Dari aku baca.square enix akan release 3 kingdom hearts; Kingdom Hearts Coded untuk mobile phone, Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days untuk DS, dan Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep untuk PSP
Masing-masing ada cerita tersendiri.Tapi kira yang betul-betul sequel kepada kingdom hearts II adalah untuk PSP. Aku pastekan artikel mengenai game ini untuk PSP:
Last but definitely not least of the three Kingdom Hearts games,Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep is a new title for the PSP. Fromchecking out the trailers, it felt the most like a true Kingdom Heartssequel of the three games (except that it's actually a prequel).Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep's trailer started off with the words"The distant past." And as it turns out, the game takes place beforeSora's era, back in the days when there were multiple "keyblademasters" around the world. We're introduced to two characters whom weassume are the protagonists: a blond boy who looks strikingly similarto Roxas, and an older, taller, black-haired guy who looks a bit likeFinal Fantasy VII's Zack in baggy pants.
Audiences who have finished playing through Kingdom Hearts IIwere in for a surprise. As it turns out, the bonus secret movie fromthe game was apparently an event that took place in the past. DuringBirth by Sleep's trailer, we saw the same landscape and bald man with agray goatee and yellow eyes that were featured in the KHII movie. Itseems certain that he plays a key role in the game, as the trailer tooktime to show him trying to influence the blond-haired boy in someunknown way, and also facing off in combat against the black-hairedman, who's trying to stop him. In another scene, he was seen shouting,"Use your powers to break the darkness and fix my wrongdoings!" At theend of the trailer, a figure who looked like Mickey Mouse appeared toconfront the bad guy with a weapon that looked like a cross between asword and a magic wand.
err..mula2 aku ingat sequel bakal kuar di PS3..bagus jugalah kuar untuk PSP! |