insyaAllah umah far, x sesat. sbb masih ingat2 lagik. ara damansara, umah yg same taun lepas kan? |
mahu pinjam meminjam bahu kaka far |
rumah anon forever sesat~~~ |
gi kul baper? kalo awal nk folo kowang bley gi umah far tu? me tunggu kat simpang umah kacut aje aaa senang kot.... or ade tpt lagi senang yg maybe bodigad bley tahu... |
anon xder email huda.. hehehheheh |
xder hal... nt pepe roger.. anon dr rumah naik moto.. singah sat.. sbb kt umah nt xder yg tolong.. hehehhhe
erm...ruma lama far..... tempat biasa.. jmpa dkat surau dpn tue.. hehhehee
erm...senang jer umah anon ler.. hehhee.... smua belah kanan... simpang pertama.. hehehehe |
ooo.. pas ni... amik kanan jaaa |
pg sabtu nak pi jogging kt klcc dulu..kekkekeke
Sometimes I wondered if I was seeing the same things through my eyes that the rest of the world was seeing through theirs. Maybe there was a glitch in my brain - Bella Swan, Twilight
tibin memang.... sjer jer nak manja2 dgn anon.. hahahaa.. ( opss tam.. ) hahahahha
erm... dr dewan tu.. trus.. ja.. simpang kanan pertama ( intec ) dan trus kanan2 pertama ( kecuali intec ).... then smpai... hehehehe |
Reply 1952# anonymous5050
nak wat cam ner.. dh umah anon kcik... tu yg susah nk beringat2. terpaksa impit2 dgn umah orang lainnn |
Reply 1954# pavlova
cubaan mengganggu mereka yang tido pagi :@
Reply 1957# tajul186
best oOoOo..leh cuci mata!
Sometimes I wondered if I was seeing the same things throughmy eyes that the rest of the world was seeing through theirs. Maybe there was aglitch in my brain - Bella Swan, Twilight
Reply 1954# pavlova
smoge bertemu dgn Joe
jmpe nnt (klu rajin nk ke KLCC... tp rasenye nk gi taman jaya jaa.... *bersmgt nk pegi stlh lame x pegi *) |
Reply 1959# anonymous5050
aminnnnnn....arap2 minggu ni ade Joe..last week jumpe forest gump je
Sometimes I wondered if I was seeing the same things throughmy eyes that the rest of the world was seeing through theirs. Maybe there was aglitch in my brain - Bella Swan, Twilight
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Category: Cinta & Perhubungan