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New JDorama@8TV: BEWITCHED IN TOKYO (beginning 21 Feb 2006, Mon-Fri, 4.00 pm)
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beginning 21 February 2007 (Monday-Friday, 4.00 PM)...
Bewitched in Tokyo (TBS 2004)

Cast: Ryoko Yonekura, Taizo Harada, Manami Fuji, Asami Ishikawa, Sayaka Aoki, Shun Shioya, Mari Natsuki
Date aired in Japan: January-March 2004
No. of episodes: 11
Average rating: 11.2%
Official website:
Theme song: "Magic In Your Eyes" by Tommy February6
The wife is a witch! But she likes humans and she loves her husband.Arisa (Ryoko Yonekura) is fascinated by humans. So much so that she leaves the magic world. But the broom she uses is faulty and she winds up in Japan. There she meets Joji Matsui (Taizo Harada) who works at an advertising agency. Joji has been assigned by his boss Ichio Suzuki (Naoto Takenaka) the difficult task of winning over Shiori Nomo (Asami Ishikawa) who is in charge of corporate communications at a client. However a little word from Arisa helps Joji win over Shiori and his agency gets the opportunity to pitch. Arisa and Joji fall in love and marry. Arisa swears never to use magic again as she and Joji begin their strange witch/human married life. However, Arisa's mother, Daria (Mari Natsuki) wants to take Arisa back to her world and uses magic to be a nuisance to the new couple. Arisa has to take care of Joji's boss Suzuki who drops in all the time, the prying eyes of their neighbors (Fuji & Maggy) and the interference of her witch mother.
The original hit series aired in the U.S. from 1964 and in Japan from 1966. We have taken the best episodes from the original and added a Japanese spin to things like the Arisa and mother-in-law relationship in a complete remake of the series. It is a classy retro fantasy drama for all the family.
Other link:
Cast & Characters:
Ryoko Yonekura as ARISA MATSUI
Taizo Harada as JOJI MATSUI
Manami Fuji as KURAKO SASAKI
Asami Ishikawa as SHIORI NOMO
Shun Shioya as MASAYA KIDA
Mari Natsuki as DARIA
[ Last edited by whitedove at 21-2-2007 11:22 AM ] |
alahai.....  |
apsl lak kul 4pm |
ni ganti citer oh feel young tu ker? naper slot tu tayang jdorama laks? |
cam best je...
tapi hampeh..
tak leh tengok!!!
8tv ni tak skolah ker?
bengang tull aku!!! |
Originally posted by nzhass79 at 21-2-2007 11:12 AM
ni ganti citer oh feel young tu ker? naper slot tu tayang jdorama laks?
diorang nak main selang seli kot ngan citer2 Korea & Jepun...tapi satu benda la bermain kat kepala bila tgk iklan citer ni...
ni citer TBS! citer TBS! maknanya 8TV tak semestinya main citer2 Fuji TV lagi! 
bear in mind that slot hari Sabtu pukul 3 masih lagi ada... |
i just bought this cd... still tak sempat nak tgk.. |
Reply #1 whitedove's post
pukul 4pm??
takde ulang tayang ker..
kul 11mlm ker..
lama tak layan jdrama nii |
Reply #7 whitedove's post
betul tu.. kenapa tak tayang kat slot biasa jerk.. for sure aku tak dpt tgk langsung2.. baru 2 hari lepas tgk iklan citer nie..  |
ada jual cd dier kat tesco....... cite ni ambe dh tengok dh.... berulang2... pasni ptg ni nak tgk lg kat 8tv |
Reply #10 ckucin's post
rasa2nya 8TV tiba2 ter'banyak' stok Jdorama kot...yelah main sekali seminggu je camner nak abis...pastu Jdorama kat Jepun satu season lebih kurang 12 primetime dorama, setahun dah 48 jdorama main kat sana...bygkan la kita kat sini dpt tgk kat TV ciput mana la... |
Reply #11 laksamana_sunan's post
Originally posted by whitedove at 21-2-2007 12:56 PM
suka ye tgk citer nih?
aku tak suka lak tgk pun sampai cd2 jer...sapa suka aku jual cd aku tu.. korang try layan lak... |
Reply #14 PrincessFiona's post
haha, kawan aku pun ckp tak best sgt...setakat ni maklum balas yg aku dpt 50-50 la...aku pun tak tgk lagi citer ni, tapi takde lak rasa nak tgk...
tp ni citer TBS! hopefully, lepas ni akan main citer2 TBS yg best mesti cepat abis, 11 episod je...kalu betul perkiraan aku, 7 Mac dah abis... |
terlebih stok, tak tau nak letak mana ntah...mana lagi dia nak carik slot primetime... |
4pm?? mmg xleh nak tgk..
eh.. Asami Ishikawa ni penyayi kan?? |
Reply #2 whitedove's post

mamat ni sebagai apa dlm citer ni..cute nyer... |
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