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Acong.... Adkah kau dicipta atau kau cipta diri sendiri?

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Post time 25-8-2016 08:14 AM | Show all posts |Read mode
Seperti yang aku kata, aku akan buka thread tajuk ini.  Sambungan dari thread 'PERINGATAN'

Acong kata:
eh mat slow nie........ perlu kaa aku cerita asal usul ko bermula dari mak bapak ko berjimak dan melahirkan ko?  

tu laa dok bercampur dgn org2 IQ rendah...... dengan ko pun jadi mat slow  

Bermakna kefahaman engkau untuk perkataan 'mencipta' dan 'melahirkan' adalah sama.

Bila lelaki dan wanita berjimak mereka mencipta manusia.  Tak gitu lah faham kau?

kalau manusia cipta manusia kenapa mak bapak kau bila nak anak perempuan keluar anak lelaki?
Ada pulak yang berjimak tapi tak keluar-keluar pun anak?
Ada yang tak sempat lahir pun, dah gugur?

Kalau manusia yang mencipta anak, kenapa tak boleh kawal pulak?  Adakah sperma dan ovul itu yang mengawal penciptaan manusia?

Siapa yang cipta kau?  kau dicipta atau kau cipta diri kau sendiri?

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Post time 25-8-2016 09:06 AM | Show all posts
Edited by FOTHER-MUCKER at 25-8-2016 01:08 AM

MOD SEBENARNYA sekarang ibu bapa dah boleh pilih mereka nak baby boy atau pun baby girl. Dah ada cara untuk pilihan tu iatu kalau tak silap saya dinamakan sebagai IVF technique. Tetapi ianya adalah diharamkan penggunaan IVF bagi setengah negara.

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Post time 25-8-2016 10:12 AM | Show all posts
Edited by mbhcsf at 25-8-2016 10:15 AM
FOTHER-MUCKER replied at 25-8-2016 09:06 AM
MOD SEBENARNYA sekarang ibu bapa dah boleh pilih mereka nak baby boy atau pun baby girl. Dah ada car ...

natural conception lah dan dalam assisted conception procedures./ kehamilan berbantu  pun ada failure  rates atau percentage successful.
bila masukkan dalam ruang rahim / uterine caviti ade je yg gugur , sebab tak leh implanted atau menempel bebetul.

cer tanya those yg ada  grade IV endometriosis  berapa kali kena buat IVF ?


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 Author| Post time 25-8-2016 05:59 PM | Show all posts
FOTHER-MUCKER replied at 25-8-2016 09:06 AM
MOD SEBENARNYA sekarang ibu bapa dah boleh pilih mereka nak baby boy atau pun baby girl. Dah ada car ...

itu jer hujah kau?  baru sekarang?  itupun kalau mampu.  50 tahun dulu pulak apahal?  Siapa pulak cipta siapa?
tak jawab jugak soalan aku tu.....  kau dicipta atau kau cipta diri kau sendiri?  


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Post time 25-8-2016 08:25 PM | Show all posts
ibnur replied at 25-8-2016 09:59 AM
itu jer hujah kau?  baru sekarang?  itupun kalau mampu.  50 tahun dulu pulak apahal?  Siapa pulak  ...

Saya bukan berhujah lah. Hanya memberitahu apa yang saya tau.


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Post time 25-8-2016 08:43 PM | Show all posts
Edited by FOTHER-MUCKER at 25-8-2016 12:48 PM
mbhcsf replied at 25-8-2016 02:12 AM
natural conception lah dan dalam assisted conception procedures./ kehamilan berbantu  pun ada fail ...

technique Tu dah ada kan?  
Kehamilan secara natural pun ada failure.

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Post time 25-8-2016 08:46 PM | Show all posts
Soalan ini akan dijawab secara peribadi kut.
Kalau tanya ummah Islam, maka akan dijawab mereka dicipta oleh Allah.
Kalau tanya ummah Buddha, maka akan dijawab mereka dicipta oleh Buddha
Kalau tanya ummah Hindu, Kristian dll, maka jawapan adalah lebih kurang sama.

Yang penting, mereka yang beragama akan percaya mereka dicipta oleh Tuhan. Tuhan apa yang mencipta tu, lain cerita. Sampai hari kiamat pun kita tak akan ada jawapannya. As long as we respect each other faiths, that's enough.

Samada golongan atheist percayakan teori ini, bagi Spidey tak beza dengan mereka yang percayakan manusia dicipta Tuhan.

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Post time 25-8-2016 09:29 PM | Show all posts
FOTHER-MUCKER replied at 25-8-2016 09:06 AM
MOD SEBENARNYA sekarang ibu bapa dah boleh pilih mereka nak baby boy atau pun baby girl. Dah ada car ...

dalam negara kita IVF dibolehkan sekiranya benih pasangan islam tu adalah daripada satu sama lain. fatwa pun dah ada.

i tak leh komen yg bukan islam.

pasal the ability to choose the sex of a child  i read this:

The science behind sex selection

In this article
Can we choose the sex of our child?Fertility specialists have the ability to create and identify embryos of either sex. However, it is illegal to choose your baby's gender in the UK, unless there's a medical reason for it.

You can only legally choose your baby's gender in the UK if you have a serious genetic condition that you risk passing on to your children. Only pre-implantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) has been approved as a technique which does this. So you can't medically intervene with conception just to balance your family, or for social or cultural reasons.

There are some cheap, safe techniques that you can try in the privacy of your own home, though they're pretty unreliable. You could experiment with sex-selection kits or try folklore methods, such as eating more meat if you want a boy!What would qualify us for sex selection?You'll only qualify for pre-implantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) if you have a serious genetic disorder such as haemophilia or cystic fibrosis. PGD reduces the chance of your baby suffering from the same condition, partly by testing for the genes which carry it.

If you think you are eligible for PGD, your case will be decided by the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA).

PGD is an in vitro fertilisation (IVF) technique. At the fertility clinic, embryos are created from your eggs and your partner's sperm. After these are screened, a specialist will implant two or maybe three embryos in your uterus (womb).

Gender as well as genes can play a part. Duchenne muscular dystrophy, for example, only affects boys. A disease such as haemophilia almost always passes from mum to son. In these circumstances, your doctor would just use a girl embryo. He wouldn't need to test for specific genes as well.

Your clinic will probably offer to freeze any spare embryos. You can then use these if you suffer the distress of a miscarriage, or if you'd like to have more children later on. Using frozen embryos isn't quite as reliable, but it's less invasive, and cheaper than another cycle of IVF.

PGD is expensive, and the NHS has a limit on the number of couples that it can fund. Each IVF cycle costs an average of £5,000, and this doesn't include the bills for consultations, tests and drugs. PGD costs even more than that.

Not all fertility clinics in the UK are licensed to carry out PGD. The HFEA clinic search tool can help you to find a clinic that does.What is sperm sorting?This is when doctors try to separate male from female sperm. Sperm sorting is illegal in the UK, but the service is offered, for a considerable fee, in some other countries.

The most-used technique is flow cytometry, which is thought to be about 92 per cent accurate for girls, and 82 per cent for boys.

Flow cytometry works by adding a fluorescent dye to your partner's sperm sample. Experts can then tell male from female by seeing how the dye binds to the genetic material in the sperm.

Once sorted, you can then be implanted with the chosen sperm using relatively cheap intrauterine insemination (IUI).

There's no guarantee of success with sperm-sorting. And IUI is not as effective as in vitro fertilisation (IVF).Can timing sex decide my baby's gender?There are two theories about whether this is possible: the Shettles method and the Whelan method, both named after the person that devised them. Bear in mind that these methods are theories rather than proven techniques.

You may decide to try one method if you understand your cycle well enough. But bear in mind that, whichever method you try, you always have a 50:50 chance of conceiving a baby of the gender you'd like.

The Shettles method

This is based on the idea that male sperm move faster, but don't live as long as female sperm. So if you want a boy, you should aim to have sex as close as possible to ovulation, as the boy sperm will beat the girl sperm in the race to the egg. If you want a girl, you need to have sex two to four days before you ovulate.

Shettles claims that it's 75 per cent effective for girls and 80 per cent effective for boys.

What is the Whelan method?

The Whelan method partly contradicts the Shettles method. It suggests that biochemical changes earlier on in your cycle favour boy-producing sperm. So if you want a boy, you should have sex four to six days before your basal body temperature goes up, or when your OPK says you are about to ovulate. If you want a girl you should have sex two to three days before you ovulate.

There may be more in this, as experts have found that male sperm have an advantage over female sperm at the very beginning and the end of your fertile window. They also suggest that male sperm can survive longer than female sperm.
How about sex selection kits?DIY kits which claim to help with sex selection are based on the Shettles theory. Separate girl and boy kits cost about £100. They include instructions, a basal thermometer, ovulation predictor test sticks, supplement tablets, and douches that are supposedly gender specific.

Not surprisingly, the US manufacturer claims a 96 per cent success rate. But some fertility experts say there's not enough evidence to back up these claims.

Check out what old wives' tales say about how to have a girl or a boy.[size=0.91667]Last reviewed: April 2013


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 Author| Post time 25-8-2016 10:00 PM | Show all posts
spiderman80 replied at 25-8-2016 08:46 PM
Soalan ini akan dijawab secara peribadi kut.
Kalau tanya ummah Islam, maka akan dijawab mereka dici ...
Samada golongan atheist percayakan teori ini, bagi Spidey tak beza dengan mereka yang percayakan manusia dicipta Tuhan.

tak beza?  kan acong ke hulu ke hilir tanya soalan bukti tuhan wujud......  

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Post time 25-8-2016 10:03 PM | Show all posts
ibnur replied at 25-8-2016 10:00 PM
tak beza?  kan acong ke hulu ke hilir tanya soalan bukti tuhan wujud......

Spidey tak ikut posting Acong sangat especially selepas beliau menjadi atheist tegar.Btw, golongan atheist bukannya anti Tuhan seperti beliau. Spidey ramai jer kawan yang tak ada agama, tapi mereka ok jer.


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 Author| Post time 25-8-2016 10:08 PM | Show all posts
Diharap tak lari dari soalan.  ini bukan soalan siapa pencipta....  ini soalan "(1)adakah kamu dicipta atau (2) adakah kamu cipta diri kamu sendiri?"

Adakah kamu dicipta....  kalau jawap YA....  soalan ke2 boleh diabaikan.
Adakah kamu dicipta.... kalau jawap TIDAK.....  sila ke soalan ke 2.....  


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Post time 26-8-2016 12:04 AM | Show all posts
mbhcsf replied at 25-8-2016 01:29 PM
dalam negara kita IVF dibolehkan sekiranya benih pasangan islam tu adalah daripada satu sama lain. ...

Saya tanya you teknologi tu ada ke tak ada?

Sorang kawan 2 kali cuba. Kali kedua berjaya.

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Post time 26-8-2016 12:28 AM | Show all posts
Edited by FOTHER-MUCKER at 25-8-2016 04:29 PM
ibnur replied at 25-8-2016 02:08 PM
Diharap tak lari dari soalan.  ini bukan soalan siapa pencipta....  ini soalan "(1)adakah kamu dicip ...

Apa yang saya faham.  atheist percaya semua kejadian adalah secara semulajadi melalui peringkat evolusi.
Dari mana pula you dengar atheist percaya mereka mencipta diri mereka sendiri?


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Post time 26-8-2016 01:45 AM | Show all posts
spiderman80 replied at 25-8-2016 02:03 PM
Spidey tak ikut posting Acong sangat especially selepas beliau menjadi atheist tegar.Btw, gol ...

Saya agak acong tu tak anti tuhan tak anti agama tapi dia sahaja nak troll dan  provok lobai dan lobainita forum ni, kan acong?

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Post time 26-8-2016 03:10 AM | Show all posts
spiderman80 replied at 25-8-2016 02:03 PM
Spidey tak ikut posting Acong sangat especially selepas beliau menjadi atheist tegar.Btw, gol ...

cuba ko pi baca komen FB para atheis  

hari2 depa bodohkan penganut kepercayaan tahyul & kuno  

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Post time 26-8-2016 03:11 AM | Show all posts
TT ada mak bapak kaa? aku ingatkan tuhan cipta TT tanpa mak bapak   

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Post time 26-8-2016 03:12 AM | Show all posts
FOTHER-MUCKER replied at 25-8-2016 05:45 PM
Saya agak acong tu tak anti tuhan tak anti agama tapi dia sahaja nak troll dan  provok lobai dan l ...

i am planting the seed  

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 Author| Post time 26-8-2016 12:25 PM | Show all posts
Lobai_Atheist replied at 26-8-2016 03:11 AM
TT ada mak bapak kaa? aku ingatkan tuhan cipta TT tanpa mak bapak

ini ajer level hujah yang kau boleh cakap?

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 Author| Post time 26-8-2016 12:35 PM | Show all posts
FOTHER-MUCKER replied at 26-8-2016 12:28 AM
Apa yang saya faham.  atheist percaya semua kejadian adalah secara semulajadi melalui peringkat ev ...

Mungkin kau tak belajar sains kot.  jadi aku turunkan pandangan ringkas berkenaan Evolution:

The theory of evolution by natural selection, first formulated in Darwin's book "On the Origin of Species" in 1859, is the process by which organisms change over time as a result of changes in heritable physical or behavioral traits.  May 13, 2015
Darwin's Theory of Evolution: Definition & Evidence - Live Science

Yang kau kena hadamkan ialah ayat " theprocess...."

Maksudnya, evolution adalah proses.  

Jadi kalau kau kata "atheist percaya semua kejadian adalah secara semulajadi melalui peringkat evolusi."

Pencipta kau adalah "semulajadi" melalui proses evolusi.  Bukan kah begitu?

Nature itu sebagai pengawal proses evolusi.

Itu yang aku faham dari apa yang kau post.  Kalau betul lah....  sila betulkan kalau salah, sebelum aku komen lagi.

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Post time 26-8-2016 12:47 PM | Show all posts
Edited by tagas at 26-8-2016 12:49 PM

Aku anggap @acong

lebai malang

hujatul atheis makhluk yg nick name merepek

meraban ni umpama sperm hasil dari jin

yg martubasi dlm toilet then termengalir dlm

lobang biak anjeng tepi longkang
So no wonder la hari2 menyalak



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