Dunno about other flights but my AA flight mesia n indon yg pi bali both new aircraft.. So ...
kakijalan Post at 3-11-2010 23:43 
ok la ya sbb kalau k bandung dgn AA indon mcm naik bas budaya |
AirAsia Indonesia Orders 35 New Airbus 320s
AirAsia Adds Planes and Routes. Darwin-Bali Service to Start Before the End of 2010.
(10/23/2010) AirAsia Indonesia (IAA) has placed an order for 35 new Airbus 320 aircraft to be delivered incrementally through the year 2020.
The Corporate Communication Manager for IAA, Audrey Progastama Petriny told Bisnis.com that the first five planes from the new order will arrive in Indonesia in 2011.
"Presently we operate eleven Airbus 320 and four Boeing 737. Next year five Airbus 320 will arrive. Then in 2012 we will operate twenty Airbus 320. Through 2020, we will buy 35 of these aircraft," explained Petriny.
The Indonesian low cost carrier affiliate of AirAsia has also announced plans to open a new route between Surabaya (East Java) and Penang (Malaysia) and another service connection Surabaya and Bangkok.
Petriny also reconfirmed that IAA will commence flying between Darwin and Bali by the end of 2010. |
sape penah stay kat TUNE KUTA? nak tumpang tanye Qen confuse sikit dgn package aircond and towel n wifi diorang ni. lets say kite amik i unit aircond 24 hours tu, kite boleh gune sikit2 until 24 hours or skali die on sampai 24 hours? wi-fi pon same ke? Towel pulak, kalau kite amik 1 unit je, means 1 towel je sepanjang kite stay kat situ la kan? or sehari je die bagi towel? |
topless beach kat mana...kat kuta tak jumpa sesapa yang begitu..  |
sape penah stay kat TUNE KUTA? nak tumpang tanye Qen confuse sikit dgn package aircond and towel n w ...
Qen Post at 4-11-2010 09:40 
aircon potong by hour, so bila kita stop pakai kipas dia tak potong kredit.
wifi pakai @ tak di tetap berjalan mulai kita first login.
towel satu tu je sepanjang kita duk nak baru pulang dpt deposit sewa lain dgn deposit. senang bawa sendiri |
aircon potong by hour, so bila kita stop pakai kipas dia tak potong kredit.
wifi pakai @ tak di ...
farmasi Post at 4-11-2010 15:21 
Better takyah aaa nak subscribe wifi di TuneHotel Kuta coz line mcm siput (really not worth it)... |
tapi selepas yanto jawab jadi masuk akal...
yantohood Post at 3-11-2010 23:17 
saya sudah lupa apa teki teki itu....!!! |
saya sudah lupa apa teki teki itu....!!!
zul_khaleeda Post at 4-11-2010 04:16 PM 
heheh... mcm mane nk tau org tu muslim ke x?  |
Reply 1951# cikanggun
jawapan dia? |
Post Last Edit by dannyl at 4-11-2010 19:16
Saya juga mengucapkan terimakasih kepada saudara tayo_pancit,,telah mempercayakan kami,sebagai d ...
bella_bali Post at 3-11-2010 19:07 
Pak Isme sy ingin tanya Pak Yanto tu kalau nama penuhnye Siswanto ke... |
Reply 1953# dannyl
uncle, kalo x silap cika kan, name yanto, avriel yantohood...
err, xpon cube laa uncle pm yanto.... |
Reply dannyl
uncle, kalo x silap cika kan, name yanto, avriel yantohood...
err, xpon cube laa ...
cikanggun Post at 4-11-2010 19:08 
Cika pak yanto ni sama ke dengan Pak Yanto - Isme tu...:re: |
Heheheee...tak pe tp uncle nak tahu gak jawapan teka teki tu....
dannyl Post at 4-11-2010 07:24 PM 
eh, ramai laa plak x tau jwpn teka teki tu eh??
haaaa....uncle teka laaa dulu....  |
eh, ramai laa plak x tau jwpn teka teki tu eh??
haaaa....uncle teka laaa dulu....
cikanggun Post at 4-11-2010 19:29 
Tak retilah..mcm mana nak tahu muslim ke tak tp uncle cuba je...jpnnya kalau kita bagi salam dia tak jawab...tu bukan muslimlah kan...heheheeee |
Tak retilah..mcm mana nak tahu muslim ke tak tp uncle cuba je...jpnnya kalau kita bagi sal ...
dannyl Post at 4-11-2010 07:41 PM 
betul jgk tu....tp jwpn dier lain,kata yanto...heheh....
kalo nk taw muslim ker x,
tggu org tu bersin......  |
| |