
stylish touch screen phone
Full Touch Screen with "New touch UI" phone that has a slim and minimal design. Equipped with a 5 Megapixel auto-focus camera with LED flash, 3.5G connectivity, high-speed data connectivity and mobile blogging function. This stylish touch screen phone is designed to meet all your multimedia needs.

Aku dah beli hp ni... sebelum launch kat mesia lagi.... bagi aku phone ni mmg best... its not a pda phone... its a touch phone... using touchwiz technology (drag & drop function)
mmg sleek... nipis... solid.. takk bulky... tgk kat bawah untuk description pasal phone ni...

full touch screen with 揘ew touch UI擺/b]
Enjoy the ease with which the full touch screen operates. New touch UI brings new standards of convenience for the consumer, from menu reorganisation to a new look for the icons. Intuitive to use, the UI makes navigating the mobile come naturally. In addition, widgets allow users to customise the user interface in a way that suits their personal needs.

5 megapixel camera with auto-focus
Enjoy the luxury of having a 5 Megapixel camera on your mobile phone. Day or night, you can expect great photos with features like Power LED and Image Stabilisation. Bloggers can enjoy the convenience of being able to upload their photos directly to blogs and websites, without any PC connection.

slim & minimal design
Enjoy the look of this cutting-edge mobile just as much as its impressive functions. The minimal size, sleek display and cool brushed metal body exude sophistication, especially when paired with the luxurious leather case. The design appeals to your sense of aesthetics.

super-fast 3.5G connectivity
Whether downloading large files, streaming videos, surfing the web or even holding video conversations, everything is easier than ever with 3.5G speed up to 7.2Mbps. The full browser lets you surf the web on your mobile, just as you would on your PC.

record your thoughts on the go
Mobile blogging is a feature that allows you to upload items including photos and videos taken on your mobile to your blogs, social online networks and other websites without going through a computer.
medangtamang : untuk full spec phone ni... bole layari website Samsung @ http://www.samsung.com/sg/consumer/detail/spec.do?group=mobilephone&type=mobilephone&subtype=fashionphone&model_cd=SGH-F480ESAXSO&fullspec=F
Ehsan : http://www.samsung.com.sg & http://www.samsung.com/sg/consumer/detail/features.do?group=mobilephone&type=mobilephone&subtype=fashionphone&model_cd=SGH-F480ESAXSO
[ Last edited by medangtamang at 7-7-2008 09:21 AM ] |
sorry kalau off topic.
laki aku baru beli samsung e840.. susah ler os dia.. tak user-friendly.. banyak bug.. nak install game pon nak kena crack.. theme pon susah nak cari..
ada sapa2 tau tak kalau2 samsung ada release patch ker.. update ker.. |
medang tamang ni ada kaitan ngan medangmru ke... |
Reply #3 tuan_wu's post
adik bradik kot |
Reply #4 nik2121's post
tgh tggu respon ni............ |
Reply #5 tuan_wu's post
bos mung tadok kat ofis ke? |
Reply #6 nik2121's post
ade....tp bos no 2....
kalo bos no 1....hancus harapan nak forem....:kant: |
Reply #7 tuan_wu's post
ni mesti bos bekeng |
Originally posted by bawanghitam at 7-7-2008 09:23 AM 
sorry kalau off topic.
laki aku baru beli samsung e840.. susah ler os dia.. tak user-friendly.. banyak bug.. nak install game pon nak kena crack.. theme pon susah nak cari..
ada sapa2 tau ...
game ori ke, game pirate? |
Reply #1 medangtamang's post
Reply #11 nik2121's post
kalo crack ni biasanya pirate.
sbb kalo ori takyah crack, tapi patch (tampal) aje. |
Reply #12 bzzts's post
owh... ye ke? |
Reply #8 nik2121's post
dok bekeng...tp yer jenis tegas skit.......... |
Reply #14 tuan_wu's post
mesti mung buke Microsoft Word sokmo kalu die lalu |
Reply #15 nik2121's post
dia cuti arini..... |
Reply #16 tuan_wu's post
cuti bersalin? |
Balas #9 bzzts\ catat
game donlod ler.. ada yang ori ngan crack kerr?
tak. masalahnya, nak install tuh bukan men susah.. kena carik code untuk install ler... dia bukan boleh masok je.. memang takde yang boleh masok pon takat ni.. |
Balas #17 nik2121\ catat
cuti rehat..... |
| |