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Perhimpunan Tolak Usul 355

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Post time 15-2-2017 04:22 PM | Show all posts |Read mode

5 hrs ·

Join us this Saturday, 18 February at Tasik Taman Jaya, Petaling Jaya from 3-5pm!

This is not just about the Muslims but all of us, living in Malaysia. Sooner or later, we will all be affected. Our businesses, religious places, schools and homes. We must draw the line and fight back against religious tyranny and injustice.

Don't expect others to do the work for you. Don't stick your heads into the sand.

Fight for the Malaysia we want.



This is a peaceful rally to protest against PAS president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang's Bill to amend Act 355, the Shariah Courts (Criminal Jurisdiction) Act 1965.

All Malaysians, irrespective of race and religion, are welcomed to join the rally to protest against Hadi’s Bill, a dangerous piece of legislation which opens the door to hudud.

Claims that Hadi’s Bill merely seeks to strengthen the Shariah courts are disingenuous.

Hadi has not provided any justification or rationale whatsoever for his proposed enhanced Shariah punishments of 30 years’ jail, RM100,000 fine and 100 lashes from the current limits of three years’ jail, a RM5,000 fine and six strokes of the rotan.

All Malaysians, regardless of race and religion, have the right to speak up on issues and laws which could drastically change the country’s secular structure and our way of life. Hadi’s Bill is one of them.


p.s. Do not bring children to the rally as that is against the law.


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 Author| Post time 15-2-2017 04:22 PM | Show all posts


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 Author| Post time 15-2-2017 04:28 PM | Show all posts

I have been feeling depressed since yesterday, right after I sat through a forum on "SEJAUH MANA ANDA MEMAHAMI HUDUD - A FORUM TO DISCUSS BILL RUU 355 AND WHAT IT HAS TO DO WITH HUDUD" organised by Angkatan Amanah Merdeka Malaysia.

Prof Datuk Dr Shad Saleem Faruqi pointed out the various possibilities of hudud being implemented in Malaysia, through simple majority.

The Hadi Private Members Bill to amend Act 355 is one way of sodomising Malaysia's legal system with Hudud (JALAN  BELAKANG MENUJU HUDUD)

Perhaps before some "no brains" jump at me for "rejecting GODS laws" let me explain what is the Hudud that Hadi or the Government intends to pass through RUU355 2016

RUU355 is NOT HUDUD in itself. But it is the process in which to implement hudud. You see, at present Akta Mahkamah Syariah (Bidang kuasa Jenayah) 1965 sets the boundaries of what can be implemented against Muslims under the different state’s Akta or Enakmen Kesalahan Jenayah Syariah.

Below is a list of some of the present laws already in existence in the States. You may google Enakmen Jenayah Syariah for your state.



So what does the present Akta 355 AKTA Mahkamah Syariah (Bidang kuasa Jenayah) 1965 provide?

“Dengan syarat bahawa bidang kuasa sedemikian tidaklah boleh dijalankan berkenaan dengan apa-apa kesalahan yang boleh dihukum penjara selama tempoh melebihi tiga tahun atau denda melebihi lima ribu ringgit atau sebatan melebihi enam kali atau apa-apa gabungan hukuman-hukuman tersebut.”

Hadi’s initial proposal was to amend the 355 to implement Hudud. However, he must have realised that many knew what he was up to (ie to implement hudud secara total) besides it being ultra vires the Constitution. So in order to make it more palatable, he changed it to everything under the sun, except death, which still contradicts the Supreme law of the land, ie the Federal Constitution.

Because, religion, falls under the states purview under the State List and cannot be in conflict with the Federal List. And whatever is already in the Federal List, meaning Crimes that have already been covered by the Penal code, cannot be usurped by the state. So murder, robbery, theft, rape, sodomy, false testimony, etc cannot be legislated or punished by the State, Hadi was forced again, to change his stance, and only amend 355 to limit the present 3 years jail, RM5,000 fine and 6 strokes of the rotan to 30 years jail, RM100,000 and 100 strokes of the rotan or a combination.

(This 100 strokes is necessary for them to implement the hudud punishment of 100 strokes for zina or illicit intercourse and 40-60 strokes for consuming alcohol. False testimony is 80 lashes. THESE ARE HUDUD punishments for a personal sin. So 355 IS a step to enforce HUDUD. )

PRESENTLY in force, are the following samples of personal or moral sins or offences,

PLEASE GO THROUGH THE PRESENT LIST ONE BY ONE and try changing the present punishments with RM100,000 fine, 30 years imprisonment and 100 lashes.

Penyembahan salah RM5000 @ 3 tahun penjara @ 6 kali sebatan @ dihukum dengan mana-mana kombinasi hukuman itu.

Doktrin palsu RM5000 @ 3 tahun penjara @ 6 kali sebatan @ dihukum dengan mana-mana kombinasi hukuman itu.

Mengembangkan doktrin agama, dsb.RM5000 @ 3 tahun penjara @ 6 kali sebatan @ dihukum dengan mana-mana kombinasi hukuman itu.

Dakwaan palsu RM5000 @ 3 tahun penjara @ 6 kali sebatan @ dihukum dengan mana-mana kombinasi hukuman itu.

Mendakwa bukan Islam (Takfir or calling someone an apostate) RM5000 @ 3 tahun penjara @ 6 kali sebatan @ dihukum dengan mana-mana kombinasi hukuman itu.

Percubaan keluar Islam RM5000 @ 3 tahun penjara @ 6 kali sebatan @ dihukum dengan mana-mana kombinasi hukuman itu.

Membuat kenyataan keluar daripada agama Islam dengan apa-apa tujuan RM5000 @ 3 tahun penjara @ 6 kali sebatan @ dihukum dengan mana-mana kombinasi hukuman itu.


Menghina, atau menyebabkan dipandang hina, dsb., agama Islam RM5000 @ 3 tahun penjara @ 6 kali sebatan @ dihukum dengan mana-mana kombinasi hukuman itu.

Mempersendakan, dsb., ayat Al-Quran atau Hadith RM5000 @ 3 tahun penjara @ 6 kali sebatan @ dihukum dengan mana-mana kombinasi hukuman itu.

Menghina atau mengingkari Kebawah Duli Yang Maha Mulia Sultan, Mufti, Majlis Ugama,  dsb RM3000 @ 2 tahun penjara @ kedua-duanya. Mengingkari perintah Mahkamah RM3000 @ 2 tahun penjara @ kedua-duanya.

Pendapat yang bertentangan dengan fatwa RM3000 @ 2 tahun penjara @ kedua-duanya.

Tidak menghiraukan hari kebesaran Islam RM2000 @ 1 tahun penjara @ kedua-duanya.

Penerbitan agama yang bertentangan dengan Hukum Syarak RM3000 @ 2 tahun penjara @ kedua-duanya.

Buku, majalah dan lain-lain dalam kawalan dan simpanan RM3000 @ 2 tahun penjara @ kedua-duanya.

Tidak menunaikan sembahyang Jumaat RM2000 @ 1 tahun penjara @ kedua-duanya.

Sembahyang Jumaat di tempat yang tidak dibenarkan RM3000 @ 2 tahun penjara @ kedua-duanya.

Memusnahkan atau mencemarkan masjid, surau, dsb. RM5000 @ 3 tahun penjara @ 6 kali sebatan @ dihukum dengan mana-mana kombinasi hukuman itu.

Tidak menghormati Ramadan (1) RM3000 @ 2 tahun penjara @ kedua-duanya, dan bagi kesalahan (2) kali kedua atau berikutnya RM5000 @ 3 tahun penjara @ kedua-duanya

Anggapan sda

Enggan memberi taksiran pendapatan RM2000 @ 1 tahun penjara @ kedua-duanya.

Menghasut supaya mengabaikan kewajipan agama

25. (1) - menghasut @ mendorong supaya tidak menghadiri masjid @ pengajaran agama @ apa-apa upacara agama - RM1000 @ 6 bulan @ kedua-duanya.

25. (2) - mencegah orang lain daripada membayar zakat atau fitrah - RM2000 @ 1 tahun penjara @ kedua-duanya.

Berada di rumah perjudian RM3000 @ 2 tahun penjara @ kedua-duanya.

Minuman yang memabukkan RM5000 @ 3 tahun penjara @ 6 kali sebatan @ dihukum dengan mana-mana kombinasi hukuman itu.


Persetubuhan luar nikah RM5000 @ 3 tahun penjara @ 6 kali sebatan @ dihukum dengan mana-mana kombinasi hukuman itu.

Perbuatan sebagai persediaan untuk melakukan persetubuhan luar nikah RM5000 @ 3 tahun penjara @ 6 kali sebatan @ dihukum dengan mana-mana kombinasi hukuman itu.

Hamil atau melahirkan anak luar nikah RM5000 @ 3 tahun penjara @ 6 kali sebatan @ dihukum dengan mana-mana kombinasi hukuman itu.

Khalwat RM3000 @ 2 tahun penjara @ kedua-duanya.

Lelaki berlagak seperti perempuan RM1000 @ 1 tahun penjara @ kedua-duanya.

Perempuan berlagak seperti lelaki RM1000 @ 1 tahun penjara @ kedua-duanya.

Perbuatan atau percakapan tidak sopan di tempat awam RM1000 @ 1 tahun penjara @ kedua-duanya.


Memberikan keterangan, maklumat atau pernyataan palsu RM3000 @ 2 tahun penjara @ kedua-duanya.

Takfir RM5000 @ 3 tahun penjara @ 6 kali sebatan @ dihukum dengan mana-mana kombinasi hukuman itu.

Pembayaran zakat atau fitrah kepada orang yang tidak diberikuasa RM2000 @ 1 tahun penjara @ kedua-duanya.

Tidak membayar zakat atau fitrah RM2000 @ 1 tahun penjara @ kedua-duanya.

Menggalakkan maksiat RM5000 @ 3 tahun penjara @ 6 kali sebatan @ dihukum dengan mana-mana kombinasi hukuman itu.

Mengganggu rumahtangga orang lain RM3000 @ 2 tahun penjara @ kedua-duanya.

Melarikan isteri orang RM5000 @ 3 tahun penjara @ 6 kali sebatan @ dihukum dengan mana-mana kombinasi hukuman itu.

Menghalang pasangan yang sudah bernikah daripada hidup sebagai suami isteri RM3000 @ 2 tahun penjara @ kedua-duanya.

Menghasut suami atau isteri supaya bercerai atau mengabaikan kewajipan RM5000 @ 3 tahun penjara @ kedua-duanya.

Melarikan perempuan RM5000 @ 3 tahun penjara @ 6 kali sebatan @ dihukum dengan mana-mana kombinasi hukuman itu.

Perempuan yang belum berkahwin lari dari dalam jagaan RM3000 @ 2 tahun penjara @ kedua-duanya.

Menjual atau memberikan anak kepada orang bukan Islam RM5000 @ 3 tahun penjara @ 6 kali sebatan @ dihukum dengan mana-mana kombinasi hukuman itu.

Tuduhan melakukan maksiat RM3000 @ 2 tahun penjara @ kedua-duanya.

Penyalahgunaan tanda halal RM5000 @ 3 tahun penjara @ 6 kali sebatan @ dihukum dengan mana-mana kombinasi hukuman itu.

Mengajar agama Islam tanpa kebenaran atau tauliah RM2000 @ 1 tahun penjara @ kedua-duanya.

Berpakaian tidak sopan di tempat awam RM2000 @ 1 tahun penjara @ kedua-duanya.

NOTE my concerns with a few of the present kesalahan jenayah which either contradicts the Federal Constitution or is very unjust for a woman. Notice also that it is not a criminal offence but a civil offence for a man to not pay his children maintenance. But a woman who gives birth out of wedlock is automatically assumed to commit the crime of illicit sex unless she can prove that she was raped. SO the onus is on her. And if she fails, then she would be charged for qazaf or false testimony.

Note also the folllowing offences
  • Pendapat yang bertentangan dengan fatwa
  • Menggalakkan maksiat
  • Tidak menunaikan sembahyang Jumaat
  • Tidak menghormati Ramadan
  • Menghasut supaya mengabaikan kewajipan agama
  • Berada di rumah perjudian
  • Meminum minuman yang memabukkan
  • Lelaki berlagak seperti perempuan
  • Perbuatan sebagai persediaan untuk melakukan persetubuhan luar nikah
  • Khalwat

With the amended AKTA 355 all these may attract the maximum punishments. Even Berpakaian tidak sopan di tempat awam can be penalised with 100 sebatan, RM100,000 and 30 years imprisonment.
Soon they may decide that not wearing a tudung is TIDAK BERPAKAIAN SOPAN or not wearing an Abaya may invite the same maximum penalties. Because the precepts of Islam has nowhere been defined and if PAS or ultra Muslims come to power they may force all women to put on the tent.
Which brings me to my next point. Are these laws determined by ALLAH?

If it isn’t then it is subject to scrutiny and condemnations as these laws have no Quranic basis at all and are all man made. If it was indeed ALLAHs command, then how is it that in different countries the hudud laws are different, in different states like kelantan, terengganu Brunei, Acheh and all are different and how come each of the 14 states in Malaysia can determine its own set of DIVINE LAWS?

And if it is Divine sourced, why can RUU 355 be changed at the whim of Haji Hadi? From everything  under the sun, to  kecuali hukuman mati, to now RM100,000, 30 years imprisonment, to 100 lashes? Or has Allah now delegated its sole prerogative and power to Haji Hadi?   Hudud in itself is not divine but man made. But let me discuss this in another post.

Justice is beyond punishment and can never be simplified or reduced to forms of punishment. Justice in Islam should mean constructing an enlightened society as Islam is far more inspiration, and not  intimidation. But why is it always that if it is to be an Islamic government, Hudud laws have to be implemented. There is a more visceral approach in having control over a state to inflict violence as an appeal mechanism to assert power.

The established religious authorities claimed their formulations of Islamic laws are truly Islamic and authentic. Yet their syariah formulations are often discriminatory against women and young girls. This claim of authenticity and legitimacy is fraught with the question of the ulama’s ability to maintain an intellectual openness through a process of dialogic reasoning and cooperative deliberation not merely among the ulama themselves but within the ummah generally. So would we be applying  ijma ulamaks or consensus or fiqh or qiyas or ijtihads to implement these so called precepts of Islam? If we read the various Akta/Enakmen  Kesalahan Jenayah Syariahs are merely criminalising immorality.

If 355 is passed, then we would be trodding on dangerous paths where there would be a possibility that after 355 is passed, then the government can implement 100 lashes, 30 years imprisonment and a fine of RM100,000 on even the most trivial issues which normally concerns a woman, (“not wearing a cover over their heads”). And it can get more dangerous if fatwas issued are allowed to become laws. Because its an offence to not follow a fatwa.

(We all know that the first thing that PAS did when they ruled Kelantan in 1990 was to implement the Kempen TUTUP AWRAT WANITA (which is fine because Awrat means my private parts or kebogelan) but here they took it too far and said that Awrat means my whole body save for my face and hands.)

If 355 is passed, it will enable the Kelantan government to implement the new Syariah Criminal Code Enactment (II) (1993) 2015 or the Kelantan Code, and Terengganu will also follow suit using the ENAKMEN KESALAHAN JENAYAH SYARIAH (HUDUD DAN QISAS) TERENGGANU 1423H/2002M. Thats definitely heading towards Hudud. The maqasid of Hudud is not to punish and is not Gods prescription for a safe society.

Which brings me to Akta 355 ini kononnya, untuk memertabatkan Mahkamah Syariah. Sebelum memertabatkan Mahkamah Syariah, saya rasa patutlah Mahkamah Syariah pastikan dahulu sistem keadilan dapat dilaksanakan sepenuhnya dan tidak akan dapat disalahguna atau abuse oleh mana mana pihak. Mahkamah Syariah dimana mana sahaja di Malaysia masih gagal menguatkuasakan mekanisma untuk menghukum bapa bapa dan suami suami yang gagal membayar nafkah mahupun melaksanakan tanggungjawab mereka  terhadap anak anak mereka dan isteri isteri mereka. Fenomena Nafkah yang tidak dibayar selama bertahun tahun dan juga Pemohonan Perceraian yang dimulakan tindakan oleh isteri yang mengambil masa bertahun tahun masih berleluasa dan tidak atau belum diberi perhatian oleh Mahkamah Syariah. Walaupun Jabatan Kehakiman Syariah Malaysia menubuhkan Bahagian Sokongan Keluarga atau BSK, namun, masih ramai suami suami dan bapa bapa yang masih bebas diluar sana yang gagal membayar nafkah. Sepatutnya Mahkamah Syariah membuktikan bahawa Mahkamah Syariah tidak akan dapat diselewengkan natijahnya. Mahkamah Syariah tidak boleh ada, walau satu iota penyalahgunaankuasa oleh mana mana pihak.

Saya berpendapat bahawa sepatutnya Malaysia mengamalkan sistem dimana Mahkamah Syariah hanya mendengar kes kes Perkahwinan dan Perceraian dan kes kes sepertimana didalam Jadual 9.  Mahkamah Sivil sedia untuk melaksanakan keadilan. Tidak mungkin terdapat sebarang konflik dimana seorang bekas isteri menuntut nafkah eddah dan mutaah daripada Mahkamah Keluarga yang sedia wujud di Malaysia.

Ianya juga mustahil untuk mengukuhkan Mahkamah Syariah sekiranya terdapat kes dimana terdapat isu hadhanah anak anak dimana anak anak boleh tinggal dengan kedua dua belah ibu bapa tak kira Muslim atau Non Muslim. Sepertimana didalam kes kes Indira Gandhi dan Deepa Subramaniam.

Which brings me to my next point:

That Akta 355 ini kononnya tidak akan menjejaskan orang bukan Islam. Kita sedia maklum mengenai betapa banyak konflik yang berlaku apabila mana mana ibu bapa memeluk ugama Islam dan Mahkamah Syariah tidak mempunyai jurisdiction keatas orang bukan Islam. If it doesnt affect non Muslims. what if the witness or the victim is a faith different from the perpetrator/s of the crime; and/or the co-perpetrators are of different faiths. and/or the witnesses to the crime are not Muslims;and so forth.

And that in itself makes Akta 355 bercanggah or violates Article 8 of the Federal Constitution which guarantees that there shall not be any discrimination based on religion. PLEASE READ also Article 11 which guarantess EVERY PERSON (irregardless) to his right to practise his faith and beliefs.

Lastly Akta 355 ini kononnya boleh mencegah jenayah dikalangan orang Islam maka keadilan akan terlaksana.It is alleged that hudud punishments will prevent crimes. The harsher the penalty, the less crimes committed. Can anyone explain if section 39B of the Dangerous Drugs Act which carries the mandatory death by hanging sentence has actually circumvented or deterred drug trafficking? It just proves that harshest punishments DO NOT prevent crime.

The Prophet had  said: “Avoid condemning the Muslims to hudud whenever you can, and when you can find a way out for a Muslim, then clear his way. If the Imam errs, it is better that he errs on the side of forgiveness than on the side of punishment.” Hadith reported by A’ishah, R.A. (From: Abu Yusuf, Kitab al-Kharaj, p. 164; al-Tirmidhi, Sunan al-Tirmidhi hadith 1447; Tabrizi, Mishkat, hadith 3570)

The basis of Gods Laws must be designed with the spirit of Gods mercy and that repentance and forgiveness is consistently urged as an alternative to punishment.Throughout 100 years of Islams inception, from the bi’thah era until the mid  Umawi era) hudud  punishments for zina amd theft was only implemented 4 times in the period of 100 years.Thus it can be derived that Hudud is not a big deal and is not to be liberally applied but only in specific cases.  It appeals to a more sensible approach which is more humane with a spectrum of arguments.


Nik Elin Nik Rashid


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Post time 2-3-2017 08:23 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts

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Post time 14-3-2017 02:26 AM | Show all posts

dalam hudud, ada denda RM100 ribu?  

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