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aku nak tahu sejarah askar sukarelawan Semasa Perang Dunia Kedua (Selain Askar Melayu) lebih detail lagi pasal PETA (Pembela Tanah Air @ Malai Giyu Gun) yg dianggotai oleh sukarelawan dari Malaya (Tanah Melayu) dan Hindia Belanda (Indonesia) yg menyokong Imperialis Jepun
sebab dalam buku teks jarang menceritakan sejarah PETA di malaya
Majlis Tamat Latihan Pegawai PETA dari Indonesia diperhatikan oleh Pegawai Jepun
Pelatih Remaja Indonesia dari Unit 慓okkutotai |
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Several collaborationist armed forces existed in occupied Malaya :
- Each Malayan village and town was forced to organize a so-called Jikeidan or Self Defence Corps. It was a kind of (unarmed ?) local militia whose main task was to register all the families of a community , to report on all strangers and suspicious events.
- The British colonial police continued to function with some changes as before. Out of it was created the Special Police to carry out operations against the resistance.
- Malay volunteers joined the Japanese army as "Heiho", (auxilaries) and their position can perhaps best be compared with that of the German Ostbattalions.
There never was an overall organization, each unit being attached to a Japanese force; they only received a basic military training and were unarmed or only equiped with light infantry weapons; although some of the units fought against the resistance, their main task was to provide labor and services of all kind to the Japanese.
-The most important of the Malayan collaborationist groups was however the Giyugun (Volunteer Army), which was established in 1943 as the nucleus of a future Malayan National Army and which was not part of the Japanese Army. It consisted mainly of ethnic Malays and was headed by Ibrahim Yacob, the leader of the disbanded Malayan nationalist party Kesatuan Melayu Muda.
He was appointed Luitenant Colonel, believed to be the highest rank ever given to a non Japanese.
The Giyugun numbered ca 2000 men by april 1944. Although intended to fight the allies in the event of an invasion, it saw only combat once, in an anti-communist fight in Johore.
The recruits were volunteers who were given a training similar to that of the Japanese soldiers, wore Japanese uniforms and were equiped with full Japanese
infantry weaponry. It was also expected they lived according to the "Bushido" and toke an oath of loyalty to the Emperor.
The situation in Indonesia was partly similar to that in Malaya.
Here too indigenous volunteers became "Heiho" of the Japanese army, local self defence forces
were established (in Borneo they comprised Dayak tribesmen) and the reformed former Dutch colonial police continued to function. Organization and tasks were probably the same as in Malaya.
On SUMATRA, which had a separate Japanese administration, a Giyugun or Volunteer army - having a position similar to that of the Malayan one - was formed in nov 1943.
This army - also styled "People's Force" (Lasykar Pakyat) - was supported by the major Indonesian nationalist movement on the island, the Bompa (Badan Oentoek Membantoe Pertahanan Asia - Body to Assist in the Defence of Asia) and was intended to assist the Japanese forces in the event of an allied invasion.
It apparentely never saw action, performing garrison duties over the island, in this way allowing Japanese troops to fight on other places.
On JAVA another Volunteer Army, the Tentera Pembela Tanah-Air (Voluntary Army for the Defence of the Country - in short Peta) was formed in sep/oct 1943. It was supported by the nationalist movements headed by Ahmed Sukarno and probably followed the organization and structure of the other Giyugun.
In nov 1944 it numered ca 35000 men divided into 66 battalions.
As the Japanese didn't fully trust the nationalist Peta, they also allowed a rival Islamic organization, the Madjelis Sjuro Muslimin Indonesia (Central Council of the Indonesian Muslims) to establish its own "Army of Allah" (Hizbullah). This force however never became as important as the Peta and consisted mainly of groups only armed with bamboolances.
Of these forces only one unit of the Peta saw action, but not in the way the Japanese expected. In feb 1945 the Peta unit of Blitar in Eastern Java revolted and exterminated all Japanese in the city |
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Rasa aku arwah atuk aku pernah masuk PETA nih...pasal ada gambar dia pakai uniform tentera Jepun..... |
cuba bayang kan semer kempetai melayu yg terselamat selepas perang, depa kuar mengamuk masa tragedi 13 mei.... hehehehe, pedang samurai melayang wwwooooo |
bendera bulan bintang tuh bendera ape? aceh ke |
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Originally posted by kapakterbang at 13-3-2006 05:53 AM
bendera bulan bintang tuh bendera ape? aceh ke
yap kebanyakan nyer Sukarelawan dari Aceh Dan Jawa... tapi menarik lah Bendera Imprealis Jepun digabung dengan Bulan Bintang memang menarik... |
Yoga Sugama (middle) in Shikan Gaikko.
Yoga Sugama born in Tegal, Middle Java, on May 12, 1925. Since his childhood, he wants to be a soldier because he admires some Nazi leaders, especially Hitler and General Erwin Rommel. The reason is simple: he admires them because Germans always won theirs battles. As adolescent, he start to admire Hitler and his lieutenants because theirs courage.
Yoga Sugama got his chance after Japanese conquered Netherlands East Indies. In 1942, one of his father friend told him that Japanese military administration in Indonesia want to send some Indonesian youths to theirs country and to educated them as cadet officers. Yoga became interest with the offering and then enlisted for the examination. He succeeded to pass a Japanese tight test and send to Japan with 19 other Indonesians from Java.
Before Japanese send them to Japan, Yoga and his friends got some basic military training, especially physical one. He left Java via Tandjoeng Priok harbor by a freighter and have a chance to visiting Singapore before went to Japan. He and his friends were very happy during theirs voyage. However, when his ship sail from Singapore to Shimonoseki, in one point an Allied submarine, perhaps American one, hunted them. Fortunately they could land in Shimonoseki in safety.
From Shimonoseki, Yoga and his friend went to Tokyo by train. In Japan capital, they were sending to Menguroku Tokyo Kokusai Gakuyukhai, an International Student Centre. In the place they were learn Japan. Everyday they must learn for 8-10 hours. Thus, when they finished the education they already could read Japan newspaper.
However, Yoga became disappointed when a Gaimusho (Japan Foreign Department) official told him that he couldn't to join Rikugun Shikan Gaikko (Army Military Academy) yet. Because he couldn't go back to his homeland, Yoga decided to join with Agriculture Academy in Miyazaki as an alternative.
In Japan, Yoga got many new experiences. He observed that while Japanese were hard workers but they only eat a little bit food. Only after the war he knew that majority of Japan foodstuffs were send to theirs troops.
The situation made Yoga and his friends always look for more food. Unfortunately, they didn't have many opportunities to satisfy theirs stomach need. Although sometimes they bought noodles in restaurants, but they face a strange rule: buyers only could buy a food once and can't order more. In his hunger during the time, Yoga even breaks his Islamic faith rule by eaten dogs and cats!
Meanwhile, after learn for some months in Agriculture Academy, he got permission from Tokyo to join with Military Academy. He started his days in Tokyo Military Academy as a 慼eico |
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A PETA recruitment poster: I'm fight in the PETA. Join it!
PETA soldiers in march
Japanese military tribunal for PETA mutiniers from Blitar Daidan. |
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apa nasib PETA lepas kekalahan jepun ? adakah nasibnya sama seperti unit tentera islam yang terdapat dalam tentera adolf hitler |
unit tentera Islam dalam ketenteraan pimpinan adolf hitler ?
Originally posted by Joe Hahn at 18-6-2006 03:16 AM
apa nasib PETA lepas kekalahan jepun ? adakah nasibnya sama seperti unit tentera islam yang terdapat dalam tentera adolf hitler
Emow Emow Emow..
joe leh citer skit pasal unit tentera Islam 2? apa jadi ha ??? merempat or kena bunuh ??? |
Originally posted by Sonic at 18-6-2006 12:24 PM
Emow Emow Emow..
joe leh citer skit pasal unit tentera Islam 2? apa jadi ha ??? merempat or kena bunuh ???
macam biasa kene bunuh |
Pembela Tanah Air
Pembela Tanah Air disingkat PETA adalah kesatuan militer yang dibentuk Jepang dalam masa pendudukan Jepang di Indonesia. Tentara Pembela Tanah Air dibentuk pada tanggal 3 Oktober 1943 berdasarkan maklumat Osamu Seirei No 44 yang diumumkan oleh Panglima Tentara Keenambelas, Letnan Jendral Kumakichi Harada sebagai Tentara Sukarela. Pelatihan pasukan Peta dipusatkan di kompleks militer Bogor yang diberi nama Jawa Bo-ei Giyûgun Kanbu Resentai.
Pembentukan Peta dianggap berawal dari surat Raden Gatot Mangkupradja kepada Gunseikan (kepala pemerintahan militer Jepang) pada bulan September 1943 yang antara lain berisi permohonan agar bangsa Indonesia diperkenankan membantu pemerintahan Jepang di medan perang. Ada pendapat bahwa hal ini merupakan strategi Jepang untuk membangkitkan semangat patriotisme dengan memberi kesan bahwa usul pembentukan Peta berasal dari kalangan pemimpin Indonesia sendiri.
Pada tanggal 14 Februari 1945, pasukan Peta di Blitar di bawah pimpinan Supriadi melakukan pemberontakan yang dikenal dengan nama "Pemberontakan Peta Blitar". Pemberontakan ini berhasil dipadamkan dengan memanfaatkan pasukan pribumi yang tak terlibat pemberontakan, baik dari satuan Peta sendiri maupun Heiho. Pimpinan pasukan pemberontak, Supriadi, hilang dalam peristiwa ini.
Tanggal 18 Agustus 1945, sehari setelah proklamasi kemerdekaan Republik Indonesia, Jepang mengeluarkan perintah untuk membubarkan kesatuan-kesatuan Peta. Sehari kemudian, panglima terakhir Tentara Keenambelas di Jawa, Letnan Jendral Nagano Yuichiro, mengucapkan pidato perpisahan.
Sumbangsih dan peranan tentara PETA dalam perjuangan melawan penjajahan Jepang demikian besar. Demikian juga peranan mantan Tentara PETA dalam kemerdekaan Indonesia. Beberapa tokoh yang dulunya tergabung dalam PETA antara lain mantan presiden Soeharto dan Jendral Besar Soedirman. Mantan Tentara PETA menjadi bagian penting pembentukan Tentara Nasional Indonesia (TNI) sejak Badan Keamanan Rakyat (BKR), Tentara Keamanan Rakyat (TKR), Tentara Keselamatan Rakyat, Tentara Republik Indonesia (TRI) hingga TNI. Untuk mengenang perjuangan Tentara PETA, pada tanggal 18 Desember 1995 diresmikan monumen PETA yang letaknya di Bogor. |
jawab jgn tak jawab...
nak tanya:
bagaimanakah sejarah akan mengabadikan orang2 yang ikut Peta?
apakah mereka ini dianggap sebagai 'pejuang kebebasan'? 'pembelot bangsa'? 'pengganas'? 'pembelot kepada raja british'? 'nasionalis'? |
Originally posted by zulyusoff at 27-8-2007 12:45 PM
Sejarah di tulis oleh golongan yg menang, jadi terpulang kpd pemenang tu utk tafsir kedudukan PETA.
Betul tuh |
Mana-mana pun boleh. Mungkin ideanya berasal dari seorang pemimpin indonesia sendiri, tapi bagi aku PETA ditubuhkan Jepun hanya untuk back-up tentera mereka yang mula mengalami kekalahan..bulan Oktober 1943, tentera Jepun dah mula berundur dari perimeter yang ditawan pada Disember 1941. |
Reply #13 Sonic's post
Unit tenetra Islam (Bosnia) tu ditubuhkan bukan apa...nak eksploitasi permusuhan antara etnik Bosnia dengan Serbia. Juga membolehkan unit tentera Jerman bertugas di medan yang lebih diperlukan seperti di Rusia.
Nasib mereka sama sahaja sepertimana unit2 tentera Jerman yang lain, dibunuh atau menjadi tahanan perang di Soviet Union. |
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