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The Amazing Underwater River in Cenote Angelita, Mexico
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Cenote Angelita cave in Mexico isreally an amazing feature for scuba divers. If you are an expert diveryou should visit Cenote Angelita in Mexico. Your dive towards the floorof the water-filled cave is amazing to say the least. As you get deeperthe water turns from pure to salty; and the bottom, it’s a river.Deeper than 30 meters the water is pure, and deeper than 60 meters itbecomes saline.
Some meters away before you get to the bottom of the cave, you see ariver underneath, with trees and leaves floating on some liquid level.However it may seem like a river, it’s not a real river. It’s just alayer of hydrogen sulphide beneath. All in all, it looks startling andunforgettable when you get there and see it with your own eyes.
According to Anatoly Beloshchin, a professional photographer, theunderwater scenery is amazing.
He describes, “We are 30 meters deep,fresh water, then 60 meters deep – salty water and under me I see ariver, island and fallen leaves… Actually, the river, which you cansee, is a layer of hydrogen sulphide.”
On your way down you can see spectacular layers of rocks formedduring the last ice age.
However, as a visitor, cave and cavern divers,you need to learn to be safe and careful. You got to become part ofthis unique and stunning cave setting to appreciate these amazingarchaeological discoveries. |
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subhanalahhh.....boleh plak air tu bertingkat2 eh....air dalam air... |
kuasa Tuhan.... |
gile amazinggggggggggggggg
dalam sungai ade sungai
ako tak bace terus wat pelik
pas da bace baru faham
amazingggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg |
impressive. subhanallah...  |
ketumpatan air tu berbeza beza ke? mesti ade penjelasan saintifik kan.. tapi mak ai hebatnye.. subhanAllah... |
Air Tawar Dengan Air Masin |
allah maha besar.indah ciptaanye. |
Subhanallah....  |
adoi...kagum nye saye!  |
yang kat atas batu tuh, mcam kepingan dedaun emas bertaburan erk..?
haduiii...sangatlaaaa diluar jangkauan tempat2 macma neh....Allahuakbar! |
allah maha besar..
kalo la me dpt g sane...
dpt tgk kbsaran ciptaan tuhan.. |
atas air tawar..bawah air masin...means ade hidupan marin yang berbeza la?jenis air tawar ngan air masin?atas ikan puyu bawah ikan cencaru gitu ke?nak kena pegi tengok sendiri nih!! |
15# zaujahzauji
Klau dh g nti, anta report ehh!!! |
mmmhh..penerokaan dalam air.. |
pesal sekor pun tak ade hidupan air |
hidogen sulphide??kira dia xmix ng air ke??? |
kagum!!! subahanAllah... |
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Category: Belia & Informasi