{ALL ABOUT ZUL ARIFFIN} : ZA's current project - Misteri Dilaila, Sangkar &
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Nana_Man replied at 29-4-2018 10:48 AM
Hahaha.. tu pun klakar.. zul sendiri ckp "abaikan larian".. ader komen lg terukkn..
Zul tgh memdunia so org jadi cam langau cari salah dia. |
Nana_Man replied at 29-4-2018 10:38 AM
I nk tau samade in Sangkar, ZA n RI kawan baik atau enemies. Pasal kalau enemies, i kene buat pili ...
Action movie mesti hits cam jrevolusi.. |
brums08 replied at 29-4-2018 10:52 AM
Action movie mesti hits cam jrevolusi..
Yup!! I looking fwrd for this. |
brums08 replied at 29-4-2018 10:50 AM
Zul tgh memdunia so org jadi cam langau cari salah dia.
Tu lah.. dari zaman abby pun dorang korek balik.. no life terok those haters. |
brums08 replied at 29-4-2018 10:49 AM
He has seductive passionate face like che ta guys called her milf.Muka badan sexy so what to do ...
Nasib zul lah.. org lain skinship tak kene kecam. Zul ckp "salam jumaat" pun kene kecam.. |
Edited by Nana_Man at 29-4-2018 12:45 PM
The ppl involved dlm Sangkar. I think Zul is the main lead pasal gambar dia the 1st on the board.
@cheesepastry |
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yes yes yes!!!...heheh...berseri2lah kite smpai thn depan...tggu filem2 n drama2 diaaa...btw, ensemnyaaaa abam jul dlm melodi...bila dia ceria n tenang dia nampak muda.
ya...larian yg a few seconds tu yg dikutuk2...larian sebenar dlm tombiruo tak komen ke? i really love his action in that movie.
cheesepastry replied at 29-4-2018 01:37 PM
yes yes yes!!!...heheh...berseri2lah kite smpai thn depan...tggu filem2 n drama2 diaaa...btw, ense ...
Dia ada kat melodi?? Alaaa i tak tgk...
Cume jgn lah si zul buat ig live kul 2 pagi lg mcm last thursday. Lepas tertengok ig live dia, i tak leh tdo tau.. hehehe.. |
cheesepastry replied at 29-4-2018 01:40 PM
ya...larian yg a few seconds tu yg dikutuk2...larian sebenar dlm tombiruo tak komen ke? i really l ...
Larian dlm tombiruo, fighting scenes dlm j revo tk nk komen lak.
Ader yg ckp zul cumer act sweet scenes, jd org kaya jer, nmpk sgt tak perna tgk zul dlm drama dulu yg tak glamer. |
@cheesepastry i dah tgk the interview.. if only dia dah shave off those hairs, he will look based on his actual age. Tapi takpe, biar he dun look his best dlm those pic ngan fawaa that night. |
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Nana_Man replied at 30-4-2018 05:38 AM
Sebulan or 2 bulan shooting?tombiruo more than 3 mths i think n jrevolusi more than 6 including his training in commando scenes.Alhamdulillah jobs keep pouring in for him. |
Nana_Man replied at 29-4-2018 12:44 PM
The ppl involved dlm Sangkar. I think Zul is the main lead pasal gambar dia the 1st on the board.
Maybe remy is the villain..gonna collect millions for 1st day showing.Now nobody can say dia anak hekan..he works hard for the money babe.Hollywood actors on the way up gone thru many embarrasing moments even act in porn movies.Zul will learn a lot from otai actors like rosuam noor.Hero malaya rosyam tu lagi la cuma suara manly ni zul sorang je ada.Aaron ke fahrin or remy suara tak macho la. |
Nana_Man replied at 29-4-2018 02:24 PM
@cheesepastry i dah tgk the interview.. if only dia dah shave off those hairs, he will look based o ...
Was repeating Maid last nite hubby ask citer bila tu,now zul dah berjambang nampak brutal dan lebat jambang kemas je.I jwp tak suka la nampak selekeh dan jahat.hahahahhahaTapi kalau berjubah serban cam arab mmg ummmph sgt. |
brums08 replied at 30-4-2018 11:29 AM
Sebulan or 2 bulan shooting?tombiruo more than 3 mths i think n jrevolusi more than 6 including hi ...
Rezeki dia.. sumtimes lepas kehilangan, Allah kasi org tu rezeki yg lain pulak. Tis yr very packed for him. Lepas shooting Sangkar,dia ada 2 more dramas: 13 Jam A380 and Semusim Rindu. |
brums08 replied at 30-4-2018 11:36 AM
Was repeating Maid last nite hubby ask citer bila tu,now zul dah berjambang nampak brutal dan leba ...
Ape2 pun i will always love his clean shaved image.. forever and ever.. hehe..
Talking abt husband.. i find mine pelik sikit. Slalu kalau i tgk malay drama kat tv, hubby i tkde lah nk join. Ni drama TC ada kt tv, my hubby tgk lak.. i nk tgk muke zul puas2 pun tak leh.terpaksa lah i cover2 sikit ckp pasal si keena,nenek haris..hehe..kalau tak obvious sgt .. |
brums08 replied at 30-4-2018 11:34 AM
Maybe remy is the villain..gonna collect millions for 1st day showing.Now nobody can say dia anak ...
I nvr feel aaron tu macho.. lol.. fahrin tu biase2 jer. Remy kalau muka tak cengkung sgt, he's not bad looking. I baca kat news remy tgh nk gain weight,needs another 10kg gitu untk Sangkar. Think zul nyer weight is just nice for his role.
I pun rasa Sangkar can make lots of $. Dlm ramai haters zul, ramai jgk yg support dia.
Nana_Man replied at 30-4-2018 01:02 PM
Rezeki dia.. sumtimes lepas kehilangan, Allah kasi org tu rezeki yg lain pulak. Tis yr very packed ...
Baca caption in his ig 1 down 3 more this yr.2 movies n 2 dramas back to back.End of the yr 13jam n semusim rindu dgn siapa?Mira filzah dlm sangkar kan n usually skop productions actors get royalties. |
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