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Implication of refusing SJKC

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Adm_Cheng_Ho This user has been deleted
Post time 18-3-2005 03:43 PM | Show all posts |Read mode
For many of us who has been following the development of SJKC issue with apprehension and dismay at the way the event transpires into a controversial subject, we also have to take notice that the hubbub could have a political ramification on the society and the ruling government.

It begins as an innocuous request arises out of natural pressing need to meet the demand of increasing enrolment and to address the severe shortage of such necessity. Unfortunately, it was turned into a political tool by certain quarters to score a perceived political point at the expense of the requesting community's rights.

For the Chinese community, such a demand is long overdue.

Most viewed the request as reasonable and fair. There has been no addition to Chinese vernacular primary schools since 1957. In fact, some party contends there was a reduction. Ensuring mother tongue education was enshrined in the sanctity of the Federal Constitution. SJKCs are guaranteed under the Constitution. Barisan Nasional had also made a pledge in its 2004 general election on "fair treatment for mother-tongue education". Their promises on the development of SJKCs and mother tongue education was publicly announced, advertised and published in various newspapers in full colours.

Therefore, it is right for the government to honour its promise to its citizen.

Moreover, SJK is a national-type school which shares the same curriculum and syllabus. This was accentuated by Tun Abdul Razak in his 慠azak Education Report 1956

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misled_youth This user has been deleted
Post time 19-3-2005 12:06 AM | Show all posts
Haha... write so much but no one layan...

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Post time 19-3-2005 01:53 AM | Show all posts
1. Perbincangan melihat perbezaan antara pertumbuhan SJKc dengan Sekolah Kebangsaan tidak tepat kerana Sekolah Kebangsaan bukan sekolah bahasa ibunda sebaliknya sekolah nasional.

2. SJKc boleh dibuat perbandingan dengan SJKt dan Sekolah Agama.

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BudakPahang This user has been deleted
Post time 19-3-2005 02:45 AM | Show all posts
adammmm mung jange nak tipu lerrr
ore cina nak wat banyak sekolah cina
for them wat aper nak belajar kat sekolah
bahse melayu takdok value
doh leh wat survive

kalu panda cakap cina
tapik dok panda tuliss pong not good
sebakk CHINA will be big in teh next few years
banyok peluang kerja ore cina malaysia bulih
dapat kalu gi sana

lagipong mandarin bahse utama
saper panda kecek  mandarin
bulih carik makan

kalu panda BM u canot gain anything!
kena tipu bila wat bisness gan ore cina!

why dont U support sekolah wawasan??

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BudakPahang This user has been deleted
Post time 19-3-2005 02:51 AM | Show all posts
haku rasa satu ari nanti
kalu rama anak melayu kat sekolah cina
mustik sekolah cina
wat koata
sebakkkk they R afraid
melayu keyi shua pai hua lol

Budak Pahan
aka ACAI ....... keh keh keh

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Post time 19-3-2005 05:38 AM | Show all posts
Topik ini "dilekatkan" kerana KK fikir Adm_Cheng_Ho
cuba bawa perbincangan yang berunsurkan fakta. Harap guna topik ini untuk perbincangan secara berhemah.

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Adm_Cheng_Ho This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 19-3-2005 08:39 AM | Show all posts

Bulak Pahang... wa mana ala tipu2? Takut nanti itu pejuang2 bangsa mari buli wa lor. :lol

Begini. Ibu-bapa Cina memilih SJKC kerana tahap pendidikannya lebih tinggi berbanding dengan sekolah kebangsaan biasa, terutamanya Matematik. Matapelajaran Bahasa Melayu adalah wajib di SJKC. Ia merupakan bahasa penting untuk berhubung (communicate) dengan pihak kerajaan dan masyarakat Melayu.

Selain itu, adalah penting kami mendidik anak2 kita dengan falsafah, pengetahuan dan sejarah China yg boleh digunapakai dalam kehidupan seharian. Contohnya, 'Romance of 3 Kingdoms' dan 'Sunzi Art of War' digunakan oleh korporat2 Jepun, Korea dan kebanyakkan negara. Falsafah Confucianism pula dapat menerap nilai2 murni kemanusiaan dan memupuk tanggungjawab seseorang itu terhadap negaranya.

Oleh itu, jelas masyarakat Cina beranggapan bahawa ilmu yg penting tiada pada sekolah kebangsaan biasa.

Dengan ini, bahasa Mandarin dan pengetahuan China amat penting bagi masyarakat Cina.

So, we can gain BOTH from China and in Malaysia, whereas the Malays are encouraged to learn and gain its business networks in the Arab world. Is it not? We sama2 gain something mar from the language & knowledge we learned.

Berkenaan dengan kuota SJKC, itu tidak mungkin kerana di negeri Sabah, kebanyakkan masyarakat Pribumi dan Melayu menghantar anak2 mereka ke sekolah Cina sehingga penuh tiada tempat bagi anak2 Cina yg lewat mendaftar. Tetapi SJKC tidak mengenakan kuota untuk melindungi kepentingan anak2 orang Cina. Saya adalah contoh paling baik tidak mendapat tempat di sekolah rendah Cina. :ah: Oleh itu saya dimasukkan ke sekolah kebangsaan. Sebaliknya, jalan penyelesaian yg berkesan ialah memperbanyakkan SJKC bukan kuota.

[misled youth]
Many in this board are attracted to threads which seeks to provoke responses so that each one could unleash their boorish pontification. :ah:
Or maybe I write too well? :lol

Half of the post was a complete lift off from DAP website. So, I reckon some readers thought I've switched side and became DAP supporter. So, no more crony with me. :lol

1. Perbincangan melihat perbezaan antara pertumbuhan SJKc dengan Sekolah Kebangsaan tidak tepat kerana Sekolah Kebangsaan bukan sekolah bahasa ibunda sebaliknya sekolah nasional.

2. SJKc boleh dibuat perbandingan dengan SJKt dan Sekolah Agama.

Matapelajaran teras SJKC hampir sebijik cam sekolah kebangsaan kecuali bahasa penghantarnya. Tak tahu lah dengan sekolah agama...

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niba83 This user has been deleted
Post time 19-3-2005 10:14 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by KuntaKinte at 19-3-2005 01:53 AM:
1. Perbincangan melihat perbezaan antara pertumbuhan SJKc dengan Sekolah Kebangsaan tidak tepat kerana Sekolah Kebangsaan bukan sekolah bahasa ibunda sebaliknya sekolah nasional.

2. SJKc boleh d ...

if u compare chinese school with other region school, i am confused that why the malay frens will send their children go to chinese school too? ^^?

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BudakPahang This user has been deleted
Post time 19-3-2005 10:37 AM | Show all posts
master in mandrin pun dok guna
just go to any country mace Arab, Kuwait
where it's not a native language
and try to use it in everyday situations
u tink U boleh survive kaaaa??

kalu level pelajaran sekolah cina
lagik tinggi
why not u guy start asking for same HIGH LEVEL education for all
sekolah Malaysia??

ker anak oran cina jer layak
belajor level tingi tingi??:hmm:

which remind me tis story
bila amalina dapat 17A
orang cina look down on her
bcoz she come from sekolah
level tak tinggi mace sekolah cinaaa:puke::puke::puke:

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BudakPahang This user has been deleted
Post time 19-3-2005 10:40 AM | Show all posts
if u compare chinese school with other region school, i am confused that why the malay frens will send their children go to chinese school too? ^^?

speak malay lah
me can't understang what U tryin to say!!

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Adm_Cheng_Ho This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 19-3-2005 11:06 AM | Show all posts
Penguasaan bahasa Mandarin amat penting bagi rantau Asia Tenggara kerana inilah kawasan pengaruh China - 'Spheres of Influence'.

Kalau nak survive di negara2 Arab dan Russia sudah tentu boleh. Cuma tak leh nak maju sangat tanpa menguasai bahasa mereka. :ah:

why not u guy start asking for same HIGH LEVEL education for all
sekolah Malaysia??

Cadangan yg baik. :ah:
Malangnya, harus difahami bahwa tahap pendidikan tersebut telah diturunkan. This can be readily attested if you flip a few pages of our father's primary and secondary text books. Most of the syllabus had been taken out. Nevertheless, SJKCs maintained that level at its optimum, although it has been streamlined to keep abreast with the national standard.

bila amalina dapat 17A
orang cina look down on her
bcoz she come from sekolah
level tak tinggi mace sekolah cinaaa

Orang Cina yg pandang rendah terhadap pencapaian Cik Amalina adalah Cina yg hina dina. :ah:

Namun begitu, CH berpendapat kejayaan Cik Amalina adalah hasil usaha sendiri bukan kerana sistem pendidikan sekolah kebangsaan yg membentuk kejayaannya. Sikap dan nilai positif inilah yg kami ingin terapkan kepada anak2 kami sejak kecil lagi dengan 'hard training'. Tak tekan sikit they'll  become lax. By the time they grow up, they have all that necessary skills and knowledge to prepare them to the outside world, especially to battle within the Chinese community here and abroad.

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BudakPahang This user has been deleted
Post time 19-3-2005 12:33 PM | Show all posts
if cinaman goal is ONLY to cari ilmu
nak cari duit NAK kaya
it looks to me negara Malaysia akan hancur
nanti jadik mace orang canada
satu part canada canadian
satu part lagik canada french

Please do not take this as an attack
as it is not in any way intended as such
wor men chong kok ren
hahahah saloh saloh
wor men kuda datang empat -ma lai sei ya
are pang yau
in bad and wost

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Post time 19-3-2005 12:49 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by KuntaKinte at 2005-3-19 01:53 AM:
1. Perbincangan melihat perbezaan antara pertumbuhan SJKc dengan Sekolah Kebangsaan tidak tepat kerana Sekolah Kebangsaan bukan sekolah bahasa ibunda sebaliknya sekolah nasional.

2. SJKc boleh d ...

Penutupan itu pun bukan kerana tindakan kerajaan... tetapi adalah kerana sekolah tersebut tidak mendapat sambutan dari masyarakat Cina sendiri sehingga tiada seorang pun mendaftar. Satu contoh terkini ia sebuah sekolah Cina di Georgetown, P.Pinang... pernah disiarkan diakhbar, sekolah tersebut terdapat cuma 5 orang pelajar... dan kerana ia masih ada pelajar, sekolah tersebut terus dikekalkan. Dan kerajaan terpaksa menyediakan 2 orang guru disekolah tersebut... untuk mengajar 5 orang murid....

even the most advanced countries in the world tak dak ratio murid:guru sebegitu....

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Post time 19-3-2005 02:35 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by KuntaKinte at 2005-3-19 05:38 AM:
Topik ini "dilekatkan" kerana KK fikir Adm_Cheng_Ho
cuba bawa perbincangan yang berunsurkan fakta. Harap guna topik ini untuk perbincangan secara berhemah.

hahaha ..  fakta kunun   !!

fakta ikut budak bela kambing  !!   :lol

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Post time 19-3-2005 03:17 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Al Lebam at 19-3-2005 12:49 PM:

Penutupan itu pun bukan kerana tindakan kerajaan... tetapi adalah kerana sekolah tersebut tidak mendapat sambutan dari masyarakat Cina sendiri sehingga tiada seorang pun mendaftar. Satu contoh te ...

yaeh.. that's one of the problems also.
Sebab itu baru ada permintaan untuk menambah bilangan SRJK(C) dan juga pemindahan SRJK(C) ke tempat yang lebih diperlukan...

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Post time 19-3-2005 05:51 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by CintaMalaysia at 2005-3-19 03:17 PM:

yaeh.. that's one of the problems also.
Sebab itu baru ada permintaan untuk menambah bilangan SRJK(C) dan juga pemindahan SRJK(C) ke tempat yang lebih diperlukan...

but that school really very funny one....
right in the middle of town... georgtown mind you...
off hand i would say the area is populated with 95% chinese

and with other chinse school complaining not enough space
yet this school... no one seems to bother to send their children here

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may2005 This user has been deleted
Post time 20-3-2005 12:51 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by KuntaKinte at 19-3-2005 01:53 AM:
1. Perbincangan melihat perbezaan antara pertumbuhan SJKc dengan Sekolah Kebangsaan tidak tepat kerana Sekolah Kebangsaan bukan sekolah bahasa ibunda sebaliknya sekolah nasional.

2. SJKc boleh d ...

SRJKC dan SRJKT ada ajar mata pelajaran agama??  TAK ADA!!!

Orang bukan Cina boleh masuk SRJKC??  BOLEH!!!

Tapi, orang bukan Islam masuk sekolah agama?? Mana ada???

Macam mana boleh banding???


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Post time 20-3-2005 11:16 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by may2005 at 2005-3-20 12:51 AM:

SRJKC dan SRJKT ada ajar mata pelajaran agama??  TAK ADA!!!

Orang bukan Cina boleh masuk SRJKC??  BOLEH!!!

Tapi, orang bukan Islam masuk sekolah agama?? Mana ada???

Macam mana boleh b ...

Tidak ada tidak bermakna tidak boleh...!
sapa-sapa pun boleh masuk kalau nak belajar...
cuma ibubapa saja yang tidak mahu anak mereka belajar di sekolah agama yang tiada berkaitan dengan agama mereka....

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sham_hnd This user has been deleted
Post time 20-3-2005 11:20 AM | Show all posts
SAR pun kerajaan x bagi.....

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sham_hnd This user has been deleted
Post time 20-3-2005 11:20 AM | Show all posts
Apa pun sy rasa tu elok untuk mendekat kan jurang diantara kaum.

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