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Demotivated + Lost

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Post time 8-4-2018 02:03 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts |Read mode
Edited by anyclassything at 8-4-2018 07:58 PM

I tak tau if dah ada org post exactly the same thing mcm ni. If ada maafkan I ye. I just need some new advices on this thing yg I sendiri pun tak tau kenapa I jd mcm ni. Kdg2 I rasa nak jumpa doctor and scan my brain pun ada.

First, skrg ni I pun xtau camne nak start. Oklah maybe skrg I rasa I’m kinda lost and hopeless dgn diri sendiri.

1.Lost means.. I dah xtahu apa I nak look forward to. I start rasa everything doesn’t matter much. I start rasa semua benda is not fun anymore. I dah start jadi bitter with everything with my life.

2. I mls keluar jumpa org. Mls nak melayan org/kawan/family. Org ajak sembang pon I terpaksa fake kan aje padahal I mmg dah tak berminat lgsung nak sembang pasal apa2 pun. Selalu sgt I sengaja turn off phone for 3,4 days tak reply to anyone and duk rumah. Kdg2 ada kawan I sampai dtg rumah duhh terpaksa buat2 normal n layan jap even hati tak rela.

2. I quit my job last year sebab I tak tahan dgn company and my ex boss yg gila. Ada la cukup saving for me nak hidup + I buat online business yg sendu tp ada lah gak sales tp at the same time I rasa wasting my time jugak duduk mcm ni.

3. I dulu suka gak outdoor activities or at least I akan pegi gym. Tp lately mmg I dah hilang perasaan dah nak buat semua tu. Dulu semangat rasa nak fit nak healthy nak cantik nak jaga itu ini.. But now I rasa dah hilang passion and interest in all the things yg I used to do.. Kdg2 I paksa je diri pegi keluar. End up I jd benci with what am I doing. Cam tgh jogging pusing tasik tu kan terus rasa cam wtf. Hate this. Hate myself. Then esok I decided nak stay home je. I mcm dah jadi cam org xde wawasan, xde impian, xde apa. Rasa cam si kosong pun ada ni hahaha

4. Dulu I semangat and happy and passionate my online business. Mcm2 I plan and buat.. tp tiba2 I lost focus sbb I tetibe jd blur + numb. I dah tak tahu apa I buat. I jd mcm stuck.. static I xtahu lah. So I buat apa yg patut je without any motivation je.

5. Bab cari new job plak. I dah start seeking sebab I mcm rasa wasting time jgk. I pegi cari keje pun I start fikir balik.. I ni betul ke nak keje. Pastu teringat balik how much I hated my previous job. Then bila recruiter tanya mcm2 soalan, I pikir balik.. Is this what I really want. Pikir balik how keje nak kena deal with people pulak.. duhh.. so I rejected satu offer yg I dah dapat.

6. Ada je kawan2 aku advice cam xyah pikir banyak get a job, buat sales lebih cari duit banyak2 konon “money is the motivation” masalahnya money doesn’t excite me anymore. Dulu2 ye rasa nak cari keje cari duit g travel n lain2. Skrg ni cam ntah. Duit banyak ke sikit ke. Does it even matter. I don’t really care anymore ada duit ada lah, takde pon mcm biasa. I nak duk rumah do nothing. I feel nothing anyway. Kuar pon sama feel nothing as well

7. Nak tambah lg. Tak tahu relatable ke tak. I baru je moved on from a very narcissist ex boyfriend. I dah fully moved on sampai tahap I dah tak kisah lgsung pasal dia. Tapi dia plak nampaknya tgh seronok hack instagram I. Dia yg konon tak nak kat I, ego and buat tak kisah pasal I tp selalu dia yg psycho buat fake account mcm2, for the sake nak stalk I. Tak faham dia ni. Recently instagram I kena hacked. Nampak gaya mcm dia yg hacked tp entah sebab I takde feeling skrg ni. I malas nak deal dgn dia. So I mcm lantak kau la. I don’t give a damn. I just keep tukar password tp still ada org boleh login. Like seriously senang ke nak hack ig? Ni satu masalah x settle lg tp sebab I mmg tak berapa ada feeling. I mcm lantak lah

Entahlah nak cite banyak pun aku xtahu basically I l’ve became numb takde rasa apa towards everything.. what is going on with me duhhhh..! Aku pun tak tau apa aku nak buat dlm hidup. Anyone pls tampar aku supaya wake up and boleh jd normal mcm org lain haih

Kawan I cakap ni maybe transition period between 25-30 years old. Ye ke? I pon tak tau tp hmmm
Btw if thread ni mcm irrelevant ke apa boleh je nak close k. Thanks

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Post time 8-4-2018 02:43 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Awal sgt tu kalau nak kata mid life crisis

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Post time 8-4-2018 02:45 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Nape depressed nih

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 Author| Post time 8-4-2018 02:49 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
moonbug replied at 8-4-2018 01:43 PM
Awal sgt tu kalau nak kata mid life crisis

Apa benda ni

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 Author| Post time 8-4-2018 02:49 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
bellaa replied at 8-4-2018 01:45 PM
Nape depressed nih

Depression kah ini.
I x tau la uols apa tak kena.
Nak figure out pon xreti

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Post time 8-4-2018 03:02 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
semua orang ada ups and down dan ketidakpuasan dalam kehidupan,  samada terhadap orang lain atau pun diri sendiri.  jika ketidakpuasan itu orang lain,  usually u can just walk out from there.  tapi masalah tt ni more to ur own self,  jiwa tt. maybe u lost ur jiwa,  somewhere in between. if u are a muslim,  nasihat i is u dekatkan diri kepadaNya. if not,  kenali la diri tt, using Swot analysis. then tt tengok apa perkara yg bole tt capai kepuasan dan find a reason in ur life. once u da found reason tu,  just move forward from there.
jack ma kata,  umur 20-30tahun adalah waktu untuk mencari diri sendiri,  mempelajari pelbagai perkara ,  berguru dengan yg bijaksana,  tetapi once da capai umur 30tahun maka laksanakan la perkara2 tu sebab its never too late to achieve something in life.
yg penting u need to know urself and ur life goals.

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 Author| Post time 8-4-2018 03:26 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
mintu replied at 8-4-2018 02:02 PM
semua orang ada ups and down dan ketidakpuasan dalam kehidupan,  samada terhadap orang lain atau pun ...

this is more about me sendiri.

I bukan marah or benci org lain.
I avoid org bukan because I hate them. It’s more to mcm just sbb I feel like it.

I terpaksa fake it. I boleh je keluar and gelak2 like takde apa (selalu buat) so everyone thinks I am just doing fine.

Padahal everyday I keep evaluating myself.
Battling my self.

The main problem bukan I benci diri rasa nak bunuh diri ke apa. Masalah skrg apa2 pon I tend to say no. No to everything.

Ha ah. Maybe gak I dulu solat pon celop2 je haha tp this year I banyak solat and doa sbb dah xtau nak turn to sape dah. End up back to Him gak kan.. kdg2 sampai lost n xtahu apa nak buat dah duk rumah, tdo pon I dah rasa mcm hmm boring dah layan tdo. So I end up bukak baca about faith and pray a lot.

Cuma tu la.
I rasa mcm I x figure out myself lg.
Skrg ni zero. Benda I patut marah pon I xde feeling nak marah. Sembang kosong dgn sape2 lg la I x interested lgsung. I mcm benda x penting why nak kena cakap. Dulu I tak camni. Skrg more to nak diam mls pikir benda tak penting (and for me takde benda penting pon skrg ni.. why la)

Tp I stress skrg ni sbb I rasa mcm banyak wasting my time everyday. At the same time I dunno what to do. Or even if I do something pon I rasa cam mehh.. apa benda ni.

Thanks Mintu

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Post time 8-4-2018 03:31 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
TT, I faham sangat semua points U tu. I sedang melalui apa yang U lalui. Kata-kata dalam fikiran U pun sama macam yg I beritahu myself.

Apa I buat sekarang, I cuba keluar rumah hari-hari utk run/walk/jog. Niat I buat untuk a happier, clearer, positive & calmer mind. Bila mind dah clear baru boleh nak plan untuk esok & masa depan.

U tak boleh terperap kat rumah & shut everyone out, percayalah. Let them be there for u, especially masa u tengah serabut ni.

Istiqamah solat dhuha 6 rakaat. In sha Allah masalah akan selesai, itu janji Allah.

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 Author| Post time 8-4-2018 03:32 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
mintu replied at 8-4-2018 02:02 PM
semua orang ada ups and down dan ketidakpuasan dalam kehidupan,  samada terhadap orang lain atau pun ...

Maksud u cari reason to more to find your purpose kan.

Tu pon I rasa cam the hardest thing to do. Kdg2 I rasa I am good for nothing. Useless and can’t do anything right

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 Author| Post time 8-4-2018 03:42 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by anyclassything at 8-4-2018 03:40 PM
ayorsuam replied at 8-4-2018 02:31 PM
TT, I faham sangat semua points U tu. I sedang melalui apa yang U lalui. Kata-kata dalam fikiran U p ...

Umur u brp ayorsuam?

Well.. banyak kali cuba. Pastu terkandas and terkandas.
Banyak kali konon nak reset my routine and life. Fell again.

Keluar jogging2 pun, balik rumah talk to myself again “konon releasing endorphins will make you happier. Tipu tak pon! Hahaha”

Dah. Still numb. Kadang2 I boleh duk rumah diam2 without even doing anything. Nak makan malas, so I berlapar je sampai mlm. Makan telur dua bijik je. Mandi then tdo again.

Skrg ni nak avoid my friends. I told them I demam la apa to avoid dorg ajak mcm2..

Even my whatsapp pun I biar all the messages left unread. Kalau bukan benda penting I biar kan je.. Kdg2 keluar pon bukan sembang benda penting.. I jd makin bitter + negative pun ada.

Tp hairannya bila kawan2 I ada problem I pandai lak bg nasihat n jd motivator dorg. Bab diri sendiri, kecundang kelaut. Hahaha


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Post time 8-4-2018 04:17 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
i think you boring kot... da kawen belom TT?

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 Author| Post time 8-4-2018 04:22 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
e-mag replied at 8-4-2018 03:17 PM
i think you boring kot... da kawen belom TT?


Ada kaitan ke boring dgn kawen!

Boring dgn semua benda masalahnya ni.
Semua benda skrg ni dtg kat I, I say no.
Skrg semua benda I x interested camne ni

Belum kawen ahahaha

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Post time 8-4-2018 04:23 PM | Show all posts
busykan diri. jgn biarkan hidup lonely.  jadi moderator ke? wartawan cariforum ke? supermode ke? kurang2 boleh potong kredit peYno dan rashiman

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 Author| Post time 8-4-2018 04:27 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
CiliPadiSedap replied at 8-4-2018 03:23 PM
busykan diri. jgn biarkan hidup lonely.  jadi moderator ke? wartawan cariforum ke? supermode ke? kur ...

Wahaha nak jd mod cam x layak.

I tgh nak busykan diri jugak ni. Tp as I said bila I start buat something sehari dua ok then lps tu terkandas. I lost purpose and focus. I dah lupa the reasons and why shoud I do that. End up I let time passed away sbb I rasa apa yg I buat sia2 or I xtahu apa I buat. Camtulah skrg ni.

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Post time 8-4-2018 05:09 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
anyclassything replied at 8-4-2018 03:32 PM
Maksud u cari reason to more to find your purpose kan.

Tu pon I rasa cam the hardest thing to  ...

i pn pernah rasa mcm u rasa but i lawan perasaan tu. sometimes u will get to the lowest point of ur life,  but if u know urself better,  perhaps u will know how to survive in most environment.  i pn rasa bored tuk semua benda,  nothing interest me much but i know myself better,  i want to change to become better,  jadi i work myself towards that life goal.
mungkin tt bole start dgn menuntut ilmu,  smbg belajar ke? maybe when u start learning something new in ur life, mungkin u akan jumpa purpose tu.

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Post time 8-4-2018 05:22 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Masalah kecik je ni. Ko pg promosikn diri, cr guy yg ada pndptn tetas as husband dan jd lah suri rumah tanga sepenuh mata + online seller. Setel.

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 Author| Post time 8-4-2018 05:39 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
otai_g replied at 8-4-2018 04:22 PM
Masalah kecik je ni. Ko pg promosikn diri, cr guy yg ada pndptn tetas as husband dan jd lah suri rum ...

Hahaha sebijik kawan aku kau ni. Aku ckp je bg solution
“Kau kahwin je la wei pastu duk rumah jaga anak”

Vavi je kan korg.
ingat nak cari laki senang
Aku layan whatsapp org pun malas apa lg nak promosi diri cari laki :lol


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 Author| Post time 8-4-2018 05:42 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
mintu replied at 8-4-2018 04:09 PM
i pn pernah rasa mcm u rasa but i lawan perasaan tu. sometimes u will get to the lowest point of u ...

Tu la maybe I kena start doing something with purpose.
Masalahnya kawan2 I yg sambung master/phd advice I kalau mmg xde goal ke arah academic field, baik jgn kata dorg. Takut I sia2 kan master/phd I.

Tapi I ada gak terfikir sambung belaja ni actually. Cuma tak seriously decide or what. Baru niat2.

Skrg pun tgh nak melawan perasaan ni. Doa kan I mampu pergi jogging pukul 7 pg esok dah 2,3 hari I niat tapi tak gerak2 lg duhh

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Post time 8-4-2018 05:48 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Ingat kn sy seorg je yg ade prasaan mcm ni. Huhuhu bgs gak awk up bnde ni. At least dpt jugak bce komen2 org lain. Hahahha btw.. sy dah kawen. Pn ade rasa mcm ni. Jd kawen ke tak bukan masalah. Hahahah smpi 1 tahap tuh bila anak2 dah tido, dan sy takleh nak tido, sy ddk je dlm gelap mcm tuh. Hahaha nak buat ape sume malas. Sy pn mcm awk.. kdg ttp hp smpi berhari2.. ntah la. Nih sejenis penyakit ke erk?

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Post time 8-4-2018 05:52 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
anyclassything replied at 8-4-2018 03:42 PM
Umur u brp ayorsuam?

Well.. banyak kali cuba. Pastu terkandas and terkandas.

I dah 40.

Orang sebaya I usually dah have all things figured out, berbahagia di samping suami dan anak-anak. I sendiri pun tak sangka akan melalui fasa ni.

Kita kena control mind kita, especially right now bila kita tengah at our lowest and slowly mereput hahaha.

Apapun TT, I hope we get through this stage dengan jayanya. Let's not waste our lives away.

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