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Horoscope: 2008 LOVE Prediction

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Post time 5-2-2008 06:19 PM | Show all posts |Read mode
I'll start with mine


LOVE: You love being intimately connected withanother and have no problem sending out those signals. Your passionate,sensual and patient energy is given to others freely and peopleappreciate receiving your soothing energy. You possess a lot ofenthusiasm and easily communicate your deep feelings and strong desiresto have a love relationship, yet sometimes you hold back, monitoringand intellectualizing your interests in another instead of verbalizingyour romantic interest in having commitment in your life. You wouldprefer if they make the first move before you're comfortable enough tolet them know how you feel.

Muchof the transformation you will be experiencing this year will be inrelationships and in partnerships, helping you to see more deeply intoyour own motivation. Deep and profound changes in your dynamics oftogetherness will give you an opportunity to explore your deeper needsand personal desires in a new way that will change your life forever.You start the year off wanting to be in an intimate relationship, andthe blessings you experience will accumulate throughout the year --both financially and otherwise -- once you decide you are sure you wantto go forward.

Your whole life will bedramatically changed for the better and you may get deeply involved inthis relationship, because it will be amazingly transforming. You willfind new ways of establishing harmony when you focus on forming acloser emotional attachment. You find a lot of faith and trust in thisrelationship and incline to be very poetic about seeing things from amore high-minded viewpoint. You will find wisdom in sharing with eachother and finding your own independent inner strength. Learn acceptanceof each other through spontaneous communication of your spiritualideals and insights.

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Post time 5-2-2008 06:38 PM | Show all posts

Reply #1 ShinySTAR's post

Yang lain2...?

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 Author| Post time 5-2-2008 07:00 PM | Show all posts

Reply #2 Longhairlady's post


LOVE: You might be feeling the need to givemore of yourself to have your own needs met in this relationship. Youmay find some existing associations may change in some way. Perhapsfrustrations that have been building over time will come to a head, orthe relationship may transform itself utterly by ending.

Youwill feel comfortable and will like the idea of being with this personin a long-term commitment and get more of your personal needs met inyour home arena. Many of your prayers will be answered. You like beingin love and the idea of nesting, having children and a family, and maywant to settle down in a new way that you never felt possible before.

Asyou see more of a serious benefit of having a love partnership, you puta lot of energy wondering if this is the right person and willeventually feel a deep peace of mind about being connected more deeplyand more personally than ever. Expressing your needs will be very easyand you will feel you have a good balance in your relationship.Financially, this is a good time to tie the knot and you will feelsecure in moving forward.

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Post time 5-2-2008 08:56 PM | Show all posts

Reply #3 ShinySTAR's post

Nak tahu untuk mereka yg berbintang PISCES mcm sy...
10q in advance....

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Post time 5-2-2008 09:14 PM | Show all posts
madc capri...

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Post time 5-2-2008 09:41 PM | Show all posts
skit jer???.......... letak la semua....

nak gak tgk virgo n len2 punyer................

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Post time 5-2-2008 09:46 PM | Show all posts
virgo: tahun ini merupakan tahun cemerlang dan diwarnai dengan kejayaan.. sedikit kesusahan diawal tahun..usaha anda akan berjaya dan berterusan...
cinta:ada sedikit kekalutan
wang:heheheee...durian runtuh...
aku bleh bagi virgo jek..

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Post time 5-2-2008 10:17 PM | Show all posts
mane yg lain2 punya prediction?

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 Author| Post time 5-2-2008 10:37 PM | Show all posts
sorry guys. ptg tadi bz sket kat ofis. xsempat letak yg lain2.

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 Author| Post time 5-2-2008 10:38 PM | Show all posts

LOVE: This year, you may find yourselfattracted to someone you work with. Your passionate nature attractssomeone who shares your values and has a deep focus on their career.Consider spending free time together, sharing in activities that keepyou actively engaged with each other. Almost everything you do togetherwill allow you to feel a balanced flow of energy.

Asthe year progresses, you really like the idea of sharing your life withthis person. Hopefully, this person in will feel the same way! As youdeepen your own self-awareness, and recognize your own self-worth, youwill attract the love you need and deserve. When you find your perfectsoul mate, you an innate sense of closeness develops. You both revel inboth the natural world, and in lively social situations.

This year willbring positive changes in how you communicate with others, as well.Your passion and charm rise to the surface, and you yearn for a deepercommitment with the one you love. This could be the one to make youdream to walk down the aisle.

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 Author| Post time 5-2-2008 10:39 PM | Show all posts

Reply #7 fyieen's post

copy kat cleo ke ni?

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 Author| Post time 5-2-2008 10:41 PM | Show all posts

LOVE: By putting so much energy into yourindividual growth, it won't be surprising if you attract a wonderfulnew love into your life that reflects all your inner work. Takeadvantage of the opportunities for adventure that await you as youestablish a harmonious relationship this year. You and your true lovecan nestle away in bliss and have the open communication that is thebasis for a solid foundation in your future. Creating balance despite ademanding lifestyle will help you to attract the person you desire.

Havinga romantic love in your life will open up your whole existence tofeeling wonderful in all areas of your life. You magnify the goodfeelings you already have, and your partner can match your moods in anuplifting way. The more time you invest in creating happiness withinyour own heart and mind, the more your whole existence will feelwonderful. You have long awaited a commitment and your passion is hardto hide. Relationship security is very important, so going with theflow and appreciating what you have are will help you gain that whichyou want.

Stimulating moments can bring struggleand blessings at the same time. Spend time to reflect and meditate ifinsecurity or feelings of uneasiness strike. Consider practicalsolutions to move this relationship to the next level. What you do todraw on your inner strength will affect how you manifest expression inall areas of your life. The end of the year will be more fluid,bringing the rewards you are looking for.

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 Author| Post time 5-2-2008 10:42 PM | Show all posts

LOVE: You idealize having a close relationshipand spending time laughing, spending time in the moonlight andromanticizing until the wee hours of the morning. You have been goingthrough a lot of changes in your love life, and not so sure you candeal with the ups and downs that you have experienced in relationshipsin the past. You may want to enhance your playfulness and creativity byexploring cultural experiences where you can enjoy beauty with yourpartner. Excitement in your love life and enjoying the high life isvery appealing to you now.

Allthese fun and creative activities will help you and your partner tostrengthen your communication. Being spiritually connected with anotherhelps you to feel the equal energy of sharing. Your intense desire forfeeling connected to your love and taking it to the next step willtrigger a need to explore whether your dreams are being reciprocated.Discussions of partnerships and marriage are likely and, through thesetalks, you gain new insight into your desires.

Towardsthe end of the year you will want to openly share your innermostsecrets and passionate nature. The desire to be more connected to homeand your nesting instincts will want to be satisfied in this year ofnew beginnings.

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 Author| Post time 5-2-2008 10:52 PM | Show all posts
utk sosimple


LOVE: Many changes await your love life, thisyear. You need to feel harmonious in relationships, and that theloyalty of the people around you is strong. You value kindness andtrust between people above all things, and enjoy tender moments,flowers and sensuality. You are also changeable in your affections, andmay want something different and exciting on the spur of the moment.You will learn how to transform your partnership energy by being awareof the internal changes and differences in your own attitudes.

Restlessnessspurs you to seek out new and exciting ways to maintain your interestlevels. You need to have someone in your life that enjoys keeping upwith the lively activities that you pack into your busy socialcalendar. Your independent nature will feel satisfied, and you won'tfeel guilty for being away from home when your free spirit needs towander. You will enjoy the deep instinctual connection and will be morewilling to merge your sexuality and enjoy having an interpersonalrelationship. In spring, you should definitely be rocking and rollingwith this new love that brings charm to your world.

Familywill become more important to you as the year progresses, and youdefinitely feel thankful and blessed in many areas of your life. Youwill enjoy being taken out to concerts and social events and beingaround others that will appreciate your cultural tastes. By the end ofthe year, your attractiveness and desire draws a unique and lastingconnection with someone else (if it hasn't already). Communicationbetween the two of you is easy, gentle and kind, and you are wellmatched.

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 Author| Post time 5-2-2008 10:54 PM | Show all posts

LOVE: You like the idea of settling down withsomeone you love, and feel security of having a home together thatmatches your high ideals of beauty and comfort. You thrive on feelingvalidated for your creativity. Sharing in an intimate relationshipgives you an abiding sense of enjoyment. You have a strong intuitivesense what a good partnership requires and like the idea of being partof a unit rather than being on your own.

Getout there! Accept invitations to social gatherings and creative events,embracing the opportunity to find your perfect partner or soul mate.Your energy, at this time, is right to attract an intimate relationshipthat is both loving and mutually harmonious. You will be imbued withhappiness when you find that some of your romantic notions can befulfilled through travels with your sweetie. Or, you may enjoy a soloadventure to help you gain perspective on life and romance. Taking timeto enjoy the company of someone with similar high standards will leadto romantic fulfillment. Children also play an important part in givingyou joy and loving energy, as your big heart helps to bring out theircreative and loving gifts.

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 Author| Post time 5-2-2008 10:55 PM | Show all posts

LOVE: You will enjoy the classic romance ofmoonlight walks and candlelit dinners with your partner, this year.Having a committed relationship also filled with love and passion isone of your primary desires, and fulfills your emotional and eroticnature. You like the idea of having family and children. Take advantageof your desires to settle down and freely give of yourself to others.Home is very important, and you thrive on a need to have inner peaceand family security.

Yourintuition and idealism in your approach to love makes you feel quiteattracted and excited about nurturing all the energy you are feeling.Love comes easily to you, this year, through charm and finesse. You canbe in tune with your partner more than they can ever realize. You mayalso know things that he or she may not want to be revealed to youbecause of your tremendous psychic abilities, and strong instincts fordistinguishing truth from fiction. For you to feel loved, nurtured andpassionately cared for is a must.

You willbecome quite moody if others aren't sensitive to your deeper needs. Attimes you may feel hurt by your partner, and may go deep within andfind a creative and spiritual resource instead of immediately lashingout. This will help you process your emotions until you can communicateexactly what you need to. Your deep emotions will require that you areunderstood: you know what you want and what is important to you. Youwill require others to understand you before you care to share withthem your most intimate secrets.

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 Author| Post time 5-2-2008 10:57 PM | Show all posts

LOVE: You strive for perfection, using yourwarm nature as a guide. Having an intimate relationship will be veryimportant, as you seek a partner to match your high energy levels. Youenjoy having a partner that will respond to the charm that you radiate.Communication of your own ideals will be easy as you discuss sharedvisions with your partner.

Youmay become dreamier this year, allowing spiritual ideas of connectingwith another to become a driving force in your life. People will bevery attracted to your warm and generous nature and your happy-go-luckyattitude. Your identity is based on and maintaining harmony and balancein your relationship, and this is one of the most important aspects ofwho you are. In the spring, you will enjoy snuggling up to the love ofyour life. With all the changes you've been feeling in your home life,it will be nice to have someone that's comforting and nurturing to helpmake your home more comfortable.

If you don'thave a love relationship, or if you are already in one, by the summer,you will be falling in love all over again. The needs and wants ofothers are just as important as your own. You learn to balance yourrelationship this year, and communication becomes easier and moreimportant to you as you learn to accept both your differences andsimilarities. You are feeling totally connected and passionate in thisintimate relationship. Your are on fire, and may just get more deeplyenthralled with the idea of having love as the focus of your time.

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 Author| Post time 5-2-2008 10:59 PM | Show all posts

LOVE: As much as you are feeling independent,love is definitely coming your way this year. You are attractingsomeone who appreciates you and your conscientious basic values. Youare poetical and musical and will be radiating your positive energy andneeds very easily. You will feel very energized when you meet someonespecial and you will have a close relationship. Yourinvolvement in this intimate relationship will take a lot of yourenergy in striving to achieve a harmonious balance.

Tolerance anddiplomacy may be required. Remember to keep your sensitivity in checkand exercise gentleness and patience to work through difficultsituations. You prefer not having to stand up for yourself in aconfrontational way and it could be challenging if you forget that youattract more bees with honey than with vinegar. You can't afford to beoverpowered by adversity.

Your great energy willhelp you to focus on making whatever changes you need to feel morecomfortable and learn that your love is a work in progress. Socially,you will enjoy mingling and being actively engaged with people from allwalks of life. Your objective nature will benefit you a lot this year.You may want to expand your relationship to make time for moreactivities. Have fun together to bring the two of you closer together.You have a lot of faith in yourself, as well as in your relationship,and your enthusiasm will definitely rub off. You may find that you willbe swept off your feet and, in the blink of an eye you, could beengaged. You feel very comfortable realizing how nice it is having anintimate relationship and feeling whole, complete and young at heart.

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 Author| Post time 5-2-2008 10:59 PM | Show all posts

LOVE: You enjoy spending time searching thedepths of your awareness of where you stand on certain issues. Thisyields positive results in terms of effectively communicating inpartnership. You appreciate a person that is not hung up on mundanereality. You feel a strong connection between one's inner awareness andthe deep and nebulous realms of magical inner worlds. The closeness inyour personal relationship will be very comfortable this year as youare able to give of yourself in a more intimate way and be able to getthrough some of the fears you may have had about being in a loverelationship.

Youare feeling very passionate and are very energized by having such awonderful relationship. You notice your urges for personal security andsurprise yourself with how spontaneous you are in communicating yourlove to another. You will be able to bring your relationship to ahigher level this year, and by this summer, you will seek more of acommitment. It's very helpful to maintain your idealistic picture ofhow you want your relationship to manifest. You will be amazed at thesense of healing in your relationship the year, and how much you areable to help others by your example of overcoming any fears from thepast.

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 Author| Post time 5-2-2008 11:01 PM | Show all posts
utk Longhairlady


LOVE: Having love, spiritually and security inyour relationship is one of your most intimate goals. You are verysensitive to what others say and do. Your emotions and intuition helpyou translate your sensitivity into compassion through your mysticalapproach of uniting with another on a higher level. Draw from yourintuitive abilities to make good and decisions in all areas of yourlife. You feel as if you have a high spiritual calling when it comes tomarriage, and relationships in general.

Yoursweet intensity, charm and attractiveness lure others to you. This isespecially promising around the summer, when you become very interestedin the possibility of settling down and having children. Emotionalsecurity is a big thing for you and throughout the year you experiencemany life lessons through your relationships. Your strong capacity forjoy and giving deepens your relationships and creates loving harmonyand balance.

Your urge to be devoted to yourpartner is strong, yet sometimes it's hard to learn to become moreemotionally detached so you can rely on your inner strength duringstormy times. It is important for you to have someone that appreciatesyour mystical wisdom and attitudes; otherwise, you become restless andoverly sensitive. You are a naturally intuitive person and see thingsfrom a perspective that others may not. The challenges you mayexperience in your love partnership will mainly be around learning tointegrate and balance your own growth and create more harmony in yourrelationship. You will deepen your connection as the year unfolds, andlearn to take responsibility for your own feelings.

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