM;25-3-2004 06:05 PM)
4) West Bank Security Barrier is 640km.
Source=http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/middle_east/3484794.stm. Below is Sonny's 'reliable' & 'credible' claim:
"800 kilo apartheid wall" (20-3-2004 12:56 PM;25-3-2004 05:36 PM)
5) Embellished Jewish settlements in Palestine by 55 more. Many sources I've checked in the websites including Al Jazeera stated 145 settlements.
My source=http://www.aljazeerah.info/News%20archives/2003%20News%20archives/December/22n/Jewish%20Settlers%20Plan%20Siege%20to%20Fight%20Eviction.htm
"otherwise israel would not have built 200 illegal jewish settlements" (20-3-2004 12:56 PM;20-3-2004 12:56 PM;22-3-2004 05:32 PM;25-3-2004 05:36 PM)
6) Inconsistent account made in the name of Amnesty International of homeless Palestinian since 1987. My verification is 14,500 people & 2,400 houses.
My source=http://web.amnesty.org/library/index/ENGMDE150591999
Below is Sonny's:
"The human rights organization Amnesty International said in a report in December that Israel has made about 16,700 Palestinians homeless by destroying at least 2,650 houses since 1987" (21-3-2004 01:25 PM)
7) Inconsistent with actual account of 141k in 1882. Even an Islamic website proved him wrong.
My source=http://answering-islam.org.uk/Walid/13emeu.htm
"though me source says different ie
1850 - PALESTINIANS 480,000 - jews 17,000
1890 - PALESTINIANS 530,000 - jews 43,000"
NOTE: Most of the time I provide 1 link. There are many websites which I've checked & seen with all the numbers consistent with my claim & belied Sonny's. My bottomline is, if the book we read showed a factual account, it should be readily available elsewhere including websites & official documents (public organizations & government websites) to be verified for consistencies.
Admiral CH
p/s: Sonny never give sources. Must be cut-and-paste from anti-Israeli websites. That's why he shyed away from giving it. Even using UN or Amnesty's name, he shoot his own foot. |
yo ADMIRAL continue ;)
Britain did promise to liberate Arabs from Ottoman rule. But Britian even today never promise an independent Palestinian Arab state. That is misunderstanding from the Arabs. Balfour assures Arabs would govern "their own state". The state here meaning "negeri" not "negara"!!! That is how it roll.
the HARDfact remains whos britain to make promises? they wanna defeat ottoman n they manipulate arabs nationalism spirit. right? now they wanna unwanted jews in britain n elsewhere to rape PALESTINE. shame. read me cut n paste n postin
The Balfour Declaration promises a Jewish Homeland in Palestine."The Balfour Declaration, made in November 1917 by the British Government...was made a) by a European power, b) about a non-European territory, c) in flat disregard of both the presence and wishes of the native majority resident in that territory...[As Balfour himself wrote in 1919], 'The contradiction between the letter of the Covenant (the Anglo French Declaration of 1918 promising the Arabs of the former Ottoman colonies that as a reward for supporting the Allies they could have their independence) is even more flagrant in the case of the independent nation of Palestine than in that of the independent nation of Syria. For in Palestine we do not propose even to go through the form of consulting the wishes of the present inhabitants of the country...The four powers are committed to Zionism and Zionism, be it right or wrong, good or bad, is rooted in age-long tradition, in present needs, in future hopes, of far profounder import than the desire and prejudices of the 700,000 Arabs who now inhabit that ancient land,'" Edward Said, "The Question of
in 1914 with the outbreak of ww1, britain promised the independence of arab lands under ottoman rule, including PALESTINE, in return for arab support against turkey which had entered the war on the side of germany. in 1916 britain and france signed the sykes-picot agreement, which divided the arab region into zones of influence. lebanon and syria were assigned to france, jordan and iraq to britain and PALESTINE was to be internationalized. this is colonialization of the worst kind despite arabs nationalism aspiration. but the world overlooked that. they only c jews nationalism not PALESTINIAN nationalism.
There you go again. Here you acknowledge British made promises to Arabs & Zionists but on another post you said British only promise the Arabs of an independent Arab state. Yet another oxymoron statement. I can't believe what happen to you.
where me said british only made promises to arabs/PALESTINIANS? where? why me call britain forked tongue then? am waitin
Malaysia is also Malaysian Chinese & Malaysian Indian's national home. Balfour promises Palestine as Jewish national home. Be sensible. You're a grown up man!
dont twist HARDfacts. read me postin above
What about the very presence of Arabs infringed Palestinian Jews rights? Silly!
how many PALESTINIAN jews that have been made refugees by arabs n how many PALESTINIAN muslims that have been made refugees by imported jews? any idea? slowly butt surely ure trapped by ur own forked tongue bigot faggot retarded mentality. hehe
I acknowledge that. They further their demands like anyone would. Muslims also further their demands in Europe today. That is one issue. But that alone shouldn't give any excuse for Arabs to kill them like chickens or cows. Moreover, Jews are fleeing from European Holocaust. Palestine is extremely lacking population. That is why they chose it.
repetitious spammin. lemme repeat. how many imported jews that arabs/PALESTINIANS have murdered n how many arabs/PALESTINIANS that imported jews have murdered bfore n after 1948? why europe, forked tongue britain, jewish americans, impotent world wanna punish PALESTINIANS for the holocaust suffered by jews? why dumpin unwanted jews in PALESTINE n let em rape PALESTINIANS? why?
As stated by yourself, Arabs started the inferno! Short fuse you are. Both are immigrants!
if u read history carefully, u will find the jews/zionists provoked PALESTINIANS/arab hostilities. read
She (a Jewish-American woman acquaintance) informed him (American author and journalist Vincent Sheean) that there was going to be serious trouble at the Wailing Wall, since hundreds of Jabotinsky's followers were coming into the city 'ready to fight' to protect the sacred monument. Many of the right-wing extremists were armed and Sheean's visitor looked forward to a bloody confrontation with the Arabs since it would 'show that we are here.'[26] (Jabotinsky was surely one of the most interesting if sinister figures in the history of Zionism. An, impatient man, he was honest enough to say publicly what Ben-Gurion and the other Zionist leaders plotted secretly.)
Trouble had been festering over the religious shrines in Jerusalem for quite some time. (delete)
Most British officials in Palestine did not take the escalating crisis over the Wailing Wall very seriously. (delete)
Within a few weeks this 'sectarian pettiness' was to erupt into violence. When Sheean went to the Wailing Wall, he saw religious Yemenite Jews observing the ancient rituals, oblivious to the fact that Jabotinsky's followers were attempting to provoke a conflict with any Muslims they could find. Sheean wrote in his diary, 'if I were an Arab, I should be angry, very angry and I don't think for a minute that this is over.' On 23 August, came the inevitable Muslim reaction. Angered by rumours that the Islamic holy places in Jerusalem were in danger, thousands of Arab peasants poured into the Holy City. Vincent Sheean again found himself in the midst of the melee. As the Arabs approached the Jewish section of the city, the American journalist saw a Jew throw a grenade into the crowd, killing two people. These were the first fatalities of the day. Fighting raged in Jerusalem and spread to other parts of Palestine with several hundred Arabs, Jews and British being killed before order was restored.
[ Last edited by sonny~~ on 26-3-2004 at 02:25 PM ] |
Originally posted by Adm_Cheng_Ho at 2004-3-24 08:09 PM:
League of Nations & United Nations gave Britain the mandate to govern Palestine!!! Again, where in the picture USA get into Jewish migration policy?!
ure hysterical agin. wot is the meanin of mandate? is it meant to allow imported jews raped PALESTINIANS? by jewish usa feedin imported jews with billions worth of arms to genocide PALESTINIANS n rape PALESTINE that tantamount to jewish usa bein involved in imported jews migration policy. right? dont pretend u dunno
SHAME ON YOU! You keep giving half-fact half-lies! Palestinian is for Palestine right? Native Jews also Palestinian right? Native Arabs also Palestinian right? Then why the hell Arabs wanna enter Palestine?! If they can, why can't Jews?! Idiot!
chill out. no hysteria plz. the HARDfact remains imported jews enter PALESTINE first n imported arabs have no choice but to join in the fray. the HARDbottomline is forked tongue britain n jewish usa shouldnt allow imported jews rape PALESTINIANS. the rest is history
Give me your source. Stop pretending you don't want to give it to me. I'll read it first. I never read any official account of Jewish raping Palestinian women prior to 1948. Please. Stop avoiding me on this.
wots the difference between sexual rape n rape thru massacre? read
Originally posted by Adm_Cheng_Ho at 2004-3-25 12:36 AM:
On Arabs also migrants to Palestine: http://www.mideastweb.org/palpop.htm
MidEast Web Organization with figures of British Mandate for Palestine and the Mandatory censuses of Palestine's population. Sonny's account is 1 billion people in Palestine by 1948.
its not 1 billion but 1 million. typin error. nonetheless, imported jews entered PALESTINE first n imported arabs r forced to join in the fray. the rest is history
On Arab hostilities and continuing persecution before 1948: CNN Special Edition(at the bottom of the left pane only). The Joy Of Knowledge Encyclopedia. Any history books. Any Resolutions on United Nations website under Israel-Palestine category. King Hussein Jordan governmentwebsite=http://www.kinghussein.gov.jo/his_palestine.html.
wrong. hostilities n persection erupted from both sides PALESTINIANS/arabs n imported jews n one of em is deir yassin massacre. read. the HARDfact remains if only forked tongue britain n jewish americans hadnt let imported jews raped PALESTINIANS, hostilities persecution massacre wouldnt have happened
Deir Yassin Massacre
9-10 April 1948: The massacre that became the symbol of Zionist aggression fo the Palestinians as well as Zionist treachery. The Mukhtar of the village had agreed with the Zionists to provide information on the movement of strangers in the area as well as other intelligence provided their village is spared. The Zionists were not to keep their side of the promise. In an operation which was called Operation Unity, the Haganah co-operated with the Irgun and the Stern Gang is this operation. At 4:30 am on Friday 9th April 1948 surrounded the village which was overlooked by two Jewish settlements, Givat Shaul and Montefiore. For two days Zionist terrorists killed men women and children, raped women and stole their jewellery. A chilling account of the massacre is given by a Red Cross doctor who arrived at the village on the second day and saw himself -- the mopping up as one of the terrorists put it to him. He says that the mopping gup- had been done with machine guns, then grenades and finished of with knives. Women's bellies were cut open and babies were butchered inthe hands of their helpless mothers.
Around 250 people were murdered in cold blood. Of them 25 pregnant women were bayoneted in the abdomen while still alive. 52 children were maimed under the eyes of their own mothers, and they were slain and their heads cut off. The Jewish Agency and the commander of the British ground troops knew of the massacre while it was going on, however, no one intervened to stop it.
On Arab's first guerilla attacks: posted by Sonny "In August 1929, the century's first large-scale attack on Jews by Arabs rocked Jerusalem" 21-3-2004 01:25 PM.
read me postins above
On Arab's first to initiate wars against Israel: Countless Resolutions from UN websites under the category of Israel-Palestine. Israel never start the first war on Arabs.
israel may not have started the first war. butt they raped PALESTINIANS first. the rest is history
On terrorisms: can read it almost every week.
israel raped PALESTINIANS n PALESTINIANS raped israel in turn. simple. wot would u do if ure raped?
Arabs always are the first in all aggression against humanity. It can be easily found in any form of sources you want to find.
liar. read me postin above 
peace |
still cannot answer for the war crimes of Palestinians. |
Originally posted by Adm_Cheng_Ho at 2004-3-25 01:25 AM:
1) Another proof that Sonny lied: " ALESTINE was to be internationalized".
My source from United Nation: "General Assembly endorsed a plan for the partition of Palestine, providing for the creation of an Arab State and a Jewish State, with Jerusalem to be placed under international status." It should be Jerusalem to be internationalized. Not Palestine. You may ask him where he get his HARDfact from. Mine=http://www.un.org/cyberschoolbus/peacekeeping/peacekeepbg.html
thats right. its jerusalem thats internationalized not PALESTINE as a whole. me mistake. nevertheless whither goest the internationalized version? any intelligent response? no repetitious spammin now
Another fact from me: "The UN adopted in 1947 the Partition Plan for Palestine (Resolution 181 (II) of 29 November 1947) which retained the unity of Jerusalem by providing for an international regime under UN control"
Source=http://www.un.org/Depts/dpa/qpalnew/glossarycollapsible.htm. Againt, it is Jerusalem. Not Palestine to be internationalized. He lied. Go ask for his source. Pressure him.
read me postin above
2) He mentioned about 1 Billion people by 1948. Perhaps you should ask for his source too. My claim is 1.6million people BY 1948. Already given you MidEast Web Organization available in Arabic too.
thats right. its not 1 billion PALESTINIANS but 1 million PALESTINIANS be theyre majority muslims, jews, christians. typing error. read
United Nations (UN) General Assembly approved in 1947 a new partition plan, 749,000 Arabs and 9,250 Jews lived in the territory where the proposed Arab state would be set up, while 497,000 Arabs and 498,000 Jews lived in the part which was to become the Jewish state.
3) On Arab hostilities again before 1948: from UN Human Right website=http://www.unhchr.ch/huridocda/huridoca.nsf/0/a596dc1b1c99cd15c1256cf0004977c1?OpenDocument
"Jewish refugees from Arab countries -- and their descendants -- who fled or left their ancient homeland when massacres, arrests, and ostracism made life impossible (a further 300,000 emigrated to Europe and the Americas, where they number over a million today). These are the forgotten Jewish refugees from Arab lands, countries that risk becoming totally cleansed' of Jews ('Judenrein') as in Saudi Arabia, and Jordan since 1922"
likewise read 
"Jewish villages were built in the place of Arab villages. You do not even know the names of these Arab villages, and I do not blame you because geography books no longer exist, not only do the books not exist, the Arab villages are not there either. Nahlal arose in the place of Mahlul; Kibbutz Gvat in the place of Jibta; Kibbutz Sarid in the place of Huneifis; and Kefar Yehushu'a in the place of Tal al-Shuman. There is not one single place built in this country that did not have a former Arab population." -- Moshe Dayan, addressing the Technion (Israel Institute of Technology), Haifa. Quoted in Ha'aretz, 04/04/1969
Today there are approximately 5 million Palestinian refugees throughout the world. There are about 3.5 million Palestinian refugees registered with the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA). 33% live in 59 UNRWA refugee camps and 67% are scattered throughout various countries. There are approximately 1.5 million non-registered refugees scattered throughout the Arab world. |
Originally posted by Adm_Cheng_Ho at 2004-3-26 12:58 AM:
To Ariyamusafir,
He don't lie. Well see these:
1) Palestine isn't 2b partitioned but internationalized. "PALESTINE was to be internationalized" (21-3-2004 12:13 P ...
1) Palestine isn't 2b partitioned but internationalized. " ALESTINE was to be internationalized" (21-3-2004 12:13 PM;21-3-2004 12:13 PM;24-3-2004 06:02 PM; 25-3-2004 05:30 PM).
keep ur hat on. me have told u its me mistake. read thru me postin above. its jerusalem which is internationalized not PALESTINE. there agin whither goest the internationalized thing? make a guess
2) Inconsistent population accounts with official consensus.
"un didnt take into account the 1000000000 PALESTINIANS aginst 500000 jews when they wanna divide PALESTINE" (20-3-2004 12:56 PM)
"there 1000000000 PALESTINIANS aginst 500000 jews in PALESTINE" (21-3-2004 12:13 PM)
"1000000000 by 1948" (24-3-2004 05:57 PM)
"otherwise their number wouldnt have increased drastically from 100s to 500000 by 1948" (24-3-2004 05:57 PM)
"donkey un dont take into account the enormous gap between 500000 jews against 1000000000 PALESTINIANS" (24-3-2004 06:13 PM)
as me have told u in me postin above its typin error. its 1 million PALESTINIANS not 1 billion PALESTINIANS aginst 500 thousand jews. lets ponder a sec. ur cut n paste says in 1942 theres 995,292 muslims (61.44%) n 484,408 jews (29.9%). looks like whichever way u wanna look at the population figures, the jews always minority aginst PALESTINIANS. right?
if one were to say 1 million PALESTINIANS comprise native PALESTINIANS be they muslims, christians, jews etc + imported arabs while 500 thousand jews comprise native PALESTINIAN jews + imported jews, the jews r still a minority. right? hence wots ur problem if PALESTINIANS were to govern emselves? right? hence wot me said is RIGHT ie donkey un dont take into account the enormous gap between 500 thousand jews (natives + imported) aginst 1 million PALESTINIANS be they native muslims, christians, jews etc + imported arabs. right? u suck. u only c jews haplessness but never c PALESTINIANS haplessness
n another HARDpoint me wanna stress ere, israel proper comprises 497,000 arabs and 498,000 jews (based on me cut n paste) when its formed in 1948 after dividin PALESTINE. right? a difference of 1 thousand. right? by right, israel government should make up of 50 50 jews n arabs right? butt wots the population ratio now? make a guess? no wonder the PALESTINIANS have rejected the division (in the first place) coz they forsee they gonna be raped as its proven right now right in front of the world. right? dare u tell me, they (the PALESTINIANS) have not been raped by hapless pious terrorist cum rapist jews/israeli/zionists (not all)? well? mark u u started the pious cum rapist bit towards PALESTINIANS n me follow suit. simple
3) Again on population but contradicts himself. Previous posts stated 1billion Palestinians(arab christians, arab muslims + jews) & 500k Jews(here meaning foreigners). Here showed otherwise:
"(UN) General Assembly approved in 1947 a new partition plan, 749,000 Arabs and 9,250 Jews lived in the territory where the proposed Arab state would be set up, while 497,000 Arabs and 498,000 Jews lived in the part which was to become the Jewish state" (25-3-2004 05:48 PM;25-3-2004 06:05 PM)
read me postin above
4) West Bank Security Barrier is 640km.
Source=http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/middle_east/3484794.stm. Below is Sonny's 'reliable' & 'credible' claim:
"800 kilo apartheid wall" (20-3-2004 12:56 PM;25-3-2004 05:36 PM)
simple explanation really. me tend to take figures round number. the last data that me have is 700 somethin kilo, hence me figure 800 kilo apartheid wall. nonetheless the HARDfact remains, israels rapin PALESTINE n PALESTINIANS thru erectin the apartheid wall. right? tell me where PALESTINIANS ever dare to erect such wall in israel proper? where? they dont have the means right? thats why they take revenge thru suicide bombings. right? tell me wot would u do if ure raped, ur family raped, ur nation raped? u gonna stay docile n enjoy or u gonna retaliate? how u gonna retaliate? intelligent response now. no whinin
5) Embellished Jewish settlements in Palestine by 55 more. Many sources I've checked in the websites including Al Jazeera stated 145 settlements.
My source=http://www.aljazeerah.info/News%20archives/2003%20News%20archives/December/22n/Jewish%20Settlers%20Plan%20Siege%20to%20Fight%20Eviction.htm
"otherwise israel would not have built 200 illegal jewish settlements" (20-3-2004 12:56 PM;20-3-2004 12:56 PM;22-3-2004 05:32 PM;25-3-2004 05:36 PM)
irrespective the number of illegal jewish settlements in the occupied PALESTINIAN territories is recorded as 145 or 200, its there right? tell me where PALESTINIANS ever dare to build illegal PALESTINIAN settlements in israel proper? where? they dont have the means right? thats why they take revenge thru suicide bombings. right? tell me wot would u do if ure raped, ur family raped, ur nation raped? u gonna stay docile n enjoy or u gonna retaliate? how u gonna retaliate? intelligent response now. no whinin
6) Inconsistent account made in the name of Amnesty International of homeless Palestinian since 1987. My verification is 14,500 people & 2,400 houses.
My source=http://web.amnesty.org/library/index/ENGMDE150591999
Below is Sonny's:
"The human rights organization Amnesty International said in a report in December that Israel has made about 16,700 Palestinians homeless by destroying at least 2,650 houses since 1987" (21-3-2004 01:25 PM)
there u have it. uve proven PALESTINIANS indeed have been raped by imported jews. irrespective the discrepancy in figures its proven beyond reasonable doubt that imported jews r terrorists cum rapists. yet u refuse to c that. shame. tell me how many imported jewish homes n how many imported jews that PALESTINIANS have destroyed at that point of time? well? they dont have the means right? thats why they take revenge thru suicide bombings. right? tell me wot would u do if ure raped, ur family raped, ur nation raped? u gonna stay docile n enjoy or u gonna retaliate? how u gonna retaliate? intelligent response now. no whinin
7) Inconsistent with actual account of 141k in 1882. Even an Islamic website proved him wrong.
My source=http://answering-islam.org.uk/Walid/13emeu.htm
"though me source says different ie
1850 - PALESTINIANS 480,000 - jews 17,000
1890 - PALESTINIANS 530,000 - jews 43,000"
ure exposin ur forked tongue bigot faggot self. u wanna data exact n precise. yet u dont c the evil the hatred among imported jews aginst PALESTINIANS. wot rot
NOTE: Most of the time I provide 1 link. There are many websites which I've checked & seen with all the numbers consistent with my claim & belied Sonny's. My bottomline is, if the book we read showed a factual account, it should be readily available elsewhere including websites & official documents (public organizations & government websites) to be verified for consistencies.
me have exposed the merciless rape, vicious destructions created by zionists cum imported jews (not all) aginst PALESTINIANS (possibly imported arabs too). can u cut n paste anythin from 1900 onwards which gives HARDproof that imported jews wanna give way teeny weeny termite bit to PALESTINIAN natives be they muslims, Christians, jews etc? am waitin
Admiral CH
p/s: Sonny never give sources. Must be cut-and-paste from anti-Israeli websites. That's why he shyed away from giving it. Even using UN or Amnesty's name, he shoot his own foot.
search urself. dont be lazy. the HARDbottomline is despite me discrepancy in figures, me HARDproofs show imported jews’ cruelty to PALESTINIANS. n forked tongue britain, jewish america, impotent world, impotent un keep donkey blind deaf n dumb. wot more u. how sad 
peace |
Originally posted by Adm_Cheng_Ho at 2004-3-25 06:09 PM:
United Nation is the succession of League of Nation.
I thought you said Sonny's sources are RELIABLE. He made quite a lot of quite using United Nation's articles. If you wanted to den ...
If Jews are not local to Palestine, neighther is Arabs. As I had given you the sources time and again. BOTH of them are migrating in large numbers from 1882-1948. Major INFLUX of foreign Jews and foreign Arabs(mainly Transjordan) occurred between 1882-1948. No denying that Jews, Christian Arabs and Muslim Arabs have always been in Palestine or Syria-Palistina. There are natives as well as foreign Palestinian(Jews+Arabs). If you INSISTS that Arabs are the natives of Palestine, then provide me with a source stating Arabs with an overwhelming majority are of natives and that no Arab migrants occured between 1882-1948.
ure right there imported jews n imported arabs. likewise there native PALESTINIAN jews n native PALESTINIAN muslims n native PALESTINIAN christians etc. right?
lets look at ur source -
the population of PALESTINE in 1922 is 752,048 includin 589,177 PALESTINIAN muslims (78.34%) n 83,790 PALESTINIAN jews (11.14%). right?
in 1939 there 1,501,698 PALESTINIANS includin 927,133 PALESTINIAN muslims (61.74%) n 445,457 PALESTINIAN jews (29.66%). right?
in 1942 there 1,620,005 PALESTINIANS includin 995,292 PALESTINIAN muslims (61.44%) n 484,408 PALESTINIAN jews (29.90%). right?
in 1930 the net immigration is 3,265 imported jews n 165 imported non jews totallin 3,430 imported folks. right?
after 1939, the net immigration is 216,131 imported jews n 13,588 imported non jews totallin 229,719 imported folks. right?
based on ur source its proven beyond reasonable doubt that theres DRASTIC INFLUX of imported jews. right? n u expect native PALESTINIANS welcome em with open arms n legs. right? n these imported jews r unwanted, outcast in europe, grrreat britain n superpower jewish america, elsewhere. right?
now lets add up natives n imported for year 1939. (lets say all non jews r muslims). u gonna have 940,721 PALESTINIAN + imported muslims aginst 661,588 PALESTINIAN + imported jews. right?
c? jews still constitute minority n u expect jews to rule PALESTINE 50 50 with muslims n others? no wonder zionists emerged n viciously rape PALESTINIANS. right? n u insist PALESTINIANS started the rape? u need ur head examined
the notion that PALESTINIAN muslims breed like rabbits is proven HARDproof right? 
over to u ADMIRAL. me wanna c wot reasons u wanna dish out to justify imported jews viciously rapin PALESTINE n PALESTINIANS as they (the jews) chant piously luv thy neighbour as thyself 
[ Last edited by sonny~~ on 27-3-2004 at 02:42 PM ] |
yo ARI
me didnt mean to offend u. me reply as such due to ADMIRALs postin. me know no one rape no one in malaysia. malaysia has been considerate to all its citizens. they even overly considerate with its neighbour singapore so much so they “donate” water to the richest asian nation singapore 
Originally posted by Adm_Cheng_Ho at 2004-3-23 12:34 AM:
The bulk of your postings are insignificant. Malays are given Special Privilege. Is there true equal rights? If Malays can, then this should be simple logic to you that Jews do have their Special Rights since it was governed by a Jewish government. Right? Arabs impose Islamic law on Black Christians in Sudan is also palatable to your mind right? Then what is wrong with Israel granting more rights to their own people? They did not impinge the Israeli Arabs way of life. Simple.
now ure talkin. d malays rape non malays to get malaysia as imported jews rape PALESTINE to get israel? mark u theres a difference of 1000 btween PALESTINIANS/arabs n imported jews in israel by 1948. read. n u expect imported jews to have special right instead of PALESTINIAN natives who live in israel? |
Originally posted by sonny~~ at 27-3-2004 14:49:
yo ARI
me didnt mean to offend u. me reply as such due to ADMIRALs postin. me know no one rape no one in malaysia. malaysia has been considerate to all its citizens. they even overly ...
Don't worry my dear friend for you did not offend me at all. I read through the postings and I know what you did. You are only answering according to quotes. Just want to correct something if there is a slight misunderstanding that is all. You take care ok friend? Good Luck and take care. |
so the bottomline is...just make 2 countries..one Israel and one Palestine..easy job..now just wait for Israelis to withdraw from the lands they are not suppose to occupy...
And after that i wanna see Mr Sharon and Mr Arafat to be taken down and judged..and some people from both factions....:ah: |
Adm_Cheng_Ho This user has been deleted
Sonny the Twister,
whos britain to make promises?
Because they are in the best position to liberate the powerless Arabs from Ottomans.
they wanna defeat ottoman n they manipulate arabs nationalism spirit
1) Arabs' deal with the British are on MUTUAL CONSENT without which no liberation of the Middle East would be possible & are made by the people of that region. Who are you to disapprove on behalf of the ARABS?
2) Arab nationalism surfaced in opposition to Turkish rule. It is because of this condition they are in cahoot with the British to bring down Ottoman Empire. How the HELL British manipulate them & not the otherwise?! You bonehead!
how many PALESTINIAN jews that have been made refugees by arabs
Palestinian Jews fled to Israel & given citizenship. Hence, they are not termed as refugees whereas ..... (below)
how many PALESTINIAN muslims that have been made refugees by imported jews?
Israeli Palestinian were made refugees by the Arab governments who instigated them to leave Israel, refuse to accept them & made them stateless.
read history carefully, u will find the jews/zionists provoked PALESTINIANS/arab hostilities
I have always carefully read your UNKNOWN stories pirated from Arab mouthpiece. The latest post didn't even have the DATE! Moreover, IT WAS YOU who made posts after posts with figure that ARABS ARE THE ONE who started the whole mess! By making use of your own posts is enough to shoot you out.
Here is your HARDfact: "In August 1929, the century's first large-scale attack on Jews by Arabs rocked Jerusalem". Fancy that! 
9-10 April 1948...At 4:30 am on Friday 9th April 1948...
Strange! How does that predates your 1929 HARDfact tht Jews started the first hostilities?? Simple idiot! Moreover, you're telling tales about an unknown stories from an unknown source that copy & paste preventing anyone to know where you get it from... if that is the case then it is unfair to anyone who also can cook up any type of stories! Idiot!
israel may not have started the first war. butt they raped PALESTINIANS first
How do YOU KNOW they raped Palestinians first? Where's your source? No copy & paste. I want URL!!! |
Adm_Cheng_Ho This user has been deleted
hence wots ur problem if PALESTINIANS were to govern emselves?
I have no problem with Palestinian govern themselves.
un dont take into account the enormous gap between 500 thousand jews (natives + imported) aginst 1 million PALESTINIANS be they native muslims, christians, jews etc + imported arabs
Already told you... the partition issue is NOT about who is the majority be the calling shot! It is about Arab hostilities towards Jews be they immigrants or natives. In fact, you have yet to show me your HARDfact that Jews started the hostilities! Until that is proven, hapless pious terrorist cum rapist applied to your boyfriends Arabs!
israel proper comprises 497,000 arabs and 498,000 jews...when its formed in 1948...a difference of 1 thousand...by right, israel government should make up of 50 50 jews n arabs
Sonny. Sources taken from UN website & Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) showed 156k non-Jews with 716,700 Jews. By now you should realise that your numbers are always far from accurate; taken from fatuous sources. Stop reading those farce.
Even so, there are Arab politicians in Israeli parliament (Knesset) whereas there are none not only in Palestine but also the whole Muslim world. |
Adm_Cheng_Ho This user has been deleted
Sonny... on mathematics,
me tend to take figures round number. the last data that me have is 700 somethin kilo, hence me figure 800 kilo apartheid wall
How the hell you round up the unrevised proposal of 720km to 800km?
u wanna data exact n precise. yet u dont c the evil the hatred...
My intention was point out gross inaccuracies in your figures which is very misleading & insidious. NOT about anything else!
irrespective...illegal jewish settlements...recorded as 145 or 200
Again, I'm pointing out your gross inaccuracy.
My assertion has always been that any factual accounts should be consistent anywhere else. Be it in the books, newspapers, TV, websites, public organizations, government publications, official documents...etc, etc. On the same token, most hate websites although carry similar agendas but often contradicts each other. That is why I charged that your story telling, figures & numbers are uncompromising & unreliable to incite hatred based on either an embellished interpretation or deliberate falsifying of truths. |
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