fiza, aku dah mabuk "chingujahna" gak ni.camne??hahahahahaha.*gilo*
manjang OT.kena tepek sesuatu ni. hahaha
Producer Na Young Suk supports Lee Seung Gi by making guest appearance on his music program
The producer Na Young Suk is supporting Lee Seung Gi’s comeback.
Na Young Suk, currently producing KBS 2TV Happy Sunday – 1 Night 2 Days, is making a guest appearance on Lee Seung Gi’s 5-Minute Music Show, which will be first aired on Melon TV, etc. on the day of Lee Seung Gi’s comeback.
According to Hook Entertainment on the 26th, Lee Seung Gi is hosting Lee Seung Gi’s 5-Minute Music Showon Melon TV, etc. from the 1st of next month with the release of his 5th album “Tonight.” Lee Seung Gi’s 5-Minute Music Show is planning to air 5 shows for 5 minutes.
Especially, the fact that the producer Na Young Suk of 1 Night 2 Days is making a guest appearance is attracting people’s attention. Na Young Suk and Lee Seung Gi know each other from 1 Night 2 Days, providing great pleasure to the audience with their great work together.
Meanwhile, Lee Seung Gi is coming back to the music industry in 2 years with his 5th regular album “Tonight” on the 27th. He received his title song “Aren’t We Friends” from Bang Si Hyuk which is the first time in 2 years after “Love Taught Me to Drink.”
oppa ku mmg choding..kaw2 dia kutuk yobo duck.kata dahi seunggi dh mcm dahi dinasour.hahaha
hakunamatata Post at 27-10-2011 11:24
amboi..lajunye tribute to yobo aku tgk dh tribut tu JW....sakan JW kutuk yobo aku yer....dlm show seunggi pun die nk buli seunggi lg....ptt nye yobo aku yg buli x....
fiza, im rasa kan klu ko dpt bertentang mata ngan opp kan, mesti ko duk sana t ...
im_comey Post at 27-10-2011 16:14
tu r.. sanggup den bermalam depan pintu opis GYM ent tu... hahahahahahaha.....
pergghhhh...... kalo betul la dpt jumpe oppa... mesti mimpi jadi kenyataan... ....
amboi uols.. jumpa oppa yerk huhu kalau dpt jumpa oppa mahu aku terketar2 nnt kiki apa lagi print ga ...
aznee85 Post at 27-10-2011 16:18
idea yg bernas kan.. kite print segala benda yg kite nk beli..pastu tunjuk je kat ahjumma or ahjussi kedai tu... mesti kite tau ader ke x der kan... menarik2...
nana bukan ko jer gila kt chingujanha ni...aku pon weii{:4_186:}nnt kalo ko ada link nk donload mp3 kasi kt aku ya....asal nk dgr jer kena bukak utube....{:4_230:}
Netizen reveals that ’1N2D’ pulled him out of depression
An emotional story was recently posted on the ‘1N2D‘ viewers’ community board, and it has taken media headlines by storm.
The story was titled, “Thank you, all of you who have made 1N2D possible.” The writer introduced himself as a depressed individual, and that it took a lot of courage just to post this letter online. The individual revealed that he prayed each night that morning would never come again, and that even the simplest of tasks (such as eating or taking a walk) would take so much effort and strength.
The netizen explained that he was a bit different from everyone else, and as such, living life became a difficult struggle.
However, this netizen who more than anything hoped for death, happened to catch 1N2D’s Viewer’s Tour on television, and decided that life may be worth living after all.
The individual’s attempts at suicide made his parents sick at heart, but once they found that ’1N2D’ offered some hope to their child, they too waited every week for the program to air on TV. For this, the entire family is more than just grateful.
“I now want to fight to live. I want to travel the world. I’m so thankful to be alive. I’m going to live my life to the fullest,” the writer concluded.
Netizens who read the touching story commented, “Live your life so that your parents no longer need to worry“, “There is so much to see and eat in life. Enjoy all of it starting now” and “1N2D- please continue your program. You’ve impacted the life of not just that one individual, but an entire nation.”
The ‘Viewer’s Tour’ episode that changed the life of this depressed individual was aired back in September, and offered a lot of laughter and tears to the audience.
Source & Image : Korea Times via Naver
sedeyy bila pkkn show nie akn berakhir....{:4_227:}{:4_227:}