ball playful orb
bawl to cry
band a group
banned forbidden
bard a poet
barred enclosed by poles
bare naked
bear wild ursine
bark outer sheath of a tree
barque square-rigged sailing ship
baron minor royalty
barren unable to bear children
Barry a man's name
berry small fruit
bury to take under
basal forming the base
basil an herb
base the bottom support for anything
bass the lowest musical pitch or range
based supported
baste to swab with liquid during cooking
bases what baseball players like to steal
basis principal constituent of anything
basses many four-stringed guitars
bask to warm oneself pleasantly
basque tightfitting bodice or tunic (or, people of the Pyrenees)
bat a blind, flying rodent
batt a flat pad
baud bits per second
bawd brothel manager
bay an enclosed arm of the ocean
bey a Turkish official
be to exist
bee pollinating buzzer
[ Last edited by ea208964 at 31-5-2009 01:29 ] |