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..:: SOS !!! SE Vivaz : No Gateway Reply.. .
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Post Last Edit by medangmru at 2-7-2010 16:07
Salam all expert mobile phone.. need your advise and help..
My VIVAZ already connected to my wifi (ADSL modem).. my laptop have no problem to connect to internet thru wifi... but my VIVAZ keep getting error message 'No gateway reply'. And I cannot access to internet.
I try to connect thru my office wifi.. still the same..
What's the problem?
Please respond ASAP. Already feels like to baling kat anjing saja VIVAZ nih.. :@ |
momod-momod... any ideas.. |
| ... vaz?cc=is&lc=is ... vaz?cc=is&lc=is
Can't access the Internet with WLAN
You can access the Internet wireless with Wi-Fi™ via your home network or via a hotspot. Depending on the level of security of the network, you might need to enter a WEP key and register your MAC address when connecting.
* Make sure that Wi-Fi™ is activated. If not, go to the instructions for Connect to WLAN.
* Make sure you have the correct WEP key. If not, contact responsible web administrator.
* If requested, make sure you have access to your MAC address. If not, go to MAC address filtering.
* Make sure you have excluded interference to the WLAN. Some older Bluetooth™ applications, such as old headsets may interfere and disconnect your WLAN. Turn them off and try to reconnect. |
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boleh dah ke? |
actually I'm just configure my friend N97 mobile to connect to Wifi at my office.. just a simple prosedure.. and it's can connect and access to internet without any songeh..
my vivaz(?).. whats wrong??? tried many times... at office, my home.. Sony Erricsson guy can't help.. they keep telling to ctc network admin and ISP to get setting.. WTF men.. NOKIA can connect just fine.. SE?? |
try reset all to default setting.. |
already done...
using SE update.. i already load firmware twice.. |
Wait....nape tak boleh????aku guna vivaz dan curik2 masuk guna Wifi Opis aku boleh je....
tp selalunya aku guna Celcom BB ... |
dah ok ke? |
jgn risau asil......Vivaz ni Ok je....bila ada firmware baru,,,kasik install,,, |
Ok.. dah berjaya..
kena set kat advance setting skit..
btw.. wifi dlink 2640t ada problem dgn mobile phone.. tak kira vivaz ke.. nokia ke.. sama je..
skarang bukan stakat akses tenet.. aku guna roadsync utk akses email kerja.. dia guna microsoft exchange server gakk.. push email method..
so.. vivaz mobile phone is OK.. nice.. no problem..
peace.. |
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aq pon kene cam nih. tp aq pakai Vivaz Pro. so baru tao care2nye. t sok baru aq try g connect wi-fi. mintak2 la boleh. |
Ok.. dah berjaya..
kena set kat advance setting skit..
btw.. wifi dlink 2640t ada problem dgn m ...
azmi_hisham Post at 2-6-2010 22:40 
Camne nak setting roadsync ni yek, jenuh aku try xbleh2, sesape yang terer tu tlg ajar aku
setakat ni yg aku boleh cuma setting emel kat inbox je, tupun emel yahoo jek, emel opis x bleh pon |
Problem Solved..
!EOT |
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