Post Last Edit by sayawifenikmie at 23-11-2010 12:09
Be-Fit Garcinia
Be-Fit Slimming, Senna - Garcinia Cambogia is used as a laxative and thus helps to reduce weight. Feel better and slimming at the same time.
Why Garcinia cambogia?Ourbodies convert the carbohydrate (calories) into energy. Calories thatare not immediately used for energy are stored in the body in the liverand muscles as glycogen, which is a ready source of energy for thebody. When glycogen stores become filled, monitors in the liver sendsatiety signals to the brain indicating we are full. This is one of theprimary ways the appetite is reduced during a meal.
However,when we take in too many calories and glycogen stores are filled, theleftover amount is converted through several steps into cholesterol orinto fatty acids, which are stored throughout the body.
Below is the simple diagram shown how calories convert to fat:
Carbohydratesare broken down to citrate compounds. An enzyme citrate lyase willconvert these compounds into acetyl – coA – the metabolic buildingblock for fat synthesis. Acetyl CoA is further converted into malonylCoA, a compound which may block the actions of carnitineacyltransferase in shuttling fatty acids into the mitochondria to beburned.
Hydroxycitricacid (HCA) is the active ingredient extracted from the rind of Garciniacambogia. Studies have shown that HCA inhibits production of citratelyase which is needed for the conversion of carbohydrates into fat. Itis important to note that citrate lyase is only significantly activeunder the condition of carbohydrate over consumption. Therefore, if youare not taking in high calories diet, HCA may not work for you becausethere is no extra carbohydrate left for conversion into fat forstorage. However, when there is extra carbohydrate (due to highcalories food intake) to be converted into fat for storage, the absenceof citrate lyase (due to the action of HCA) means no malonyl CoA toblock the action of carnitine acyltransferase for shuttling fatty acidsinto the mitochondria to be burned. As a result, it promotes weightreduction.
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