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Author: m.manis

Senator Salahkan Peningkatan Umat Islam Di New Zealand Sebagai Punca Serangan

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Post time 16-3-2019 05:55 AM | Show all posts
An article from Malay Mail reader worth reading*******************The unspeakable horror that is Fraser Anning — Nathaniel Tan
[size=0.85em]Published 11 hours ago on 15 March 2019

[size=1em]MARCH 15 — Malaysians must reject all types of bigotry, and always stand up for one another.
[size=1em]New Zealand experienced an unspeakable horror today, the likes of which no human being, community or nation should ever be subject to.

[size=1em]The shootings at two mosques left at least 40 dead, and was one of the worst massacres New Zealand has ever had the misfortune to experience.
[size=1em]Barely hours later, we had the further misfortune to hear some truly appalling statements by a senator for Queensland, in Australia, Fraser Anning, who said:
[size=1em]“Let us be clear, while Muslims may have been the victims today, usually they are the perpetrators. World-wide, Muslims are killing people in the name of their faith on an industrial scale.”

[size=1em]“The entire religion of Islam is simply the violent ideology of a sixth century despot masquerading as a religious leader, which justifies endless war against anyone who opposes it and calls for the murder of unbelievers and apostates.”
[size=1em]“The truth is that Islam is not like any other faith. It is the religious equivalent of fascism. And just because the followers of this savage belief were not the killers in this instance does not make them blameless.”
[size=1em]“As we read in Matthew 26:52. ‘All they that take the sword, shall perish by the sword” and those who follow a violent religion that calls on them to murder us, cannot be too surprised when someone takes them at their word and responds in kind,”
[size=1em]This level of naked, despicable bigotry is shocking.
[size=1em]The disgusting use of a bible quote here in particular brings to mind the quote, (even) the devil can quote scripture for his purpose.
[size=1em]One not only wonders whether Anning possess the brains necessary to qualify as a senator, but whether he possesses the most basic levels of empathy necessary to qualify as a human being.
[size=1em]An eye for an eye
[size=1em]Anning represents the very worst type of politics to be found in the world today.
[size=1em]Men like him seek to reduce entire global communities to one dimensional caricatures of evil, so as to further their own selfish political goals.
[size=1em]If we adopted Anning’s logic, then every white man who walks the earth would be equated to the four or more murderers in New Zealand today – on the prowl, armed to the teeth, looking to butcher every Muslim alive.
[size=1em]If all 1.8 billion Muslims in the world started to think that all white men were like that, what kind of situation would we end up with?
[size=1em]Something tells me that madmen like Anning might even spout the nonsensical kind of rhetoric that would welcome such a conflict.
[size=1em]Such an eye for an eye conflict would leave the whole world a lot worse than just blind.
[size=1em]By their fruits you shall know them
[size=1em]While evil men like Anning try to tear the world apart, it is important for the rest of us to keep our heads.
[size=1em]There are good Muslims and bad ‘Muslims’. There are good Christians and bad ‘Christians’. The same applies for any ethnic group, any nationality, any conceivable human community of any kind.
[size=1em]We are not defined by our creed or our colour of our skin, but by our actions.
[size=1em]The actions of the perpetrators in New Zealand make them the reprehensible terrorists and murderers they are.
[size=1em]Anning’s foul words reveals him to be a man we should all denounce and detest.
[size=1em]To try and bring religion or race into these matters is to fall into a trap of ignorance, base politicking, and bigotry.
[size=1em]Reject Malaysian Annings
[size=1em]We Malaysians are no strangers to bickering over race and religion.
[size=1em]We are no strangers to sweeping generalisations, to attempts to paint a whole community with a single brush, because of the actions of a few.
[size=1em]Our duty then, is to see that our children will be strangers to these bad habits.
[size=1em]Our duty is to ensure that when young Malaysians look to us as examples, they will find Malaysians who will reject stereotyping or bias wholesale, and judge each and every individual human being by their thoughts, words and actions – and nothing else.
[size=1em]The way some politicians are trying to lead us by the nose, we may see the rise of our own Malaysian Annings, whether they be Malay, Chinese, Muslim, Christian, or whatever.
[size=1em]The first and most important step away from such a damned path, is for non-Muslims to speak out in solidarity with Muslims (especially in a time like this), and for Muslims to speak out in solidarity with non-Muslims.
[size=1em]If individuals from each community can remember to make this a habit, then we will keep the likes of Anning far, far away from our shores.
[size=1em]*Nathaniel Tan is Director of Media and Communications at EMIR Research (, a think tank focused on data-driven policy research, centred around principles of Engagement, Moderation, Innovation and Rigour.
[size=1em]**This is the personal opinion of the writer and does not necessarily represent the views ofMalay Mail.


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Post time 16-3-2019 06:01 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
umbut replied at 15-3-2019 10:51 PM
Ko confirm ke masuk syurga.. ntah kau neraka jahanam tahap setan.. ko dah jengah neraka syurga.. x ...

Maaf cik umbut...ayat akhir umbut :-
dah diorang x didedahkanislam.. tiba2 masuk neraka..-----》sangatlah tidak betul. ..Rasulullah dulu pun BUKAN lahir sebagai islam tapi baginda mencari sendiri agama islam dengan melihat kebesaran Allah pada alam dan makhluk yg dicipta Allah. ..

kita ada akal..kita bukan haiwan yg x boleh berfikir ...fikir lah logik kejadian dan kebesaran Allah. ..jika kita penyembah agama lain..kajilah logik..betul ke agama yang kita anuti? ..

Kebanyakan kafir yg memeluk islam adalah dari kalangan mereka yang fikir logik guna akal untuk menilai agama mana yang benar. ..

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Post time 16-3-2019 06:03 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Nabi2 dalam kisah kitab Al Quran pun kebanyakan bukan lahir terus sebagai islam ...kebanyakan lahir sebagai bukan islam...dan mereka berfikir kebenaran islam mencari Tuhan dan agama sebenar. ...

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Post time 16-3-2019 06:04 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
pyropura replied at 16-3-2019 04:20 AM
Memang salah umah isele pun, sapa suruh menyundal pegi duduk negara penuh maksiat dan menduakan toha ...

salah umah issle apanya. Mat saleh yang terhegeh-hegeh datang dari jauh pi jahanamkan negara tempat tinggal umah isele in the first place kan. Lepastu bila dorang migrate untuk hidup kokosen nak salahkan umah isele balik. Even gov kokosen pun tau benda ni lah. Cuma macai bawahan macam kau aje nak salahkan umah isele.

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Post time 16-3-2019 06:29 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
umbut replied at 15-3-2019 10:51 PM
Ko confirm ke masuk syurga.. ntah kau neraka jahanam tahap setan.. ko dah jengah neraka syurga.. x ...

Ada golongan islam yang masuk syurga tanpa dihisab dan ada golongan islam yang tidak langsung mencium bau syurga atau terus tinggal dineraka. ..

7 Golongan Orang Yang Tidak Bisa Mencium Bau Surga:-

1. Orang yang mencari ilmu akherat untuk tujuan duniawi

2. Wanita yang minta cerai tanpa alasan

3. Orang yang menyemir rambutnya khususnya dengan warna hitam

4. Orang yang membunuh kafir mu’ahad
Islam sangat menjunjung toleransi dan perdamaian. Islam melindungi hak-hak manusia sebagaimana diatur dalam syariat. Maka seorang muslim tidak boleh membunuh orang kafir yang terikat perjanjian dengan pemerintah Islam (kafir mu’ahad). Jika seorang muslim membunuh kafir mu’ahad, ia terancam tidak bisa mencium bau surga.

“Barangsiapa membunuh orang kafir mu’ahad, maka dia tidak akan mencium bau wangi surga” (HR. Bukhari)

5. Orang yang sombong
Kesombongan tidak bisa membuat pintu surga terbuka bahkan tercium sedikitpun tidak. Meskipun kesombongannya sangat kecil, sebesar biji dzarah.

        -   -                       .                             -   -                  

Dari Uqbah bin Amir, bahwa ia mendengar Rasulullah SAW bersabda: “Tidaklah seorang laki-laki meninggal dunia, dan ketika ia meninggal di dalam hatinya terdapat sebiji sawi dari sifat sombong, akan halal baginya mencium bau surga atau melihatnya.”

6. Menisbatkan nasab bukan kepada ayahnya
Nasab merupakan salah satu hal yang dijaga oleh Islam. Orang yang mengaku sebagai anak orang lain yang bukan ayahnya, ia juga mendapat ancaman tidak bisa mencium bau surga.

7. Wanita yang berpakaian tapi telanjang
Jika orang yang sombong dan orang yang menisbatkan nasabnya kepada selain ayah pernah dijumpai di zaman Rasulullah,

Itulah contoh tujuh orang yang tidak diberi kesempatan untuk mencium bau surga. Semoga kita dihindarkan dari ketujuh sifat tersebut. Naudzubillahmidhalik.


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Post time 16-3-2019 09:26 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Dasar senator akal takde.. Yg ada hanya sekelumit otak anjing rabies sbb tu support kerja2 menyerang org ni.. Tak layak jd senator. Cepat la sikit senator ni temu ajal pegi jahanam

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Post time 16-3-2019 11:29 AM | Show all posts
M5 replied at 16-3-2019 02:32 AM
Ko dgn senator fraser tu 2x5 perangai

bukan hang selama ni suka mempertikai dan menghina anutan agama orang len ka? tak payah la nak alihkan perhatian ramai tentang pangai buruk hang tu Mangkaq5 aka saya tanya...bila nak jelaihkan tentang asai usui kejadian manusia dan alam mengikut perspektif reasoning sains hang? sampai la saya tak dapat jawapan....takkan masih PERCAYA dan berpegang TEGUH dengan konsep yang dicadangkan oleh saintis dalam TEORI EVOLUSI....takkan masih nak percaya keturunan hang penduboq2 etis berasai daripada duboq beruk? wakakakkakakakakkaa

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Post time 16-3-2019 12:08 PM | Show all posts
selalu bila berlaku kes2 camni, makin ramai non-muslim akan convert.. sama seperti kes di NY dan seluruh US.

Bukti kami muslim agama keamanan.

Musuh Islam je dok canang, Islam dulu-kala takluk dunia pakai mata pedang.

Islam tu agama akhlak, ilmu dan hujah berfakta.

Tu cara nak tawan hati dunia.


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Post time 16-3-2019 12:39 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Biasalaa ayat dr kafiruuunn.. mrka tak fhm.. kita org islam tak perlu layann.. yg penting hampa jd kayu api..

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Post time 16-3-2019 12:59 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
DARSITA replied at 16-3-2019 12:13 AM
Non-muslim akan respect Muslims kalau kita maju, bertemadun, tak bunuh membunuh, bijak pandai  ...

Tp knp peperangan kat palestine,kat iraq y dicetuskan oleh pihak2 non muslim,tp tetap salahkan muslim?sedangkan US y hanat tu serang negara2 islam dahulu,tak pulak dilabel sbg pengganas,tp dipuja2?

And then israel,y terang2 membunuh org islam y tak serang dorg i.e. org awam y tak terlibat dalam peperangan,kanak2 wanita2,knp tak je dorg attack tentera2 aje?tetap jgk attack y tak join perang?

Disebabkn ssegelintir org islam (y extremist) semua muslim dilabel sbg pengganas?wadehek is this?knp tak je kita label australian as terrorist country sbb jantan ngn senator tagune ni?and knp dunia tak label US,israel sbg terrorist sedangkn dorg lg byk bunuh org tak bersalah?atas dasar apa?

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Post time 16-3-2019 01:15 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Orang2 kat australia pun sebenarnya tak suka ngan Fraser Anning ni, cakap merapu. Orang samakan dia dengan Pauline Hansen jugak. Dulu dia menang pilihranraya pun belas2 undi je, out of bape puluh ribu undi. Agaknye undi paksa family and friends.

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Post time 16-3-2019 03:29 PM | Show all posts
Kena katuk dgn telur.


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Post time 16-3-2019 03:41 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
apam replied at 15-3-2019 02:04 PM
salah umah issle apanya. Mat saleh yang terhegeh-hegeh datang dari jauh pi jahanamkan negara tempa ...

kalau tiada sebab...kapir mereka tidak masuk kesana ... ummah muslim tanah arab atau seluruh dunia  beratur memilih untuk hidup di negara barat... hingga kan ada yang sudah jadi parasite pada ummah sendiri di negara barat .... rampage shooting dari muslim terrorist .... ummah islam sendiri jadi mangsa dengan sentiment kebencian....

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Post time 16-3-2019 03:56 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
willow12 replied at 16-3-2019 03:29 PM
Kena katuk dgn telur.

Video baru ke ni? I baru tengok tadi kat ig... Berani budak tu katuk telur kat dia...

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Post time 16-3-2019 04:17 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Bila jd benda2 mcm ni mmg sedih tak terkata. Tp bila pikir2 balik...org2 islam mmg suka nk duduk tmpat yg tak ada hukum islam....sbb rasa lebih aman. Pastu mintak hak mcm2 nak samakan hak dia kat tanah arab sana. Tp dlm masa sama, tempat sndiri yg ada hukum islam tak aman damai pun. Smpai diri sndiri pun tak nak ddk tmpat sndiri.

Cuba terbalik mcm mat2 saleh ni ddk plk tmpat2 dorang yg islam request nak church serata alam...nyanyi dlm church kuat2, bogel la tp pantai...hagak2 menanah tak mata tgk? Hagak2 apa kot pak2 lebai ni buat?

Mcm mana kita ada muslim totok pemikiran extremis, sama la matsaleh pon....

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Post time 16-3-2019 04:18 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by apam at 16-3-2019 04:19 PM
Dwdrum replied at 16-3-2019 03:41 PM
kalau tiada sebab...kapir mereka tidak masuk kesana ... ummah muslim tanah arab atau seluruh dunia ...

Dah ummah kokosen datang pegi jahanamkan dan bom negara-negara isele habis orang awam, orang tua, baby mati. Negara dah jahanam, lepastu manusia pergi migrate ke negara kokosen, dorang marah pulak. Tunggulah negara2 kokosen jahanam pulak. Itu jam kau tengok ummah kokosen pulak migrasi ke negara ummah isele. Tak payah sombong sangatlah. Dunia berputar. Ummah kokosen di puncak kemajuan dan kesombogan baru lagi

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Post time 16-3-2019 04:26 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Dwdrum replied at 16-3-2019 03:41 PM
kalau tiada sebab...kapir mereka tidak masuk kesana ... ummah muslim tanah arab atau seluruh dunia ...

kau rasa apa sebabnya  ummah kokosen menyebok datang jauh-jauh ke negara ummah isele dek?  ummah isele pegi bom negara kokosen dulu ke? Ada ummah isle curi dan rompak hasil mahsul negara ummah kokosen macam british dan sekutunya cayanunalip buat kat negera ummah melayu dulu? Apa yg ummah melayu kacau negara kokosen dulu ye? ce cite ce cite

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Post time 16-3-2019 05:10 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
apam replied at 16-3-2019 04:26 PM
kau rasa apa sebabnya  ummah kokosen menyebok datang jauh-jauh ke negara ummah isele dek?  ummah ...

Terigt kekecik belajar sejarah... aman2 je melaka aleh2 kena serang oleh kokosen... sorang demi sorang berebutkan malaysia yg kecik kiut ... pastu sepet pulak berebutkan kita i

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Post time 16-3-2019 05:25 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
TravellingBear replied at 16-3-2019 05:10 PM
Terigt kekecik belajar sejarah... aman2 je melaka aleh2 kena serang oleh kokosen... sorang demi so ...

Pelik tapi benar.

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Post time 16-3-2019 07:24 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Now we know who behind it...

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