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General Malay Words Translation
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Post Last Edit by cmf_BeachBoys at 18-7-2009 12:59
Country Name
Iran = Parsi
England = Inggeris
Portugal = Portugis/Feringgi
Japan = Jepun
Saudi Arabia = Arab Saudi
America = Amerika Syarikat
North Korea = Korea Utara
South Korea = Korea Selatan
Philipine = Filipina
South Africa = Afrika Selatan
German = Jerman
Canada = Kanada
Netherland = Belanda
Egypt = Mesir
Filastin/Palestine = Palestin/Palestina
United Arab Emiriyyah = Emiriyah Arab Bersatu
France = Perancis
Singapore = Singapura
Cambodia = Kampuchea/Kemboja
Myanmar = Burma
Italy = Itali
Spain = Sepanyol
Morocco = Maghribi |
Red = Merah
Blue = Biru
Yellow = Kuning
Green = Hijau
Black = Hitam
White = Putih
Purple = Ungu
Orange = Jingga |
Post Last Edit by cmf_BeachBoys at 8-7-2009 12:07
Gold = Emas
Silver = Perak
Bronze = Gangsa
Jewel = Belian
Pearl = Mutiara
Copper = Tembaga
Iron = Besi
Steel = Keluli
Tin = Timah |
Left = Kiri
Righat = Kanan
Up = Atas
Down = Bawah
Forward = Depan
Backward = Belakang
North = Utara
South = Selatan
East = Timur
West = Barat
South East = Tenggara
South West = Timur Laut |
England = Inggeris?
Istilah dulu2 ke apa ni? |
Post Last Edit by cmf_BeachBoys at 1-7-2009 13:11
5# hyie
yup,istilah dulu-dulu.sekarang ni pun xsalah kalau nak pakai.xkira la zaman bile pun,janji pernah digunakan atau masih digunakan atau sedang digunakan |
Post Last Edit by cmf_BeachBoys at 6-7-2009 12:43
Nature's elemets
Fire = Api
Wind = Angin
Air = Udara
Ground = Tanah
Water = Ai
Dust = Debu
Thunder/Lightning = Petir/kilat
Cloud = Awan
Sky = Langit
Sun = Matahari
Moon = Bulan
Space = Angkasa
Earth = Bumi
Star = Bintang
Sand = Pasir
Stone = Batu
Wood = Kayu
Leaf = Daun
Tree = Pohon , Pokok |
sapa yang rajin buleh la letak nama-nama buah ke,bunga ke...ape2 jelah![](static/image/smiley/default/1.gif) |
Benang ini hanyalah untuk bahasa melayu standard dan bukannya untuk dialek-dialek melayu.Sila beri kerjasama.Sekian.
This thread is only for standard malay language and not for malay's dialects.Hope for your cooperation.The end...![](static/image/smiley/default/shutup.gif) |
Kata Ganti Diri
I , Me = Saya , Aku
You = Kamu , Mu , Awak
She , He = Dia , Nya
Our = Kita
Them = Mereka
Himself = Diri dia , Dirinya
Themselves = Diri Mereka
Myself = Diri Saya , Diri Aku
Yourself = Diri kamu , Dirimu , Diri Awak |
Cow = Lembu
Cat = Kucing
Goat = Kambing
Camel = Unta
Hen = Ayam
Bird = Burung
Fish = Ikan
Turtle = Penyu
Crocodile = Buaya (read as 'Buwaya)
Duck = Itik
Pig = Babi
Horse = Kuda
Zebra = Kuda Belang ( Stripe Horse )
Snake = Ular
Monkey = Monyet , Kera |
Human's Body Parts
Mouth = Mulut
Ears = Telinga
Teeth = Gigi
Head = Kepala
Eye = Mata
Body = Badan
Leg = kaki
Hand = Tangan
Shoulder = Bahu
Chest = Dada
Elbow = Siku
Finger = Jari |
Mother = Ibu, Mak, Che
Father = Bapa, ayah, abah
Son = Anak Lelaki
Daughter = Anak Perempuan
Cousin = Sepupu
Sister = Kakak
Brother = Abang
Younger Brother or Sister = Adik
Nephew = Anak Saudara Lelaki
Niece = Anak Saudara Perempuan
Sister in-law = Kakak Ipar
Brother in-law = Abang Ipar
Step-Mother = Ibu Tiri
Step-father = Bapa tiri
Uncle = Pak Cik
Auntie = Mak Cik
Grandfather = Datuk
Grandmother = Nenek
Great Grandfather = Moyang |
Post Last Edit by cmf_BeachBoys at 18-10-2009 17:00
1) Armed Forces = Angkatan Tentera
Malaysian Armed Forces
Angkatan Tentera Malaysia
2) Beach = Pantai
3) Book = Buku
I like to read this book
Saya suka baca buku ini
Boxing = Tinju
4) Brave = Berani
You are so brave
Awak sungguh berani
5) Buy = Beli
6) Car = Kereta
This is my car
Ini ialah kereta saya
Century = Kurun
Characteristic = Ciri-ciri
7) Chieftain = Penghulu
Each Village have a chieftain
Setiap kampong ada seorang Penghulu
Champion= Juara
8) City = Kota
Welcome to my city
Selamat datang ke kota saya
9) Cup = Cawan
A cup of coffea
Satu cawan kopi
10) Date = Haribulan
11) Day = Hari
What day is today?
Hari apa hari ini?
12) Evening = Petang
This evening
Petang ini
13) Explanation = Penjelasan
What is your explanation?
Apa penjelasan kamu?
Fang = Taring
Fight = Lawan
Fleet = Armada
14) Flower = Bunga
I like this flower
Saya suka bunga ini
15) Food = Makanan
Fast Food
Makanan Segera
16) Forest = Hutan
This is rain forest
Ini ialah hutan hujan
17) Friend = Rakan / Kawan
I have a lot of friend
Saya ada ramai kawan
Happy = Gembira / Sukacita
Heart = Hati
Help = Tolong / Bantu
How = Bagaimana
Hurt = Luka
Instant = Segera
Jungle = Belantara
Love = Cinta
Laugh = Ketawa
Mall = Pasaraya
Man = Lelaki
Minister = Menteri
Money = Wang
Morning = Pagi
Name = Nama
Night = Malam
Officer = Pegawai
Page = Halaman
People= Orang
Play = Main
Price = Harga
Programming = Pengaturcaraan
Rent = Sewa
River = Sungai
Run = Lari
Salary = Gaji
Say = Kata
Shop = Kedai
Sick = Sakit
So = Jadi
Sound = Suara / Bunyi
Souvenir = Cenderahati
Staff = Kakitangan
Standard = Piawai
Tax = Cukai
Time = Masa
Tower = Menara
Town = Pekan
Try = Cuba
Valey = Lembah
Value = Nilai
Village = Desa / Kampong
Walk = Jalan
Warranty = Jaminan
Wash = Cuci
Weapon = Senjata
Where = Dimana
When = Bila
Who = Siapa
Why = Kenapa
Win = Menang
Woman = Wanita
Yes = Ya |
1# cmf_BeachBoys
rome = rom |
One = Satu,Se
Two = Dua
Three = Tiga
Four = Empat
Five = Lima
Six = Enam
Seven = Tujuh
Eight = Lapan
Nine = Sembilan
Ten = Sepuluh
Eleven = Sebelas
Twelve = Dua Belas
Twenty = Dua Puluh
Twenty One = Dua Puluh Satu
Twenty Two = Dua Puluh Dua
One Hundred = Satu Ratus, Seratus
Hundred and One = Seratus Satu
Hundred and eleven = Seratus Sebelas
Hundred and twenty = Seratus Dua Puluh
Hundred and twenty One = Seratus Dua Puluh Satu
One Thousand = Satu Ribu, Seribu
Eleven Thousand = Sebelas Ribu
Twenty Thousand = Dua Puluh Ribu
Twenty Thousand four hundred and twenty = Dua Puluh Ribu Empat Ratus Dua Puluh |
16# a.ceCCo
aku prefer nama country je setakat ni...![](static/image/smiley/default/smile.gif) |
Post Last Edit by cmf_BeachBoys at 29-7-2009 11:20
The children of Malay people will bring ancient nickname for each of them.Only limited in Malay Peninsular.
First Children will bring a nickname 'Long'
Second Children will bring a nickname 'Ngah'
Third Children will bring a nickname 'Teh'
Fourth Children will bring a nickname 'Uda'
Fifth Children will bring a nickname 'Chik'
Sixth Children will bring a nickname 'Tam'
Seventh Children will bring a nickname 'Andak'
Eight Children will bring a nickname 'Alang'
Ninth Children will bring a nickname 'Anjang'
And the last one will bring a nickname "Su' |
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Category: Belia & Informasi