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Edited by SY_Mumi at 21-2-2019 11:17 PM
Chris Hemsworth to play Hulk Hogan in big-screen biopic
The as-yet-untitled film will come from Todd Phillips, director of The Hangover trilogy and the forthcoming DC Comics prequel Joker, starring Joaquin Phoenix.
Reportedly a deal is close to being made with Netflix to obtain rights to the film, with Hemsworth and Bradley Cooper also on board as producers.
More information to be announced....
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Dunno what happened lately, bnyk movies supposingly main wayang, trus dibeli Netflix |
sbb takut tak laku kot. kalau main wayang, nnt studio kene kuar belanja utk marketing lg, promotion lg, tayangan perdana lg. so jual jelah kt netflix.lgpun trend skrang org malas dh nk tgk wayang, prefer duduk rumah tgk kt rumah je
sorry,apa beza iflix dgn netflix |
Netflix, Inc. is an American media-services provider ; availability & subscription worldwide.
IFLIX is Malaysia based company; currently only available in selected Asia, Middle East countries.
if to compared more movies or series, Netflix has more wider selection & they have their own production series or movies.
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