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Underworld : The Rise of the Lycans - (Jan 2009)
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Underworld: Rise of the Lycans is the third installment in the Underworld series.
It is a prequel set prior to Underworld and Underworld: Evolution, covering the origins
of some characters.
Synopsis : -
The prequel will trace the origins of the centuries-old blood feud between the aristocratic
vampires and their onetime slaves, the Lycans (werewolves).
In the Dark Ages, a young Lycan named Lucian (Sheen) emerges as a powerful leader who
rallies the werewolves to rise up against Viktor (Nighy), the cruel vampire king who has
enslaved them.
Lucian is joined by his secret lover, Viktor's daughter Sonja (Mitra), in his battle against
the Death Dealer army and his struggle for Lycan freedom.
Cast :
Michael Sheen ... Lucian
Rhona Mitra ... Sonja
Bill Nighy ... Viktor
Craig Parker ... Sabas
Steven Mackintosh ... Andreas Tanis
Tania Nolan ... Luka
Kevin Grevioux ... Raze
Jared Turner ... Xristo
Directed: Patrick Tatopaulos
Release date : 27th January 2009 -
cerita ni gothics sikit... dan sesiapa yang tengok both underworld
and evolution.... mesti nak tengok yang #3 ni ---
saya part2 vampires tu.. kena pejam mata aje la.
yang sad thing tu... tak ada la kate beckinsale .. - |
Balas #1 dexa\ catat
bill nighy yg jadi davy jones dlm pirate tu kan? suka betul dia pegang watak pelik2 cmni, tp takde kate beckinsale, takbest la
-sayatak suka underworls evolution tu, terlalu cheesy dan pop corn, underworld pertamam memang best, dark, misteri |
Originally posted by sekngucing at 30-12-2008 01:35 AM 
bill nighy yg jadi davy jones dlm pirate tu kan? suka betul dia pegang watak pelik2 cmni, tp takde kate beckinsale, takbest la
-sayatak suka underworls evolution tu, terlalu cheesy dan pop corn, ...
a'ah.. the same person.. - dia memang sokmo
dapat watak camtu --
saya tak tengok evolution... tengok yang first aje -
tu pun.. asyik tutup mata aje -
saya ni... takut sikit cerita hantu2 gothic seram2 tu ... |
Balas #3 dexa\ catat
la, mana seram sangat, cuma ganas je, lagi seram film2 hantu ygmerangkak2 cam ju-on, saya tgok tak tido mlm tu trauma dok pikir pasalju-on ni |
Reply #4 sekngucing's post
seram...ganas macam kambing...
tapi bukan hantu.. so sebab tu saya pergi
juga first underworld tu...
ju-on hantu exorcist semua tu... memang
TAK AKAN tengok...
yang baru akan keluar -
the unborn -
sorry la saya tak akanpergi tengok...
masa gazette kat wayang - saya pandang bawah aje -
dengar music dan script dia dok jerit2 music terkejut2
memang tak akan tengok punya - |
Balas #5 dexa\ catat
the unborn ni hollywood punya ke? msti ciplak yg thailand punya sebabada satu film thai tu gambar poster dia memang saya ingat sampaisekarang, gambar hantu bwh katil pesakit di hospital eeeee dah meremangbulu roma ni
-film2 hantu thai ni memang seram la, kalau hollywood, smua saya brani tgok sorang2
-sbnarnya ju-on tu saya tgok sorang2 masa main kat tv7 dulu, lampututup, adik2, mak bapak semua takde, tgok sorang kat tingkat atasarumah saya, seraammmm sgtt |
Reply #6 sekngucing's post
beraninya tengok sorang2.. lampu tutup semua... -
kalau saya lah... nak masuk tandas pun tak berani -
btw - masa sekn tengok underworld dulu -
camana -- suka tak -?
rasa2nya yang ketiga ni... boleh tarik penonton ke - |
Reply #6 sekngucing's post
hollywood punya movie... bukan thai -
tak tahulah kalau ciplak -
nanti saya cari tentang movie ni -
boleh kita check it out - |
Balas #7 dexa\ catat
sebenarnya tak tahu ntv7 akan tayang ju-on mlm tu, dah dia tayang, cuba2 la tgok, last2 takut |
Balas #7 dexa\ catat
underworls yg first tu best, yg dua kurang sikit, tp yg akan dtg ni harap2 best la tgok poster pun dah rasa serius dan dark nya muka bill nighy/viktor tu
-yg no dua, yg makhluk kelawar tu tak best la sebab dia dan adik dia yg werewolf besar senang je mati
-yg first tu viktor memang power la, dia cekik werewolf sebelah tangan je dh mampus |
Reply #10 sekngucing's post
saya suka aje yang first tu -
viktor tu memang power gila.. -
lol @ cekik sebelah tangan dah mampos -
yang kedua tak tengok sebab bila tengok gazette
macam seram2.. dan macam tak ada sambutan sangat -
yang #3 ni - tengok gazette hari tu.. nampak macam best
muka viktor tu makan lama makan macam seram aje
especially tang mata... - rasanya nak tengok juga la
next year - wont be the best picture and all - tapi
mungkin interesting - |
mesti sambungn dia ni bes..aku dah tengo 1 dan 2 ...memang best..tak rugi tengo panggung...kalau masuk la.. |
Balas #14 ninja9\ catat
best, emmang best pasrt lawan/fight semua tp jalan cerita, kemisteriusan dan kegelapan lagi nampak pd underworld yg first la |
oooo rhona mitra ni yg berlakon doomsday tu ke? sesuai la dia ganti kate beckinsale, dlm doomsday pun memang gaya dia ala2 kate takpun jennifer ganer, hot girl kicking @ss |
Balas #17 sekngucing\ catat

-muka pun dah iras2 kate beckinsale kan?
-bwh ni saya quote dari the movie
" have to say that Underworld has given us the sexiest and hottest Vampires and Werewolves ever. It is just impossible for Kate Beckensale to look bad, and we now get a second movie with her tasty visage slinked into a tight leather suit, kicking ass and shooting them up. Now in the third Rhona Mitra takes on the sexy death dealer role." |
yep... filem wajib tonton awal tahun nih.. |
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