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Post time 7-1-2008 10:26 AM | Show all posts |Read mode
introducing jodi picoult
i would say her genre is not chic lit, but mostly touch on family issues - such as relationship between sisters, her issues are interesting...

I admit I'm not her ardent fan, and I had read only two books, but i feel that her books are engaging and realistic. Had read 'sister's keepers' , and totally loving it. the ending is always unexpected, as much as reading 'nineteen minutes'

Her biography (from her website)

Jodi Picoult, 41, is the bestselling author of fourteen novels: Songs of the Humpback Whale (1992), Harvesting the Heart (1994), Picture Perfect (1995); Mercy (1996), The Pact (1998); Keeping Faith (1999), Plain Truth (2000), Salem Falls (2001), Perfect Match (2002), Second Glance (2003), My Sister's Keeper (2004), Vanishing Acts (2005),The Tenth Circle (2006) and her newest novel, Nineteen Minutes, which debuted at number one on the New York Times bestseller list.

Picoult studied creative writing with Mary Morris at Princeton, and had two short stories published in Seventeen magazine while still a student. Realism - and a profound desire to be able to pay the rent - led Picoult to a series of different jobs following her graduation: as a technical writer for a Wall Street brokerage firm, as a copywriter at an ad agency, as an editor at a textbook publisher, and as an 8th grade English teacher - before entering Harvard to pursue a master's in education. She married Tim Van Leer, whom she had known at Princeton, and it was while she was pregnant with her first child that she wrote her first novel, Songs of the Humpback Whale.

In 2003 she was awarded the New England Bookseller Award for Fiction. She has also been the recipient an Alex Award from the Young Adult Library Services Association, sponsored by the Margaret Alexander Edwards Trust and Booklist, one of ten books written for adults that have special appeal for young adults; the Book Browse Diamond Award for novel of the year; a lifetime achievement award for mainstream fiction from the Romance Writers of America; Cosmopolitan magazine抯 慒earless Fiction



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 Author| Post time 7-1-2008 10:29 AM | Show all posts
My Sister's Keeper                                                                      Tajuk Buku: My Sister's Keeper
Penulis: Jodi Picoult
Dibeli Di: Dipinjam dari the-kek's owner

Watak Utama:
1. Anna, si adik yang terpaksa memberi dan memberi
2. Kate, kakak yang menghidap leukemia
3. Sara & Brian, ibu bapa Anna, Kate & Jesse
4. Jesse, si abang yang sentiasa melibatkan diri dalam masalah
5. Campbell, peguam Anna
6. Julia, penjaga Anna

Tentang Buku Ini:
Menceritakantentang kehidupan Anna yang sentiasa keluar masuk hospital, walaupunhakikatnya dia tidak sakit. Anna sentiasa diperlukan untuk membantukakaknya Kate yang menghidap leukemia seawal usia dua tahun. Annamerasakan dirinya tidak dihargai oleh ibunya, Sara dan sentiasamerasakan kehidupannya hanya berkisar kepada Kate yang sentiasabergantung kepadanya untuk apa-apa hal berkaitan kesihatannya.

Annamerasakan dia mungkin tidak akan wujud di dunia ini sekiranya Katetidak sakit. Anna wujud bukan dari hasil cinta ibu dan ayahnya tetapidisenyawakan di dalam makmal menggunakan teknologi canggih supayatulang sumsumnya hampir sama dengan kakaknya, Kate.

Annaterpaksa membuat satu keputusan pedih untuk menentang ibu bapanya danmembawa kesnya ke mahkamah supaya dia diberi hak terhadap penggunaantubuh badannya dan supaya dia tidak disuruh ibunya untuk mendermakanorgan badannya.

Apa Yang Saya Suka:
Pernahdengar tentang 'stem cell research'? Mungkin agaknya masih terlampauasing di dunia kita ini walaupun saintis barat tengah berusaha untukmelaksanakannya. Penulis mampu menyentuh isu ini yang bagi saya,sehingga saya dapat merasakan bahawa isu tersebut adalah isu sebenaryang berlegar-legar di sekeliling kita.

Pembawaan cerita ini,banyak menyentuh perspektif hampir setiap watak utama, dari ceritaSara, perasaan seorang ibu apabila mendapatinya anaknya sakit sehinggakepada cerita Jesse, anak lelakinya yang sentiasa berkelakuan tidakbaik. Ada cerita lain lagi yang menarik dan terselit, tentang hubunganCampbell dan Julia, tentang cerita Brian yang merasakan Anna patutdiberi hak untuk bersuara. Begitu juga konflik di dalam diri Anna, yangkadang-kadang kelihatan seperti sangat menyayangi kakaknya, Kate dandia merasakan keputusan untuk membawa kesnya ke mahkamah tidaksepatutnya berlaku.

Ada elemen mengejutkan, elemen tidak sangkayang wujud di dalam cerita ini dan pengakhiran cerita, mampu membuatkansaya menangis.

Apa Yang Saya Tidak Suka:

Mungkinagaknya kerana dari permulaan, cerita agak perlahan dan ada sesetengahperistiwa seharusnya tidak wujud. Pembacaan novel ini, memangmemerlukan kesabaran yang tinggi. Tetapi saya berjaya membaca darimukasurat 180 sehingga penghabisan semalam.



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Post time 20-4-2008 07:40 PM | Show all posts

Fast becoming a big fan

I was introduced to her books two weeks ago while I was in Borders and saw the Buy 3 for 2 special price section. I went off to buy two of her books; Nineteen Minutes and The Pact, and managed to finish both books in three days.

I've just finished reading My Sister's Keeper and the ending had me in tears. Memang menyedihkan dan tak sangka jadi macam tu.

But the best book by Jodi that I've read so far is Nineteen Minutes.



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 Author| Post time 20-4-2008 10:32 PM | Show all posts

Reply #3 shopaholik's post

yes, i like nineteen minutes
the aftermath of the school shooting - very powerful & moving
gives different perspective indeed
how the killer's mind works
you feel sad, and pity of him
the trauma he had gone through was bottled up all these while from yesteryears as small child till teenagers
interesting lookout, as some one said, "we do realise there's somebody who love the killer too..."

i can feel his sentiments, resentments, the bullying (US bullying trend is much on dangerous level)
Peter was stuffed with foods inside his trousers, called names, being called gay, the nerd who never scores, buit never fit in any group. best friend was the only girl, who he grew up with..he was supressed of his artistic ability. the girl he befriended left him, even though their moms bonded together. the girl was born out of wedlock, her mother is a judge.

surprising twist towards the end, flashback between current & historical issues - between chapters.
at first, it was shocking indeed, try shooting someone, and you feel that guy is cold blooded murderer. but then flashbacks seemed to recognise him as people. Peter was the underdog, since his late brother was an excellent student & sportsman.

yes, very POWERFUL indeed.

jodi picoult can be one of my fav author. i shared the book with my mom who is singing praises on jodi picolut capability



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Post time 20-4-2008 11:13 PM | Show all posts

Tajuk buku : Mercy
Pengarang : Jodi Picoult
Dibeli di MPH Midvalley

Watak Utama :
                                                        Cameron McDonald : chief polis di sebuah pekan kecil di Massachusett yang sudah mempunyai keluarga tapi ada secret affair dgn Mia, assistant kedai bunga isterinya sendiri (Allie).. huhuhu...
Jamie MacDonald : sepupu Cameron yang telah membunuh isterinya (Maggie) yg pesakit kanser... membunuh sebab atas permintaan wife dia sendiri. ???? Jamie muncul di dpn kedai bunga Allie dgn kereta isterinya... dgn mayat isterinya. Dgn freely dia mengaku bahawa dia lah yg membunuh isterinya dan meminta pertolongan dari Cameron untuk menyelesaikan masalah ini. Allie yg merasa kasihan pada Jamie sanggup menolongnye tetapi sebaliknya Cameron telah membuat keputusan utnk menangkap Jamie.
Allie : isteri Cameron Mc Donald yg terlalu menyintai suaminya wpun Cameron kadangkala tidak memperdulikan keperluan dan perhatian utknya.. menyediakan segala keperluan suami dan menjadikan hidup suami hampir sempurna... mempunyai sebuah kedai bunga.
Maggie : Isteri Jamie yg dikahwininya selama 12 tahun. Mengidap penyakit kanser kronik. Kanser itu telah merebak ke seluruh badannya dan tiada harapan untuk sembuh. Maggie telah meminta Jamie agar mengakhiri penderitaan yg ditanggungnya dgn mencabut nyawanya. Jamie enggan berbuat demikian akan tetapi cinta pada isterinya yg terlalu mendalam dan tak sanggup utk melihat penderitaan itu maka Jamie pun mengakhiri hayat isterinya. cara dia mengakhiri hayat isterinya?... kena baca buku.. hehehe..
Mia: pembantu kedai bunga Allie yg menjalinkan hubungan cinta dgn Cameron.
Graham : peguam bela Jamie yg juga kenalan Cameron.

Tentang Buku Ini:
Mercy ni ade 2 kisah sebenarnye卲ertama tentang JamieMacDonald, yg membunuh isterinye Maggie atas permintaan isterinye sendiri yg sudah tak tahan menanggung sakit yg dialaminye iaitu kanser. Yang keduanye berkisar pada Cameron MacDonald, sepupu Jamie yang ada affair dgn Mia, who is Allie抯 (Cameron抯 wife),assistant in her flower shop. Cameron terpaksa membuat keputusan yg berat dengan menangkap Jamie atas tuduhan membunuh isterinya.

Criter ini membawa satu persoalan.... sanggupkah kita membunuh org yg kita sayang atas permintaan dia sendiri? Ataupun adakah kita bersalah untuk menamatkan nyawa seseorang atas permintaannye sendiri?

Dlm hidup akan ada seseorang yg menyintai kita lebih dari kita menyintai beliau. so dalam criter ni Allie lah yg menyintai Cameron lebih dr Cameron menyintainya. Sanggup berbuat apa sj untuk Cameron. Namun Cameron hanya take Allie for granted aje. Tapi bila dia berjumpa dgn Mia, hidupnya menjadi berubah. dan end up with an affair dgn Mia di belakang Allie. Cameron tak sabar2 menunggu Allie keluar kota supaya dia dpt bersama dgn Mia yg baginya seorang gadis yg energetic dan memikat hatinya. Lain pula halnye antara Jamie dan Maggie yg sanggup berkorban apa saja untuk isterinya yg sedang sakit. tapi akhirnya hilang segala2nya kerana cinta. hilang isteri hilang kebebasan.... ditangkap kerana membunuh isterinya sendiri.

Jamie dibicarakan di mahkamah. Graham cuba membuktikan pada mahkamah bahawa penderitaan yg dialami oleh Maggie adalah tersangat kronik. menceritakan bagaimana kanser itu telah merebak ke seleuruh badan dan otak maggie yg membuatkan dia hilang pancaindera penglihatan. Jamie yg tidak sanggup melihat penderitaan itu menjadi separuh hilang akal yg mmbuatkan dia sanggup mengakhiri hayat isterinya

Sementara Allie pula dpt menghidu hubungan antara Cameron dan Mia dan menjumpai foto mereka berdua di dlm briefcase Cameron lalu pada mulanya mengambil keputusan utk keluar dr rumah. Tapi untuk jangkawaktu yg singkat Allie kembali semula kepada Cameron tapi kali ni Allie sudah hilang trust towards Cameron. Kali ini Allie nekad untuk tidak menjalankan tanggungjwbnya sebagai isteri lagi. Membiarkan Cameron menjalani hidup dgn sendiri membuat hidup Cameron tidak lengkap dan kehilangan. kiranya mase ni lah Cameron baru tersedar bahawa dia telah kehilangan sesuatu yg berharga di dalam hidup yang bisa membuat dirinya punah... hehehe.. sudah terantuk baru terngadah.

well, pendekata criter mercy ni adalah berkisar tentang cinta. cinta yg mendalam yg menyebabkan kita sanggup berbuat apa saja untuk cinta dan org yg kita cinta.

Apa yang Saya Suka:
Penceritaan sesuatu watak dengan detail yg buat kita dpt bayangkan karakter sesuatu watak tersebut dengan berkesan. Jodi dpt menghuraikan sesuatu konflik berat dgn detail dan menyentuh hati. konflik dlm diri Allie yg kecewa dgn sikap curang Cameron dan diri Jamie yg sedih dgn kehilangan isteri tersayang... membaca huraian hidup maggie yg menderita sakit kanser mmbuat hati tersentuh.

Apa Yang Saya Tidak Suka:
Part yg saya tak suka ialah bila Allie menerima Cameron kembali dlm hidupnya... hehehe.. tu saje.



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Post time 21-4-2008 08:02 AM | Show all posts

Reply #4 mardhiah12's post

bile nak bagi gue pinjam buku dia?

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Post time 21-4-2008 08:02 AM | Show all posts

Reply #5 zorroe's post

zorroe, lama tak nampak.. hi dear

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Post time 21-4-2008 01:21 PM | Show all posts

Reply #7 limau_nipis's post

hai cik limau, apa khabar?
kita ade... cuma slame ni bz uruskan umahtangge.
skarang ni dah ok skit... bleh la nak berforum pulak.

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 Author| Post time 21-4-2008 06:39 PM | Show all posts

Balas #6 limau_nipis\ catat

nak boleh
tanya best friend kita
aku baca sekejap sungguh buku tu
best woooo........

ni ingat nak cari buku 'the tenth circle' (yg murah la)
aftermath tentang teenager kena rape...
mesti powerful

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Post time 22-4-2008 11:50 AM | Show all posts

Reply #9 mardhiah12's post

nak la weiii

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Post time 22-4-2008 11:50 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by zorroe at 21/4/08 01:21 PM
hai cik limau, apa khabar?
kita ade... cuma slame ni bz uruskan umahtangge.
skarang ni dah ok skit... bleh la nak berforum pulak.

owh, sibuk ngan urusan rumahtangga rupanya..
semoga aktif berforum balik ye

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Post time 22-4-2008 05:09 PM | Show all posts

Reply #11 limau_nipis's post

boleh... no problem cik limau..

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Post time 23-4-2008 10:56 AM | Show all posts

Reply #1 mardhiah12's post

i cant say i despise her but as a type of person who always get carried away by books, i find her books are fairly depressing.
i baca The Pact last year, i can still remember the story because it was soooooo real it has a lasting effect on me.
The Pact is about a pair of young lovers' story that end up in tragedy because of a little accident. even the lawyer almost lose his belief in the defendant.
mmg gile. i rasa sedih sgt2 because i cant cope how humanity could be so biased and twisted, but in the same time so loving and compassionate.

that was the last of her in my book list.  hihihihi  
tgh concentrate buku2 philosophy lak



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 Author| Post time 25-4-2008 09:10 AM | Show all posts

Reply #13 redsinner's post

seriously, somehow, sometimes it's depressing
but you realise there are other perceptions, such as the ninenteen minutes' book demonstrate
i believe the power of jodi picoult's writings lay in the way she writes which somehow the realty and fiction's line in between can become quite blurry...



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Post time 25-4-2008 09:20 AM | Show all posts

Reply #14 mardhiah12's post

and that's a good writer, i assure you.. dapat wake up call kalau baca buku dia
the harsh reality of life

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Post time 27-4-2008 09:07 AM | Show all posts

Reply #14 mardhiah12's post

bunyi mcm sume org suke nineteen minutes.
nanti i borrow from my local library
thanks all!

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Post time 23-5-2008 12:51 AM | Show all posts
Yup, setakat ni dah sempat habiskan 6 and a half (tengah baca Vanishing Acts) and memang Nineteen Minutes is by far the best book I've read by her.

Paling tak suka baca is Picture Perfect. I don't know why but I find the protagonist and her husband to be extremely annoying.



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Post time 28-5-2008 10:29 PM | Show all posts
lepas baca aje My Sister's Keeper. I became a fan of her writing. can't wait for the movie adaptation. hope they stay true to the book.

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 Author| Post time 18-6-2008 08:21 AM | Show all posts

I just finished reading the tenth circle
if wasn't really engaging as nineteen minutes
but i definitely would rate it better than my sister's keeper
reason being, i like the way the writer wrote regarding the emotions evolving the daughter and the questionings & guessing that evolve. sometimes, you may think the daughter is the victim, but the other time, you will think the rapist is the victim (he may not rape the girl).
there are lots of shocking turns & discoveries...
there are some fresh elements in here...
comics slotted every end of chapter, quite interesting, even they have encrypted a message there to be found by readers.

rereading it? i don't know
i would say jodi picoult books are quite slow moving but engaging indeed.



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Post time 25-6-2008 08:55 PM | Show all posts
i just borrowed jodi picoult's the tenth circle. still left unread. but when i ran through the book, i saw insert of comic strip. hmmm... this will be quite interesting. need to finish off dan chaon's you remind me of me before moving to jodi picoult's book.

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