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Author: hadi1978

Kepala Bayi Selalu Terhentak (Jatuh)

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 Author| Post time 22-10-2010 07:51 AM | Show all posts
Reply 13# anuar

    sekarang dia minum Enfapro A+.. Wife tgh ngandung, makin kuranglah minum susu badan

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Post time 22-10-2010 05:22 PM | Show all posts
IC, samalah kita. Anak I ni pun selalu nak berdiri walau x dapat berdiri. Pastu jatuh. Sam ...
hadi1978 Post at 22-10-2010 07:50

    hahaha..x larat nk taruk span satu umah.ku smpi terfikir nk pakaikan dia helmet je manjang.


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Post time 25-10-2010 10:57 AM | Show all posts
anak sy skrng dah sthn sebulan sabtu lepas dia naik sofa tp sy th dia mmg th naik dan th turun tp kali ni dia nak wat advanture lain lak...berdiri atas sofa lepas tu berdebum menjunam ke bawah sy tk smpt sambut almaklum le pergerakan dah jd lembap sbb peknen benjol kepala nya nagis2 kejap sambung main blk kelam kabut sy sp ubat...nak ltk carpet si kecik asma..dulu sy beli sofa nak halang dia main walker langgar sliding door skrng ni sy rs nak jual je blk sbb dah jd tmpt manjat dia...sabtu lepas tiga kali dia berdebuk jugak la...

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Post time 28-10-2010 01:34 PM | Show all posts
samelar anak kiter ..ank saye 1 thn 3 bln baru tp dh terhantuk byk kali,kdg2 rase ralat bile kiter berjaga2 die elok tk terhantuk/jatuh,biler  tak lps pdg even sesaat jatuh lak....risau tgk die aktif sgt..

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Post time 6-11-2010 10:02 AM | Show all posts
samalah dgn anak dyg, lasak sngt tk mo org pegang... skrng umur dah masuk 1 tahun 2 bulan. tp klu dyg wat keje lain, dyg masukkan dia dlm baby cot. dulu masa umur 8 bulan, waktu tu dia blum pandai duduk lg, masa tido dlm buai (buai tk la tinggi sngt sbb my baby ni klu masuk buai, buaian tu jd tegang sbb berat badan dia). bila dia tido, dyg p ler mandi. pas dyg mandi tgk baby kt bawah buaian tp masa tu kepala dia angkat tk sampai lantai... baby tk nangis, senyum2 lak tu... tu lah org kata malaikat sentiasa mjaga baby kita...

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 Author| Post time 9-11-2010 01:00 PM | Show all posts
sekarang baby i dah pandai duduk, so dah x terhentak lagi, bila dia nak jatuh, dia pandai dah tahan guna tangan dia... alhamdulillah..

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Post time 10-11-2010 09:27 AM | Show all posts
sekarang baby i dah pandai duduk, so dah x terhentak lagi, bila dia nak jatuh, dia pandai dah tahan  ...
hadi1978 Post at 9-11-2010 13:00

    baby hadi bape bln skrg?

baby saya dh 1 year....skrg dah x jatuh mcm dlu tpi still kena beringat sbb
kejenya duk manjat plak skrg..naik atas sofa..atas meja kopi...kdg2 dia main letak je
buntot dia...nasib lah sempat tgk...

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 Author| Post time 19-11-2010 07:33 AM | Show all posts
Reply 27# ilham_ryana

   3 desember ni genap 11 bulan ler.. memang tengah lasak memanjat2 walaupun xleh jalan, dia ingat macam dia boleh jalan.. minta2 janganlah jatuh lagi.. rasa nak gugur jantung ni bila dengar bunyi bergebuk kepala dia terhentak tu..

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Post time 23-11-2010 04:30 PM | Show all posts
jgn biarkan anak anda kerap jatuh.. dulu adik saya jatuh2 selalu.. ade sekali jatuh agak tinggi terus dia demam.. lama kelamaan dia jadik tak berapa pandai.. cakap pun lambat.. ade la certain things yg nampak dia mcm lambat.. tak mcm abang dan kakaknye.. tapi alhamdulillah dia dapat belajar sampai masuk politeknik amek diploma..

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Post time 2-12-2010 04:41 PM | Show all posts hi. I have an 11 month old baby, and yesterday she fell down the stairs in my house. I had removed the gate for a little time and she just managed to get to the stairs during those few minutes. I didn't see how whe fell, but I think she took a somersault, she had a bump on her forehead but I saw her landing on the back of her head. She cried for a few minutes and is fine since. But I feel like my body and spirit have died. I know she's ok, but I cant help fearing that her brain got hurt. I called the nurses hotline in childrens hospital oakland and they gave me a list of things to look out for. Thankfully, all her movements, everything looks fine. Has this happened with anybody else. I cant stop thinking about it and cry everytime I do. will someone please tell me that this happens and its ok?

baby getting hurt. relax. I had several such scares. My child gets more fearless by the minute. you learned the gate lesson the hard way and now itll pray on your mind so you wont have to learn the othe lessons so difficultly like hot cup of coffee spilt or the falling in the toilet lesson thats an ugly one i didnt have to suffer through. My daughter can get up and down stairs on her own now and i removed that gates sometime ago. A friend was over with her yonger child who preceeed to topple down the stairs in an awful neck stretching summersault. I caught her but not before both mommy and i had visions of her breaking her neck. babies are apparently more resilent then mommies. both our babies are find despite lots of awful tumbles. carpet gives wood even gives. cement on the other hand does not. so atch out and relax a little your in store for more of the same.
Please don't beat yourself up over this. I think every parent has had that horrible experience of feeling responsible for some mishap that hurt their child. It is part of being a parent. But remember that babies and toddlers are very resilient - they have this amazing capacity to "walk away from" accidents practically unhurt - and it's a good thing, too, in the case of toddlers- they can really get into trouble in the blink of an eye. But even babies can bounce right back from what seems like a terrible accident. A few years ago I was hanging out in the front yard with my school-aged kids - it was a weekend day and all the neighborhood kids were out playing. A mother with a newborn, just leaving from a visit with my next-door neighbors, was putting her baby into the car seat when somehow the baby slipped out of her arms and fell headfirst onto the street. The mother scooped it up, but it was lying in her arms very still with its eyes closed. She was of course hysterical, and she was frozen on the spot. I went into panic mode too - I assumed the worst - I had no idea what to do and thought I might faint. One of the older kids, of clearer mind than any of the adults, ran to get another neighbor who happened to be a pediatric psychiatrist at Children's Hospital. He checked out the baby, reassured the mother that babies almost always recover fine from head bonks, and drove her to Children's, calling ahead first. The baby was completely fine, was back to normal by the time they arrived at the hospital, and just had a bump on its head. I felt so bad for that mother - a parent's worst nightmare is to drop the baby. But things like that happen to the best of us, no matter how careful we are. So we just have to keep doing the best we can, and admit that sometimes accidents happen, and we make mistakes, and that's just how it is. So give your child a kiss and be glad she is fine, and keep on doing the best you can.
It happens. I managed to drop my son out of a car seat onto a concrete sidewalk when he was under a year old (he's 7 now). He fell on his head, and I was absolutely terrified. It happened right next to a payphone, and for the first and only time in my life the Kaiser Advice line nurses answered on the first ring. As with you, they recommended watching his behavior closely for the next few days. My wife and I brought him in to Kaiser anyway for them to look at him. He ended up being fine - no concussion or other detectable effect.
Welcome to every parent's pain of knowing you cannot protect your child from everything. It gets worse -- bites at pre-school, wounding words from friends in kindergarten, broken teeth from skateboard falls, and on and on. We all do the best we can, but we can't protect our kids from everything. I tripped on the stairs while carrying my oldest son when he was a newborn, and he hit his head; he was fine but I felt destroyed. My second son rode his new Christmas tricycle down the stairs at 15 months and looked like a Klingon for weeks after. It hurt us to look at him -- especially my nanny and my husband, who were there when it happened and felt terribly responsible. But he was fine, and learned a healthy respect for stairs; he has never gone down them the wrong way since. So forgive yourself, let it go, and enjoy your child's growing independence -- with all the hazards it brings.
My baby fell off the washer dryer where I was changing him when he was about 5-6 mos. I know exactly how you feel - from terrified and extremely worried to incredibly guilty. One of the big things to look for is whether they cry hard for more than 15 min. in addition to the other signs you've had checked out. Since you said your baby just cried for a few minutes I think she's fine. Mine was. Those little heads are actually kind of hard. Nature knows these things can happen even with the most careful moms.
To the Parent whose 11-month old fell down the stairs: my 3-yr old son fell down the stairs to our garage on his first birthday (landed on the concrete garage floor). He cried furiously, but did not show any of the danger signs the advice line warned you about. Our feelings matched yours exactly -- it was a rough few days. He really was okay, though. Now, two years later, my heart still sinks when I think about that fall, but, with hindsight, I also know how lucky we were. It sounds like your child is really okay, too. Hang in there. As each day passes and she's just her regular sweet self, you'll be more able to chalk it off to the hard work of parenting.
THIS HAPPENS! My son fell out of a hammock when he was 5 months old, off the bed a couple of times in his first year, down the stairs at least twice, off a bench in the backyard (which resulted in a recommendation for stiches) and numerous other falls. He is particularly active and adventurous, and seems to take it all in stride. Of course, these things could have and perhaps should have been prevented, but other than the serious cut on the forehead at 15 months from falling off the bench, I don't beat myself up about it. I know what you mean about feeling your body and spirit have died though, as that's how I felt when my son's forehead was cut. Five months later, he still has a faint scar, and may have all his life. But stairs? I'm curious what other will say, but I think most of our babies have fallen down stairs.
Kids will have lots of accidents as you go along. My first daughter fell out of a baby sling at 2 months onto the kitchen floor. My heart stopped and I felt guilty for months. Now that she's 4 the incident has entered into our family lore. Whenever she does something wacky my husband reminds of the time 'I dropped the baby on the floor'. You do get over it. My second daughter (17 months) fell down a couple of stairs last month. My mother who had 4 children commented on how amazingly 'flexible' kids are at that age, my sisters and I are all fine as adults. I wouldn't be concerned as long as your daughter is not showing any warning signs of serious damage.
To the person concerned about their hurt baby: I fell off of tables and couches when I was a baby and am fine. I've also once dropped my son straight on his head and he's fine... very intelligent... a little silly, but fine! :0)
If everything is fine, then don't worry yourself about it. My 4 year old daughter fell (actually rolled) down about 5 steps when she was a baby. I really can't remember how old she was but was in the crawling stage. She was crawling up the stairs with me sitting above her. I guess I must have stood up and so did she, but she leaned backwards and over she went. I was horrified and I couldn't catch her since I was above her. She cried for a few minutes and has been just fine. Kids are going to get cuts, scrapes, and bruises as they try new things and they and you will survive it all. And remember, stay below them on the stairs when going up.
My 16-month-old child has had several bad falls on his head and seems none the worse for it. His little cousin of the same age has had stitches 3 times already! But she seems to be just thriving. It's so easy to feel guilty as a parent, and of course we want to minimize the bumps and do our best to make sure nothing serious happens, but most of the time the children just bounce right back. It helps me to just find a place in myself that can trust in life and let go, just knowing I'll do my best and that mostly my child will find his own way no matter what I do anyway.

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Post time 2-12-2010 04:41 PM | Show all posts
I was changing our one year old son's diaper and, while I was reaching for a fresh diaper, he managed to roll over and off of the bureau we used as a changing table. I saw him falling through the air -- three feet straight down! He screamed and cried and as I held him and checked him out, I was crying, too, though trying not to freak him out further. It was a horrible moment, as you can imagine. I called the doctor, as you did, monitored him and found no abnormal symptoms. He's seven years old now and an extremely healthy, bright and happy boy. I think I know exactly how scared you felt and may continue to feel about your child's tumble, but my experience tells me that -- with luck -- children can escape such accidents with no lasting effects. In your case and mine, it seems, luck was with us. The more lasting effect may be on you. My heart goes out to you as you feel the aftershocks. If the incident serves as a cautionary experience (as mine did), raising your awareness of how quickly things can happen with children without turning you into a paranoid wreck, it may actually safeguard your child's future. Good luck.
Our daughter fell out of her high chair and landed on her head when she was less than a year old -- we'd left her strapped in but she had somehow managed to wriggle out. The worst of it was that we (her parents) had left her on her own in the kitchen because we were having a huge yelling argument in the next room. We did the same as you -- called Children's Hospital, watched out for signs of brain damage -- there were none and she was fine. (She's now 4.) We felt _unbelievably_ guilty!!! Just like you, for a day or two I cried whenever I thought about it. But I am sure this kind of thing happens a lot. Accidents happen to everyone, and babies are very resilient (they evolved to be that way). I understand your feeling terrible, but don't beat yourself up about it any more. Your baby is obviously none the worse for the experience -- it was probably more of a shock to your system than it was to hers.
Regarding the baby who fell down the stairs. It is awful when it happens, but yes, it does happen to every baby. Even when we are ever vigilant, things happen and the babies fall down, fall of beds, fall out of highchairs, etc. Try not to beat yourself up about it. Your baby will recover from all of her falls and bumps long before you do!
The very same thing happened to my 10-month-old daughter about three weeks ago. We had just installed our upstairs gate and I ran down to get something and came back, forgetting to latch it. My husband and I weren't paying close attention and the next thing we knew the baby was tumbling down our (carpeted) stairs. My heart stopped and I'm convinced I lost several years of my life. She was screaming, naturally, which lasted maybe 90 seconds, but she appeared completely unhurt. I also called Children's and the nurse told me what to look for. We monitored her and could see no ill effects. Of course I felt like the world's worst mom but I've talked to lots of parents since and I'm fairly confident that, yes, these things happen, and yes, she'll be OK. I know just how you feel!
My child catapulted out of his baby carrier/car seat at 2 months, landing face first in a gravelly, oily parking space! His face was covered with blood and his lip was so swollen and bruised that nursing was difficult for a few days. His doctor was so sweet to me about it, explained that the first "wake-up call fall" happens to every parent. Parental guilt can far outlast the child's pain! He's a brilliant, thriving 5 year old now. All we can do is learn from our mistakes.

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Post time 24-12-2010 11:59 PM | Show all posts
takut ada internal bleeding dlm otak..mcm satu kes ninggal sb pendarahan dlm suspect kene dera..buat soal siasat ,bedah siasat bagai rupe2nyer budak ni salu jatuh terhentak kepala..berkali2 uolsss... dah selalu byklah salur drh pecah n blok2..lama2 kiok la..mak pak budak ni agaknyer salu biarkan anaknyer jatuh kot..jatuh tgk takde biar je next time..

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Post time 17-3-2015 12:57 PM | Show all posts
Nauzubillah... Anak mama 1thn 2 bulan.  Dah berjalan masa umur 11 bulan. Mmg aktif.  Jatuh? mmg kerap sampai rasa nak pengsan setiap kali dia jatuh ... risaunya hati terjadi...dia xmo dok diam.  Mama tetap salahkan diri sbb xjaga elok2... entah lah... semoga Allah lindungi anak mama nie...Kesian sgt bila tgk dia jatuh... Jgn laa jadi aper2 yg tidak baik...

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Post time 7-4-2020 02:35 PM | Show all posts
i pernah baca..kalau terantuk kuat, and then dia senyap je itu yg u paling kena bimbangkan..kalau terantuk dia menangis its ok.

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