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Big city needs a bigger mass transportation, and that seems to be the China concern about their traffic. As what reported by archdaily China designed a concept vehicle called to be “Straddling Bus”, it could hold 1,200 passengers and it will be powered with sunlight via solar panel in this bus roof. This bus is a future concept by a Chinese company named Shenzhen Huashi Future Parking Equipment. This bus would be a perfect mass transportation that could hold many people and take an advanced of small space in street. The best part of this bus is that it gives a big space in the street to allow cars pass through underneath. This bus calculated to run on travel at 40 km/hour and will reduce traffic jam around 25% in Chinese roads. This vehicle could be the best answer for Chine to reduce the carbon emissions and cut the traffic jam around their roads. |
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Menarik! Harap ada kat Malaysia |
Reply 4# im_cyclist
Yep... Water transport... |
wao ...canggil itu transport system ..tapi mungkin dlm masa beberapa tahun lagi |
Reply 9# sukisukusuka
aku pernah naik beca kat melaka ni, laju betul diorng bawak (tenaga muda la katakan). siap pasang lagu dance lg. apa2 pun, enjoy.. |
Kuat kaki dia orang kayuh beca laju-laju. |
Reply sukisukusuka
aku pernah naik beca kat melaka ni, laju betul diorng bawak (tenaga mud ...
kurniarizq Post at 10-4-2012 15:30
yang tua pun ade,perempuan pn ade gak.tp cam x smpai ati nak suh dieorg bwak sbb aku jer dh mcm 2 org yg duduk.hehehe.
harga sekali pusing rm20,itu harga standard yg kerajaan melaka tentukan. |
cam dok kat langkawi.....at least kurang lh kesesakan lalu lintas....n kemalangan jln raye....
rase cam nk dok dubai.....huhu..... |
Ya dapat kurangkan kesesakan lalulintas |
best jgk...tp rs nk bt kt malaysia nie makin jem kot...rakyat jelata n warga asing rmai sngt... |
Kenderaan banyak, jalan sempit |
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