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HELP DESK Astronophy

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Post time 8-3-2009 04:10 PM | Show all posts |Read mode
Edited by casio at 7-5-2020 08:33 PM

pada forumers yang ada apa2 :

1. persoalan

2. cadangan

3. bantuan

dari pihak mod dan juga dari kawan2 porumers yang lain...bley ler  post kat thread ni wokey mate!!  :victory:

post2 yang tak berkenaan dan offtopik; aku akan tolong split kan  

selamat berporem mate!!  :victory:

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Post time 8-3-2009 05:30 PM | Show all posts
cool.. aku pun xtau cdgn jenis ape nk letak..

just komen kot... komennye adelah, para forumer mesti faham prosedur2 mengemukakan kesimpulan dlm bidang sains n math. sebab tu board ni wujud. kalau nak main humban je, pegi kt board borak..

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Post time 8-3-2009 05:50 PM | Show all posts
saya mencadangkan agar admin dapek pertimbangkan ntok pisahkan board neh

astronomi + geografi = jadik satu board
sains + maths + teknologi = jadik satu board

sekian ..

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 Author| Post time 8-3-2009 09:52 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by aku_EnSeM at 8-3-2009 17:30
cool.. aku pun xtau cdgn jenis ape nk letak..

just komen kot... komennye adelah, para forumer mesti faham prosedur2 mengemukakan kesimpulan dlm bidang sains n math. sebab tu board ni wu ...

pada pendapat aku.... tarak masalah  kalu porumer tak faham prosedur2 nak kemukakan kesimpulan  dlm bidang sains and maths... bukan sumer yg masuk porem  MOSTI tau  hal maths and science mate..... dan kalu dia nak post juga.. dan bertanya  etc etc...  tak yah ler  sesapa nak rasa bongkak  macam tahu sumer....  sbb  porum ni  untuk sumer... yang pandai  ker  yang tak pandai ker... yang keja  janitor macam aku ker... or yang keja dentist  mcm  best friend aku si beskot......

bod  maths and science wujud untuk porumer  bertanya hal2 tu... dan kalu depa tak tau... sesapa yang tau  bley tolong.... kalu tanak tolong pun  no hal.... nak tolong   hah! baguih......

jadik tak yah ler  sesapa yg memandai2 nak cakap  ni board  kena tahu prosedur  sumer utk kemukakan kesimpulan........ pada aku sebagai moderator kat sini aku WELCOME anybody yang nak post di sini... apa2 thread saje.... tak tahu nak kemukakan kesimpulan pun  bley post... kalu ada silap..hah!! mana2 yg bijak laksana  bley tolong tunjukajar....;       pada yang offtopic  dan sajer carik pasal  gadoh tak hengat ke hulu ke hiliq... no hal gak.. aku tolong split ajer  post2 yg tak berkenaan....

wokey  mate!!... :victory:

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 Author| Post time 8-3-2009 09:53 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by naen at 8-3-2009 17:50
saya mencadangkan agar admin dapek pertimbangkan ntok pisahkan board neh

astronomi + geografi = jadik satu board
sains + maths + teknologi = jadik satu board

sekian ..

aku dah pm pada admin  few times... tentang perkara tu.... so  kita tunggu  jawapan admin....

wokey mate!! :victory:

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Post time 9-3-2009 12:08 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by amazed at 8-3-2009 09:52 PM

pada pendapat aku.... tarak masalah  kalu porumer tak faham prosedur2 nak kemukakan kesimpulan  dlm bidang sains and maths... bukan sumer yg masuk porem  MOSTI tau  hal maths and science ma ...

Memang betul, aku x expect sume yg masuk board ni pakar sains.

Tapi, klu nk buat conclusion, kene ikut method yg betul. amazed tgk x dlm beberapa thread, d mana forumer buat conclusion x ikut prosedur yg betul?

Berbincang mmg xyah ikut prosedur. Sye stress psl buat kesimpulan, kene betul2. Bukan buat kesimpulan membabi buta. Logically, yg berani buat kesimpulan adalah org yg dh lme dlm bidang ni, xkn xtau prosedur lg? Org yg masuk tnye psl bende x arif psl sains, so kite org sains tlg buat kesimpulan yg kukuh utk diorg. Bukannye kite sendiri xpandai buat kesimpulan.

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Post time 9-3-2009 12:10 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by amazed at 8-3-2009 09:52 PM

pada pendapat aku.... tarak masalah  kalu porumer tak faham prosedur2 nak kemukakan kesimpulan  dlm bidang sains and maths... bukan sumer yg masuk porem  MOSTI tau  hal maths and science ma ...

Xpe r klu amazed nk biarkn bende ni jadi je, cume sye risau ngan post2 yg bercanggah dgn fakta. Dan forumer yg berpegang dengan kesimpulan yg dibuat tanpa melalui analisis yg betul.

Sye boleh tapis input, cmne plak ngan org yg xleh tapis input?

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 Author| Post time 10-3-2009 12:11 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by aku_EnSeM at 9-3-2009 12:10

Xpe r klu amazed nk biarkn bende ni jadi je, cume sye risau ngan post2 yg bercanggah dgn fakta. Dan forumer yg berpegang dengan kesimpulan yg dibuat tanpa melalui analisis yg betul.

Sye bo ...

jgn ko susah hati dan risau sampai tak lalu makan lak....;  bukan pasal nak biarkan.. kalu worang tu tanak terima penjelasan.. masih nak rasa dia gak betul... biaq pi.. bukan benda2 tu akan rosakkan kepercayaan ko atau ubah pendapat ko...  buat tarak tau ajer ngan worang camtu...  ko leh betul kan..  baguih... dia nak terima atau tanak terima.. bukan masalah ko dah...   

aku tanak ulang benda yg sama...  aku dah ckp dah... tak yah kita nak tunjuk lagak pandai sumer...  worang tanak terima pendapat kita.. dan penjelasan kita... walau pun dia dah canggah dgn fakta.. ko tak leh nak paksa dia terima... for god sake mate!!!  it is only a forum... worang tanak terima tu dia punya hal... dia nak pegang dgn kesimpulan dia tanpa analysis yg betul   bukan masalah ko dan worang lain...  ko leh beritahu dan bagi fakta ko... dia tanak terima...  ada ko kesah???  aku cayer ko bley alehkan discussion dgn worang2 lain yg nak berbincang...  

wokey mate..   :victory:

now - kalu worang ada apa2 bantuan dan persoalan.. bley kemuka di sini...  aku suker ajer kalu ada porummer pun tolong sama2 jawab soklan2 tu...  korang tahu  korang jawab.. korang tarak tahu... bley challo ajer.....  :victory:

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Post time 10-3-2009 12:43 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by aku_EnSeM at 9-3-2009 12:08

Memang betul, aku x expect sume yg masuk board ni pakar sains.

Tapi, klu nk buat conclusion, kene ikut method yg betul. amazed tgk x dlm beberapa thread, d mana forumer buat conclusion x i ...

eh I  am interested to know on what is termed as the right concluding remark ni , this is interesting ?
u know as summary points gitu?

hmm usually the thread has always been an opened ended dicussion...depends...

well..pasal yg nak buat fakta sendiri tu well you know .....well either  to get him back on the track or just assist those who youwould seemed to be easily confused with  scientific concepts....sapa sapa jer lah  tapi i do note your concern pasal silap  fakta tu's  akind of crime ....fakta tu salah bukan pendapat kan? if it is just a mere opinion then i tak kisah sangat .....ini yg challenging tu ...

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Post time 10-3-2009 08:11 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by mbhcsf at 10-3-2009 12:43 AM

eh I  am interested to know on what is termed as the right concluding remark ni , this is interesting ?
u know as summary points gitu?

hmm usually the thread has always been an opened end ...

Ahaha... Sorry klu forum.cari ni open ended discussion...

Psl ade 1 mse tu aku lepak tmpt laen, setiap thread die akan ade conclusion, d mne moderator akan tgk setiap post n betulkan ape yg silap, and thread tu officially selamat utk dibace semue org. But, thread psl buat teori baru n psl religious n philosophical discussion xde cmtu. Mungkin psl tu forum tu haramkan perbincangan gune Holy Books n yg buat teori bru.

Terbawak2 kt forum ni plak. Sori.

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Post time 10-3-2009 06:29 PM | Show all posts
just now i feel happy to discuss something but now not anymore...for a while.

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Post time 10-3-2009 09:16 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by amazed at 10-3-2009 12:11 AM

jgn ko susah hati dan risau sampai tak lalu makan lak....;  bukan pasal nak biarkan.. kalu worang tu tanak terima penjelasan.. masih nak rasa dia gak betul... biaq pi.. bukan benda2 tu akan ...

Thats a good personality to practice, Mr. moderator. However, there is something to think about.

In other forums, people correct others that are wrong, and they accepted their mistakes. Me too, learn a lot from them, we share knowledge together. Nevertheless in this forum, lantak korg la nk pkir ape... Is this a forum, in some sense?

People go in with questions, people go out from forum.cari with a lot more questions. I guess, this is not a forum.

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Post time 10-3-2009 09:55 PM | Show all posts

Reply #12 aku_EnSeM's post

sebab tu for STAM board actually  they need somebody with the body of knowledge ....

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Post time 10-3-2009 11:08 PM | Show all posts
rilek bro,

th beauty of discussion is when there is people who disagree with you...

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Post time 11-3-2009 12:33 AM | Show all posts
u know what guys

i think semua org dah  gone haywire lah

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Post time 13-3-2009 07:04 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by me_ai at 10-3-2009 11:08 PM
rilek bro,

th beauty of discussion is when there is people who disagree with you...

Disagree and accepting mistakes, yea.

Disagree and ignoring facts, nope.

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Post time 13-3-2009 07:15 PM | Show all posts
Hey, mne pegi mod2 dulu yg memang pakar dlm bidang masing2? Miss them....

Aku masuk tahun ni, sume mod dh tuka.... Mod nk berkenalan dgn para porumer x?

Xkenal maka xcinta...

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Post time 13-3-2009 08:30 PM | Show all posts

Reply #17 aku_EnSeM's post

u  know i miss these names

Papa ( well u are here now)
mail golok - your solvay Conference is cute
Tengku Anis
Vixen pun ada
...? Mahsuri

where have these namea gone

hey Sarah Radzi, if you happpned to be here you could be making loads of fun too....

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 Author| Post time 14-3-2009 08:18 PM | Show all posts

Reply #12 aku_EnSeM's post

In other forums, people correct others that are wrong, and they accepted their mistakes. Me too, learn a lot from them, we share knowledge together. Nevertheless in this forum, lantak korg la nk pkir ape... Is this a forum, in some sense?

well.. baguih ler kalu other forum other people corrected others yang silap.. dan bley accept mistake...  dan bley belajar mcm2 sumer  all those stuff bla bla bla  

dan ada juga forum yg tarak suka... worang dok korek mistakes... ada worang yang tak leh accept mistakes... yg still nak tunjuk lagak bla bla bla.... seperti aku cakap..... to each his own....

kalu ko share knowledge buat baguih sumer.. kudos  to you.... ada worang yg tak seghoper mcm tu.. dan mcm aku dah ckp banyak kali..tu depa punyer masalah.. dan depa punyer hal... ko jgn lak ingat sumer worang MOSTI jadik cam ko   nak share sumer  accept sumer mistakes bla bla bla wokeyyyyy mate....

People go in with questions, people go out from forum.cari with a lot more questions. I guess, this is not a forum.

ada yg masuk forum bukan nak bertanya ini tu.. tapi  saje  nak carik pasal tunjuk lagak... bongkak bodoh sombong  tulis bodoh ignorant stuff.... banyak camtu mate..... so  kalu ko bukan worang camtu... again  kudos tu you......tapi kalu ada worang camtu.... hah!!!  aku dah jawab di post2 aku sebelum nih....

so lagi sekali aku nak cakap mate......  ko nak berforum dan share knowledge ko... corrected people yang silap fakta.... dan apa saje yg ko nak contribute mate.......... you are most welcome -

and again.. aku ingatkan ko... jangan lagi ko nak expect worang lain mcm tu juga... wokeyyyyyyyy

jika ko dah bley accept will be a better place on earth for you... :victory:  dan tak yah ler lagi nak complaint pasai  worang lain yang tak reti berforum tu.... yg tak banyak knowledge mcm ko... ramai yang not give a shit about it mate..... wokeyyy mate  :handshake:

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 Author| Post time 14-3-2009 08:39 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by mbhcsf at 10-3-2009 21:55
sebab tu for STAM board actually  they need somebody with the body of knowledge ....

ya ker??  oh btw ni bukan STAM ler syida.. LMFAO...     

tak seMOSTI nya need somebody with body of knowledge.... ko nak based on what ekkkk.. ingat prof maths and science kat UM nak masuk sini berforum ker....  kalau nak tahu tentang knowledge lebih banyak lagi... bley baca buku2 berkenaan.. gi live seminar...pi library...  pshawwwww banyak option lain wokeyyy mate!!...   tu kalu betul2 nak tahu lebey lanjut ler.. bukan saje  cakap2 zero

kat sini...   sesapa saje yang nak contribute.. yang tahu pasai subject tu ker...  tarak tahu ker.... bley saje... ada worang tahu this and that... ada worang tahu.. ini dan itu...   ada worang tarak suka share.. ada worang suker share....

jadik.. tak yah cynic dgn post2 yang tanya mana pigi mod2 atau porummers  dulu ler... dulu lebey baguih ler.. ini ler itu ler...MOTIVE?

aku akan split ajer post2 yang tak berkenaan mcm aku dah beritahu kat post #1...  tak yah nak tanya2 mana pigi sumer porummer2 tu bukan bod and thread utk lost and found... ko nak tahu...  carik contact dia ker....jaman sains & technology nih... MOSTI ko leh tahu cara2 nak jejak kasih nih....kalau nama dia member forum ni.. hah!!  ko pi  PM ajer dia wokeyyy    bukan dok tanya ke hulu ke hiliq kat sini.... apa hal?? sajer nak tunjuk aper..??   

satu kena ingat juga.. people do GO ON WITH THEIR LIFE mate...   they grow up, get married, have kids, have grandkids, married again... left forum because there's more other important things to do in life jugak...and sadly they die too.... jadik.. jika nak tahu mana pigi worang2 tu... bukan sini thread nyer wokeyyyy...:victory:

nak berforum.. nak contribute.. tu hah!! kat thread bawah tu..  bley saje kasik opinion... aku treat sumer porummer sama aje... tak ada yang lebey dari yg lain... saper2 yang contribute.. aku hargai.. sapa2 yang carik pasal  bongkak gadoh ignorant sod aku inform ler... dan mintak kerjasama...  so far  sumer pun  wokeyy dan berjalan lancar ajer...  good porummers sumer nih... so,   not a biggie  ek   mate!!...

selamat berforum... :victory:

[ Last edited by  amazed at 14-3-2009 20:42 ]

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