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yeah, antara aku nantikan film ni...
setakat ni, film ni plan utk release pada 8 February 2007 nnt, film blockbuster sempena CNY kut.... |
yeah yeah...aku pun tunggu citer nih gak..tapi aku rasa tak lepas lah...kalau lepas pong mesti ader yg kena cut...sana cut sini cut... |
same here.....tak sabar nk nengok citer ni..... |
Originally posted by king_kong at 13-11-2006 07:21 PM
Mel Gibson mengganas lagi...

"Apocalypto is a mythic historical drama set 600 years ago, prior to the 16th century Spa ...
bajet under 50mil...boleh kot..
arahan...mel jugak..
produce...mel lagi...
star actor...NONE.......
so.....under 50 mil....boleh je... |
Aku baca trivia pasal film ni dekat,
Because of heavy rains in Mexico, the released date had been changed from 4 August 2006 to 8 December 2006.
Lama betul musim hujan kat Mexico. Ada persamaan macam Passion of the Christ dlm aspek tertentu. Harap lepas censorship. |
Latest status for this movie to be shown in Malaysia:
Fox has also announce that Mel Gibson's epic movie, "Apocalypto", has been rejected for screening in Malaysia. Cinema Online understands that "Apocalypto" was not allowed to be shown because of intended censorship cuts which are deemed by the film-makers as 'detrimental to the integrity of the movie'.
Petikan sumber amik daripada CinemaOnline |
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Reply #9 laislabonita's post
tak jadi tyg kat mesia? :kant:  |
tgk trailer cite neh cam bestest je...
nk donlot la..bagus jgk xtyg kt mesia...
nnti bdk2 xleh tdo malam sbb takot..huhu |
dvd cinema version haku dah tgk..
best citer ni esp part yg mamat tu lari2 dlm hutan
dgn kata lain second part of the movie agak fast pace |
dah jual ke dvd dia. Aku semalam baru jalan kat kedai dvd tapi haraaaaam tak jumpa pun. |
hausmate aku dah beli lanun gambaq tak lawa lagi...
dia cakap best gila bab! cite nih..ntah le..aku pon tak tgk lg...tak sempat ar..byk keje...:jeling: |
antara filem yg aku nanti2kan tahun ni  |
citer nie best sbb it's the second film by mel to use a near-extinct language as the main and only medium of verbal conversation in the film. the first one was of course bahasa Aramaic (well, Aramaic mixed with Latin and Jewish) from the passion of the christ. yg nie guna bahasa Yucatec Maya language. tapi filem nie dikatakan byk historical inaccuracies dan dikritik oleh ahli sociologist, archeologist dan historians....
harap2 kalo mel buat filem lagi dia buat psl the ainu people dan bahasa diorg. ataupun salah satu bahasa urdu yg dah nk extinct tu (pernah tunjuk iklan psl that bhs kt national geographic ke hapa dulu)...tak igt bhs apa...
[ Last edited by IrvingLorenzo at 13-1-2007 01:44 AM ] |
tadi kawan aku ajak tengok..tapi tak tau plak macam best..:kant: |
It's a pure ACTION/CHASE movie. No more. No less.
Leave your brain and enjoy the ride.
Teringat tagline filem Minority Report: "Everybody Runs". Aku rasa tagline tu lebih sesuai guna untuk filem ni. Lariiiiii je dari awal sampai akhir.
[ Last edited by maberik at 13-1-2007 06:30 PM ] |
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